Excel Copy Paste Activity in UiPath Freezes Without any action being done - uipath

In UiPath, I use Copy Sheet to bring a sheet with all the formats to another excel. Now I use Copy Paste Range for a range like A:I. This simply freezes, no error, execution seems to continue but nothing happens after several minutes of waiting (it should continue with another copy paste of about similar size to different sheet for what it’s worth). Memory and CPU are not maxed out. Once I stop the bot, I have to end the excel application from task manager to edit the excel.
Read Range and Write Range are not used because, I need the format to be maintained.


How to profile/debug VBA script that works fine on XLS files, but hangs on XLSX files?

I have a VB script that does row processing on a small Excel file (35 columns, 2000 rows, no hidden content). It takes about 3 seconds to process the file when applied to an .xls file. If I save the .xls as a .xlsx file, the same script takes about 30 to 60 seconds, completely freezing Excel several times in the process (although it finishes and the results are correct).
I suspect some loop parts of the code are responsible, but I need to find out which. I have found scripts like https://stackoverflow.com/a/3506143/5064264 which basically amount to timing all parts of the script by hand - similar to printf-debugging, which is not very elegant and also consumes much time for large scripts.
Is there a better alternative to semi-manual profiling, like performance analyzers in most IDEs, or exist any other approaches to this problem? I do not want to post the code as it is rather long and I also want to solve it for other scripts in the future.
yes - kind of. I use this to test how fast things are running and experiment with different approaches to get better timings. I stole this from somewhere here on SO.
sub thetimingstuff()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
StartTime = Timer
'your code goes here
SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation
end sub
Another EDIT
you could bury debug.print lines sporadically through your code to see how much each chunk takes to execute.
The error in my case was as Comintern's comment suggested - a method was copying whole columns into a dictionary to reorder them, instead of just the cells with values in them. To preserve this for future readers, I am copying his/her excellent comment here, thanks again!
An xls file has a maximum of 65,536 rows. An xlsx file has a maximum of 1,048,576 rows. I'd start by searching for .Rows. My guess is that you have some code iterates the entire worksheet instead of only rows with data in them.
As for generic profiling or how to get there, I used a large amount of breakpoints in the editor (set/remove with left-click in the line number column of the code editor):
I first set them every 20 lines apart in the main method, ran the program with the large dataset, then after each press of continue (F5) manually measured if it was slow or not.
Then I removed the breakpoints in the fast regions and added additional ones in the slow regions to further narrow it down into methods and then into lines inside the methods.
At the end, I could verify if by commenting out the responsible line of code and fix it.

VBA to close excel file when Windows7 computer is locked

I have an excel file on a shared drive used by 6/7 people, however only one person can edit at a time. The frustration comes when one person opens the file for editing then disappears for lunch for an hour, leaving the excel file open and un-editable for other users.
Is it possible for VBA to listen for when a station is locked, and activate a macro accordingly?
Sorry I am not posting any of my own attempts as I'm a bit of a fish out of water with this level of VBA.
Any points that may help get me started would be really useful.
You have a few options:
Kill the co-workers who do this
Have other users create a copy and save-as to then merge latter (quite hacky)
Or you try a timeout - so if the user selects nothing i 10 minutes the workbook closes. Selecting lock would be a issue with security I think and windows wouldnt let you have that kind of power.
So to timeout call a function every ten minutes to check if user has selected any other cells in the worbook.
If difference("n", lastaction , Now) > 10 Then
ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
You can use NOW function in vba to find current date and time and the work out difference with when an action was made to find the value of 'lastaction'. To do this use:
Sub AnAction(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
lastaction = now
End Sub
Hopefully that answers your question.

Using VBScript to control an MMC object

Alright, so, I'm working on a script to execute some commands in an MMC Snapin, and I'm not very experienced with doing this kind of scripting, but i've made a lot of progress...the problem I am having, is if I create a new object every time the script runs, it will massively delay my overall script while the snapin and everything in it loads(which can take as long as five minutes). If it could load the snapin content once and then just take control of it as needed, and only create a new object IF there's not one open already, I'll save a massive amount of time when I run the script sometimes 100 times in a day.
The problem is, I'm not entirely certain how to achieve this. I thought, after some research, that it would be GetObject, but when I do
Dim objMMC
Set objMMC = GetObject("", "MMC20.Application")
It seems to create a new mmc window with no snapins loaded, rather than get the existing one with snapins loaded that I want.
Any advice? Am I just totally off base here, using completely the wrong command, or is there some simple change that I can make to fix this?
Is there some weird workaround way I could achieve this, like storing an object to a temporary file so i can at least reuse it through a single session.
I'm in a weird situation where I am trying to add functionality to a powershell script and couldn't find a way to do it directly in powershell, so i'm setting up a vbscript to do one piece of it and calling the vbscript from powershell. I already had to do a lot of research to figure out how to do it in vbscript(and i'm still not sure about all of it) so i guess before i go any further, I'll try to figure out if this is even viable(in vbscript or c# or c++ or any other language someone could suggest)...
What i want to do, overall, is check if an MMC window is open that contains a DHCP snapin. If so, assign it to a variable. If not, create one.
Then it will read from a csv or txt file, and use the values to determine what node to navigate to within the snapin(DHCP>ServerName>IPv4>ScopeName>Scope Options).(I've mostly solved this part in vbscript, but don't know how to do it in C++ or C#)
Finally, I need to be able to execute a right-click menu item to "configure options", navigate the tabs of the popup that comes up, enter a value, and apply the changes/hit ok to close the popup. Worst case, If I can't do it "normally" by actually sending commands to the objects themselves, this part I can do with imitating keystrokes, but i don't want to do that if it's avoidable because it's sloppy.
Then, I basically will just need to somehow alert the powershell script that i'm "finished" so it can continue, or give an alert if there's an error.
I'm not asking anyone to walk me through all this, I just want to know if any of those steps aren't viable as i've described them, especially if I'm going to have to switch to c++ or c# to achieve the first part and therefore relearn the commands needed.
... and only create a new object IF there's not one open already ...
No, this is not possible in VBS, you need to do
Dim objMMC
Set objMMC = WScript.CreateObject("MMC20.Application")
if I create a new object every time the script runs, it will massively delay my overall script
In this case is the VBS the wrong language, you need to use C# or C++ executable.

QTP VB Script to update data excel placed in QC

I'm trying to automate some set of test cases which would pass inputs from one to another. For instance, if I have 5 test cases then 1st test case would pass input to 2nd - 2nd to 3rd - likewise it goes on.
And another point to be noted is that I won't perform batch execution and there will be a certain time gap between each test case.
So what I'm trying to do is like updating the outputs into some excel sheet and call them during succeeding execution. I have tried searching and tried some codes, but nothing has worked out.
So please share some idea to update excel sheet during run time which is placed in QC. Thanks!
What you're essentially saying is that you have test runs separated by some indeterminate amount of time, and you need to share data between runs. The answer is you need persisted storage of your data. You could use a database, flat file, Excel spreadsheet, or anything else that will let you programmatically write data in one run then read it in the next.
Excel spreadsheets are one such solution. You said you tried it and it did not work. That likely means that the method you used to write or read the data was incorrect, and not that there was a problem with the concept. If you provide some more specifics about exactly what you tried and where it failed, hopefully the community will be able to assist you.
I Believe you have Input Excel Sheet(s) in QC, What you can do is download the excel file from QC to local machine, store output from 1st test case to this excel sheet and upload back to QC. Which now you can use as input to next test case.

Excel 2003: Why does creating links to other spreadsheets take so long?

My Excel application creates links to other Excel files. It takes approx 1 sec to create a link for 1 cell, but I have several hundred cells to link so it's painfully slow.
There is no difference in speed whether the source file is opened or closed. I have, however, noticed that creating links manually (e.g., by copying and pasting the formula containing the link into other cells by hand) is much faster while the source file is opened.
In my program I have configured
Application.Calculation to be Manual instead of Automatic.
I tried accomplish the linking in two ways (please note this is not a real code, but I hope it shows what I mean):
Copy the formula link to the external source from Range("A1") using
a foreach loop on every Cell in a range:
Cell.FormulaR1C1 = Range("A1").FormulaR1C1
Copy the formula from Range("A1") to another range without using a foreach loop:
Range("thisIsMyTargetRange").FormulaR1C1 = Range("A1").FormulaR1C1
Both methods are equally slow, and as I said I've checked both of the above methods with the source file opened and closed.
Is there any way to speed this up? Does anyone know enough about the linking mechanism in Excel 2003 to offer advice on how to improve the linking performance?
Is it pertinent to have the formulas? If not use .value instead of .formular1c1.
Also if the ranges are the same size then use a range copy instead of the loop. e.g.
range(a1:a500).value = range(a1:a500)
Added Alternative Method:
Also, an alternative method would be to create a table using the data import functionthat is refreshed when the file opens, if a sheet is what you after. Then if you wanted bits of that sheet, use the data in the import sheet/table. This will keep the updating or linking to only one large import when opening the file.
I had to do this for months of data taken around once a second.
Open the document you want to copy data from. Then copy any sheets that hold that data into the workbook you are using. Grab the data from them, then delete those sheets from your workbook. Do this in a macro so it can be done quickly and repeatedly.
