Docker multi-stage build not running all stages - spring-boot

I am trying to build an image from this Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:14-slim-buster AS builder
WORKDIR application
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} application.jar
RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar application.jar extract
FROM openjdk:14-slim-buster
WORKDIR application
COPY --from=builder application/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/resources/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/application/ ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]
The problem is it never reaches the second stage. I can see the total steps in the counter when the image is being built, but it just stops and executes this as a new container which is running the actual application
RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar application.jar extract

To answer my own question, it was happening because of the Spring Boot version which was not ready to handle multistage builds, but after upgrading the service to 2.3.x i can build.

I think it is because of the Jar file not in supported form.
That's why jarmode can't process it.
Jarmode is a special system used to extracting Layered Jars.
You can check out: for detail info.


My spring boot application was running fine but when I dockerized it I got File not Found error

I don't know what I'm getting this error when I dockerized my spring-boot application
this is my Dockerfile
enter image description here
First, I wonder is your application working on your IDE?
Second, I think you make sure to build and package.
It is not sure to exists a jar file in your target folder.
You always have to build and check by yourself.
Make the build process automatic.
How about using this Dockerfile?
FROM maven:3.8.6-openjdk-18-slim as MAVEN_BUILD
WORKDIR /build
COPY pom.xml .
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline
COPY src ./src
RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
FROM openjdk:18-alpine
COPY --from=MAVEN_BUILD /build/target/${JAR_FILE} ./app.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
If maven or openjdk version not matched, check this site.
In your Spring Boot application, from what I can see your BookingController is missing. Make sure you have the file present and build your image accordingly.
For your Dockerfile, try to change add to ADD, as it seems your target files are not been copied into the image built.

Should I build my gradle project using the Dockerfile

I'm reading about dockerization of Spring Boot applications and all (or almost all) tutorials are based on some simple Dockerfile like
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
It usually work (however you may need to change some build target paths) but as far as I understand it requires us to build the application jar before the docker build command will be run.
I'm actually working with Gradle but for the Maven, I guess, it looks the same.
My question is: is it good convention?
If I'll download some repostitory and run docker build, regardless having proper Dockerfile, it will fail because there is no target/*.jar file (at least if someone did not commit the /build directory :P).
Should we then include some ./gradlew build commands in the Dockerfile?
you should use this project
jar_path=$(find . |grep $APP_NAME|grep jar|grep -v original|grep -v repository|grep -v templates)
mv $jar_path ./app.jar

Creating Docker image with springboot layertools - does not find profile specific application properties

I am following the tutorial here and here on how to create a layered Docker image from my springboot backend. I end up with the following Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim as builder
WORKDIR application
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*-exec.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} application.jar
RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar application.jar extract
FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim
WORKDIR application
COPY --from=builder application/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/spring-boot-loader/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/application/ ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]
The problem is that when I run this in my docker-compose with a Spring profile TST, that it does not find I can see from the logs that Spring profile TST is active on startup, yet it only loads the properties from
As a sanity check I copied the properties from over to and rebuilt my image, which then worked fine (it connects to the database container etc).
I extracted the contents of my executable jar (which is the jar from line 3 in the Dockerfile) and can confirm that is present there. Anyone know what the issue is?
I found the answer and it's a really dumb one... The Spring profile is case sensitive, so
should become

Spring boot 2.4 Xmx On Layered Jar

How to configure Xmx and Xms with Spring Boot 2.4 onwards, as it has layer structure exploded in a docker image.
Conf file and jvm argument seems to be not straight option.
This can be done with setting the environment variable JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS.
# Passing JVM arguments as an environment variable for layered jar to pick up.
ENV JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -server" \
USER jboss
COPY --from=builder /home/jboss/app/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder /home/jboss/app/spring-boot-loader ./
COPY --from=builder /home/jboss/app/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder /home/jboss/app/application/ ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]

Packaging war file into docker image in multiple layers

I'm trying to put a Spring Boot application with war packaging into a docker image. The simplest way to get this can be using the following Dockerfile:
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:alpine-slim
COPY target/demo.war app.war
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/app.war"]
Following this approach I'm creating a big layer every time I change the project's source code. An alternative to this is to split the war into different docker layers as it is explained in this post:
However, I'm afraid this is only possible with jar packaging and not with war. Am I right?
Thanks in advance.
This is the way I get a multilayer docker image with a war applicaton.
First open the war file to find out which folders have to be copied to the image:
jar -xf youapp.war
In my project the war file is composed of these folders:
Based on this, I created the following Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine AS builder
WORKDIR target/dependency
ARG APPWAR=target/*.war
COPY ${APPWAR} app.war
RUN jar -xf ./app.war
RUN mv WEB-INF/lib-provided lib-provided
RUN mv WEB-INF/lib lib
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
ARG DEPENDENCY=target/dependency
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/lib /app/WEB-INF/lib
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/lib-provided /app/WEB-INF/lib-provided
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/org /app/org
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/resources /app/resources
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/META-INF /app/META-INF
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/WEB-INF /app/WEB-INF
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","/app/WEB-INF/classes:/app/WEB-INF/lib/*:/app/WEB-INF/lib-provided/*",""]
I hope it is useful.
Try using the Tomcat Docker image to deploy your warfile. For example:
FROM tomcat:latest
COPY target/demo.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
