webpack loading bootstrap before jquery and popper - laravel

i can not figure out why, my new laravel installation with ui bootstrap, is loading bootstrap before jquery and popper, which means stuff like bootstrap toogle dosent work. The builded js file has first bootstrap then jquery and last popper, anyone has an idea why it is doing that?

Turns out the current laravel jquery vesion has a bug. The latest jquery vesion 3.5.1 fixes it, so running:
npm install jquery#3.5.1
npm run dev
should work.


What should i replace tailwind scripts after installing tailwind cli

I recently pushed my projects to the hosting sites but some css arent working. After some inspecting, I found out that <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com/?plugins=forms"></script> are showing errors. It says that cdn.tailwindcss.com should not be used in production.. I installed the tailwind cli according to the documentation. But if I delete the script the css doesnt work, what should i replace that <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com/?plugins=forms"></script> with?

How to enable Svelte Google Chrome Dev extension

I have just managed to install Svelte on top of Inertia js into a Laravel environment. So far it appears to work. However, I can not get the Svelte extension in google Chrome to work. I have read some comments that somewhere you need to have "dev:true" set where the default is "dev:false" I have also run npm run dev to no affect.
Any one know how to make this work?
Many Thanks !
I think dev: true props didn't add to Rollup or Webpack config file. Below is a link from the official docs:
Enable Svelte Google Chrome Dev Extension

Why vue-cli understand I've installed vue-cli-plugin-vuetify and vuetify-loader?

When I create a fresh vue-cli project via this command
vue create hello-word
and this command to install vuetify
vue add vuetify
Then I saw my git changes like this
Two new dependencies have been installed in package.json.
At first glance, I thought vue.config.js has specified using these two, but it's content only have these code.
module.exports = {
"transpileDependencies": [
So, how does vue-cli know I've installed this new vuetify loader?
Does it automatically pick those up?
After running vue add vuetify choose Vuetify 3 if you are using Vue 3:
vuetify-loader is a treeshaking plugin for Webpack. It gets installed automatically when you install Vuetify using "vue add vuetify".
So, vuetify-loader is used by Webpack for treeshaking the Vuetify components to only include the ones that you imported in your app. This way Webpack should be able to lower your build size by importing only the required components, and not all the Vuetify components.
See Vuetify Treeshaking
And this is the vuetify-loader project on Github

Does vue-native support working with SCSS?

I'm trying to use SCSS to style my elements in vue-native project. I just created a fresh project and ran it with Expo and it ran just fine. Then in my App.vue I tried to change <style> to <style scoped lang='scss'> and my app crashed.
I didn't find anything about SCSS in vue-native documentation. So I tried to follow the vue.js docs, I installed sass-loader with npm install -D sass-loader sass, installed fibers... and my app couldn't compile.
So does vue-native support working with SCSS at all? And if it does - how? What did I do wrong?
Vue native is just a wrapper for React Native. React Native doesn't support CSS or SCSS as it has its own StyleSheet system as you are writing native code and styling.
In response to your comment, vue native compiles css-like styles to react native styling, so you can still use vue-native instead of directly writing JS!

How to allow edit *.Vue component in Laravel

Please I have not work with Vue before, please can anyone help me? I have Laravel code with Vue. I want to edit *.vue component such as navbar.vue but when add or remove anything and save there is no action in html (in browser)
Install and configure webpack to compile you vue files. If its already install, then do npm run watch to compile vue files to see your changes
