What is the time complexity of clearing a heap? - algorithm

I have googled for lots of websites and they all say "the time complexity of clearing a heap is O(n log n)." The reason is:
Swapping the tailing node the root costs O(1).
Swapping "the new root" to suitable place costs O(level) = O(log n).
So deleting a node (the root) costs O(log n).
So deleting all n nodes costs O(n log n).
In my opinion, the answer is right but not "tight" because:
The heap (or its level) becoming smaller during deleting.
As a result, the cost of "swapping the new root to suitable place" becomes smaller.
The aforementioned reason of "O(n log n)" does not embody such change.
The time complexity of creating a heap is proved as O(n) at here.
I tend to believe that the time complexity of clearing a heap is O(n) as well because creating and clearing is very similar - both contain "swapping node to suitable position" and "change of heap size".
However, when considering O(n) time for clearing a heap, here is a contradiction:
By creating and clearing a heap, it is possible to sort an array in O(n) time.
The lower limit of time complexity of sorting is O(n log n).
I have thought about the question for a whole day but still been confused.
What on earth clearing a heap costs? Why?

As you correctly observe, the time taken is O((log n) + (log n-1) + ... + (log 2) + (log 1)). That's the same as O(log(n!)), which is the same as O(n log n) (proof in many places, but for example: What is O(log(n!)) and O(n!) and Stirling Approximation).
So you're right that the argument given for the time complexity of removing every element of a heap being O(nlog n) is wrong, but the result is still right.
Your equivalence between creating and "clearing" the heap is wrong. When you create the heap, there's a lot of slack because the heap invariant allows many choices at every level and this happens to mean that it's possible to find a valid ordering of the elements in O(n) time. When "clearing" the heap, there's no such slack (and the standard proof about comparison sorts needing at least n log n time proves that it's not possible).


Amortized cost of insert/remove on min-heap

I ran into an interview question recently. no additional info is given into question (maybe default implementation should be used...)
n arbitrary sequences of insert and remove operations on empty min heap
(location for delete element is known) has amortized cost of:
A) insert O(1), remove O(log n)
B) insert O(log n), remove O(1)
The option (B) is correct.
I'm surprized when see answer sheet. i know this is tricky, maybe empty heap, maybe knowing location of elements for delete,... i dont know why (A) is false? Why (B) is true?
When assigning amortized costs to operations on a data structure, you need to ensure that, for any sequence of operations performed, that the sum of the amortized costs is always at least as big as the sum of the actual costs of those operations.
So let's take Option 1, which assigns an amortized cost of O(1) to insertions and an amortized cost of O(log n) to deletions. The question we have to ask is the following: is it true that for any sequence of operations on an empty binary heap, the real cost of those operations is upper-bounded by the amortized cost of those operations? And in this case, the answer is no. Imagine that you do a sequence purely of n insertions into the heap. The actual cost of performing these operations can be Θ(n log n) if each element has to bubble all the way up to the top of the heap. However, the amortized cost of those operations, with this accounting scheme, would be O(n), since we did n operations and pretended that each one cost O(1) time. Therefore, this amortized accounting scheme doesn't work, since it will let us underestimate the work that we're doing.
On the other hand, let's look at Option 2, where we assign O(log n) as our amortized insertion cost and O(1) as our amortized remove cost. Now, can we find a sequence of n operations where the real cost of those operations exceeds the amortized costs? In this case, the answer is no. Here's one way to see this. We've set the amortized cost of an insertion to be O(log n), which matches its real cost, and so the only way that we could end up underestimating the total is with our amortized cost of a deletion (O(1)), which is lower than the true cost of a deletion. However, that's not a problem here. In order for us to be able to do a delete operation, we have to have previously inserted the element that we're deleting. The combined real cost of the insertion and the deletion is O(log n) + O(log n) = O(log n), and the combined amortized cost of the insertion and the deletion is O(log n) + O(1) = O(log n). So in that sense, pretending that deletions are faster doesn't change our overall cost.
A nice intuitive way to see why the second approach works but the first one doesn't is to think about what amortized analysis is all about. The intuition behind amortization is to charge earlier operations a bit more so that future operations appear to take less time. In the case of the second accounting scheme, that's exactly what we're doing: we're shifting the cost of the deletion of an element from the binary heap back onto the cost of inserting that element into the heap in the first place. In that way, since we're only shifting work backwards, the sum of the amortized costs can't be lower than the sum of the real costs. On the other hand, in the first case, we're shifting work forward in time by making deletions pay for insertions. But that's a problem, because if we do a bunch of insertions and then never do the corresponding deletions we'll have shifted the work to operations that don't exist.
Because the heap is initially empty, you can't have more deletes than inserts.
An amortized cost of O(1) per deletion and O(log N) per insertion is exactly the same as an amortized cost of O(log N) for both inserts and deletes, because you can just count the deletion cost when you do the corresponding insert.
It does not work the other way around. Since you can have more inserts than deletes, there might not be enough deletes to pay the cost of each insert.

Find log n greatest entries in O(n) time

Is there a way to find the log n greatest elements in an array with n elements in O(n) time?
I would create an array based HeapPriorityQueue, because if all elements are available the heap can be created in O(n) time using bottom up heap construction.
Then removing the first element of this priorityqueue should be in O(1) time isn`t?
Then removing the first element of this priority queue should be in O(1) time isn`t?
That will be O(logn), since you also remove the first element. Looking at it without removing is O(1). Repeating this removal logn times will be O(log^2(n)), which is still in O(n), so this solution will indeed meet the requirements.
Another option is to use selection algorithm to find the log(n)'th biggest element directly, which will be O(n) as well.
Basically, yes. The creation of the heap takes O(n) and this dominates the algorithm.
Removing the first element may take either O(1) if the heap does not updates it's keys after removing or O(log n) if it does. Either way the complexity of removing log(n) elements from the heap with and without updating would be O(log n * log n) and O(log n) respectively. Both of which are sublinear.

Sort Stack Ascending Order (Space Analysis)

I was going through the book "Cracking the Coding Interview" and came across the question
"Write a program to sort a stack in ascending order. You may use additional stacks to hold items, but you may not copy the elements into any other data structures (such as an array). The stack supports the following operations: push, pop, peek, isEmpty."
The book gave an answer with O(n^2) time complexity and O(n) space.
However, I came across this blog providing an answer in O(n log n) time complexity using quicksort approach.
What I was wondering was is the space complexity O(n^2) though? Since each call to the method involves initializing another two stacks, along with another two recursive calls.
I'm still a little shaky on space complexity. I'm not sure if this would be O(n^2) space with the new stacks spawned from each recursive call being smaller than the ones a level up.
If anyone could give a little explanation behind their answer, that would be great.
The space complexity is also O(n log n) in average case. If space complexity happens to be O(n^2), then how can time complexity be O(n log n), as each space allocated need at least one access.
So, in average case, assuming that stack is divided in half each time, at ith depth of recursion, size of array becomes O(n/2^i) with 2^i recursion branches on ith depth.
So total size allocated on ith depth is O(n/2^i) *2^i = O(n).
Since maximum depth is log n, so overall space complexity is O(n log n).
However, in worst case, space complexity is O(n^2).
In this method of quicksort, the space complexity will exactly follow the time complexity - the reason is quite simple. You are dividing the sub stacks recursively (using the pivot) until each element is in a stack of size one. This leads to (2^x = n) divisions of x sub stacks (log n depth) and in the end you have n stacks each of size one. Hence the total space complexity will be O(n*log n).
Keep in mind that in this case, the space complexity will follow the time complexity exactly as we are literally occupying new space at each iteration. So, in the worst case, the space complexity will be O(n^2).

Analysis of speed and memory for heapsort

I tried googling and wiki'ing these questions but can't seem to find concrete answers. Most of what I found involved using proofs with the master theorem, but I'm hoping for something in plain English that can be more intuitively remembered. Also I am not in school and these questions are for interviewing.
What exactly does it mean to determine big-o in terms of memory usage? For example, why is heapsort considered to run with O(1) memory when you have to store all n items? Is it because you are creating only one structure for the heap? Or is it because you know its size and so you can create it on the stack, which is always constant memory usage?
How is the creation of the heap done in O(n) time if adding elements is done in O(1) but percolating is done in O(logn)? Wouldn't that mean you do n inserts at O(1) making it O(n) and percolating after each insert is O(logn). So O(n) * O(logn) = O(nlogn) in total. I also noticed most implementations of heap sort use a heapify function instead of percolating to create the heap? Since heapify does n comparisons at O(logn) that would be O(nlogn) and with n inserts at O(1) we would get O(n) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn)? Wouldn't the first approach yield better performance than the second with small n?
I kind of assumed this above, but is it true that doing an O(1) operation n times would result in O(n) time? Or does n * O(1) = O(1)?
So I found some useful info about building a binary heap from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_heap#Building_a_heap.
I think my main source of confusion was how "inserting" into a heap is both O(1) and O(logn), even though the first shouldn't be called an insertion and maybe just a build step or something. So you wouldn't use heapify anymore after you've already created your heap, instead you'd use the O(logn) insertion method.
The method of adding items iteratively while maintaining the heap property runs in O(nlogn) and creating the heap without respecting the heap property, and then heapifying, actually runs in O(n), the reason which isn't very intuitive and requires a proof, so I was wrong about that.
The removal step to get the ordered items is the same cost, O(nlogn), after each method has a heap that respects the heap property.
So in the end you'd have either an O(1) + O(n) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn) for the build heap method, and an O(nlogn) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn) for the insertion method. Obviously the first is preferable, especially for small n.

Why isn't the time complexity of building a binary heap by insertion O(n)?

The background
According to Wikipedia and other sources I've found, building a binary heap of n elements by starting with an empty binary heap and inserting the n elements into it is O(n log n), since binary heap insertion is O(log n) and you're doing it n times. Let's call this the insertion algorithm.
It also presents an alternate approach in which you sink/trickle down/percolate down/cascade down/heapify down/bubble down the first/top half of the elements, starting with the middle element and ending with the first element, and that this is O(n), a much better complexity. The proof of this complexity rests on the insight that the sink complexity for each element depends on its height in the binary heap: if it's near the bottom, it will be small, maybe zero; if it's near the top, it can be large, maybe log n. The point is that the complexity isn't log n for every element sunk in this process, so the overall complexity is much less than O(n log n), and is in fact O(n). Let's call this the sink algorithm.
The question
Why isn't the complexity for the insertion algorithm the same as that of the sink algorithm, for the same reasons?
Consider the actual work done for the first few elements in the insertion algorithm. The cost of the first insertion isn't log n, it's zero, because the binary heap is empty! The cost of the second insertion is at worst one swap, and the cost of the fourth is at worst two swaps, and so on. The actual complexity of inserting an element depends on the current depth of the binary heap, so the complexity for most insertions is less than O(log n). The insertion cost doesn't even technically reach O(log n) until after all n elements have been inserted [it's O(log (n - 1)) for the last element]!
These savings sound just like the savings gotten by the sink algorithm, so why aren't they counted the same for both algorithms?
Actually, when n=2^x - 1 (the lowest level is full), n/2 elements may require log(n) swaps in the insertion algorithm (to become leaf nodes). So you'll need (n/2)(log(n)) swaps for the leaves only, which already makes it O(nlogn).
In the other algorithm, only one element needs log(n) swaps, 2 need log(n)-1 swaps, 4 need log(n)-2 swaps, etc. Wikipedia shows a proof that it results in a series convergent to a constant in place of a logarithm.
The intuition is that the sink algorithm moves only a few things (those in the small layers at the top of the heap/tree) distance log(n), while the insertion algorithm moves many things (those in the big layers at the bottom of the heap) distance log(n).
The intuition for why the sink algorithm can get away with this that the insertion algorithm is also meeting an additional (nice) requirement: if we stop the insertion at any point, the partially formed heap has to be (and is) a valid heap. For the sink algorithm, all we get is a weird malformed bottom portion of a heap. Sort of like a pine tree with the top cut off.
Also, summations and blah blah. It's best to think asymptotically about what happens when inserting, say, the last half of the elements of an arbitrarily large set of size n.
While it's true that log(n-1) is less than log(n), it's not smaller by enough to make a difference.
Mathematically: The worst-case cost of inserting the i'th element is ceil(log i). Therefore the worst-case cost of inserting elements 1 through n is sum(i = 1..n, ceil(log i)) > sum(i = 1..n, log i) = log 1 + log 1 + ... + log n = log(1 × 2 × ... × n) = log n! = O(n log n).
Ran into the same problem yesterday. I tried coming up with some form of proof to satisfy myself. Does this make any sense?
If you start inserting from the bottom, The leaves will have constant time insertion- just copying it into the array.
The worst case running time for a level above the leaves is:
where h is the height (leaves being 0, top being log(n) ) k is a constant( just for good measure ). So (n/2h) is the number of nodes per level and h is the MAXIMUM number of 'sinking' operations per insert
There are log(n) levels,
Hence, The total running time will be
Sum for h from 1 to log(n): n* k* (h/2h)
Which is k*n * SUM h=[1,log(n)]: (h/2h)
The sum is a simple Arithmetico-Geometric Progression which comes out to 2.
So you get a running time of k*n*2, Which is O(n)
The running time per level isn't strictly what i said it was but it is strictly less than that.Any pitfalls?
