gcc Auto-Vectorization - Understanding output messages - gcc

I'm currently trying to understand the output of the gcc Vectorizer.
I compiled my program using -O2 -ftree-vectorize -fopt-info-vec-all and gcc 8.2.0.
However, I do not understand, what is meant by some of the output messages, and cannot seem to find explanations on the internet.
What is meant by PHI in the following examples?
test.c:14: note: Analyze phi: i_53 = PHI <i_18(7), 0(5)>
test.c:14: note: Access function of PHI: {1024, +, 4294967295}_2
And what is the problem here?
test.c:5: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
(I'm not looking for help in solving the issues atm, just trying to understand what they are in the first place)

As to your first question, Phi or 𝛷 functions are a concept in compiler design. At this stage it appears the compiler is expressing your program in static single assignment form, in which every variable can only be written once, and 𝛷 functions are used to select values from among different variables which may not all exist at a given point in a program.
See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/SSA.html for a gcc-specific description.
I don't know the answer to your second question.


Writing custom GCC language front-end

Is there a way to write a front-end for my own, invented language?
Let's say I know regular expressions, yacc, lex and stuff, I want only to know how to bind it to existing GCC. I want something like:
%% This is a comment
%% This is source of XD programming language
troll x = 1; %% 'troll' is an automatically guessed type
x+laugh[]; %% Will print some laughs and format the hard drive
Here, the + represents C/C++ structure/class member operator, the square brackets are function call arguments. Semicolon means the same as in C.
How could I bind it so that if i entered
gcc -o app app.troll
it would compile my code, possibly with a similar C intermediate (anyways, the comments would probably be absent):
// The type has been guessed... It's int!!!
int x = 1;
// We can't call a method on an `int`, so we make it an external one
__trollvm_laugh_int (x);
And finally, it would be converted to GENERIC/GIMPLE, optimized and dumped to assembly.
I have seen two approaches:
G++ (GNU C++ Compiler, part of GCC). It compiles directly to GENERIC/GIMPLE
GPC (GNU Pascal Compiler) - translates code to C, then eventually calls GCC
If anyone knows anything, please let me know. Any help appreciated.

Intel Fortran to GNU Fortran Conversion [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on a custom CFD Solver written in Fortran 90 and MPI.
The code contain 15+ Modules and was initially designed to work with the Intel Fortran compiler. Now since i do not have access to the Intel compiler I need to make it work using the GNU Fortran Compiler.
I made changes in the Makefile that initially had flags suitable for the ifort.
I am using it on Ubuntu with GNU Fortran and Openmpi
I am sorry I am unable to put in anything from the code structure or terminal output due to IP restrictions of my university. Nevertheless,I will try to best describe the issues
So now when I compile the code I am having some strange issues.
The GNU Fortran is not able to read lines that are too long and I get errors during compilation. As a result I have to break it into multiple lines using the '&' symbol
A module D.f90 contains all the Global variables declared. However, now I during compilation i get error is in module B.F90.
The error I get is 'Unclassified Statement Error', I was able to fix it in some subroutines and functions by locally declaring the variables again.
I am not the most experienced person in Fortran, but I thought that the change in compiler should not be a reason for new found syntax errors.
The errors described above so far could be remedied but considering the expanse of the code it is impractical.
I was hoping if anyone could share views on this matter and provide guidance on how to tackle it.
You should start reading three pieces of documentation:
The Fortran 90 standard (alternatively, other versions), which tells you what is legal, standard Fortran and what is not. Whenever you find some error, look at your code and check if what you are doing is legal, standard Fortran. Likely, the code in question will either be completely nonstandard (e.g. REAL*8, although that extension is fairly well understood) or rely on unspecified behaviour that Intel Fortran and GFortran are interpreting in different ways.
The GFortran manual for your version, which tells you how GFortran decides such unspecified cases, what intrinsic functions are available, how to change some options/flags, etc. This would tell you that your problem with the line lengths would be solved by adding -ffree-line-length-none.
The Intel Fortran manual for your version, which in cases of non-standard or unspecified behaviour, will allow you to know what the code you are reading was written to do, e.g. the behaviour that you would expect. In particular, it will allow you to decipher what the compiler flags that are currently being used mean. They may or may not need translation to GFortran, e.g. /Qsave will need to become -f-no-automatic.
A concrete example of interpretative differences within the range allowed be the standard: until Fortran 2003, the units for the "record length" in random access record files were left unspecified. Intel Fortran used "one machine word" (4 bytes in x86) while GFortran used 1 byte. Both were compliant with the standard letter, but incompatible.
Furthermore, even when coding "to standard", you may hit a wall if the compiler does not implement part of the Fnn standard, or it is buggy. Case in point: Intel Fortran 12.0 (old, but it's what I work with) does not the implement the ALLOCATE(y, SOURCE=x) construct for polymorphic x (the "clone allocation"). On the other hand, GFortran has not completely implemented FINAL type-bound procedures (destructors).
In both cases, you will need to find workarounds. For example, for the first issue you can use a special form of the INQUIRE statement (kudos to #haraldkl). In other cases, the workaround might even involve using some kind of feature detection (see autoconf, CMake, etc.) and storing the results as PARAMETER variables in a config.f90 file that is included by your code. Your code would then take decisions based on it, as in:
! config.f90.in (things in #x# would get subtituted by automake, for example)
! Some other file which opens a file
INCLUDE "config.f90"
OPEN(u, FILE='DE430.BIN', ACCESS='direct', FORM='unformatted', RECL=56 / RECORD_LEN_BYTES)
People have been having complaints about following the standard since at least the 60s. But those cDEC$ features were put in a for good reasons...
It is valuable to cross compile though and you usually have things caught in one compiler or the other.
For you question #1 "The GNU Fortran is not able to read lines that are too long and I get errors during compilation. As a result I have to break it into multiple lines using the '&' symbol"
In the days of old there was:
In fort it is -132, but I have not found a gfortran equivalent to -132 . It may be -ffixed-line-length-n -ffixed-line-length-none -ffree-line-length-n -ffree-line-length-none per the link: http://www.math.uni-leipzig.de/~hellmund/Vorlesung/gfortran.html#SEC8
Also the ifort standard for .f90 and .f95 is the the compiler switch '-free' '-fixed' is the standard <.f90... However one can use -fixed with .f90 and use column 6 and 'D' in column #1... Which is handy with '-D_lines' or '-DD'.
Per the link: https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/m/f/8/5/8/0/6366-ifort.txt
For you question #2: "A module D.f90 contains all the Global variables declared. However, now I during compilation i get error is in module B.F90. The error I get is 'Unclassified Statement Error', I was able to fix it in some subroutines and functions by locally declaring the variables again."
You probably need to put in the offending line, if you can get an IP waiver.
Making variables local if they are expected to be shared in a /common/ or shared in a module will not work.
If there were in /common/ or PUBLIC then they are shared.
If they are local then they are PRIVATE.
it would be easy to get that error if a PRIVATE statement was in the wrong place, or a USE statement was omitted.

Find write statement in Fortran

I'm using Fortran for my research and sometimes, for debugging purposes, someone will insert in the code something like this:
write(*,*) 'Variable x:', varx
The problem is that sometimes it happens that we forget to remove that statement from the code and it becomes difficult to find where it is being printed. I usually can get a good idea where it is by the name 'Variable x' but it sometimes happens that that information might no be present and I just see random numbers showing up.
One can imagine that doing a grep for write(*,*) is basically useless so I was wondering if there is an efficient way of finding my culprit, like forcing every call of write(*,*) to print a file and line number, or tracking stdout.
Thank you.
Intel's Fortran preprocessor defines a number of macros, such as __file__ and __line__ which will be replaced by, respectively, the file name (as a string) and line number (as an integer) when the pre-processor runs. For more details consult the documentation.
GFortran offers similar facilities, consult the documentation.
Perhaps your compiler offers similar capabilities.
As has been previously implied, there's no Fortran--although there may be a compiler approach---way to change the behaviour of the write statement as you want. However, as your problem is more to do with handling (unintentionally produced) bad code there are options.
If you can't easily find an unwanted write(*,*) in your code that suggests that you have many legitimate such statements. One solution is to reduce the count:
use an explicit format, rather than list-directed output (* as the format);
instead of * as the output unit, use output_unit from the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env.
[Having an explicit format for "proper" output is a good idea, anyway.]
If that fails, use your version control system to compare an old "good" version against the new "bad" version. Perhaps even have your version control system flag/block commits with new write(*,*)s.
And if all that still doesn't help, then the pre-processor macros previously mentioned could be a final resort.

C++11 attributes stored with debug information?

Its a bit of an odd question.. Does anyone know if g++ 4.8 and above stores C++11 attributes with debug symbols ?
I'm thinking about writing a g++ plugin to add "user defined attributes" to g++ and was looking for example code showing the "tried and true" way to extract attributes from the g++ ast.
Sorry for the general question, I was having trouble tracking down the specific function in the gnu compiler source.
I'm asking the question to help decide whether to keep looking or starting new.
Apparently, it neither puts implementation-defined nor user-defined attributes into the debug symbols. Of course, it doesn't mean that you cannot modify the source of the compiler to make it happen.
Perhaps this may be of interest to you.

Boost pretty print for GCC error messages

I'm using GCC 4.7.2. My code is rather heavy on template, STL and boost usage. When I compile and there is an error in some class or function that is derived from or uses some boost/STL functionality, I get error messages showing spectacularly hideous return types and/or function arguments for my classes/function.
My question:
Is there a prettyprint type of thing for GCC warnings/errors containing boost/STL types, so that the return types shown in error messages correspond to what I've typed in the code, or at least, become more intelligible?
I have briefly skimmed through this question, however, that is about GDB rather than GCC...
I've also come across this pretty printer in Haskell, but that just seems to add structure, not take away (mostly) unneeded detail...
Any other suggestions?
I asked a similar question, where someone suggested I try gccfilter. It's a Perl script that re-formats the output of g++ and colorizes it, shortens it, hides full pathnames, and lots more.
Actually, that suggestion answers this question really well too: it's capable of hiding unneeded detail and pretty-printing both STL and boost types. So: I'll leave this here as an answer too.
The only drawback I could see is that g++ needs to be called from within the script (i.e., piping to it is not possible at the time). I suspect that's easily fixed, and in any case, it's a relatively minor issue.
You could try STLfilt as mentioned in 'C++ Template Metaprogramming' by David Abrahms & Alesky Gurtovoy.
The book contains a chapter on template message diagnostics. It suggests using the STLFilt /showback:N to eliminate compiler backtrace material in order to get simplified output.
