First of all, I'm a complete noob in three.js and currently struggled with detecting the hand of the controller. I want to achieve something like that:
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const controller = renderer.xr.getController(i);
console.debug(controller.hand); // 'left', 'right' ??
What is the best way to do this?
You can use XRInputSource.handedness. From the specification:
The handedness attribute describes which hand the XR input source is associated with, if any.
In three.js, input sources are mapped to controllers. Meaning you can evaluate the handedness like so:
controller.addEventListener( 'connected', ( event ) => {
console.log( );
} );
three.js r116
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question or not but I feel like I'm struggling to grasp something relatively simple and can't find any decent advice on it in relation to KorGE so if anyone can offer any assistance it would be much appreciated.
This is a a question that can relate to multiple things so I'll use a simple example to demonstrate.
Say I set up a solidRect and I want it to travel along the x coordinate by one on each update I might do something like this:
solidRect(16.0, 16.0, Colors.GREEN) {
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
addUpdater {
x += 1.0;
This will create a solid rectangle in the container of 16px by 16px at the position 0,0 and each update will then add 1 to the x position moving it across the screen. Now what I'd like to do is encapsulate this logic into a class in a separate file so I could do something along the lines of the following:
movingShape() {
x = 0.0,
y = 0.0,
My expectation being that this would create the same solid rect visible in the scene, position it a 0, 0 and then the updater would be contained within the class itself, so I can use this logic multiple times. However, whenever I do this either init the solidRect in the class or passing it through in the constructor the updater function fails to fire.
As a longer fully functioning example I'd want something along the lines of this:
suspend fun main() = Korge(width = 512.0, height=512.0, bgcolor = Colors["#2b2b2b"]) {
val sceneContainer = sceneContainer();
class MyScene : Scene() {
override suspend fun SContainer.sceneMain() {
movingShape() {
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
How would I implement the movingShape class in this example so it works kind of how I mentioned above?
Once again, sorry, if this seems like a trivial question or could be easily answered through some Kotlin. I'm relatively new to the language mainly coming from a Java / JS / PHP background. Any help would be appreciated here? I've tried to look for a good example of this but so far have turned up empty.
I have a basic three.js game working and I'd like to add particles. I've been searching online, including multiple questions here, and the closest I've come to getting a 'particle system' working is using a THREE.BufferGeometry, a THREE.BufferAttribute and a THREE.Points mesh. I set it up like this:
const particleMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial( { size: 10, map: particleTexture, blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, transparent: true } );
const particlesGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry;
const particlesCount = 300;
const posArray = new Float32Array(particlesCount * 3);
for (let i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++) {
posArray[i] = Math.random() * 10;
const particleBufferAttribute = new THREE.BufferAttribute(posArray, 3);
particlesGeometry.setAttribute( 'position', particleBufferAttribute );
const particlesMesh = new THREE.Points(particlesGeometry, particleMaterial);
particlesMesh.counter = 0;
This part works and displays the particles fine, at their initial positions, but of course I'd like to move them.
I have tried all manner of things, in my 'animate' function, but I am not happening upon the right combination. I'd like to move particles, ideally one vertex per frame.
The current thing I'm doing in the animate function - which does not work! - is this:
particleBufferAttribute.setXYZ( particlesMesh.counter, objects[0].position.x, objects[0].position.y, objects[0].position.z );
particlesGeometry.setAttribute( 'position', particleBufferAttribute );
//posArray[particlesMesh.counter] = objects[0].position;
particlesMesh.counter ++;
if (particlesMesh.counter > particlesCount) {
particlesMesh.counter = 0;
If anyone has any pointers about how to move Points mesh vertices, that would be great.
Alternatively, if this is not at all the right approach, please let me know.
I did find Stemkoski's ShaderParticleEngine, but I could not find any information about how to make it work (the docs are very minimal and do not seem to include examples).
You don't need to re-set the attribute, but you do need to tell the renderer that the attribute has changed.
particleBufferAttribute.setXYZ( particlesMesh.counter, objects[0].position.x, objects[0].position.y, objects[0].position.z );
particleBufferAttribute.needsUpdate = true; // This is the kicker!
By setting needsUpdate to true, the renderer knows to re-upload that attribute to the GPU.
This might not be concern for you, but just know that moving particles in this way is expensive, because you re-upload the position attribute every single frame, which includes all the position data for every particle you aren't moving.
I am using bullet/ammo.js with three.js. I have a 3d mesh and I want to use the exact shape for collision detection with a soft body. Is there a way I can create a 3d rigid body (in bullet) from a mesh (in three.js)?
Here is an example: (please wait a second for the 3d model to download). I have a cloth falling on a 3d body and I need to simulate collision of this cloth with the body.
I am new to these frameworks sorry if I fundamentally misunderstood something.
It looks like you can do some work to turn an arbitrary Three.js mesh into a Bullet concave mesh. This is supported by Physi.js, which is a plug and play solution to link Three.js directly to ammo.js. I personally wouldn't recommend using the project (Physi.js) but you can look at the source code to see how they implement concave meshes.
First they loop over the geometry to create a custom list of "triangle" data objects on these lines of physi.js
for ( i = 0; i < geometry.faces.length; i++ ) {
face = geometry.faces[i];
if ( face instanceof THREE.Face3) {
Then these triangles are passed off to Ammo.js to make a new Ammo.btBvhTriangleMeshShape on these lines:
for ( i = 0; i < description.triangles.length; i++ ) {
triangle_mesh.addTriangle( _vec3_1, _vec3_2, _vec3_3, true );
shape = new Ammo.btBvhTriangleMeshShape( triangle_mesh, true, true );
This should be a good starting point for building your own Ammo.js custom mesh.
There are lots of threads around the web, that Physijs Concave mesh does not work with collission. It seems, that btBvhTriangleMeshShape is not intended to work with collission in ammo.js, as I found out searching for that topic in bullet related forums.
What worked for me, is btConvexHullShape:
var triangle, triangle_mesh = new Ammo.btTriangleMesh;
var btConvexHullShape = new Ammo.btConvexHullShape();
var _vec3_1 = new Ammo.btVector3(0,0,0);
var _vec3_2 = new Ammo.btVector3(0,0,0);
var _vec3_3 = new Ammo.btVector3(0,0,0);
for ( i = 0; i < triangles.length; i++ ) {
triangle = triangles[i];
return btConvexHullShape;
In the process of learning physic based 3d with threejs, I also want to mention the following best practice: when using complex models, create a low poly model that you can push to that converter function instead of the original model, or you will encounter a stack overflow.
I have two different threejs scenes and each has its own camera. I can control each camera individually with a corresponding TrackballControls instance.
Is there a reliable way to 'lock' or 'bind' these controls together, so that manipulating one causes the same camera repositioning in the other? My current approach is to add change listeners to the controls and update both cameras to either's change, but this isn't very neat as, for one, both controls can be changing at once (due to dampening).
I believe it should work if you set the matrices of the second camera to the values of the first and disable automatic matrix-updates of both cameras:
camera2.matrix = camera1.matrix;
camera2.projectionMatrix = camera1.projectionMatrix;
camera1.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
camera2.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
But now you need to update the matrix manually in your renderloop:
That call will take the values for position, rotation and scale (that have been updated by the controls) and compose them into camera1.matrix, which per assignment before is also used as the matrix for the second camera.
However, this feels a bit hacky and can lead to all sorts of weird problems. I personally would probably prefer the more explicit approach you have already implemented.
Question is why are you even using two camera- and controls-instances? As long as the camera isn't added to the scene you can just render both scenes using the same camera.
Is it possible to use the Observer or Publisher design patterns to control these objects?
It seems that you are manipulating the cameras with a control. You might create an object that has the same control interface, but when you pass a command to the object, it repeats that same command to each of the subscribed or registered cameras.
/* psuedo code : es6 */
class MasterControl {
this.camera_bindings = [];
for( var camera of this.camera_bindings ){
control_action2( arg1, arg2 ){
for( var camera of this.camera_bindings ){
camera.control_action2( arg1, arg2 );
bindCamera( camera ){
if( this.camera_bindings.indexOf( camera ) === -1 ){
this.camera_bindings.push( camera );
var master = new MasterControl();
master.bindCamera( camera1 );
master.bindCamera( camera2 );
master.bindCamera( camera3 );
let STEP_X = -5;
let STEP_Y = 10;
//the following command will send the command to all three cameras
master.control_action2( STEP_X, STEP_Y );
This binding is self created rather than using native three.js features, but it is easy to implement and can get you functional quickly.
Note: I wrote my psuedocode in es6, because it is simpler and easy to communicate. You can write it in es5 or older, but you must change the class definition into a series of functional object definitions that create the master object and its functionality.
I'm confused.
I've made a group of 10 sprites and added them to a THREE.Object3D() called fireworkGroup. I have another Object3D called explode. The tween loops through the sprites changing them from their initial position to explode.position.
for ( var i = 0; i < fireworkGroup.children.length; i ++ )
explode.position.x =(Math.random() - 0.5)*4;
explode.position.y =4;
explode.position.z =2;
var tweenLaunch = new TWEEN.Tween(fireworkGroup.children[i].position).to(explode.position, 4000).easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.In);
The tween is moving all the sprites from their start position to the same end position. So I thought this might be because "tweenLaunch" is being overwritten with a different explode.position each time as the tween is rendered so I'm only seeing the last one created in the loop. When I refresh the page they do all move to a different position, consistent with the Math.random().
But then why do all the sprites move to the explode.position? If "tweenLaunch" is being overwritten then why is it not moving only the last sprite?
Is it possible to have a loop with a tween in it that also changes?
Many Thanks.
I've managed to work out what was wrong by reading around the subject on Stackoverflow questions and answers, looking at a great particle example by stemkoski then trial and error.
I used console.log to look at explode.position that I was using as the second position in the tween. It wasn't holding the values I wanted (a different Math.random on each loop).
So I created fireworkAttributes:
fireworkAttributes = { startPosition: [], explodePosition: [], nextPosition: [] };
and then cloned the sprite position in the function that created the sprites using:
fireworkAttributes.explodePosition.push( sprite.position.clone() );
then looped it in it's own function:
for (var i = 0; i < fireworkGroup.children.length; i++)
fireworkAttributes.explodePosition[i].x = (Math.random() - 0.5)*4;
fireworkAttributes.explodePosition[i].y = 4;
fireworkAttributes.explodePosition[i].z = 2;
then changed the code in the original question to:
for ( var a = 0; a < fireworkGroup.children.length; a ++ )
//need to use this new object as tweening to fireworkAttributes.explodePosition[a] does not work
explodeSite.position = fireworkAttributes.explodePosition[a];
var tweenLaunch = new TWEEN.Tween(fireworkGroup.children[a].position).to(explodeSite.position, 4000).easing( TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.In);
There may be a more elegant way to do this and I will be working to clean up the code where possible but this does work.