How to disappear a warning message from the Cognos Dashboard visualization? - dashboard

I have a visualization on dashboard (cognos 11.1.4) which is a bar chart. When my displayed data is too much a warning message (a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark) appears at the upper right corner of the visualization with the following message : The data displayed has been limited.
Do you know how to disappear this message ?


Getting some weird bar which is not part of my data

This is the follow up question of Date labels and partition line are getting overlaid
Now It is solved. My date and vertical tick line is getting updated but the problem is I get this weird bar and number see that "2" in the left side:
I am getting this green bar named state unassigned. I don't why I am getting this. Below kashmir you can see there is a number "2" (another bar it seems with value 2).
So you can see I am getting this for month April So when I use the slider to reproduce it. It's gone.
I don't get these things when I use slider but when I do autoplay then this issue occurs.
I don't know how to solve for this one issue.
It is from the data API side. They have added some elements after some dates. That's why this occurred.

Power BI loses sorting between two different chart

I don't know if this is a recurring problem or not, but I have a Power BI solution which has a pie chart and a bar graph. The bar graph is sorted in descending order by a "Value" field. Initially my Power BI file is loading with the below viz. I want to filter the right graph to bring TOP 5 countries name by descending order of their value when a user clicks on pie-chart on left side. The left side is the category of each countries viz. 0,1,2 & 3.
Below happens when I click Category "0". As you can see Power BI gives 9 results (highlighted by dark green)
Same happens for Category "1". Again I see more than 5 values.
Check interactions under format tab. Select the primary visual (in your case pie visual) than click on the filter tab on seconday visual (Bar chart). Default filter is highlight.

How can I show specific messages in logs as bars in kibana

I would like to show each bar in Kibana bar chart from a specific message from my application.
Bars should be flowing from right to left.
There shouldn't be more than 15 bars in the bar chart.
Specifically, each microservice in my app will have its name logged in the log file, when it's being requested or responding to a request it will have a footprint in the log as its name, I just want to represent the same.
The things I have already tried:
Split series ... other messages including errors are also being tracked and appear as bars.
Filters ... it is showing total bars showing the total count of occurrences of microservices
Can anyone help me, please?
If your logs field is text (i.e. type: text)
create new bar chart visualisation
buckets - x-axis, filters
In the filter box e.g.:
my_logs_field: "my_microservice1 used"
or whatever query is appropriate
add label
add label
and repeat for all microservices
The problem with this solution is you will need to know what microservices you have, and update accordingly.
You could have a bar for when none of those microservices are picked up with the filter:
NOT my_logs_field: "my_microservice1 used" NOT my_logs_field: "my_microservice2 used" NOT my_logs_field: "my_microservice3 used"
based off ELK v6.3.2

Swap two charts' visibility in SSRS without an accordion effect

I have a report with two charts; the charts present similar but not identical data. I want to show one chart at a time in the report.
When the report runs, one chart has the property visible=true, and the other has visible=false. Both charts toggle from the same textbox. So far, everything works right -- click on the textbox, and the other chart appears; click on it again, and the first chart appears. Both charts present the correct data. The intended effect is for the user to see the desired chart series, with no noticable indication that the report now shows a different chart.
My problem is that even though in Visual Studio's report designer the charts have the same position, the report presents an accordion effect: The report renders the second chart below where the first chart had been, instead of in the same location. I'll post screen shots when I can.
The development environment is MS Visual Studio 2008, installed as "SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio." The report environment is IE11, that being the customer's standard. (Edit: The customer just upgraded from IE9 to IE11.)
To swap two different charts visibility, you need to put both charts inside one rectangle and then set whatever the condition you have on each one.
So hiding the first chart moves the second one up.
It will surely work.

Microstrategy - Using a Pie as a selector

I'm using the dashboards (not documents, falsh dashboards) in MSTR.
I'd like tu use an element of my chart as a selector to drill down.
For example if i have 4 pies representing departments I'd like to click on one of them to show the sales of the "sub-departments".
In the following link they show how to do it with documents:
I'd like to do that with dashboards.
You can use your Pie as selector for another Visualization (grid or graph) in your dashboard where you show lower level data (in your case the sub-departments).
Or if you want to continue to analyze the sub-departments in a pie chart, once you select a department you can click on the menu arrow on the top-right corner (sometimes it's a bit nasty to get it) and select Keep Only and Show -> Sub-departments.
Unfortunately I don't think you can do it with just a double click
