Why is validation being skipped? - ruby

I have an email ActiveRecord (sub-class, different PG DB) with the following validation:
class Email < DbRecord
belongs_to :user
attr_accessor :skip_validation
alias_method :skip_validation?, :skip_validation
validates :value,
presence: true,
uniqueness: true,
format: {
with: URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP,
message: "is an invalid email address",
allow_blank: true,
unless: :skip_validation?
before_validation { |record| record.value = record.value&.downcase }
skip_validation is nil. There are no other instance methods.
When there's no user_id the validation works as expected.
> e = Email.new(value: "foo#bar")
=> #<Email id: nil, user_id: nil, value: "foo#bar">
> e.valid?
=> false
When there's a user_id the bogus email doesn't trigger the validation.
> e = Email.new(user_id: 7, value: "foo#bar")
=> #<Email id: nil, user_id: 7, value: "foo#bar">
> e.valid?
=> true
Note that setting validate: true on belongs_to doesn't help:
class Email < DbRecord
belongs_to :user, validate: true
Still presents:
> e = Email.new(user_id: 7, value: "foo#bar")
=> #<Email id: nil, user_id: 7, value: "foo#bar">
> e.valid?
=> true
Why is that? What else should I be looking at/for?

Two-step answer:
"foo#bar" is a valid email according to URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP...
I can't even, but others have hit the same issue so...
As I always tell everyone else: check your assumptions. I assumed the validation was failing because of the email address, and in my sleep-deprived state I didn't verify the errors.
So why was it failing validation?
Rails 5 changed belongs_to to make the related ID mandatory, so in order for this to make sense (in my use-case) I also needed to add:
belongs_to :user, optional: true
to get the expected error messages back during validation.


Can't Use Validates Presence On Picture Rails 5.x

class Micropost < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
mount_uploader :picture, PictureUploader
validates :user_id, presence: true
validates :tag1, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
validates :tag2, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
validates :tag3, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
validates :picture, presence: true
validate :picture_size
validates :ispublic, inclusion: { in: [ true, false ] }
# Validates the size of an uploaded picture.
def picture_size
if picture.size > 5.megabytes
errors.add(:picture, "should be less than 5MB in size.")
microposts_controller.rb snippet:
def create
#micropost = current_user.microposts.build(micropost_params)
if #micropost.save!
flash[:success] = "Post created!"
redirect_to root_url
#feed_items = []
render 'static_pages/home'
def micropost_params
params.require(:micropost).permit(:tag1, :tag2, :tag3, :picture, :ispublic)
Test that is failing snippet:
tag1 = "This"
tag2 = "Is"
tag3 = "Sparta"
image = File.open("test/fixtures/p_avatar.png")
assert_difference 'Micropost.count', 1 do
post microposts_path, params: {micropost: { tag1: tag1, tag2: tag2, tag3: tag3, picture: "image",
ispublic: false }}
Test error:
Validation failed. Picture can't be blank.
I am using CarrierWave...based on other answers I was wondering if I can't use the presence: true validation with a picture, but I thought the #micropost.save would just store whatever as a string (varchar). For testing purposes, I just want to make sure a valid string is passed, but maybe that isn't even necessary if CarrierWave and picture_size validation is enough.
Found it. In the Rails spec, there is a function called fixture_file_upload() which does all the heavy lifting of creating the image object for me (some sort of upload to a cache it seems) and making the Model.save() method validate it and store the string in the db.
Thanks to this site it informed me a bit on image upload testing without going through FactoryBot: https://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/carrierwave-rails-test-fixtures/
Ultimately I decided I micropost doesn't require a picture (A la Twitter).

Uniqueness validation for polymorphic model fails

So I have this really weird problem. Here is my model:
class Clip < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :owner, polymorphic: true
default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
validates :address, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: [:owner_type, :owner_id] }
before_save { self.adress=adress.split("=").last }
validates :owner, presence: true
and the test
test "invalid creations" do
get new_clip_path
assert_no_difference "Clip.count" do
post clips_path, params: { clip: { address: "",
description: "bum bum bum" } }
assert_template "clips/new"
assert_match "blank", response.body
assert_no_difference "Clip.count" do
#clip allready in db, should refure
post clips_path, params: { clip: { address: "fWNaR-rxAic",
description: "bum bum bum" } }
assert_template "clips/new"
assert_no_match "blank", response.body
assert_match "Address has already been taken", response.body
The test is passing without a problem but I just realized by accident, that I can still create clips with the same address and owner, as often as I want to. This confuses me for two reasons: a) what is wrong with this line validates :address, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: [:owner_type, :owner_id] } and b) why does the test not fail?

Mongo, Mongoid join data from different models in Ruby on Rails

I'm adapting a Ruby on Rails application to work with MongoDB instead of PostgreSQL. I have this 2 class:
module Cms
class Content
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Orderable
field :title, type: String
field :position, type: String
field :text_body, type: String
field :expiration_date, type: Date
field :active, type: Boolean, default: false
validates :title, :text_body, presence: true
orderable base: 0
belongs_to :cms_content_category, class_name: 'Cms::ContentCategory'
scope :ordered, ->() { order(position: :asc) }
scope :not_expired, ->() { any_of({ expiration_date: nil }, { :expiration_date.gte => Date.today }) }
module Cms
class Submenu
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Orderable
field :title, type: String
field :position, type: String
field :external_url, type: String
field :open_as, type: String, default: '_self'
field :active, type: Boolean, default: false
delegate :url_helpers, to: :'Rails.application.routes'
validates :title, presence: true
validates :external_url, presence: true, if: Proc.new { |obj| obj.cms_content_id.nil? }
validates :cms_content_id, presence: true, if: Proc.new { |obj| obj.external_url.blank? }
orderable base: 0
belongs_to :cms_content, class_name: 'Cms::Content'
belongs_to :cms_menu, class_name: 'Cms::Menu'
scope :ordered, ->() { order(position: :asc) }
def url
self.external_url.present? ? self.external_url : url_helpers.content_show_path(self.cms_content_id)
The problem is that I don't know how to adapt the following SQL query to work with MongoDB.
scope :active, joins("FULL JOIN contents ON contents.id = cms_submenus.content_id")
.where("cms_submenus.active IS TRUE AND (
(cms_submenus.content_id IS NOT NULL AND ((contents.expiration_date >= :today OR expiration_date IS NULL) AND contents.archived IS NOT TRUE)) OR
(cms_submenus.external_url IS NOT NULL AND cms_submenus.external_url <> '')
)", today: Date.today)
This scope has to be called from Submenu model.
Someone has an idea on how to solve this problem?
I'm using Rails 4.2.0 with Ruby 2.2.0 and Mongoid 4.0.2 with MongoDB 2.6.8.
thank you

Validation doesn't work in "sexy" style

It seems that Rails doens't let me pass in more than one parameter when using this validation syntax. It always has a syntax method for an unexpected comma after the first argument.
class Apartment < ActiveRecord::Base
geocoded_by :location
after_validation :geocode
has_many :image_attachments
validates_associated :image_attachments
accepts_nested_attributes_for :image_attachments
validates :location, presence: true
validates :description, presence: true
validates :price, :presence => true
,:format => { with: /^[0-9]+$/, message: 'must be a number' }
validates :longitude, presence: true
It's bad formatting (and very "unsexy") to have the comma at the beginning of the next line.
Better to do...
validates :price, :presence => true,
:format => { with: /^[0-9]+$/, message: 'must be a number' }
...which should work fine.
A more consistent style is to use the Ruby 1.9 convention for key/value when key is a symbol.
validates :price, presence: true,
format: { with: /^[0-9]+$/, message: 'must be a number' }

Mongoid: ActiveModel Numericality Validation, allow_nil does not work

I've defined a Mongoid model with an Integer field for which i validate numericality like this
# source.rb
class Source
field :code, type: Integer
validates_numericality_of :code, allow_nil: true
The purpose of allow_nil is to validate fields which are present & ignore nil values.
But here, allow_nil completely bypasses the numericality check
object = Source.new
object.code = "ABC"
=> true
=> #<Source _id: 50d00b2d81ee9eae46000001, _type: nil, code: 0>
In activerecord, this works correctly
object = Source.new
object.code = "ABC"
=> false
=> #<Source id: nil, code: 0, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
(0.1ms) begin transaction
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
=> false
Mongoid behaves slightly different to Active Record when using #valid? on already persisted data. Active Record's #valid? will run all validations whereas Mongoid's #valid? will only run validations on fields where data has changed as an optimization. - see mongoid validation
so this could be your problem.
you could try
validates_numericality_of :code, :allow_nil => true
validates :code, :numericality => true ,:allow_nil => true
