Need to run make twice after make clean - makefile

All I want to do is gather source files from different source directories into one folder and then do the build of those make files. After a make clean I have to run make command twice to do the build.
So first I run make clean, then i run make, which throws an error saying no -o files found. But when iIrun the make again, the build goes through and generates the build files.
My makefile looks like below
.PHONY: dirs all clean
all: dirs $(OBJ_DIR) $(OBJ_FILES)
"$(CC) -rvn fLib.a $(OBJ_FILES)
# clean build target. Remove all files without reporting errors in case they don't exist.
#rm -rf fLib.a $(OBJ_DIR)
# Build target for creating flat header file folder for SharedTrackerAPI (FLAT_INC_DIR)
# due to too long paths in Windows 7 build
#echo 'Making flat source and header folders.'
#mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
#for f in $(SRC_FILES); do cp $$f $(OBJ_DIR); done
#mkdir -p $(FLAT_INC_DIR)
#find $(STA_RADAR_TRACKER_IFACE) -name '*.h' | xargs -i cp -l {} $(FLAT_INC_DIR)
#cd $(OLD_CWD)
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/%.cpp
"$(TASKING_CTC_BIN)"/cctc.exe $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $# $< $(CC_INCLUDE_PATH)
What am I doing wrong that I have to run make twice after a make clean.

The problem is that although dirs will place the source files in the flat source directory, Make doesn't know that. Before it executes the dirs rule, it has already determined that it knows no way to build the object files.
The quick and dirty solution is to tell Make "trust me, it'll be fine"; one way to do that is to modify the object rule like this:
"$(TASKING_CTC_BIN)"/cctc.exe $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $# $(OBJ_DIR)/$*.cpp $(CC_INCLUDE_PATH)
If you stop there, you will have a working solution.
If you want a more clean, efficient and flexible makefile, you must rethink the approach to finding source files. I see no good reason to use the flat source file approach, but if you really want to use it, here is a good way:
vpath %.cpp $(dir $(SRC_FILES))
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.cpp: %.cpp
#cp $< $#
Now you can get rid of dir and use your unmodified object rule:
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(OBJ_DIR)/%.cpp
"$(TASKING_CTC_BIN)"/cctc.exe $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $# $< $(CC_INCLUDE_PATH)
How to handle the header files (FLAT_INC_DIR) is up to you, but I recommend vpath again.


Is it possible to create a target that repeats an action for different files?

I'm trying to build a Makefile that simplifies compilation for a C assignment. The Makefile works fine for now, however, I would like to add a new target that executes a previous target and creates files.
The objective is the following:
Compile a given program (figures.c)
Execute it (this creates a bunch of .gv files)
Transform every .gv file to a .pdf file
I know how to transform a single file (I have the command), but can't seem to figure out how to loop through every file, without typing them all out.
I've already tried doing a different type of target, but does not work (see commented target)
CFLAGS=-Wall -ansi -pedantic
FILES=$(wildcard $(FIGS)/*.gv)
.PHONY: clean doc archive author all
.SILENT : clean
# Targets
all : clean test images
test : $(OBJ)/Test_arbre.o $(OBJ)/aux.o $(OBJ)/Affichage.o $(OBJ)/ArbreBinaire.o $(OBJ)/arbres.o
$(CC) $^ -o $# $(CFLAGS)
figures : $(OBJ)/figures.o $(OBJ)/Affichage.o $(OBJ)/ArbreBinaire.o $(OBJ)/aux.o $(OBJ)/arbres.o
$(CC) $^ -o $# $(CFLAGS)
%.pdf: $(FIGS)/%.gv
dot -Tpdf -o $(FIGS)/$# $^
#$(FILES): $(FIGS)/%.pdf : $(FIGS)/%.gv
# dot -Tpdf -o $# $^
images : figures $(FILES)
#=========== Objets ===========
$(OBJ)/arbres.o : $(INC)/arbres.h $(INC)/aux.h $(INC)/Affichage.h $(INC)/ArbreBinaire.h
$(OBJ)/Affichage.o : $(INC)/Affichage.h $(INC)/ArbreBinaire.h
$(OBJ)/exemple*_arbre.o : $(INC)/Affichage.h $(INC)/ArbreBinaire.h
$(OBJ)/aux.o : $(INC)/aux.h
$(OBJ)/figures.o : $(INC)/Affichage.h $(INC)/ArbreBinaire.h $(INC)/arbres.h
$(OBJ)/Test_arbre.o : $(INC)/arbres.h $(INC)/ArbreBinaire.h $(INC)/Affichage.h
# Dummy rule
$(OBJ)/%.o : $(SRC)/%.c
#mkdir -p $(#D)
#$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) -I $(INC)/ -c -o $#
# Miscellaneous
rm -f *~ */*~
rm -rf __pycache__ src/__pycache__
rm -rf $(DOC)
rm -f $(PROJECT)_$(AUTHOR12)_$(AUTHOR22).zip
rm -f
rm -rf $(OBJ)
rm -f $(FIGS)/*.pdf $(FIGS)/*.gv
rm -f test
The current Makefile works fine on all other commands than images.
If any of you could help, it would mean a lot!
Your definition of FILES should map the *.gv files to the corresponding *.pdf files;
FILES=$(patsubst %.gv,%.pdf,$(wildcard $(FIGS)/*.gv))
The rule which says how to generate a PDF should factor out the directory name;
%.pdf: %.gv
dot -Tpdf -o $# $^
Now, if make tries to create $(FIGS)/ick.pdf, the input will be $(FIGS)/ick.gv - the pattern says to substitute the extension .gv with the extension .pdf, and the rest of the file name stays unmodified, exactly like you'd want. A rule like
%.pdf: $(FIGS)/%.gv # error, don't use
says you need to find the source file in a subdirectory $(FIGS); so if you tried to make $(FIGS)/ick.pdf, that means make would need to find or generate $(FIGS)/$(FIGS)/ick.gv as input according to this rule.
If you absolutely cannot predict what files will be created on step (2) (and so confined to using $(wildcard ...)), you still must execute it after (2) is finished.
It's ugly but I can't think of better alternative than using "recursive make". I mean something like this:
.PHONY: images pdf
images: figures
# use figures to generate all .gv files
##figures --create-all-gv-files
# invoke make recursively
#$(MAKE) --no-print-directory pdf
# ensure $(wildcard ...) is invoked only if needed
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),pdf)
PDF_FILES:=$(patsubst %.gv,%.pdf,$(wildcard $(FIGS)/*.gv))
pdf: $(PDF_FILES)
%.pdf: %.gv
dot -Tpdf -o $# $<

Prerequisite `myphony` of target `mytarget` does not exist when rebuilding - as if myphony was a file

My Makefile has been recompiling all my source files even if they haven't changed. I gave it a look with make -d and found stuff like this:
Prerequisite `setup' of target `bin/exception/Exceptions.o' does not exist.
Must remake target `bin/exception/Exceptions.o'.
Please note that this is what I get after bin/exception/Exceptions.o has already been compiled.
Now what on Earth does it mean by the prerequisite not existing? I've quite clearly declared it, and marked it as PHONY. This example should produce the same results for you (You should just be able to run this - I've made it produce all the necessary files for you)
.PHONY: all
all: $(OBJ_DIR)/app
.PHONY: setup
mkdir -p $(sort $(dir $(OBJS)))
# To make the source file for you
#mkdir -p $(dir $#)
touch $#
$(OBJ_DIR)/app: setup $(OBJS)
#echo CXX -o $#
#touch $#
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp setup
#echo CXX -c -o $#
#cp $< $#
If I take out the requirement for setup, then my program will not recompile unchanged sources as expected.
Why does make think it needs to rebuild?
[Phony targets] should not be [...] prerequisite[s] of a real target file.
That's from the manual section on Phony targets.
What you are seeing is part of why. make always considers a phony target as out-of-date and needing to be rebuilt. As a result (and since the file doesn't exist) that also applies to anything that depends on it.
There are two simple solutions to this problem.
The first is to make setup a Force Target instead of a .PHONY target which will allow it to operate normally (it might want to also be an Empty Target too but as long as it is touched at least once it should work).
The second is to make setup an order-only prerequisite:
$(OBJ_DIR)/app: $(OBJS) | setup
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp | setup
You could also just make sure that the normal output target recipes create the output directory before trying to use it.
$(OBJ_DIR)/app: $(OBJS)
#mkdir -p $(#D)
#echo CXX -o $#
#touch $#
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
#echo CXX -c -o $#
#cp $< $#

Makefile - a command in a command?

I have an embarrassingly simple makefile question but I can't google it due to lack of knowledge - I don't know the words for things I don't know.
Basically, I want to run the makefile in the current directory, look into the ./SRC directory for source files and when everything is finished, move the object files into the ./OBJ directory.
mv -f -t ./OBJ_DIR ./$(OBJ_FILES)
file.o: other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c
I want to call "move_obj" after compiling the source files but since I don't know what
result: dependency
actually represents (and all makefile introduction guides I've found state "This is what a makefile looks like, off you go then"), I don't know why this isn't working. I assume I need some evaluate command or need to define a function or...?
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can do this by creating another rule for example move, like below
all: $(EXECUTABLE) move
$(CC) -o $# $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# -I $(INCLUDE_PATH) $<
# Move the .o to Object directory #
But by doing the above, you will defeat the purpose of the Makefile.
Since your rule is dependent on .o, Make will look for .o in current directory and not find it (because you've moved it) and thus rebuild.
To avoid this, you should output it to ./obj directory and use it from there.
Something like
gcc -g -Wall -o obj/foo.o -c src/foo.c -I ./include
gcc -g -Wall -o obj/main.o -c src/main.c -I ./include
gcc -o exe obj/foo.o obj/main.o -lanylibrary
Below is the makefile doing the same.
C_FLAGS := -g -Wall -Wextra
CC := gcc
RM := rm
LINKFLAGS := -lanylibrary
.PHONY: $(TARGET) clean
VPATH:= ./src/ ./obj/ ./include/
# Path for .c , .h and .o Files
SRC_PATH := ./src/
OBJ_PATH := ./obj/
INC_PATH := -I ./include
# Executable Name
TARGET := exe
# Files to compile
OBJ1 := foo.o \
OBJ := $(patsubst %,$(OBJ_PATH)%,$(OBJ1))
# Build .o first
$(OBJ_PATH)%.o: $(SRC_PATH)%.c
#echo [CC] $<
#$(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -o $# -c $< $(INC_PATH)
# Build final Binary
#echo [INFO] Creating Binary Executable [$(TARGET)]
#$(CC) -o $# $^ $(LINKFLAGS)
# Clean all the object files and the binary
#echo "[Cleaning]"
#$(RM) -rfv $(OBJ_PATH)*
#$(RM) -rfv $(TARGET)
Refer to this answer for a better understanding
You can also output your executable to directory, add the following changes to your Makefile.
Ensure that the bin directory is created beforehand, and not deleted by clean.
# Path for .c , .h and .o Files, and ./bin directory
BIN_PATH := ./bin
# Executable Name
# Clean all the object files and the binary
#echo "[Cleaning]"
#$(RM) -rfv $(OBJ_PATH)*
#$(RM) -fv $(TARGET)
If you want to build a target(move_obj) after another(file.o), add the move_obj to the dependency list of file.o so that the commands under the move_obj will be executed.
So your Makefile should be:
file.o: other_file.h move_obj
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c
mv -f -t ./OBJ_DIR ./$(OBJ_FILES)
As Colonel Thirty Two mentioned in the comment section, instead of compiling and then move, you can build the object files in the required directory
file.o: other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c -o ./$(OBJ_FILES)/$#
This is flawed in various ways.
result normally is an actual file that should be present after the recipe is executed. If the file is already there and is not older than any of its dependencies, make does nothing. So instead of creating a file somewhere and then moving it around with another rule, make sure the rule creates it where it should FINALLY be. Otherwise make can never check whether it has to rebuild it (and always will). In this case, use the -o flag of the compiler to directly create it where it should be (e.g. -o $(OBJ_DIR)/file.o)
dependency should list ALL files that are needed to build the result, so make really rebuilds it if ANY of these files changed. In your case, at least file.c is missing from the dependency list
In order to place files in a directory, you should make sure it exists. you could do it like this:
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(OBJ_DIR)/file.o: $(OBJ_DIR) file.c other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c -o $(OBJ_DIR)/file.o
Your move_obj recipe, although not suitable in this case, would be a PHONY target, meaning it does not create a file. If you need such rules, mark them accordingly by mentioning them as dependency of the special target .PHONY:
.PHONY: move_obj
The reason for this is that you could (by accident) have a file named move_obj in your working directory. In that case, make would decide there's nothing to do for move_obj, and this is not what you want. Marking it as phony tells make that this rule does not create its target and the recipe must be executed no matter what.
All in all, your question comes down to misunderstanding a Makefile as kind of a script. It is not. It's a declarative file that tells make what has to be done in order to build files (your evaluation block) and when this needs to be done (your dependency block). It's better not to try to misuse a Makefile as a script.

How to avoid this recursive Makefile to relink?

today I'm requesting your help about a Makefile that's driving me crazy. There it is:
# Executable name
NAME = libft.a
# Compiler and archive linker settings
CC = gcc
AR = ar
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -g3
ARFLAGS = -rsc
IFLAGS = -I./includes/
# Project layout
SRC_DIR = ./src/
INC_DIR = ./inc/
OBJ_DIR = ./obj/
OBJ = $(shell grep -r .o ./obj | awk '{print $$3}' | tr '\n' ' ')
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(OBJ_DIR) $(NAME)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(NAME): compile $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) $(OBJ)
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) object files: OK! √\n"
make -C src/io
make -C src/lists
make -C src/memory
make -C src/strings
make -C src/tests
I've tried multiple combination of dependencies, rules, etc but I just don't get it. Sometimes I got it to stop relinking but in thoses cases it wouldn't re-compile object files because $(OBJ) was empty and wasn't updated after I ran compile.
This version is close to be good, but everytime I run make it executes the recipe $(NAME) and does the ar -rsc %(OBJ) .. How can I put them in dependencies to $(NAME) ?
Well, basically your entire approach here cannot succeed. Just for one example: you are trying to find the object files using grep (honestly I don't understand that shell command at all; what does printing the $3 word from the output of grep -r do??? Don't you just mean find $(OBJ_DIR) -name \*.o here?) This will expand to all the object files found in your subdirectories. But, that shell command runs when your top-level makefile is parsed, and that parsing happens before make runs any rules... so, no object files have been built yet! So, this target doesn't depend on anything. Even after some object files have been built, it only depends on object files that already exist, not on object files that are created during the build.
Really if I were you I'd do this completely differently. However, the simplest way to make your makefile work properly as written is to build $(NAME) using a recursive make as well; change your makefile like this:
all: compile
$(NAME): $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# object files: OK! √\n"
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(MAKE) -C src/io
$(MAKE) -C src/lists
$(MAKE) -C src/memory
$(MAKE) -C src/strings
$(MAKE) -C src/tests
Here all doesn't depend on $(NAME); instead, the compile step first builds everything then at the end it recursively invokes itself to build $(NAME); at this point we know everything is up to date and we can depend on the object files existing.
Other things: note I used the automatic variable $^ here not $(OBJ); that variable is a simple variable that runs a shell script: it's expensive! Every time you expand the $(OBJ) variable you pay that cost, so you only ever want to do it one time. Alternatively, you can use := to set OBJS instead so it's only invoked once per make instance. That's still one more time than you need but avoiding this will be painful.
I also moved the mkdir into the compile rule. It's cleaner there than as a prerequisite of all.
Finally, you should never invoke sub-makes using the make command directly. Always use the $(MAKE) variable, or various things will not work correctly.
The question was obvioulsy solved by the previous post.
You need to use the $(MAKE) variable to call recursively your make file with the $(NAME) rule instead of putting $(NAME) as a all dependency, after subsequent calls to your underlying Makefiles using the $(MAKE) variable again.

Makefile with Fortran - src and bin directories

I'm having some trouble understanding how to design my makefile to build my project the way I want to. Specifically, I can't figure out how to keep all source files in a src directory, while putting all binaries in a bin directory except the linked executable, which goes in the project root.
This is my makefile:
# Compiler options
FC := mpif90
FFLAGS := -O3 -g -Wall -Warray-bounds -ffixed-line-length-none -fbounds-check
VPATH := src
BINDIR := bin
# Define file extensions
.SUFFIXES: .f .o .mod
# All modules
OBJS := $(BINDIR)/ratecoeffs.o $(BINDIR)/interpolation.o $(BINDIR)/io.o $(BINDIR)/eedf.o $(BINDIR)/single_particle.o $(BINDIR)/physics.o $(BINDIR)/random.o $(BINDIR)/mpi.o $(BINDIR)/precision.o $(BINDIR)/populations.o
# Build rules
all: runner | $(BINDIR)
mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
$(BINDIR)/%.o: $(VPATH)/%.f | $(BINDIR)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $^ -o $#
runner: $(OBJS)
#rm -rf $(BINDIR)
Running make builds everything allright - it finds all source files in src and puts all .o files in bin - but the module files (.mod) that are generated by the compiler are put in the project root instead of in the bin directory. I realize I could just specify a rule to place them there, but that messes with the build order, and will sometimes break the build.
What is the "correct" way to get this behavior?
And yes, I've looked at autotools and automake, but I've never used them before and they seem to be overkill for this project. As I couldn't find any good tutorials on how they work (no, I didn't like the tutorial on I'd prefer if I could avoid having to learn this tool just to get this work...
Assuming your underlying Fortran compiler is gfortran, use the -J command line option.
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $^ -o $# -J$(BINDIR)
With an eye to the future, you may be better off creating a MODDIR or similar variable, that you use instead of BINDIR. Object code (*.o) and mod files have different roles to play in later compilation and linking steps - in larger projects they are often kept separate.
It would be probably more in the sense of the make system to change into the obj-directory and do the compilation from there. Via the VPATH option you can let make to find your source files automatically. You could easily call your makefile recursively from the right directory. Below you find a trivial example which would be straightforward to adapt to your case. Please note, that it only works with GNU make.
ifeq (1,$(RECURSED))
# Project specific makefile
FC = gfortran
LN = $(FC)
OBJS = accuracy.o eqsolver.o io.o linsolve.o
linsolve: $(OBJS)
$(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o $# $^
%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(FCOPTS) -c $<
.PHONY: clean realclean
rm -f *.mod *.o
realclean: clean
rm -f linsolve
eqsolver.o: accuracy.o
io.o: accuracy.o
linsolve.o: accuracy.o eqsolver.o io.o
# Recusive invokation
BUILDDIR = _build
.PHONY: all $(RECURSIVE_GOALS) distclean
mkdir $(BUILDDIR)
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
The principle is simple:
In the first part you write your normal makefile, as if you would create the object files in the source directory. However, additionally you add the VPATH option to make sure the source files are found (as make will be in the directory BUILDDIR when this part of the makefile is processed).
In the second part (which is executed first, when the variable RECURSED is not set yet), you change to the BUILDIR directory and invoke your makefile from there. You pass some helper variables (e.g. the current directory) and all make goals, apart of those, which must be executed from outside BUILDDIR (e.g. distclean and the one creating BUILDDIR itself). The rules for those goals you specify also in the second part.
