Where does Spring Security stores my session data by default? - spring

I'm currently trying to implemente some basic security structure to my Spring Boot project, but I can't find an really concrete answer to what is going on in the authentication process. Basically, I just followed this tutorial:
An it seems to be using the default Spring Security protocols and stuff, i really only implemented a custom filter where my code checks MongoDB for an existing user, and the thing works as expected.
The thing is, Postman tells me that whenever I do a successful login I receive a JSESSIONID cookie, and this cookie is used on get requests, for example. If there is a SESSION ID, I assume that Spring somehow knows how to map ID to users, but how? I haven't set up any DB configuration for that, and Spring seems to store that state somewhere. How can I access it, or change to a DB on which access I have control of?

if you want to save sessions to database, you can add org.springframework.session:spring-session-jdbc dependencty. You can choose sql file from here for your database and create tables.


Spring Boot session management - combined solution PostgreSQL + Redis

So, I would like to implement complex session management in my application. Essentially, I would like to store user sessions both in the postgre and Redis.
So, the algorithm should be the following:
A request is sent to the app, the application parses incoming request cookies and extracts a session parameter;
Spring server tries to retrieve respective session object by id from Redis
If the previous step succeeds, then the server verifies the session and lets the request pass through if the session is active and valid. Otherwise - unauthorized path.
If the session object isn't present in the Redis, then the server tries pulling a member session from the postgre. Does the same verifications and caches the response. If the session isn't valid or isn't present in RDBMS - go to the unauthorized path.
Is there any elegant way to implement the following mechanism using existing packages? Or will this require custom logic?
So, I watched this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TggWLDAXmb4
And I was able to get a gist of how basic security mechanisms work in Spring and implement the workflow described above;
Basically, you will need to have:
Custom security filter that will be preparing specific Authentication;
Custom authentication provider that will be performing authentication (checking session)

How to set up a database for authenticate and data management

I just finished the in deph course of vaadin fusion (#marcushellberg). It was really good.
Now Im trying to do the same but now I have a Postgres database with info, but I don't know how to load the information in the grid from the database
And how to authenticate an user from database instead of hardcode the credentials... Anyone can help?
I just created my personalized entities, endpoints, repositories and the view for one of them however the view do not load the info from database, also I have the application.properties file with database info and tested
Is there something that I am missing?
Thanks in advance and if you need more info from my project just let me know.
I notice that in my browser I am getting this
Error: Endpoint 'SupermercadosEndpoint' method 'getSupermercadosData' request cannot be accessed, reason: 'Access denied'
Vaadin Fusion uses Spring Security, you can follow any Spring Security tutorials on database authentication if you want to store your credentials there. Here's one for example https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-authentication-with-a-database
For the endpoint access, ensure you have a #PermitAll or another appropriate annotation on the Endpoint as they are deny all by default when you have security enabled https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/fusion/security/configuring/#security-options

Authentication system in frontend - backend services

I'm very new in Spring and never really used java for making web. And I'm making a web with a separated frontend and backend services and I'm trying to make an authentication system using Spring Boot Security. How can I do it? Do I put the security on both the service or just one of them? What's the best way to implement it?
The question is subjective and can have too many interpretations based on context. My understanding is that putting security on both front-end and backend is the best way to implement. After a successful backend authentication you should issue a unique cookie to the browser as it allows users to continue using a site without having to log in to every single page. For each subsequent call, the website recognizes the user from cookie data.
You can use this link for a better understanding of dual authentication mechanism.

Spring Security Kerberos SSO for a REST API (Tomcat)

Here is my problem:
Context :
-Windows Server 2012 with ActiveDirectory
-Rest API (Spring)
I'm currently trying to restrict REST request. I want that only specific groups of the AD could access to specific resources. I'm restricted to Kerberos authentication.
System configuration
Create a user in domain "Tomcat"
setspn -a HTTP/apirest.domain#DOMAIN
Generate a tomcat.keytab using ktpass
API rest configuration
I'm using the spring security sample on github that you can find here :
I know that there is an EntryPoint and this is not needed in my context (API Rest). I've chosen this sample because it seems to use the windows authentication context and use it to automatically authenticate me in the spring security context. Right after, an ldap request is send to extract all information about the user logged. In my case, I need to extract the group.
I'm also using :
To extract the role of the user with the class "RoleStrippingLdapUserDetailsMapper.java" instead of the "ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthoritiesPopulator". This implementation also offers localhost authentication but the issue with the NTLM token seems to be fixed in last commit of spring security.
I'm not really sure if this is the right way to do what I want.
My authentication seems to fail and I only have one things going wrong in my logs..
"Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read-write operations"
Do I have to run my tomcat service using the tomcat account ? (Seems to be, yes)
Am I doing the right things with Kerberos security ?
How can I get rid of the anonymous context?
The anonymous context seems to be set just right after Tomcat start. I want to get a context just after that my user (For instance, user1) requests the rest API (EntryPoint or whatever)
If there is something unclear let me know, I will try to reformulate!
You do not need to query LDAP to get information about which groups does user belong to. Active Directory already adds this information to the Kerberos ticket which is sent from browser to Tomcat.
You just need to extract this information from the token for example using Kerb4J library. It comes with Spring integration inspired by spring-security-kerberos project so it should be pretty easy to switch to it.
If you still want to query LDAP you need to authenticate in LDAP before you can make any queries. Again there's no need to use end-user accounts for it - you can use the keytab file for Kerberos authentication in LDAP and query groups using "Tomcat" account
I found a way to fix my issue.
In a REST API context, you have no entry point. I tried to set my entry point to an unmapped URL, just to do the negociation. By doing this, you will receive an HTTP response with the error code 404 (Not found) but with the right header was added by spring security (WWW-Authenticate).
The web browser will not send the ticket service if the error code is not 401.
To solve this problem, you have to create a CustomEntryPoint class (implements AuthenticationEntryPoint) and you need to override the "commence" method to return a 401 HTTP code with the right header.
I hope that could help. If there is a better way, let me know !

Spring HTTP Invoker session (state) storage

i have a Swing-client and a Server running on tomcat 7, which communicate with each other using Spring (3.1) HTTP invoker. The communication works fine so far (even with TSL), but now i am trying to add Spring Security.
side-note: In a typical webapplication i would use basic authentication to authenticate the user. After my CustomAuthenticationProvider returns an Authentication object for the user, everything "just works", meaning that on every further request the SecurityContext is automatically set. I guess the login returns a session-key to the client which is send on every request to identify the session.
That is pretty much what i am looking for with HTTP-Invoker. At the moment it seems like i get a new context on every request, which is bad, because my customAuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication auth) method is pretty costy and should really only be called once per user-session.
Any Idea?
edit i found some hints on this at http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?10764-Maintaing-State-while-using-HttpInvoker ,but as this link is more then 8 years old, i was hoping for an easier solution.
I found the solution now. First you need to know that the spring-security part is completely the same as it would be in a webapplication (which is great).
On client-side you need a more complex HTTP-client implementation. I used org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpComponentsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor. On server-side you could use the create-session="always"-Attribute of the <http-element to ensure that a session is always created. However, i found it better to create the session myself (just call httpServletRequest.getSession() which creates a session if non exists), because that way you can specify when to do that. In my case i create the session in my authenticationProvider only if authentication was successful.
