How to query object with contains specific key in array in Graphql - graphql

I have object to query:
query demo {
demo {
name # string
words # array of strings
I am sending this query to API, property words is array of strings.
I would like to query all object which contains hello in words (array of strings) property.
It is possible on client side using for example #include ?
And how?

The #skip and #include directives are used to explicitly skip or include a particular field based on the provided if argument. They are normally used in conjunction with variables, so that the same document can be used to effectively generate queries with different selection sets (sets of fields) based on the provided variable.
For example, you can write a single query like this
query demo($includeName: Boolean!) {
demo {
name #include(if: $includeName)
and just pass in a different value for includeName instead of writing two separate queries:
query demoWithName {
demo {
query demoWithoutName {
demo {
GraphQL provides built-in mechanism for specifying which fields to return like fragments and the #skip and #include directives. It does not, however, have any built-in mechanism for filtering (or, for that matter, sorting, pagination, etc.). The server has to implement a way to filter fields by adding the appropriate arguments to fields and changing the field resolution logic to account for the values of those arguments.


Type of field for prefix search in Elastic Search

I'm confused on what index type I should apply for my field for prefix search, many show search_as_you_type but I think auto complete is not what I'm going for.
I have a UUID field:
id: 34y72ca1-3739-41ff-bbec-f6d17479384c
The following terms should return the doc above:
Using 3739 should not return it as it doesn't start with 3739. Initially this is what I was going for but then the wildcard field is not supported by Amazon AWS, so I compromise for prefix search instead of partial search.
I tried search_as_you_type field but it doesn't return the result when I use the whole ID. Actually, my use case is when user click enter, the results will be shown, instead of real-live when they type, so if speed is compromised its OK, just that I hope for something that will be good for many rows of data.
If you have not explicitly defined any index mapping, then you need to use id.keyword field instead of the id field for the prefix query to show the appropriate results. This uses the keyword analyzer instead of the standard analyzer
"query": {
"prefix": {
"id.keyword": {
"value": "34y72ca1"
Otherwise, you can modify your index mapping, by adding multi fields for id field

How to sort by totalCount in Gatsby?

I'm displaying a list of tags in Gatsby using this query:
query {
tags: allMarkdownRemark {
group(field: frontmatter___tags) {
At the moment it includes all the tags ever used. I want to limit the list to the top 10 most popular tags. In order to do this I need to sort them first by totalCount. How can I accomplish this?
I do not think that you can sort them and then limit them using just a graphql query. My process for this would be to query the entire list of tags just like you have it, and then use javascript after that to manipulate the list of objects. There is a post that covers how to sort a list just like the one you will get back from this here:
Sorting Objects by Property Values
This would then return an array, and you could loop over the array for the first ten objects.

Elastic Search - Tokenization and Multi Match query

I need to perform tokenization and multi match in a single query in Elastic Search.
1)I am using the analyzer to get the tokens like below
String text = // 4 line log data;
List<AnalyzeToken> analyzeTokenList = new ArrayList<AnalyzeToken>();
AnalyzeRequestBuilder analyzeRequestBuilder = this.client.admin().indices().prepareAnalyze();
for (String newIndex : newIndexes) {
Response analyzeResponse = analyzeRequestBuilder.get();
then, I will iterate through the AnalyzeToken and get the list of tokens,
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AnalyzeToken token : tokens)
tokens.addAll(token.getTerm().replaceAll("\\s+"," "));
then use the tokens and frame the multi-match query like below,
String query = "";
for(string data : tokens) {
query = query + data;
MultiMatchQueryBuilder multiMatchQueryBuilder = new MultiMatchQueryBuilder(query, "abstract", "title");
Iterable<Document> result =;
Based on the result, I am checking whether similar data exists in the database.
Is it possible to combine as single query - the analyze and multi match query as single query?
Any help is appreciated!
Problem Statement : Say I have 90 entries in one index, In which each 10 entries in that index are identical (not exactly but will have 70% match) so I will have 9 pairs.
I need to process only one entry in each pair, so I went in the following approach (which is not the good way - but as of now I end up with this approach)
Approach :
Get each entry from the 90 entries in the index
Tokenize using the analyzer (this removes the unwanted keywords)
Search in the same index (It checks whether the same kind of data is there in the index) and also filters the flag as processed. --> this flag will be updated after the first log gets processed.
If there is no flag available as processed for the similar kind of data (70% match) then I will process these logs and update the current log flag as processed.
If any data already exist with the flag as processed then I will consider this data is already processed and I will continue with the next one.
So Ideal goal is to, process only one data in the 10 unique entries.
Multi-match queries internally uses the match queries which are analyzed means they apply the same analyzer which is defined in the fields mapping(standard) if there is no analyzer defined.
From the multi-match query doc
The multi_match query builds on the match query to allow multi-field
Also, accepts analyzer, boost, operator, minimum_should_match,
fuzziness, lenient, as explained in match query.
So what you are trying to do is overkill, even if you want to change the analyzer(need different tokens during search time) then you can use the search analyzer instead of creating tokens and then using them in multi-match query.

ArangoSearch support for multiple fields search

Does ArangoSearch support search on multiple/all fields of a collection. I want to be able to search a text on all fields of a given collection. Does ArangoSearch support such a thing?
You can let a View index all fields (attributes) of your documents very easily:
"links": {
"yourCollection": {
"includeAllFields": true
In queries you need to be explicit about which fields to search in however:
FOR doc IN yourView
SEARCH doc.field1 == "foo" OR doc.field2 == "foo" OR doc.nested.field == "foo"
It is not possible (yet) to express this using a wildcard, like SEARCH doc.* == "foo". Possible workarounds are to maintain a separate attribute which combines the content of all the individual fields you want to search in (but you need to make sure that it stays in sync with the source attributes), or to use a query builder of sorts to generate a disjunction like above.

What is the difference between a field and a property in Elasticsearch?

I'm currently trying to understand the difference between fields ( and properties (
They are both somehow defined as a "subfield/subproperty" of a type/mapping property, both can have separate types and analyzers (as far as I understood it), both are accessed by the dot notation (mappingProperty.subField or
The docs are using the terms "field" and "property" randomly, I have the feeling, for example:
Type mappings, object fields and nested fields contain sub-fields,
called properties.
What is the difference between properties and (sub-)fields? How do I decide if I have a property or a field?
In other words, how do I decide if I use
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"myProperty": {
"properties": {
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"myProperty": {
"fields": {
Subfields are indexed from the parent property source. While sub-properties need to have a "real" value in the document's source.
If your source contains a real object, you need to create properties. Each property will correspond to a different value from your source.
If you only want to index the same value but with different analyzers then use subfields.
It is often useful to index the same field in different ways for
different purposes. This is the purpose of multi-fields. For instance,
a string field could be mapped as a text field for full-text search,
and as a keyword field for sorting or aggregations:
(sorry I find its hard to explain =| )
Note: This is an explanation from my current understanding. It may not be 100% accurate.
A property is what we used to call field in a RDBMS (a standard relationship db like MySQL). It stores properties of an object and provides the high-level structure for an index (which we can compare to a table in a relational DB).
A field, which is linked (or included) into the property concept, is a way to index that property using a specific analyzer.
So lets say you have:
One analyzer (A) to uppercase
One analyzer (B) to lowercase
One analyzer (C) to translate to Spanish (this doesn't even exist, just to give you an idea)
What an analyzer does is transform the input (the text on a property) into a series of tokens that will be indexed. When you do a search the same analyzer is used so the text is transformed into those tokens, it gives each one a score and then those tokens are used to grab documents from the index.
(A) Dog = DOG
(B) Dog = dog
(C) Dog = perro
To search using a specific field configuration you call it using a dot:
The text field uses the standard analyzer.
The text.english field uses the English analyzer.
So the fields basically allow you to perform searches using different token generation models.
