tvOS applicationDidBecomeActive called repeatedly with TV off - cocoa

On tvOS 13.4 with RevenueCat, when I have my app running on the 4K TV device, and then turn the TV off (leaving the app running), I get this:
2020-05-10 12:21:59-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:01-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:01-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
2020-05-10 12:22:05-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:07-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:07-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
2020-05-10 12:22:11.0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:13-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:13-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
2020-05-10 12:22:14-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:19-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - INFO: Subscriber attributes synced successfully
2020-05-10 12:22:19-0700 MyApp[709:1904667] [Purchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
Why might it be doing this? Obviously it knows the TV has been turned off since when I turn it back on, it stops doing these repeated calls.
The only call prior to this in the stack trace is a private function:
#1 0x00000001e36c8398 in -[UIApplication _stopDeactivatingForReason:] ()

I work at RevenueCat, let me add some context:
This is caused by a bug in purchases-ios, present in versions 3.1.0 -> 3.2.2, where the log gets issued even though the method no-ops, if there aren't any subscriber attributes that need to sync (which will be your case unless they're being set to different values very often).
It will be fixed in the next release, 3.2.3, coming out this week (along with other fixes).
What's happening is that RevenueCat attempts to sync Subscriber Attributes ( whenever the app is foregrounded or backgrounded. An app is considered foregrounded/backgrounded on tvOS when UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification or UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification get fired. If there are no attributes that need syncing, the method early exits, but the current version still issues the log saying that they've synced successfully.
I'm not quite sure why tvOS is firing those two notifications while the TV is off, but I'll dig in a bit more and let you know.
To clarify again, though, the method won't do anything unless new Subscriber Attributes have been set in between foregrounding or backgrounding, or unless they've been set to different values than the current ones.


Report Server (SSRS) 2019 restarting because of hosting database validation status changes

Report Server (SSRS) 2019 is restarting very often, kind of every minute, because the value of Hosting-databaseValidationStatus changes. SSRS is configured to use a local SQL Server 2019. It connects using Windows authentication.
Why would SSRS restart that often?
Why is the validation status chaning?
2023-02-16 17:34:18.3752|INFO|45|Configuration of process 'RS Service' has changed. Values modified: Hosting-databaseValidationStatus
2023-02-16 17:34:18.3752|INFO|45|Configuration of process 'Portal' has changed. Values modified: Hosting-databaseValidationStatus
2023-02-16 17:34:18.3752|INFO|45|Restarting process: RS Service
2023-02-16 17:34:18.3752|INFO|45|Restarting process: Portal
2023-02-16 17:35:18.5642|INFO|45|Configuration of process 'RS Service' has changed. Values modified: Hosting-databaseValidationStatus
2023-02-16 17:35:18.5642|INFO|45|Configuration of process 'Portal' has changed. Values modified: Hosting-databaseValidationStatus
2023-02-16 17:35:18.5642|INFO|45|Restarting process: RS Service
2023-02-16 17:35:18.5642|INFO|45|Restarting process: Portal
I found out that removing Hosting-databaseValidationStatus from restartOnChangesTo in SSRS/RSHostingService/config.json solves the problem.
But there might be a reason that the validation change forces a restart.

SonarQube replying with NO_MIGRATION although db migration is required

We have automated the SonarQube server installation using Ansible. As part of this procedure, Ansible polls the URL sonar/api/server/index to check whether the server is up-and-running. As soon as an HTTP 200 is returned and the server status is equal to SETUP...
... the script triggers a database upgrade by sending a POST to sonar/api/server/setup and waiting for MIGRATION_SUCCEEDED to be returned.
This has worked well until now that I tried to upgrade SonarQube from version 5.6.2 to 5.6.5. For some reason sonar/api/server/index now always returns the status UP (even though the GUI clearly indicates that it's still under maintenance) and a POST to sonar/api/server/setup indicates that the database is up-to-date and no migration is needed (NO_MIGRATION).
However, the server is still in maintenance mode and the nexus.log keeps repeating the same line:
09:41:05 INFO ce[o.s.c.a.WebServerWatcherImpl] Still waiting for WebServer...
09:41:39 INFO ce[o.s.c.a.WebServerWatcherImpl] Still waiting for WebServer...
09:43:13 INFO ce[o.s.c.a.WebServerWatcherImpl] Still waiting for WebServer...
09:47:28 INFO ce[o.s.c.a.WebServerWatcherImpl] Still waiting for WebServer...
When I manually navigate to sonar/setup and click on the Update button, then a database migration starts... Has there been any changes in the API? Am I calling the wrong REST endpoints?
You're using internal web services (api/server/index and api/server/upgrade). Responses and behavior can change between versions without any notification.
You should use instead :
GET api/system/db_migration_status : to get the database migration status
POST api/system/migrate_db : to execute the migration
I encourage you to go to http:///web_api to see documentation of available web services for the version of SonarQube your using.

API Manager (1.8.0) busy 'doing nothing'

I have a clustered WSO2 deployment. The CPU often at 30% (on a c2.large) and despite the CPU usage, the server isn't processing request it just seems to be busy doing nothing.
It seems that the SVN deepsync autocommit feature is the cause of the CPU consumption since if I switch off deepsync or simple set autocommit to false then I don't see the same CPU spiking.
The logs seem to back up this theory as I see:
TID: [0] [AM] [2015-02-20 16:30:14,100] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.subversion.SVNBasedArtifactRepository} - SVN adding files in /zzish/wso2am/repository/deployment/server {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.subversion.SVNBasedArtifactRepository}
TID: [0] [AM] [2015-02-20 16:30:52,932] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.subversion.SVNBasedArtifactRepository} - No changes in the local working copy {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.subversion.SVNBasedArtifactRepository}
TID: [0] [AM] [2015-02-20 16:30:52,932] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.internal.DeploymentSynchronizer} - Commit completed at Fri Feb 20 16:30:52 UTC 2015. Status: false {org.wso2.carbon.deployment.synchronizer.internal.DeploymentSynchronizer}
and during this time the CPU spike occurs.
As per I am using svnkit-1.3.9.wso2v1.jar.
I am using an external SVN service (silksvn) in order to avoid having to run my own HA subversion service.
So I have three questions:
Is it possible to reduce the frequency of the deepsync service ?
How to further debug this performance issue? running this hot smells like a bug.
Has anyone managed to get the git deployment sync working (Link to project on github) with AM 1.8.0 ?

Exception thrown from event handler in newrelic_agent_*.log

There are errors is NewRelic logs:
2014-03-28 13:35:14,167 NewRelic INFO: Harvest starting
2014-03-28 13:35:15,136 NewRelic INFO: Harvest starting
2014-03-28 13:35:20,355 NewRelic INFO: Harvest starting
2014-03-28 13:35:23,543 NewRelic ERROR: Exception thrown from event handler. Event handlers should not let exceptions bubble out of them.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at NewRelic.Agent.Core.Metric.StatsMap`1.Merge(T name, IStats newStats)
at NewRelic.Agent.Core.Metric.StatsMap`1.Merge(IStatsMap`1 otherMap)
at NewRelic.Agent.Core.Metric.StatsCollection.RecordTransactionStats(String scope, ITransactionStats txStats)
at NewRelic.Agent.Core.Utilities.EventBus`1.Publish(T message)
2014-03-28 13:35:33,090 NewRelic INFO: Harvest starting
2014-03-28 13:36:07,575 NewRelic INFO: Harvest starting
Windows Events log not contain any records about this.
OS Windows 2012
Status monitor show "New Relic has not sent data" for this application. however, the protocols have an records of sending data.
Anybody know about this error?
The issue causing this error was fixed in version of the .Net Agent so if you are running an older version upgrading should fix the problem.

Azure mvc 3 publishing/deployment issue

Hi I have a MVC 3 web project which has been deployed to Azure successfully previously.
Since i had some problems with github,
and the Azure cloud project just won't publish, we have tried to delete/create new projects; updated varies settings, endpoints; include all of the dlls; tried to look for diagnostics.
even we tried to created a blank new projects and deployed it
so far nothing works
3:37:12 PM - Preparing deployment for Subscription with Subscription ID: 519e1c......
3:37:13 PM - Connecting...
3:37:14 PM - Verifying storage account 'blahblah'...
3:37:15 PM - Uploading Package...
3:37:45 PM - Creating...
3:39:53 PM - Created Deployment ID: 244f269afefe40fb99........
3:39:53 PM - Starting...
3:40:28 PM - Initializing...
3:40:28 PM - Instance 0 of role Web is in an unknown state
3:45:34 PM - Instance 0 of role Web is starting the virtual machine
3:46:42 PM - Instance 0 of role Web is in an unknown state
then busy, cycling.....
If you want to see what is going on, just activate Remote Desktop on the instance.
I found that between recycling of the instance there is enough time to run the web site and get the yellow screen of death telling you which dll you are missing.
