laravel 7 ; Unable to validate multiple files - laravel

i am trying to validate a multi file array for a larvel 7 project
i followed this guide: that suggest using the function:
However my controller is unable to locate this method and i cannot find it anywhere:
I did use this at the top of my controller:
use \Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
Below is the method i used on my controller
public function uploadSubmit(Request $request)
$input = $request->all();
$validator = Validator::make(
'images.*' => 'required|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,bmp|max:20000'
'images.*.required' => 'Please upload an image',
'images.*.mimes' => 'Only jpeg,png and bmp images are allowed',
'images.*.max' => 'Sorry! Maximum allowed size for an image is 20MB',
This is the Error i get:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Validation\Validator::make()
Any suggestions on how to validate multiple files/Images in Laravel 7 would be appreciated.

make function exists in Validator facade. You can use it like so use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;


Laravel validation couldn't store value after validate and give error 500

I have a form that using ajax for update data client. In that form there is an input file. Everything is going fine except for updating the file. File is sent, it changed on storage too, but it gives error on validation and didn't change data on database.
Here is the code on the controller :
public function update(Request $request, Client $client)
$validatedData = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'name' => 'required|max:255',
'logo'=> 'image|file|max:100',
'level' => 'required|max:1'
$validatedData['user_id'] = auth()->user()->id;
if ($validatedData->fails()){
return response()->json($validatedData->errors());
} else {
$validatedData['logo'] = $request->file('logo')->store('logo-clients');
$validateFix = $validatedData->validate();
Client::where('id', $client->id)->update($validateFix);
return response()->json([
'success' => 'Success!'
It gives error on line :
$validatedData['logo'] = $request->file('logo')->store('logo-clients');
With message :
"Cannot use object of type Illuminate\Validation\Validator as array"
I use the same code that works on another case, the difference is the other not using ajax or I didn't use Validator::make on file input. I guess it's just wrong syntax but I don't really know where and what it is.
To retrieve the validated input of a Validator, use the validated() function like so:
$validated = $validator->validated();
$validatedData is an object of type Illuminate\Validation\Validator.
I would say the error is earlier there as well as this line should give an error also:
$validatedData['user_id'] = auth()->user()->id;
As ericmp said, you first need to retrieve the validateddata to an array and then work with it.

Laravel - how to retrieve url parameter in custom Request?

I need to make custom request and use its rules. Here's what I have:
public function rules()
return [
'name' => 'required|min:2',
'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . $id,
'password' => 'nullable|min:4'
The problem is that I can't get $id from url (, I've tried this as some forums advised:
But all of this returns null, how can I get id from url?
When you are using resources, the route parameter will be named as the singular version of the resource name. Try this.
Bonus points
This sound like you are going down the path of doing something similar to this.
In the context of controllers this is an anti pattern, as Laravels container automatic can resolve these. This is called model binding, which will both handle the 404 case and fetching it from the database.
public function update(Request $request, User $user) {

Validating Image Uploads

Yo! I am working on a form where I attach some image.
{{ Form::file('attachments[]', array('multiple')) }}
$this->validate($response, array(
'attachments' => 'required | mimes:jpeg,jpg,png',
I have also tried 'image' as validator rule but whenever I post the form with jpg image I get back errors:
The attachments must be a file of type: jpeg, jpg, png.
Working with Laravel 5.3
Since you defined an input name of attachments[], attachments will be an array containing your file. If you only need to upload one file, you might want to rename your input name to be attachments, without the [] (or attachment would make more sense in that case). If you need to be able to upload multiple, you can build an iterator inside your Request-extending class that returns a set of rules covering each entry inside attachments[]
protected function attachments()
$rules = [];
$postedValues = $this->request->get('attachments');
if(null == $postedValues) {
return $rules;
// Let's create some rules!
foreach($postedValues as $index => $value) {
$rules["attachments.$index"] = 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png';
/* Let's imagine we've uploaded 2 images. $rules would look like this:
'attachments.0' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png',
'attachments.1' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png'
return $rules;
Then, you can just call that function inside rules() to merge the array returned from attachments with any other rules you might want to specify for that request:
public function rules()
return array_merge($this->attachments(), [
// Create any additional rules for your request here...
If you do not yet have a dedicated Request-extending class for your form, you can create one with the artisan cli by entering: php artisan make:request MyRequestName. A new request class will be created inside app\Http\Requests. That is the file where you would put the code above in. Next, you may just typehint this class inside the function signature of your controller endpoint:
public function myControllerEndpoint(MyRequestName $request)
// Do your logic... (if your code gets here, all rules inside MyRequestName are met, yay!)

non-static method basemodel::validate() should not be called statically,assuming $this from compatible context

Was tryin to validate my registration form calling the validation method from the basemodel in my controller
The method
public function postSIgnup ()
$validation = User::validate(Input::all());
Route::post('register', array('before=>'csrf', 'uses'=>'UsersController#postSignup'));
Help mi solve this problem
You can't just say 'validate my whole form'.
The reason this error occurs is because you are trying to use the validation method from Laravel.
Basic Form Validation in Laravel
First you want to grab all your form data/content.
$input = Input::all();
Secondly you can setup some rules. Those rules can be set in an array which Laravel will use.
Make sure the names are correctly spelled. (Those are the ones u used in your form-template.)
$rules = array(
'real_name' => 'Required|Min:3|Max:80|Alpha',
'email' => 'Required|Between:3,64|Email|Unique:users',
'age' => 'Integer|Min:18',
'password' =>'Required|AlphaNum|Between:4,8|Confirmed',
To make use of the validator you have to create anew instance first:
You attach the form input and the rules you have set above.
When they match you can save your form to your database or what else you would like to do with it. That will probably look like:
$validator = Validator::make($input,$rules);
We can check now if the Validator passes or not...
$messages = $validator->messages();
return Redirect::to('yourpage')->withErrors($messages);
// Handle your data...

Laravel 4 Mail function not working properly

I'm currently working on a web application which requires users to verify before they are able to use their account.
I'm using Cartalyst's Sentry to register the users, and sending the email using the built in Mail function, but whenever I register I get the following error:
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Mail\Mailer::__construct() must be an instance of
Illuminate\View\Environment, instance of Illuminate\View\Factory given,
called in
on line 34 and defined
I can't figure out what causes this.
At the top of my code I included "use Mail" otherwise I would get another error:
Class '\Services\Account\Mail' not found
// Create the user
$user = $this->sentry->register(array(
'email' => e($input['email']),
'password' => e($input['password'])
$activationCode = $user->getActivationCode();
$data = array(
'activation_code' => $activationCode,
'email' => e($input['email']),
'company_name' => e($input['partnerable_name'])
// Email the activation code to the user
Mail::send('emails.auth.activate', $data, function($message) use ($input)
$message->to(e($input['email']), e($input['partnerable_name']))
->subject('Activate your account');
Anybody got an idea what the solution for this error is?
Thanks in advance,
Remove /bootstrap/compiled.php I think it will work for you.
You need to remove this from your Mail::send call. The function should be the third parameter so I'm not sure what you're trying to do here -- the $input['email'] field will already be available within the function due to your "use ($input)"
$email = e($input['email']
