How to update a column based on count of another column from another table using any condition in visual foxpro? - visual-foxpro

Close Databases
Cd e:\ksv\Data
Use ohd IN 0 shared
Use cus IN 0 shared
SELECT * FROM cus inTO TABLE tempcus
ALTER table tempcus ADD COLUMN totalsold int
UPDATE tempcus SET totalsold=RECCOUNT(ohd.status='5') WHERE tempcus.customer=ohd.customer
I have tried the above code and i am getting an error saying invalid table number , can someone help me with this.

RECCOUNT() function only gives you a record count for a workarea# or alias, e.g. RECCOUNT("ohd") will give total record count of ohd table.
You want something like:
SELECT COUNT(*) totalsold,cus.customer FROM cus JOIN ohd ON cus.customer=ohd.customer WHERE ohd.cstatus='5' INTO CURSOR cur GROUP BY cus.customer

In VFP, there is a REPLACE command which allows you to replace one or more fields based on whatever values, even if variable results from other queries... or fixed values. Ex: This works on whatever table is the current selected work area and whatever row it is on, unless you apply a scope clause (for condition).
Sample only for context of REPLACE command
use SomeOtherTable in 0 shared
select SomeOtherTable
replace SomeNumberField with 1.234, SomeStringField with 'Hello', etc...
or with condition (bogus, just to show you can apply to multiple rows.
replace SomeNumberField with SomeNumberField * 3 for StatusField = 'X'
Now, back to your original content. It appears you are trying to get a result temporary table with a total number of records from the OHD table where the status = 5. VFP allows you to run SQL-Select into temporary read-write "cursor" tables, that when closed will delete themselves, yet allows them to be modified (such as browse, or other direct manipulation such as with REPLACE command).
You can get the counts you are looking for with a left-join to a query result set. To help you see the pieces individually, I will do in steps so you can follow, then join into one final.
First, you want a count of all records in the OHD table with status = 5 per customer... the "o" and "c" are ALIAS references in the SQL queries below
Close Databases
Cd e:\ksv\Data
Use ohd IN 0 shared
Use cus IN 0 shared
select ;
o.customer, ;
count(*) NumberOfRecords ;
from ;
OHD o ;
where ;
o.status = '5' ;
group by ;
o.customer ;
into ;
cursor C_JustCountsPerCustomer READWRITE
The "into cursor" part above will create a workable table and give it the name of "C_JustCountsPerCustomer". I have always tried to use "C_" as a prefix to the table name for the sole purpose to know it is a temporary "CURSOR" result and not a real final table, but that is just my historical naming convention applied.
Now, if you did a browse of this result, you would see each customer's ID and how many with status = '5'. The resulting table "cursor" is like any other table opened and you could index as you need and browse, etc. But this only will give records that HAD status of '5'. But you could have more customers that never had a '5' status record.
Now, getting all your customers and their respective counts into one result table "cursor". I can take the above query and use within a SQL-Select via a LEFT-JOIN meaning, give me everything from the first table (left-side), regardless of a matching record found in the second table (right-side). But if there is a match to the right side, give me those values too.
select ;
c.*, ;
NVL( C_tmpResult.NumberOfRecords, 0000 ) as NumberOfRecords ;
CUS c ;
(select ;
o.customer, ;
count(*) NumberOfRecords ;
from ;
OHD o ;
where ;
o.status = '5' ;
group by ;
o.customer ) C_tmpResult ;
ON ;
c.customer = C_tmpResult.customer ;
into ;
cursor C_CusWithCounts readwrite
So, you can see the left-join uses the first query to get the counts, but the primary part of the query gets records from the customer table (alias "c") and is joined on the common customer id column. The "NVL()" states if there IS a value in the C_tmpResult table for the given customer, grab that. If not, assume a count of 0. Yes, I explicitly have 0000 to force a minimum final width to 4 digits in the result in case the first customer does not have any and it make the column only 1 digit wide.
Anyhow, at the end, you would have your result temporary table (cursor) with the customer information AND the count I think you are looking for. You should be able to do a browse and good to go.


can't display table in multiple textbox

I must go through the records of a table and display them in multiple textboxes
I am using the table with four different alias to have four workareas on the same table and have four record pointers.
USE Customers ALIAS customers1
USE customers AGAIN ALIAS customers2
USE customers AGAIN ALIAS customers3
USE customers AGAIN ALIAS customers4
Thisform.TxtNomCli.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtIdent.ControlSource = "customers.identify"
Thisform.TxtAddress.ControlSource = "customers.address"
Thisform.TxtTele.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtNomCli2.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtIdent2.ControlSource = "customers2.identify"
Thisform.TxtDirec2.ControlSource = "customers2.address"
Thisform.TxtTele2.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtNomCli3.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtIdent3.ControlSource = "customers3.identify"
Thisform.TxtDirec3.ControlSource = "customers3.address"
Thisform.TxtTele3.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtNomCli4.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.TxtIdent4.ControlSource = "customers4.identify"
Thisform.TxtDirec4.ControlSource = "customers4.address"
Thisform.TxtTele4.ControlSource = ""
how to go through the records of the table, that in customers is in the first record, customers2 in the second record, customers3 in the third record and customers4 in the fourth record of the table?
How do I make each row of the textbox show the corresponding row of the table?
I would SQL Select id + whatever other fields you need into four cursors:
select id, identifica, nombre, direccion, telefono from customers ;
into cursor customers1 nofilter readwrite
select id, identifica, nombre, direccion, telefono from customers;
into cursor customers2 nofilter readwrite
* repeat for 3 and 4
Then set your ControlSources() to the cursors, not the base table. If you need to update records you can use the id of the modified record in the cursor to update the correct record in the base table.
You could simply use SET RELATION to achieve what you want. However, in your current code you are not really using 4 aliases. You are reopening the same table with a different alias in the same workarea and you would end up with a single table with alias Customers4. To do that correctly, you need to add "IN 0" clause to your USE commands. ie:
USE customers ALIAS customers1
USE customers IN 0 AGAIN ALIAS customers2
USE customers IN 0 AGAIN ALIAS customers3
USE customers IN 0 AGAIN ALIAS customers4
SELECT customers1
RECNO()+1 INTO Customers2, ;
RECNO()+2 INTO Customers3, ;
RECNO()+3 INTO Customers4 IN Customers1
With this setup, as you move the pointer in Customers1 it would move in all other 3 aliases accordingly (note that there is no order set).
Having said these, now you should think why you need to do this? Maybe having another control like a grid is the way to go? Or using an array might be a better way to control this? ie: With an array:
USE (_samples+'data\customer') ALIAS customers
LOCAL ARRAY laCustomers[4]
FOR ix=1 TO 4
GO m.ix
SCATTER NAME laCustomers[m.ix]
? laCustomers[1].Cust_id, laCustomers[2].Cust_id, laCustomers[3].Cust_id, laCustomers[4].Cust_id
With this approach, you could set your controlsources to be laCustomers[1].Identify, laCustomers[1].name and so on. While saving back to data, you would go to related record and do a GATHER. That would be all.
First you need to think about what you really want to do.


Currently the code looks something like this:
LOOP AT lt_orders ASSIGNING <fs_order>.
FROM order_items
INTO <fs_order>-cnt
WHERE order_id = <fs_order>-order_id.
It is the slowest part of the report. I want to speed it up.
How can I use FOR ALL ENTRIES with GROUP BY?
Check the documentation. You can't use GROUP BY. Maybe in this case, you could try selecting your items with FAE outside of the loop, then count them using a parallel cursor:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_result,
vbeln TYPE vbeln,
cnt TYPE i.
TYPES: END OF ty_result.
DATA: lt_headers TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_result WITH UNIQUE KEY vbeln,
lv_tabix TYPE sy-tabix VALUE 1.
"get the headers
"get corresponding items
SELECT vbeln, posnr FROM vbap FOR ALL ENTRIES IN #lt_headers
WHERE vbeln EQ #lt_headers-vbeln
ORDER BY vbeln, posnr
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_items).
IF <i>-vbeln NE <h>-vbeln.
lv_tabix = sy-tabix.
<h>-cnt = <h>-cnt + 1.
Or join header/item with a distinct count on the item id (whichever column that would be in your table).
You should be able to do something like
SELECT COUNT(order_item_id) AS cnt, order_id
FROM order_items
GROUP BY order_id.
Assuming that order_item_id is a key in the order_items table. And assuming that lt_count has two fields: cnt of type int8 and order_id of same type as your other order_id fields
PS: then you can loop over lt_count and move the counts to lt_orders. Or the other way around. To speed up the loop, sort one of the tables and use READ ... BINARY SEARCH
I did with table KNB1 (customer master in company code), where we have customers, which are created in several company codes.
Please note, because of FOR ALL ENTRIES you have to SELECT the full key.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_knb1,
kunnr TYPE knb1-kunnr,
count TYPE i,
END OF ty_knb1.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_knb1_fae,
kunnr TYPE knb1-kunnr,
END OF ty_knb1_fae.
DATA: lt_knb1_fae TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_knb1_fae.
DATA: lt_knb1 TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_knb1
DATA: ls_knb1 TYPE ty_knb1.
DATA: ls_knb1_db TYPE knb1.
lt_knb1_fae = VALUE #( ( kunnr = ... ) ). "add at least one customer which is created in several company codes
ls_knb1-count = 1.
SELECT kunnr bukrs
FROM knb1
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_knb1_fae
WHERE kunnr EQ lt_knb1_fae-kunnr.
ls_knb1-kunnr = ls_knb1_db-kunnr.
COLLECT ls_knb1 INTO lt_knb1.
Create a range table for your lt_orders, like lt_orders_range.
Do select order_id, count( * ) where order_id in lt_orders_range.
If you think this is too much to create a range table, you will save a lot of performance by running just one select for all orders instead of single select for each order id.
Not directly, only through a CDS view
While all of the answers provide a faster solution than the one in the question, the fastest way is not mentioned.
If you have at least Netweaver 7.4, EHP 5 (and you should, it was released in 2014), you can use CDS views, even if you are not on HANA.
It still cannot be done directly, as OpenSQL does not allow FOR ALL ENTRIES with GROUP BY, and CDS views cannot handle FOR ALL ENTRIES. However, you can create one of each.
#AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zorder_i_fae'
DEFINE VIEW zorder_items_fae AS SELECT FROM order_items {
count( * ) AS cnt,
GROUP BY order_id
FROM zorder_items_fae
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_order_cnt)
WHERE order_id = #lt_orders-order_id.
If lt_orders contains more than about 30% of all possible order_id values from table ORDER_ITEMS, the answer from iPirat is faster. (While using more memory, obviously)
However, if you need only a couple hunderd order_id values out of millions, this solution is about 10 times faster than any other answer, and 100 times faster than the original.

Data Calculation for joining two tables

I am studying Foxpro to create a simple application for manipulating data from two tables A and B (size of tableB >> size of tableA). The data from an Excel spreadsheet is imported into these two tables.
id balance load state
1 10 null l
2 22 null l
3 31 null l
Load id id ord fact type 1st value rounded value state
1 1 1 0.09 1 null null l
2 1 2 0.02 0 null null l
3 1 3 0.13 1 null null l
4 1 4 -0.05 0 null null l
5 2 1 0.01 1 null null l
6 2 2 0.092 1 null null l
7 2 3 0.03 0 null null l
8 3 1 0.14 1 null null l
9 3 2 0.12 0 null null l
10 3 3 -0.02 0 null null l
My friend wants me to write a Foxpro code to do the following things: first, create empty tableA and tableB containing the columns shown above. Each columns will be loaded by (hundreds of thousands) of data from an excel spreadsheet everyday. Second, for each unique id, the code updates the 3 columns 1st value, rounded value and load with given formulas:
1st value[i] = If(Type[i]=0, load[i-1]*fact[i], load[i-1]*fact[i]/(1-fact[i]))
1st value[1] = If(Type[1]=0, balance[1]*fact[1], balance[1]*fact[1]/(1-fact[1]))
rounded value[i] = If(1st value[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
load[i+1] = load[i] + rounded value[i+1] (i >= 1)
load[1] = balance[1] + rounded value[1]
I think I have to create a table like the following to store the calculation above for this step:
Calculation Table
balance id ord 1st value rounded value load
10 1 1 0.989 0.90 10.9 (= 10 + 0.9)
10.9 1 2 0.218 0.20 11.1 (= 10.9 + 0.2)
11.1 1 3 1.658 1.60 12.7 (= 11.1 + 1.6)
11.06 1 4 -0.635 -0.64 11.06 (=12.7 + (-0.64))
Desired output
Using results in Calculation Table, we update the original tableA and tableB as follows:
Load id id ord 1st value rounded value state
1 1 1 0.989 0.90 calculated
2 1 2 0.218 0.20 calculated
3 1 3 1.658 1.60 calculated
4 1 4 -0.635 -0.64 calculated
5 2 1 ... .... calculated
6 2 2 ... .... calculated
tableA (Note: for each value in `load id`, the `load` column only stores the **last** value in the `calculation` table which corresponds to maximum `ord`)
id balance load state
1 10 9.5 calculated
2 22 ... calculated
3 31 ... calculated
Can anyone please help me with the syntax for creating tableB, computing and store results for columns 1st value, rounded value and load into a calculation table with Inner Join function on id column between tableA and tableB , and update tableB?
My attempt:
First step (Creating two tables A and B with column fields shown above)
( id int, ;
balance double, ;
load C(240), ;
state C(240), ;)
( Load id int, ;
id int, ;
ord int, ;
fact double, ;
type binary (not sure....) ;
1st value C(240),;
rounded value C(240), ;
state C(240), ;)
(adding as another answer just because others got too long to read)
can you try your code with this dataset
( to see if
you will get the two output tables from your code, each similar to the
one shown in the previous Excel worksheet I uploaded for you?
I downloaded that spreadsheet and here is what I needed to change:
Your ranges were C8:F35 and H8:O62 for tableA and B. Also your "balance" was named "base". New code (downloaded to d:\temp\workbook2.xlsx) edited to match ranges and "balance" to "base":
* Get the data from given excel filename and ranges
* first range is tableA, second one is tableB
GetDataFromExcel("d:\temp\WorkBook2.xlsx", "Sheet1$C8:F35", "Sheet1$H8:O62")
* Now data is in cursors csrA and crsB do the calculation in these
* Done. Show the results selecting and browsing the crsA and B
Select crsA
Select crsB
* Get specific fields only from crsB
Select loadId, id, ord, firstVal, roundedVal, state ;
from crsB ;
into cursor crsBCustom ;
* Check data from both cursors (join)
* I chose the fields as I see fit
* ta and tb are local aliases for crsA and crsB
* helping to write shorter SQL in this case
Select tb.LoadId, tb.Id, ta.base, ta.load, ;
tb.firstValue, tb.roundVal, ;
ta.State as StateA, tb.State as StateB ;
from crsA ta ;
inner join crsB tb on ta.Id = tb.Id ;
order by tb.Id, tb.Ord ;
into cursor crsBoth ;
* Does the specific calculations on specific data
Procedure DoCalculation
*1st value[1] = If(Type[1]=0, Base[1]*fact[1], Base[1]*fact[1]/(1-fact[1]))
*rounded value[i] = If(1st value[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
*rounded value[1] = If(1st value[1]>0, rounddown(1st value[1], 1), roundup(1st value[1],2)
*load[1] = Base[1] + rounded value[1]
* i > 1 - ord > 1
*1st value[i] = If(Type[i]=0, load[i-1]*fact[i], load[i-1]*fact[i]/(1-fact[i]))
*rounded value[i] = If(1st value[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
*load[i+1] = load[i] + rounded value[i+1] (i >= 1)
*declare local variable
Local lnBase
* select crsB and create an index there
Select CrsB
Index On Padl(Id,10,'0')+Padl(ord,10,'0') Tag ALinkB
* select crsA as parent and link to crsB
* using the "id" part of index
Select crsA
Set Relation To Padl(Id,10,'0') Into CrsB
* start looping the rows
* working with a new Id (1, 2, ...)
* save base value to m.lnBase
lnBase = crsA.Base
* select crsB and start looping the rows there
* because of the index in effect and the relation created
* pointer would be on the first crsB row with a matching Id
* and since Ord is also part of the index the first row of
* given Id
* Limit the looping in crsB (child table) to Id in crsA
* using WHILE clause
Select CrsB
Scan While Id = crsA.Id
* do replacing starting on first row of this Id (Ord=1)
* we don't have any scope clauses in replace, thus
* we are doing "single row" updates
Replace ;
firstValue With m.lnBase*fact / Iif(!Type, 1, 1-fact), ;
roundVal With Iif(firstValue > 0, ;
roundDown(firstValue,1), ;
roundUp(firstValue, 2))
* after each replace update m.lnBase value
* to use in next row
lnBase = m.lnBase + CrsB.roundVal
* completed updating crsB
* select crsA and also update crsA.base with final 'load' value
Select crsA
Replace Load With m.lnBase
* Update state to 'Calculated'
Update crsA set state = 'Calculated'
Update crsB set state = 'Calculated'
* Get data from excel with given filename and ranges
* This code is not generic and expects the
* data to be in a specific format.
* Does not do any error check
Procedure GetDataFromExcel(tcExcelFileName, tcTableARange, tcTableBRange)
* declare and define the connection string to excel
Local lcConStr
lcConStr = ;
'Data Source='+Fullpath(m.tcExcelFileName)+';'+;
'Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes"'
* Declare and define the 2 SQL needed to get data for A and B
* rename the fields in SQL for easier handling
Local lcSQLA, lcSQLB
TEXT to lcSQLA textmerge noshow
Select [id], [base], [load], [state]
from [<< m.tcTableARange >>]
TEXT to m.lcSQLB textmerge noshow
[Load Id] as LoadId,
[Id], [Ord], [Fact], [Type],
[1st value] as firstValue,
[Rounded value] as roundVal,
from [<< m.tcTableBRange >>]
* Execute the queries and place results in given cursors
ADOQuery(m.lcConStr, m.lcSQLA, "crsTableA")
ADOQuery(m.lcConStr, m.lcSQLB, "crsTableB")
* Sanitize the cursors a bit
* (OledB query would assign rather generic datatypes)
Select Cast(Id As Int) As Id, Cast(Base As Double) As Base, ;
Cast(Load As Double) As Load, Cast(State As c(50)) As State ;
from crsTableA ;
into Cursor crsA ;
Select Cast(LoadId As Int) As LoadId, ;
Cast(Id As Int) As Id, Cast(ord As Int) As ord, ;
Cast(fact As Double) As fact, Cast(Type As logical) As Type, ;
Cast(firstValue As Double) As firstValue, ;
Cast(roundVal As Double) As roundVal, ;
Cast(State As c(50)) As State From crsTableB ;
into Cursor CrsB ;
Use In (Select('crsTableA'))
Use In (Select('crsTableB'))
* roundUp and down custom functions
* RoundUp and Down excel style
* Not correct math wise IMHO
Procedure roundUp(tnValue, tnPlaces)
Local lnResult, lnValue
lnValue = Abs(m.tnValue)
If Round(m.lnValue, m.tnPlaces) != m.lnValue
lnValue = Round(m.lnValue+((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
Return Sign(m.tnValue) * m.lnValue
Procedure roundDown(tnValue, tnPlaces)
Local lnResult, lnValue
lnValue = Abs(m.tnValue)
If Round(m.lnValue, m.tnPlaces) != m.lnValue
lnValue = Round(m.lnValue-((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
Return Sign(m.tnValue) * m.lnValue
* Generic function to query a given data source
* and place results in a cursor
Procedure ADOQuery(tcConStr,tcQuery,tcCursorName)
Local oConn As 'ADODB.Connection'
Local oRS As ADODB.RecordSet
oConn = Createobject('ADODB.Connection')
oConn.Mode= 1 && adModeRead
oConn.Open( m.tcConStr )
oRS = oConn.Execute(m.tcQuery)
* Helper function to ADOQuery to convert
* an ADODB.Recordset to a VFP cursor
Procedure RS2Cursor(toRS, tcCursorName) && simple single cursor - not intended for complex ones
tcCursorName = Iif(Empty(m.tcCursorName),'ADORs',m.tcCursorName)
Local xDOM As 'MSXML.DOMDocument'
xDOM = Createobject('MSXML.DOMDocument')
toRS.Save(xDOM, 1)
Xmltocursor(xDOM.XML, m.tcCursorName)
This is the whole code. Just changing the filepath and name to yours, select all the code, right click and execute selection to see results. Or save it as a prg, say ImportMyExcel.prg and run it:
You could see the results I have so I didn't upload any results.
Also, is Procedure RS2Cursor(toRS, tcCursorName) intended to generate
the 2 output tables? Why do we need this procedure though: Procedure
Well those procedures are a little tricky for a newcomer (maybe not). I think you should know the history of VFP, cursors, cursor adapters, converting ADO recordset to a cursor etc (probably advanced level). I don't know, those were the procedures I came up with and published also on the foxite link that I gave to you. Just think they are black boxed (like a built-in one) functions doing they are work. ADOQuery's work is to simply query an OLEDB source and return the result as a cursor. With a cursorAdapter you might not need such a procedure but that procedure was designed before CursorAdapter existence.
Two more questions please: 1) where does the m come from in
m. explicitly notifies the compiler that it is a memory variable. It is referred to as MDOT. There are developers who claim it is not needed and generally it leads to long running discussions (and likely you would find my name in those discussions). Up until today nobody could show and\or demonstrate me why we shouldn't or we don't need to use it. If you believe me it is not a preference but a thing that you should use.
2) Don't we need to define crsTableA? Or you meant we can use the
CREATE Table tableA in your previous code to make crsTableA valid?
No. There is no table in that code. We read the data from excel into a cursor (crsTableA and crsTableB initially) and then sanitize into 2 cursors crsA and crsB. All of them are cursors. Cursors are like tables but are not persisted on disk. They may even spend all their life in memory and are gone when you close them. Here I preferred cursors because without harming any real data you could run N times and check your results. When you are satisfied persisting the data is as simple as a "Select ... into" or "insert into ..." (there are more ways too) a table. Even in the case of a table you don't need to use "Create Table ...". A "select Into ..." command can select the data from a source and save it to a table by creating it (like a combined 'create table ...' and then 'insert into ...').
Also, I saw that B9:E12 does not match the range of tableA or tableB
in the Excel spreadsheet I uploaded for you before. Am I missing
something here?
It matched your original samples if you think data starts at B9 and G9 respectively.
I have another question: can you please clarify on what these lines
do: Select CrsB Index On Padl(Id,10,'0')+Padl(ord,10,'0') Tag
ALinkB Select crsA Set Relation To Padl(Id,10,'0') Into CrsB.
I think I explained this part in the previous question. I will soon comment the code itself.
Adding as another answer to prevent clutter. I can do further explanations if you need to. Here I used the Excel ranges that would match to sample data. You would replace the range with the actual one (as well as the excel filename):
GetDataFromExcel("c:\myFolder\myExcel.xlsx", "B9:E12", "G9:N19")
Select crsA
Select crsB
Procedure DoCalculation
*1st value[1] = If(Type[1]=0, balance[1]*fact[1], balance[1]*fact[1]/(1-fact[1]))
*rounded value[i] = If(1st value[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
*rounded value[1] = If(1st value[1]>0, rounddown(1st value[1], 1), roundup(1st value[1],2)
*load[1] = balance[1] + rounded value[1]
* i > 1 - ord > 1
*1st value[i] = If(Type[i]=0, load[i-1]*fact[i], load[i-1]*fact[i]/(1-fact[i]))
*rounded value[i] = If(1st value[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
*load[i+1] = load[i] + rounded value[i+1] (i >= 1)
Local lnBalance
Select CrsB
Index On Padl(Id,10,'0')+Padl(ord,10,'0') Tag ALinkB
Select crsA
Set Relation To Padl(Id,10,'0') Into CrsB
lnBalance = crsA.Balance
Select CrsB
Scan While Id = crsA.Id
Replace ;
firstValue With m.lnBalance*fact / Iif(!Type, 1, 1-fact), ;
roundVal With Iif(firstValue > 0, ;
roundDown(firstValue,1), ;
roundUp(firstValue, 2))
lnBalance = m.lnBalance + CrsB.roundVal
Select crsA
Replace Load With m.lnBalance
Procedure GetDataFromExcel(tcExcelFileName, tcTableARange, tcTableBRange)
Local lcConStr
lcConStr = ;
'Data Source='+Fullpath(m.tcExcelFileName)+';'+;
'Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes"'
Local lcSQLA, lcSQLB
TEXT to lcSQLA textmerge noshow
Select [id], [balance], [load], [state]
from [Sheet1$<< m.tcTableARange >>]
TEXT to m.lcSQLB textmerge noshow
[Load Id] as LoadId,
[Id], [Ord], [Fact], [Type],
[1st value] as firstValue,
[Rounded value] as roundVal,
from [Sheet1$<< m.tcTableBRange >>]
ADOQuery(m.lcConStr, m.lcSQLA, "crsTableA")
ADOQuery(m.lcConStr, m.lcSQLB, "crsTableB")
Select Cast(Id As Int) As Id, Cast(Balance As Double) As Balance, ;
Cast(Load As Double) As Load, Cast(State As c(1)) As State ;
from crsTableA ;
into Cursor crsA ;
Select Cast(LoadId As Int) As LoadId, ;
Cast(Id As Int) As Id, Cast(ord As Int) As ord, ;
Cast(fact As Double) As fact, Cast(Type As logical) As Type, ;
Cast(firstValue As Double) As firstValue, ;
Cast(roundVal As Double) As roundVal, ;
Cast(State As c(1)) As State From crsTableB ;
into Cursor CrsB ;
Use In (Select('crsTableA'))
Use In (Select('crsTableB'))
Procedure roundUp(tnValue, tnPlaces)
If Round(m.tnValue, m.tnPlaces) = m.tnValue
Return m.tnValue
Return Round(m.tnValue+((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
Procedure roundDown(tnValue, tnPlaces)
If Round(m.tnValue, m.tnPlaces) = m.tnValue
Return m.tnValue
Return Round(m.tnValue-((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
Procedure ADOQuery(tcConStr,tcQuery,tcCursorName)
Local oConn As 'ADODB.Connection'
Local oRS As ADODB.RecordSet
oConn = Createobject('ADODB.Connection')
oConn.Mode= 1 && adModeRead
oConn.Open( m.tcConStr )
oRS = oConn.Execute(m.tcQuery)
Procedure RS2Cursor(toRS, tcCursorName) && simple single cursor - not intended for complex ones
tcCursorName = Iif(Empty(m.tcCursorName),'ADORs',m.tcCursorName)
Local xDOM As 'MSXML.DOMDocument'
xDOM = Createobject('MSXML.DOMDocument')
toRS.Save(xDOM, 1)
Xmltocursor(xDOM.XML, m.tcCursorName)
EDIT: I edited the other answer for the comments beneath it. Now for your questions:
Shouldn't GetDataFromExcel("c:\myFolder\myExcel.xlsx", "B9:E12", "G9:N19") get called after the Procedure Procedure
GetDataFromExcel(tcExcelFileName, tcTableARange, tcTableBRange)??
No. Procedures are always placed after normal execution code in a prg file. IOW if your PRG has:
Do Something
* ...
Procedure SomeProcedure
* ...
Procedure Something
Code starts with calling Something and executes the lines after that up until it sees the first Procedure call (or FUNCTION, DEFINE CLASS). Something might be a procedure (as in the sample) or a separate prg.
Shouldn't Procedure roundUp and Procedure roundDown get called before roundDown(firstValue,1), ; roundUp(firstValue, 2))??
No, same as the above. What you say more looks like the rules of core C.
Does the left ID on this line Scan While Id = crsA.Id come from CrsB?? Also, why is there the change from crsA to CrsA? Is this a
typo? – user177196 5 mins ago
Yes. it comes from crsB. But in a sense, you are right I should be explicit and include the alias there as:
Scan while crsB.Id = crsA.Id
In VFP if you don't include an alias, then the one that is current is assumed.
We are scanning crsA in outer loop. Then we are switching to crsB and scanning there, after we are done switching back to crsA (actually scan command remembers the alias it is associated and does this switch when it hits endscan implicitly but I prefer to be explicit).
Select CrsB
Index On Padl(Id,10,'0')+Padl(ord,10,'0') Tag ALinkB
Select crsA
Set Relation To Padl(Id,10,'0') Into CrsB
On first two lines we are selecting crsB cursor and creating an index on it. Index expression contains both the Id and Old fields. VFP doesn't support multiple column names in an index key, but it supports expressions. Padding both fields with 10 zeros we are creating keys like:
Id, Ord: 2,3 as an example has a key 00000000020000000003
We could make it smaller but anyway since not knowing how much big the Id,Ord could be made it 10 in length to fit any 32 bits integer value.
Then on 3rd, 4th lines we are selecting cursor crsA and then setting relation from crsA into crsB via the expression Padl(Id,10,'0') - Id padded with 10 zeros. From crsA Id:1 has a relation key of 0000000001 then (matching all index keys that start with 0000000001 whatever the Ord part is - BTW having Ord in index too makes sure that they are ordered by Ord).
In effect, when the record pointer points to Id:1 in crsA, in crsB automatically those with Id:1 are matched (best observed with a browse - browse crsB then select crsA and browse. As you navigate in crsA, you would see the browse window for crsB would show only the rows with matching Id). Conceptually it looks like this controlling the record pointer in both cursors:
crsA (id) crsB (Id, Ord)
1 ----+------- 1,1
+------- 1,2
+------- 1,3
+------- 1,4
2 ----+------- 2,1
+------- 2,2
+------- 2,3
I used that because it is a powerful feature of VFP was an easier way to express what you want. The same could be achieved by using SQL Update too, however, VFP's SQL is not that much powerful and would be much more complex to write (For [1] easy but for > 1 case it gets complex - it was also not so easy in other backends too in distant past but in time, backends like postgreSQL, MS SQL server ... etc have gained much more support for such queries).
Well you have a long question, containing multiple questions within. I will try to reply in pieces (editing my answer in between), since it would be a long answer (might even be good to divide into multiple answers).
First, your create table syntax was close but incorrect. VFP (it is not VFB but V FP by the way), does not support spaces in field names (unless it is a long fieldname). Using field names with spaces would just be asking for trouble. So prefer not using them. It would look like:
( id int, ;
balance double, ;
load C(240), ;
state C(240))
( Load id int, ;
id int, ;
ord int, ;
fact double, ;
type int ;
firstValue C(240),;
roundedVal C(240), ;
state C(240))
Note that after final field you don't have comma and ; in VFP means continue the command on next line (so removed in last field definition lines). I also changed the 2 field names to be compatible with a free table's field naming (max 10 in length and must start with a letter, no spaces). Easier to use the tables this way.or cursors provided you do it in one shot and do not try to change the structure later.
If you want to use longfieldnames then you can do that just as you do with free tables but the table needs to be part of a database. It would also work for cursors provided you do that in one shot and do not attempt to alter the structure afterwards.
While I added code there to create TableA, TableB, you are saying those tables' data would come from Excel. You didn't really give detailed information about the Excel part of it (how data is represented-is that as a data ranges?). There is a great probability that you create these two tables simply by selecting the data from Excel using ODBC/OLEDB directly.
For getting data from Excel I posted some detailed information on Foxite, you can check the post in this link. I am not giving any sample code here as I don't yet know the Excel part really.
Assuming we got the data from Excel let's check other parts (BTW in table B id is called a Foreign Key, not primary. It links the rows in TableB top TableA).
1st value[i] = If(Type[i]=0, balance[i]*fact[i], balance[i]*fact[i]/(1-fact[i]))
We can use either REPLACE command (xBase command) or SQL Update command to accomplish this. Let's do not think about the differences here (not worth really) and choose SQL Update to do job (the syntax would be reusable in other databases too - say MS SQL server, postgreSQL, mySQL ...).
Update tableB ;
set firstValue = iif( type = 0, ;
tableA.balance * fact, ;
tableA.balance * fact/(1-fact)) ;
from tableA ;
where tableA.Id = tableB.Id
Or slightly simplified:
Update tableB ;
set firstValue = tableA.balance * fact / ;
iif( type = 0, 1, (1-fact)) ;
from tableA ;
where tableA.Id = tableB.Id
Note that VFP would execute this expression per row so we don't need the [i] (array identifier) that you have in your pseudocode.
Next one:
rounded value[i] = If(Type[i]>0, rounddown(1st value[i], 1), roundup(1st value[i],2)
Would be translated in the same manner:
Update tableB ;
set roundVal = iif(type > 0, ;
rounddown(firstValue,1), ;
roundup(firstValue,2)) ;
from tableA ;
where tableA.Id = tableB.Id
However, VFP doesn't have roundup and rounddown functions, I only wrote these as a conceptual translation. What you can do is to create two custom functions that does RoundUp and RoundDown. There are multiple ways to write these functions and IMHO the easiest would be to write them as 2 separate .prg files where those prg files are in your search path when you execute the above SQL command:
Lparameters tnValue, tnPlaces
If Round(m.tnValue, m.tnPlaces) = m.tnValue
Return m.tnValue
Return Round(m.tnValue+((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
Lparameters tnValue, tnPlaces
If Round(m.tnValue, m.tnPlaces) = m.tnValue
Return m.tnValue
Return Round(m.tnValue-((10^-(m.tnPlaces+1))*5), m.tnPlaces)
The functions in the link you provided doesn't seem right to me for the job (but was not easy to understand and test so didn't spend time on checking thoroughly).
I am not sure if one sheet containing both tables is good. I don't remember off the top of my head, if Tables collection was a member of the WorkSheet or WorkBook. If WorkSheet then that would do. I can check and write sample code for that later (possibly tomorrow).
You could use datatype LOGICAL (l) for Type. In MS SQL server and other backends it correspond to bit (1 or 0). Internally stored as boolean but in expressions used as .T./.F. (true\false symbolic representation in VFP. On code you could simply use it as:
iif( type, ...
same as saying iif(type = .T., ...) - as in Type > 0. And:
iif( !type, ...
same as saying iif( type = .F., ...) or iif( type NOT equal to .T., ... - as in Type = 0.
I didn't use inner join in this case, because it is sufficient to use a from TableA where here (same in other backends, although general tendency is to write that using join).
EDIT: Added the code as another answer.
As per your questions:
Inner join is not needed to be explicitly defined, there is an implicit join there. Instead of writing an SQL update, I preferred to utilize VFP's xBase capabilities and used scan...endscan instead (could do with SQL but would be more complex).
Yes it means putting those 2 RoundUp.prg and RoundDown.prg files into the same directory path of our main file code above BUT only if main file code is in current directory or in search path. To make it more clear, consider:
and you are in:
If you call main.prg like this:
do ('c:\ANOTHERFolder\Main.prg')
It needs to find RoundUp, RoundDown and it can if c:\Somefolder is included in SET('PATH') - ie:
Set path to c:\SomeFolder;c:\VFPHomeFolderMaybe
Or if you don't want to think of pathing you could include those RoundUp\Down code as procedure in the code (as I did in the code in the other answer - note that in VFP there is no difference between a PROCEDURE and a FUNCTION. You are free to choose either one. Some developers prefer to use FUNCTION for those that return a value - but in fact any PROCEDURE\FUNCTION returns a value so let's say those that are used for a return value.)
I don't think logical type mean "1" or "0" automatically, correct? If
that's the case, I would have to leave it as int type, because the
input is always defined as 1 or 0 for type column.
Well, that is hard to answer formally. In VFP boolean data
type is defined by literals .F. and .T. You can cast(aBoolean to int) and you get 0 and 1 respectively. Or you can cast(1 as logical) to get .T. IOW 1\0 and .T..F. are interchangeable in a sense. It all depends where you want to use it. If data is coming from external source, it would come in as 1\0. Just by casting or getting it into column of datatype logical (implicit cast) it is treated as .T..F. Or you are sending data from a logical to an external source (say an XML, MS SQL server, postgreSql, other OLEDB\ODBC datasource) then .T..F. is casted as 1\0.

Selecting data from one table or another in multiple queries PL/SQL

The easiest way to ask my question is with a Hypothetical Scenario.
Lets say we have 3 tables. Singapore_Prices, Produce_val, and Bosses_unreasonable_demands.
So Prices is a pretty simple table. Item column containing a name, and a Price column containing a number.
Produce_Val is also simple 2 column table. Type column containing what type the produce is (Fruit or veggie) and then Name column (Tomato, pineapple, etc.)
The Bosses_unreasonable_demands only contains one column, Fruit, which CAN contain the names of some fruits.
OK? Ok.
SO, My boss wants me to write a query that returns the prices for every fruit in his unreasonable demands table. Simple enough. BUT, if he doesn't have any entries in his table, he just wants me to output the prices of ALL fruits that exist in produce_val.
Now, assuming I don't know where the DBA who designed this silly hypothetical system lives (and therefore can't get him to fix this), our query would look like this:
if <Logic to determine if Bosses demands are empty>
select Item, Price
from Singapore_Prices
where Item in (select Fruit from Bosses_Unreasonable_demands)
select Item, Price
from Singapore_Prices
where Item in (select Name from Produce_val where type = 'Fruit')
end if;
(Well, we'd select those into a variable, and then output the variable, probably with bulk-collect shenanigans, but that's not important)
Which works. It is entirely functional, and won't be slow, even if we extend it out to 2000 other stores other than Singapore. (Well, no slower than anything else that touches 2000 some tables) BUT, I'm still doing two different select statements that are practically identical. My Comp Sci teacher rolls in their grave every time my fingers hit ctrl-V. I can cut this code in half and only do one select statement. I KNOW I can.
I just have no earthly idea how. I can't use cursors as an in statement, I can't use nested tables or varrays, I can't use cleverly crafted strings, I... I just... I don't know. I don't know how to do this. Is there a way? Does it exist?
Or do I have to copy/paste forever?
Your best bet would be dynamic SQL, because you can't parameterize table or column names.
You will have a SQL query template, have a logic to determine tables and columns that you want to query, then blend them together and execute.
Another aproach, (still a lot of ctrl-v like code) is to use set construction UNION ALL:
select 1st query where boss_condition
union all
select 2nd query where not boss_condition
Try this:
s.TYPE = 'Fruit')
Share and enjoy.
I think you can use nested tables. Assume you have a schema-level nested table type FRUIT_NAME_LIST (defined using CREATE TYPE).
SELECT fruit
BULK COLLECT INTO my_fruit_name_list
FROM bosses_unreasonable_demands
IF my_fruit_name_list.count = 0 THEN
BULK COLLECT INTO my_fruit_name_list
FROM produce_val
WHERE type='Fruit'
SELECT item, price
FROM singapore_prices
WHERE item MEMBER OF my_fruit_name_list
(or, WHERE item IN (SELECT column_value FROM TABLE(CAST(my_fruit_name_list AS fruit_name_list)) if you like that better)

How to? Correct sql syntax for finding the next available identifier

I think I could use some help here from more experienced users...
I have an integer field name in a table, let's call it SO_ID in a table SO, and to each new row I need to calculate a new SO_ID based on the following rules
1) SO_ID consists of 6 letters where first 3 are an area code, and the last three is the sequenced number within this area.
2) so the next new row will have a SO_ID of value
3) if someone deletes the row with SO_ID value = 309002, then the next new row must recycle this value, so the next new row has got to have the SO_ID of value
can anyone please provide me with either a SQL function or PL/SQL (perhaps a trigger straightaway?) function that would return the next available SO_ID I need to use ?
I reckon I could get use of keyword rownum in my sql, but the follwoing just doens't work properly
select max(so_id),max(rownum) from(
select (so_id),rownum,cast(substr(cast(so_id as varchar(6)),4,3) as int) from SO
where length(so_id)=6
and substr(cast(so_id as varchar(6)),1,3)='309'
and cast(substr(cast(so_id as varchar(6)),4,3) as int)=rownum
order by so_id
thank you for all your help!
This kind of logic is fraught with peril. What if two sessions calculate the same "next" value, or both try to reuse the same "deleted" value? Since your column is an integer, you'd probably be better off querying "between 309001 and 309999", but that begs the question of what happens when you hit the thousandth item in area 309?
Is it possible to make SO_ID a foreign key to another table as well as a unique key? You could pre-populate the parent table with all valid IDs (or use a function to generate them as needed), and then it would be a simple matter to select the lowest one where a child record doesn't exist.
well, we came up with this... sort of works.. concurrency is 'solved' via unique constraint
select min(lastnumber)
select so_id,so_id-LAG(so_id, 1, so_id) OVER (ORDER BY so_id) AS diff,LAG(so_id, 1, so_id) OVER (ORDER BY so_id)as lastnumber
from so_miso
where substr(cast(so_id as varchar(6)),1,3)='309'
and length(so_id)=6
order by so_id
where diff>1;
Do you really need to compute & store this value at the time a row is inserted? You would normally be better off storing the area code and a date in a table and computing the SO_ID in a view, i.e.
SELECT area_code ||
ORDER BY date_column ),
'0' ) AS so_id,
<<other columns>>
FROM your_table
or having a process that runs periodically (nightly, for example) to assign the SO_ID using similar logic.
If your application is not pure sql, you could do this in application code (ie: Java code). This would be more straightforward.
If you are recycling numbers when rows are deleted, your base table must be consulted when generating the next number. "Legacy" pre-relational schemes that attempt to encode information in numbers are a pain to make airtight when numbers must be recycled after deletes, as you say yours must.
If you want to avoid having to scan your table looking for gaps, an after-delete routine must write the deleted number to a separate table in a "ReuseMe" column. The insert routine does this:
begins trans
selects next-number table for update
uses a reuseme number if available else uses the next number
clears the reuseme number if applicable or increments the next-number in the next-number table
commits trans
Ignoring the issues about concurrency, the following should give a decent start.
If 'traffic' on the table is low enough, go with locking the table in exclusive mode for the duration of the transaction.
create table blah (soc_id number(6));
insert into blah select 309000 + rownum from user_tables;
delete from blah where soc_id = 309003;
create or replace function get_next (i_soc in number) return number is
v_min number := i_soc* 1000;
v_max number := v_min + 999;
lock table blah in exclusive mode;
select min(rn) into v_min
(select rownum rn from dual connect by level <= 999
select to_number(substr(soc_id,4))
from blah
where soc_id between v_min and v_max);
return v_min;
