Is it possible to put a bunch of -Wno_... gcc flags into a file and reference that on the command line? - gcc

gcc has so many warning options, and I want to turn a bunch of them off (I'm compiling a ton of old code that's known to work, but generates lots of warnings). I suppose I could turn off all warnings, but surely that's not advisable, but I also don't want to set my CFLAGS to contain 10's of -Wno_... flags that will appear on the screen as each module compiles.
What would be ideal would be to be able to put a bunch of these flags into a text file and reference that on the command line. Maybe that's possible, but I can't find an option for that in the manual pages. Anybody know if such an option exists?

Files containing commandline options to be used in the way you envisage
are often called response files.
GCC compilers support response files, which may contain any or
all of the commandline arguments (not just -opt options). The usage is:
gcc [args...] #file [more args...]
where file is a file of space-separated commandline arguments.
#file is documented in the GCC manual in 3.2 Options Controlling the Kind of Output
If you like response files for your personal builds, feel free.
But in professional build practice they are not popular. Consider that Exhibit A for
the the diagnosis of a build break or problematic build is the complete build
log, in which we hope to find the complete sequence of commands with
all of their arguments. #file frustrates that hope, and holds us up while we look for
file or ask somebody remote to send it to us, or post its contents (perhaps on Stackoverflow!)
When we see it, it can be difficult or impossible to eliminate the eventuality that what we are seeing is
not actually what was in file when the build was run. Build logs filled with
multi-kilobyte command lines are normal and are everyday reading for build engineers.


Eclipse CDT exceeding 32k CreateProcess limit during build on Windows

I've ran into a problem during the C/C++ build using Eclipse/CDT for a project containing many source files - during the linking phase a very long command line is created that is then passed to CreateProcess Windows API function. This command is in format of: {compiler} {flags} path/to/file1.o path/to/file2.o path/to/file3.o [...] and essentially contains all object files created during compilation and in my case is over 34K characters long.
Now historically this has already been looked at, but in my feeling the problem was only raised to a higher character limit. In particular, when looking here it is mentioned there was a problem with 8192 character limit, which seems to be the case when the command was directly passed to command line. The change which attempted to fix it was to use CreateProcess WINAPI function instead, which has a higher limitation of 32767 characters (limits depend on version of Windows used). In case of the project I'm working with, neither limit is high enough, as I've already reached over 34K characters for that particular command.
I've mentioned GNU ARM Elipse as this is what I'm working with, however this is a general issue with the CDT itself and it seems to also be a problem in other IDEs - for example I've read the same kind of reports from Netbeans users. Because I work with embedded systems and there are tools already integrated with Eclipse, moving to another IDE isn't an option.
As for the actual solution - the ideal situation to me would be to have the list of object files passed through a temporary file, as the character limitation is completely bypassed this way. So far I'm using CTD's makefile generator, as it is integrated with the IDE itself (flags, build exclusions etc.), however it isn't configurable in any way or at least none that I'm aware of that would solve my issue.
What are my options here? If it's necessary I might look into the makefile generator itself and modify it to output to file, however I'd rather avoid doing so if it's not the last possible option.

How to code a script to create a makefile

i'm new year and I need some answer. I searched on the web to some answer but i didn't found anything usefull. What am i searching is for a shell programms that when you execute it, create a Makefile with the binary name in arguments like :
./ hello .
Will build you a Makefile with a binary name called hello.
I hope you guys will help me, i'm counting on you <3
There is, unfortunately, no such magic command. If there was, we wouldn't need Makefiles to start with because the magic would most likely have been incorporated in the compiler.
There are several reasons why there isn't a command like that.
Given a random binary file, you can't generally say what programming language it was written in.
You also can't tell what source file were used to compile the binary file from, or where in the file hierarchy they are located (not just where they were located when the binary file was compiled last time, maybe on another system).
You don't know the dependencies between the source code files. Makefiles are primarily useful for keeping track of these (and compiler flags etc.), so that changing one single source file in a big project does not trigger a recompilation of everything.
You don't know what compiler to use, or what flags to pass to it. This is another thing a Makefile contains.
There are build tools available for making the creation of Makefiles easier, and for making them portable between systems on different architectures (the Makefiles that is, not necessarily the programs, that's down to the programmer). One such set of tool is GNU's autotools, another is CMake, and I'm sure there are others as well, but those are the ones I use.
Now you're facing another but similar problem, and that is that you still need to learn the syntax of, and writ,e your and files (for the GNU tools), or your CMakeLists.txt files (for CMake).

Manage the build of multiple libraries in one place

Suppose that I have multiple libraries that I can build with cmake or with configure scripts, there is a tool that can help me with building this libraries such as I can easily manage the rebuilding of this libraries with few modifications like changing compiler's flags ?
I would like to run a sort of automated process a see the feedback about each build + some freedom about building options.
There is a tool like this one beside a conveniently created bash script ?
Make seems like the best tool to use here, but bash script would also work. You could use a makefile that calls the other makefiles with -f (or switch to the directory with -C ). Also, you could handle the flags and such within a single makefile with judicious use of variables, targets and recipes. Realize you can set make variables (and therefore flags) from the command line. That's about the most I can help without knowing more specifics of your situation. Good luck!

How to Debug Following Fortran Program

I am trying to compile the following software so that I can step through and debug it. I am only a novice programmer and I am trying to understand how this whole makefile business works with Fortran. I know that there is a ton of literature on makefiles but I just need to insert a simple debug flag and I think if someone provided me with the answer to this question that would be the best way for me to learn.
So the program I am trying to compile, TINKER, is actually made up of several packages, located at I would like to compile and debug JUST ONE specific executable, "analyze". I contacted the developer and received the following reply but I am still stuck...
Since TINKER has lots of small source code files, what we do is
compile each of the small files to an object file using the "-c" flag.
Then we put all of these object code files (ie, the ".o" files) into
an object library. Finally, we link each of the TINKER top level
programs, such as "analyze", against the object library. There is a
Makefile supplied with TINKER that does this. We also supply
individual scripts called "compile.make", "library.make" and
"link.make" for various CPU/compiler combinations that can be run in
order to perform the steps I describe above. To build a "debuggable"
executable, you just need to include the appropriate debug flags
(usually "-g") as part of the compile and link stages.
I am currently running OSX 10.6.8. If someone could show me which folders I cd into, what commands I enter that would be so great!
My follow up question (once I can figure out how to answer the above via command line will concern how to import the same procedure but using the Photran IDE -
The directions are at
Maybe out of date? g77 is obsolete -- it would be better to use gfortran.
The key steps: "The first step in building TINKER using the script files is to run the appropriate compile.make script for your operating system and compiler version. Next you must use a library.make script to create an archive of object code modules. Finally, run a link.make script to produce the complete set of TINKER executables. The executables can be renamed and moved to wherever you like by editing and running the ‘‘rename’’ script."
So cd to the directory for the Mac -- based on "we also provide machine-specific directories with three separate shell scripts to compile the source, build an object library, and link binary executables." Then run the command scripts. Probably ./compile.make. Look around for the directories ... you can probably figure it out from the names. Or search for the file "compile.make".
Or find someone local to you who knows more about programming.

Replacing Xcode's preprocessor with a custom process

I have a need to look at the files Xcode will compile before the preprocessor gets a stab at them. In short, I need to stick a preprocessor in front of the preprocessor.
All the Google searching has netted me nada when it comes to details on how to run the default Xcode build process for C-based files after modifying the build rule for "C source files". Xcode seems to call a process (shell script? voodoo chant?) called "CompileC" but I cannot find it to call it myself after I'm done with the source file.
Any ideas? For the curious, I need to modify certain macros in very specific situations (depending on the source file's name or the build date, for example). And there doesn't appear to be a clever way to do: #ifdef filename="bobsyeruncle.m"
It looks like a build-rule script would work:
