query scope with conditional constraint - laravel

When building a query, if one of the constraints does not return result only then run another constraint
public function scopeLatestLocationSchedule($query, $location)
return $query
->where('location_id', $location)
->whereNull('end_date') //If not found null end_date then return latest first end_date
How to write this query with a conditional check on the end_date constraint

Write below code in your model
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class YourModelName extends Model
public function scopeEndDateNullLocationSchedule(Builder $builder, $locationId)
return $builder->where('location_id', $locationId)
public function scopeEndDateNotNullLocationSchedule(Builder $builder, $locationId)
return $builder->where('location_id', $locationId)
Write this below code in your controller
$locationId = 1; // put your location id here;
$query = YourModelName::endDateNullLocationSchedule($locationId);
if (!count($query->get())) {
$query = YourModelName::endDateNotNullLocationSchedule($locationId);
$locationSchedule = $query->orderBy('end_date', 'DESC')->first();

When I have many conditions, I find ver useful to use this snippet before the Controller declaration (just under "use...")
Builder::macro('if', function ($condition, $column, $operator, $value){
if ($condition) {
return $this->where($column, $operator, $value);
return $this;
Then you can build your queries adding this kind of conditions:
->if($request->service_id, 'id', '=', $request->service_id)
the line above will trigger only if there is a value for service_id, in that case the select query will search where the id is like $request->service_id.
Hope it helps!


Laravel Eloquent how to get all parents

I have relation like this:
DB relation
I have a code in my model that retrieves me just one parent:
public function AllParents()
return $this->belongsToMany($this, 'parent', 'product_id', 'parent_id')
->select('parent', 'name');
I get it in my controller like this:
private function product(Product $product)
return $product->Product()
Finally I need data like this:
I think I need a loop, but how to do it in Eloquent?
Just change relationship. You have mentioned pivot table name wrong one.
public function AllParents()
return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'Product_parent', 'product_id', 'parent_id') ->select('parent', 'name');
and then you can access
In your Product Model. You have define relationship like this.
public function allParents()
return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'product_parents', 'product_id', 'parent_id')->select('name');
And, In Controller you can get all the parents with eager loading.
And, In View you can use foreach loop to iterate every parent object.
#foreach ($product->allParents as $parentProduct)
{{ $parentProduct->name }}
I did like this:
I modified my controller
private function product(Product $product)
$allParents = [];
$parent = null;
while ($parent != null) {
array_push($allParents, Product::all->find($parent));
$parent = Product::all()->find($parent) - first();

Where clause in polymorphic relationship

I have the tables
- id
- id
- repliable_id
- repliable_type
I want to add another column to the Thread, which is the id of the most recent reply.
And the following query scope
public function scopeWithRecentReply() {
return $query->addSelect([
'recent_reply_id' => Reply::select('id')
->whereHasMorph('repliable', ['App\Thread'], function ($q) {
$q->where('repliable_id', '=', 'threads.id');
I have also tried
public function scopeWithRecentReply() {
return $query->addSelect([
'recent_reply_id' => Reply::select('id')
->where('repliable_id', '=', 'threads.id')
But in both cases the
recent_reply_id => null
If instead of threads.id i enter an integer, it works and the recent_reply_id is not null
For example
public function scopeWithRecentReply() {
return $query->addSelect([
'recent_reply_id' => Reply::select('id')
->whereHasMorph('repliable', ['App\Thread'], function ($q) {
$q->where('repliable_id', '=', 1);
My question is
Is there a way to be able to fetch the recent_reply_id using the respective threads.id ?
I would suggest using appends instead of query scopes so in your Thread model we will add
protected $appends = ['recent_reply_id'];
public function replies () {
// you need to add here your relation with replies table
public function getRecentReplyIdAttribute () {
return $this->replies()->latest('id')->first()->id;
now wherever you query the threads table you will have access to recent_reply_id like
$thread = Thread::where('id',1)->withRecentReply()->get();

Laravel - Return only multiple relationships with records from controller or model

I'm returing a model with all the related models.
My problem is that perhaps some models don't have records so they are returned in my $property variable as empty and I have to evaluate their existence in blade (not done yet)
Is there any way in controller or parent model to return only the child relationships which have records? Or any blade directive to evaluate these cases?
All relationships are 1:M.
Controller Code
class PropertyController extends Controller
public function details($id)
$property = Property::with('attributes', 'addons', 'distributions', 'images', 'attributes_2', 'services')
->where('prop_id', $id)
// dd($property);
return view('pages.processes.offerdemand.matchs.propertymodal', compact('property'));
Sir u have the same result with this code?? (just trying to help, im new in this world)
return view('pages.processes.offerdemand.matchs.propertymodal', compact(array('property')));
class PropertyController extends Controller
public function details($id)
$relations = ['attributes', 'addons', 'distributions', 'images', 'attributes_2', 'services']
$property = Property::with($relations)->whereHas($relations)
->where('prop_id', $id)
// dd($property);
return view('pages.processes.offerdemand.matchs.propertymodal', compact('property'));
I changed code as follows and recieved the expected result:
public function details($id)
$property = Property::with(['attributes' => function ($builder) {
$builder->where('pa_value', '!=', '');
->with('addons', 'distributions', 'images', 'attributes_2', 'services')
->where('prop_id', $id)
->withCount('attributes', 'addons', 'distributions', 'images', 'attributes_2', 'services')
return view('pages.processes.offerdemand.matchs.propertymodal', compact('property'));

Laravel: get data from variouos tables based on optional conditions

I want to write a query based on optional condition that will fetch data from different tables. My schema looks like
myboxes Table
type_id --> foreign key to box_type table
mybox_access table
mybox_id -> foreign key to myboxes table
box_type table
And here are my models
class MyBox extends Model {
public function type() {
return this->hasOne(BoxType::class, 'id', 'type_id');
public function access() id
return this->hasOne(MyBoxAccess::class, 'mybox_id', 'type_id');
MyBoxType.php has following relation ship
public function mybox() {
return this->hasOne(MyBox::class, 'id', 'type_id');
And MyBoxAccess.php has following relationship
public function vbox() {
return $this->belongsTo(MyBox::class, 'id', 'mybox_id');
Now I want to get based on following condition
I have email as required param and postal_code and po_box as optional params (but one of them will be must and both can also be present).
So I want to get data of all my_boxes that have type_id 3 OR all myboxes whoes id matches to email in mybox_access table AND postal_code or po_box matches to params in myboxes table
For simple match of params postal code and po_box I can write some thing like
$result = new MyBox();
if(!empty($request['postal_code'])) {
$result->where('postal_code', like, '%'.$request['postal_code']);
if(!empty($request['po_box'])) {
$result->where('po_box', like, '%'.$request['po_box']);
$result = $result->get();
But I don't know how to get data for above mentioned condition. When I try to do using with() like
MyBox::with(['access' => function(Builder $query) use ($request){
I get
`Argument 1 Passed to {closure} () must be an instance of Illuminat\Database\Query\Builder, instance of Illuminate\Databaase\Eloquent\Relation\HasOne given`
Can any body please let me know how can I get data based on above mentioned condition
$query is a relationship, not a builder instance.
So this should not throw any Exception.
MyBox::with(['access' => function ($query) {
$query->where('mybox_id', $request['id']);
But I don't think it'd resole your issue because your Box <=> Access relationship is not right. It should be HasMany.
// MyBox.php
public function type()
return $this->hasOne(BoxType::class, 'id', 'type_id');
public function access()
return $this->hasMany(MyBoxAccess::class, 'mybox_id', 'id');
Then in your Controller you could do this.
// $results where type_id is 3
$results = MyBox::where('type_id', 3)->get();
// List of boxes accessible by email
$results = MyBox::whereHas('access', function ($query) {
$query->where('email', request()->input('email'));
// Results where postal_code and po_box matches the request
$results = MyBox::with('access')->where(function ($query) {
if (request()->has('postal_code')) {
$query->where('postal_code', 'like', '%' . request()->input('postal_code'));
if (request()->has('po_box')) {
$query->where('po_box', 'like', '%' . request()->input('po_box'));
And if you want to merge all conditions:
$results = MyBox::where(function ($query) {
if (request()->has('type_id')) {
$query->where('type_id', request()->input('type_id'));
if (request()->has('email')) {
$query->whereHas('access', function ($query) {
$query->where('email', request()->input('email'));
if (request()->has('postal_code')) {
$query->where('postal_code', 'like', '%' . request()->input('postal_code'));
if (request()->has('po_box')) {
$query->where('po_box', 'like', '%' . request()->input('po_box'));
I always use the request() facade when using in closures, it feels cleaner to me.
Try this query:

Laravel Error: Trying to get property of non-object

I am getting an error
Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\proj\resources\views\mycases.blade.php)
I have defined a relationship between two models Ccase and Hiring.
public function hirings()
return $this -> hasMany('App\Hiring', 'case_ID')->orderBy('id','desc');
and paginating the results using a method below
public function getHiringsPaginateAttribute($perPage)
return $this->hirings()->paginate($perPage);
The other model 'Hiring' has a method to define relationship with Ccase as follows:
public function ccase()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'id');
In my controller, I have following code:
$search_term = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $search_term);
$search_term = trim($search_term);
if (strlen($search_term) > 0 && strlen(trim($search_term)) == 0)
$search_term = NULL;
$search_terms = explode(' ',$search_term);
$fields = array('id', 'title', 'case');
$hirings = $hirings->whereHas('ccase', function($q) use ($search_terms, $fields){
foreach ($search_terms as $term)
foreach ($fields as $field)
$q->orWhere($field, 'LIKE', '%'. $term .'%');
$hirings = $hirings->getHiringsPaginateAttribute($results_per_page);
In mycases.blade.php, my code is
This line is throwing the above said error while the output of {{$hiring->ccase}} is:
{"id":1,"case":"HI this is a sample case i am putting just for test.","created_at":"2015-02-22 11:54:09","updated_at":"2015-02-22 11:54:09"}
What might be wrong with the code?
Unfortunately, you can't use related models in views. Here's the detailed explanation why.
Your case can be solved by specifying the name of the associated column on the parent table:
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'ccaseId', 'id');
In model Hiring, it will be like
public function ccase()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'case_ID', 'id');
And now in view use it like this:
{{ $hiring->ccase->id }}
Not sure, but i think that you could use relations in view, you should use an eager loading in controller where you are quering for $hirings, just add a:
Could you please provide a peace of code from controller where you make a query to Hiring model for clear?
