Continuously reading data from TCP connection using io.ReadFull - go

I have the following data structure that I expect to read from TCP socket connection, first 4 bytes are a uint32 that describes the length of the payload that follows these 4 bytes. I try to continuously read from a connection using following code:
// c is TCP connection
func StartReading(c io.Reader, ok chan bool) {
// Reader reads first 4 bytes as payload length
for l, err := getPayloadLength(c); err == nil; {
//Reader reads the rest of the message
b, err := readFixedSize(c, l)
if err != nil {
ok<- false
go process(b, make(chan bool))
ok<- true
func getPayloadLength(r io.Reader) (uint, error) {
b, err := readFixedSize(r, 4)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b)), nil
// Read fixed size byte slice from reader
func readFixedSize(r io.Reader, len uint) (b []byte, err error) {
b = make([]byte, len)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, b)
if err != nil {
My expectation is that it will read first four bytes from incoming data, parse it to l, and based on parsed value will read consequent l bytes. The first read from a connection yields expected results, but in all consequent read iterations, the reader seems to read 4 bytes from the end of the previous message.
By trial and error I ended up with the following code which reads as expected, but I still could not understand why the code above does not work as I expect.
New code:
func StartReading(c io.Reader, ok chan<- bool) {
br := bufio.NewReader(c)
// Peek into first 4 bytes for payload length
for lb, err := br.Peek(4); err == nil; {
// Read length bytes into uint
l := uint(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(lb))
b := make([]byte, l + 4)
_, err := br.Read(b)
if err != nil {
ok<- false
//Process from 4th byte
go process(b[4:], make(chan bool))
ok<- true
I do kind of understand why the latter code works, but can't wrap my head around why the first code does not work as expected. I'm quite new to Go, so could someone please explain what happened there?


Efficient way to use a csv.Reader() for a "chan string"

I have a "chan string", where each entry is a CSV log line that I would like to convert to columns "[]string", currently I am (un-efficiently) creating a csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(i)) for each item, which looks a lot more work than it really needs to be:
for i := range feederChan {
r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(i))
a, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
// log error...
// then do stuff with 'a'
// ...
So, I'd really appreciate sharing if there's a more efficient way to do that, like creating the csv.Reader once, then feeding it the chan content somehow (stream 'chan' content to something that implements the 'io.Reader' interface?).
Use the following to convert a channel of strings to a reader:
type chanReader struct {
c chan string
buf string
func (r *chanReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
// Fill the buffer when we have no data to return to the caller
if len(r.buf) == 0 {
var ok bool
r.buf, ok = <-r.c
if !ok {
// Return eof on channel closed
return 0, io.EOF
n := copy(p, r.buf)
r.buf = r.buf[n:]
return n, nil
Use it like this:
r := csv.NewReader(&chanReader{c: feederChan})
for {
a, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
// handle error, break out of loop
// do something with a
Run it on the playground
If the application assumes that newlines separate the values received from the channel, then append a newline to each value received:
var ok bool
r.buf, ok = <-r.c
if !ok {
// Return eof on channel closed
return 0, io.EOF
r.buf += "\n"
The += "\n" copies the string. If this does not meet the application's efficiency requirements, then introduce a new field to manage line separators.
type chanReader struct {
c chan string // source of lines
buf string // the current line
nl bool // true if line separator is pending
func (r *chanReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
// Fill the buffer when we have no data to return to the caller
if len(r.buf) == 0 && ! {
var ok bool
r.buf, ok = <-r.c
if !ok {
// Return eof on channel closed
return 0, io.EOF
} = true
// Return data if we have it
if len(r.buf) > 0 {
n := copy(p, r.buf)
r.buf = r.buf[n:]
return n, nil
// No data, return the line separator
n := copy(p, "\n") = n == 0
return n, nil
Run it on the playground.
Another approach is to use an io.Pipe and goroutine to convert the channel to a io.Reader as suggested in a comment to the question. A first pass at this approach is:
var nl = []byte("\n")
func createChanReader(c chan string) io.Reader {
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer w.Close()
for s := range c {
io.WriteString(w, s)
return r
Use it like this:
r := csv.NewReader(createChanReader(feederChan))
for {
a, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
// handle error, break out of loop
// do something with a
This first pass at the io.Pipe solution leaks a goroutine when the application exits the loop before reading the pipe to EOF. The application might break out early because the CSV reader detected a syntax error, the application panicked because of a programmer error, or any number of other reasons.
To fix the goroutine leak, exit the writing goroutine on write error and close the pipe reader when done reading.
var nl = []byte("\n")
func createChanReader(c chan string) *io.PipeReader {
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer w.Close()
for s := range c {
if _, err := io.WriteString(w, s); err != nil {
if _, err := w.Write(nl); err != nil {
return r
Use it like this:
cr := createChanReader(feederChan)
defer cr.Close() // Required for goroutine cleanup
r := csv.NewReader(cr)
for {
a, err := r.Read()
if err != nil {
// handle error, break out of loop
// do something with a
Run it on the playground.
Even though "ThunderCat's" answer was really useful and appreciated, I ended up using io.Pipe() "as mh-cbon mentioned" which is much simpler and looks like more efficient (explained below):
rp, wp := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer wp.Close()
for i := range feederChan {
fmt.Fprintln(wp, i)
r := csv.NewReader(rp)
for { // keep reading
a, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
// do stuff with 'a'
// ...
The io.Pipe() is synchronous, and should be fairly efficient: it pipes data from writer to a reader; I fed the csv.NewReader() the reader part, and created a goroutine that drains the chan writing to the writer part.
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: ThunderCat added the io.Pipe approach to his answer (after I posted this I guess) ... his answer is much more comprehensive and was accepted as such.

Add prefix to io.Reader

I've written a little server which receives a blob of data in the form of an io.Reader, adds a header and streams the result back to the caller.
My implementation isn't particularly efficient as I'm buffering the blob's data in-memory so that I can calculate the blob's length, which needs to form part of the header.
I've seen some examples of io.Pipe() with io.TeeReader but they're more for splitting an io.Reader into two, and writing them away in parallel.
The blobs I'm dealing with are around 100KB, so not huge but if my server gets busy, memory's going to quickly become an issue...
Any ideas?
func addHeader(in io.Reader) (out io.Reader, err error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if _, err = io.Copy(buf, in); err != nil {
header := bytes.NewReader([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("header:%d", buf.Len())))
return io.MultiReader(header, buf), nil
I appreciate it's not a good idea to return interfaces from functions but this code isn't destined to become an API, so I'm not too concerned with that bit.
In general, the only way to determine the length of data in an io.Reader is to read until EOF. There are ways to determine the length of the data for specific types.
func addHeader(in io.Reader) (out io.Reader, err error) {
n := 0
switch v := in.(type) {
case *bytes.Buffer:
n = v.Len()
case *bytes.Reader:
n = v.Len()
case *strings.Reader:
n = v.Len()
case io.Seeker:
cur, err := v.Seek(0, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
end, err := v.Seek(0, 2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = v.Seek(cur, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n = int(end - cur)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := buf.ReadFrom(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
n = buf.Len()
in = &buf
header := strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf("header:%d", n))
return io.MultiReader(header, in), nil
This is similar to how the net/http package determines the content length of the request body.

byte[] channel usage

I am getting a REST command, and want to calculate hash function on it's body.
To do so I read the body using io.TeeReader(request.Body, &writerToHash) where I pass my own class that implements io.Writer:
func (self *WriterToHash) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
fmt.println("WriterToHash len=%v, buff=%v", n, p) //PRINT 1
self.BodyChannel <- p
return n, nil
The BodyChannel is defined: BodyChannel chan []byte
I use this class as follows:
writerToHash := sisutils.WriterToHash{
BodyChannel:make(chan []byte, 1024)
reqnew, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", url, io.TeeReader(request.Body, &writerToHash))
Listening part:
func (wth *WriterToHash) StartListen() {
wth.OutChannel = make(chan []byte, 1000)
go func (self *WriterToHash) {
done := int64(0)
h := sha1.New()
for done < MessageSize{
buff := <- self.BodyChannel
done += int64(len(buff))
DPrint(5, "AccamulateSha1 Done=: %v, buff=%v", done, buff) //PRINT 2
actually_write, err := h.Write(buff)
if err != nil || actually_write != len(buff) {
log.Println("Error in sha write:" + err.Error())
bs := h.Sum(nil)
self.OutChannel <- bs
I send messages of 1000 bytes. In debug mode the message is always split in the same way: 1 byte, 999 bytes - I see it using PRINT 1. In this case everythong works fine.
The problem is that when the message is split to more parts in the Write function. In this case I see in PRINT1:
[first byte] : a
[next ~450 bytes] : b,c,d,...
[last ~550 bytes] : w,x,y,...
but in PRINT 2 I see different picture:
[first byte] : a
[ ~450 bytes but starting where last part starts] : w,x,y...
[last ~550 bytes] : w,x,y,...
I actually get the last past twice but not in the same size.
From the io.Writer documentation:
Write must not modify the slice data, even temporarily. Implementations must not retain p
You can't store or reuse the slice being passed to your Write method. If you want to use that data elsewhere, you need to make a copy of it
func (self *WriterToHash) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
b := make([]byte, len(p))
copy(b, p)
fmt.println("WriterToHash len=%d, buff=%v", len(p), b)
self.BodyChannel <- b
return len(p), nil

How to print the bytes while the file is being downloaded ? -golang

I'm wondering if it's possible to count and print the number of bytes downloaded while the file is being downloaded.
out, err := os.Create("file.txt")
defer out.Close()
if err != nil {
resp, err := http.Get("")
defer resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
n, er := io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
if er != nil {
fmt.Println(n, "bytes ")
If I understand you correctly, you wish to display the number of bytes read, while the data is transferring. Presumably to maintain some kind of a progress bar or something. In which case, you can use Go's compositional data structures to wrap the reader or writer in a custom io.Reader or io.Writer implementation.
It simply forwards the respective Read or Write call to the underlying stream, while doing some additional work with the (int, error) values returned by them. Here is an example you can run on the Go playground.
package main
import (
// PassThru wraps an existing io.Reader.
// It simply forwards the Read() call, while displaying
// the results from individual calls to it.
type PassThru struct {
total int64 // Total # of bytes transferred
// Read 'overrides' the underlying io.Reader's Read method.
// This is the one that will be called by io.Copy(). We simply
// use it to keep track of byte counts and then forward the call.
func (pt *PassThru) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := pt.Reader.Read(p) += int64(n)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Read", n, "bytes for a total of",
return n, err
func main() {
var src io.Reader // Source file/url/etc
var dst bytes.Buffer // Destination file/buffer/etc
// Create some random input data.
src = bytes.NewBufferString(strings.Repeat("Some random input data", 1000))
// Wrap it with our custom io.Reader.
src = &PassThru{Reader: src}
count, err := io.Copy(&dst, src)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Transferred", count, "bytes")
The output it generates is this:
Read 512 bytes for a total of 512
Read 1024 bytes for a total of 1536
Read 2048 bytes for a total of 3584
Read 4096 bytes for a total of 7680
Read 8192 bytes for a total of 15872
Read 6128 bytes for a total of 22000
Transferred 22000 bytes
The stdlib now provides something like jimt's PassThru: io.TeeReader. It helps simplify things a bit:
// WriteCounter counts the number of bytes written to it.
type WriteCounter struct {
Total int64 // Total # of bytes transferred
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
// Always completes and never returns an error.
func (wc *WriteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := len(p)
wc.Total += int64(n)
fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes for a total of %d\n", n, wc.Total)
return n, nil
func main() {
// ...
// Wrap it with our custom io.Reader.
src = io.TeeReader(src, &WriteCounter{})
// ...
The grab Go package implements progress updates (and many other features) for file downloads.
An example of printing progress updates while a download is in process is included in the following walkthrough:
You can basically call grab.GetAsync which downloads in a new Go routine and then monitor the BytesTransferred or Progress of the returned grab.Response from the calling thread.
Other answers have explained about PassThru. Just provide a full example with callback function base on Dave Jack's answer.
package main
import (
// writeCounter counts the number of bytes written to it.
type writeCounter struct {
total int64 // total size
downloaded int64 // downloaded # of bytes transferred
onProgress func(downloaded int64, total int64)
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
// Always completes and never returns an error.
func (wc *writeCounter) Write(p []byte) (n int, e error) {
n = len(p)
wc.downloaded += int64(n)
func newWriter(size int64, onProgress func(downloaded, total int64)) io.Writer {
return &writeCounter{total: size, onProgress: onProgress}
func main() {
client := http.DefaultClient
url := ""
saveTo := "/Users/tin/Desktop/ForBiggerFun.mp4"
download(client, url, saveTo, func(downloaded, total int64) {
fmt.Printf("Downloaded %d bytes for a total of %d\n", downloaded, total)
func download(client *http.Client, url, filePath string, onProgress func(downloaded, total int64)) (err error) {
// Create file writer
file, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
// Determinate the file size
resp, err := client.Head(url)
if err != nil {
contentLength := resp.Header.Get("content-length")
length, err := strconv.Atoi(contentLength)
if err != nil {
// Make request
resp, err = client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
// pipe stream
body := io.TeeReader(resp.Body, newWriter(int64(length), onProgress))
_, err = io.Copy(file, body)
return err
Base #Dave Jack
I add progress value and receiving file data from NC (direct TCP data transfer)
// WriteCounter counts the number of bytes written to it.
type WriteCounter struct {
Total int64 // Total # of bytes transferred
Last int64
LastUpdate time.Time
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
// Always completes and never returns an error.
func (wc *WriteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := len(p)
wc.Total += int64(n)
now := time.Now()
duration := now.Sub(wc.LastUpdate).Seconds()
if duration > 1 {
wc.LastUpdate = now
rate := float64(wc.Total-wc.Last) / (duration) / 1024.0
wc.Last = wc.Total
fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes for a total of %d , Rate %.1fKb/s \n", n, wc.Total, rate)
return n, nil
func Server(dest string) {
outputFile, err := os.Create(dest)
if err != nil {
defer outputFile.Close()
fileWriter := bufio.NewWriter(outputFile)
serverListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ""+PORT)
if err != nil {
defer serverListener.Close()
serverConn, err := serverListener.Accept()
if err != nil {
defer serverConn.Close()
wc := &WriteCounter{}
reader := io.TeeReader(serverConn, wc)
serverConnReader := bufio.NewReaderSize(reader, 32*1024*1024)
io.Copy(fileWriter, serverConnReader)
fmt.Println("Done: Writer")

Reading from serial port with while-loop

I’ve written a short program in Go to communicate with a sensor through a serial port:
package main
import (
func main() {
c := &serial.Config{Name: "/dev/ttyUSB0", Baud: 9600}
s, err := serial.OpenPort(c)
if err != nil {
_, err = s.Write([]byte("\x16\x02N0C0 G A\x03\x0d\x0a"))
if err != nil {
buf := make([]byte, 40)
n, err := s.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
It works fine, but after writing to the port I have to wait about half a second before I can start reading from it. I would like to use a while-loop instead of time.Sleep to read all incoming data. My attempt doesn’t work:
buf := make([]byte, 40)
n := 0
for {
n, _ := s.Read(buf)
if n > 0 {
I guess buf gets overwritten after every loop pass. Any suggestions?
Your problem is that Read() will return whenever it has some data - it won't wait for all the data. See the io.Reader specification for more info
What you want to do is read until you reach some delimiter. I don't know exactly what format you are trying to use, but it looks like maybe \x0a is the end delimiter.
In which case you would use a bufio.Reader like this
reader := bufio.NewReader(s)
reply, err := reader.ReadBytes('\x0a')
if err != nil {
Which will read data until the first \x0a.
I guess buf gets overwritten after every loop pass. Any suggestions?
Yes, buf will get overwritten with every call to Read().
A timeout on the file handle would be the approach I would take.
s, _ := os.OpenFile("/dev/ttyS0", syscall.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY|syscall.O_NONBLOCK, 0666)
t := syscall.Termios{
Iflag: syscall.IGNPAR,
Cflag: syscall.CS8 | syscall.CREAD | syscall.CLOCAL | syscall.B115200,
Cc: [32]uint8{syscall.VMIN: 0, syscall.VTIME: uint8(20)}, //2.0s timeout
Ispeed: syscall.B115200,
Ospeed: syscall.B115200,
// syscall
syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(s.Fd()),
uintptr(syscall.TCSETS), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&t)),
0, 0, 0)
// Send message
n, _ := s.Write([]byte("Test message"))
// Receive reply
for {
buf := make([]byte, 128)
n, err = s.Read(buf)
if err != nil { // err will equal io.EOF
fmt.Printf("%v\n", string(buf))
Also note, if there is no more data read and there is no error, os.File.Read() will return an error of io.EOF,
as you can see here.
