Observer on Product saving for name appending - magento

I am creating a small module. In which I have built my own tab in System- Configuration, Name "ZARA" which consists of a textbox. I can enter words in the textbox and save the configuration.
Now my problem is, I want that the module should append the word entered in the configuration to the product name through an observer whenever a product is saved.
for example, I entered "Test" as a word in the configuration. I then open a product in the backend in product management, which is called "RedShirt". When I save this now, it's called "RedShirtTest". If I save it again, it's called "RedShirtTestTest". Thank you in advance if anybody can clear my issue. I'm totally new to Magento. Please answer regarding Magento 1.9.


Magento - Rename Tax to GST

Throughout my Magento website, where there are products, I made it so that a customer can see the price of the products, with and without Tax.
However, how can I rename the word 'Tax' to 'GST' whenever a product is viewed within the website. I believe I have to go to the back-end and change some script around, I just don't know where?
The easiest way is to translate inline.See here to enable the inline translation from admin panel. Now hover over the "Tax" you can see the book icon click on that and type whatever text you want to replace with, in your case its "GST".
Another way is to directly changing in the csv files in app/locale folder.According to the locale you have choosen, for example if you have choosen "United States" than check for the file Mage_Tax.csv file inside "app/locale/en_US/Mage_Tax.csv". After opening this file search for term "Tax","Tax".Change it to "Tax","GST". and save it.
Hope this will help.

Magento, add some text beside item title

I am new to Magento but willing to learn. :)
For the current project we need to add the Serial number next to the purchased item. Serial should be added in the invoice (PDF and html). It doesn't need to be new field, it is enough to add it next to the item name, or under it.
I have the serial number already saved in the DB, so the only thing I need is to find the html file to modify and there call the SQL statement to get the serial.
Please I could really use any help where to locate that file and what to change.
Thank you!
Try template/sales/order/invoice/items/renderer/default.phtml for frontend display
The template folder can be either in /app/design/frontend/base/default/ or in the package/theme folder of your store.
For backend display use /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/invoice/view/items/renderer/ folder, which contains two template files: configurable.phtml for configurable type products, and default.phtml, for other types

wishlist integration in joomla

I am somewhat of newbeeeee to the whole Joomla/Virtuemart world. I am trying to implement "my wishlist" module in my joomla 1.5.26 . I have searched in google also but its not free.
My logic is like:
I have a list of products, along with button "add to wish list". If a registered user click on that button then that product id and category id have been saved in jos_user table, where I have added one new field called "wishlist".
Now up to this is okay. Now problem is to fetch those product in one page(lets say page name is my wish list), which are only in that list. Is there any file where I can change the query for that particular page(my wish list). If so please help me. Its urgent.
Thanks in advance.
If your wish list is a module rather than a component, then finding the required file to change the code shouldn't be too hard. I'm not quite sure on the file structure, but it will most likely be in something like helper.php

Magento Custom Field Defines Product

I am running a Magento store where someone can buy a personalized item with their name on it. Under the product, you see "Name:" with an input box where they can fill out their name. They click "Add to Cart", it ads it, I fill the order and everyone's happy.
But, in order to purchase another product with a different name, they have to go from the cart back to the product. Its a mess.
I'd like there to be a button under the "Name" field that says "Add Another". Upon click, it pulls down another field for "Name:". Now we see two name fields, I add "John" and "Joe" in the first and second fields, then click "Add to Cart".
In my cart, I now see two products added. One with Johns Name, and one with Joes.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I'm a Wordpress guy trying to figure out Magento!
This is not really a simple addition, but basically you'll need to modify app/code/core/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php to call addProduct for each of the items in the form. This isn't really a trivial change, as you'll have to rip apart that method to make it load the products in sequence.
Another approach would be to use an event (such as checkout_cart_product_add_after) to keep track of when an item is added and see if extra parameters were passed, adding more items as necessary.
Alternatively, you may be able to use related products to accomplish this (since they are added to the cart as well). I haven't looked at how to approach that one, but it may be worth a look.
Hope that helps!

Magento admin section

In my magneto project, admin side invoices, I want to display the product name, sku and
manufactures, is it possible???
I know that when clicking View Link I can show, but I want to show the details in the table in the invoices page
Probably the best place to start is:
Everything within the /app/design/adminhtml/ is where you'll want to go to edit any available templates for the backend.
Remember that Magento is full of magic methods. So, often times if you want to output a particular attribute, simply call something like: echo $_item->getManufacturer();
Hope that helps.
