Command not found when opening terminal, possible conda issue? - macos

for some reason whenever I open my terminal it immediately prints the following (after the "last login" line of course):
(eval):116: command not found: dirname
(eval):116: command not found: dirname
__add_sys_prefix_to_path:6: command not found: dirname
__add_sys_prefix_to_path:7: command not found: dirname
It appears that terminal still works fine, but I can't seem to figure out what the cause of these errors could be. The only thing I've "changed" in my terminal last time I used it was setting up a conda environment and installing some new packages.
Any ideas?

You have tampered with the PATH variable and your current PATH cannot figure out where your common utilities are located.
export PATH
Fix the last entry you made in your bash_profile or zshrc file before you started encountering the error.


VScode integrated terminal suddenly throws an error during initialization

I'm using the most recent VScode on Ubuntu 22.10 and experiencing the following issues while opening ZSH and BASH shells in the integrated terminal. The standard Ubuntu terminal works without errors.
After starting a ZSH integrated terminal:
compdump:138: command not found: mv
/home/user/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: mkdir
/home/user/.oh-my-zsh/tools/ command not found: git
/home/user/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: rm
getent:6: command not found: grep
_p9k_init_cacheable:59: command not found: uname
_p9k_init_cacheable:61: command not found: uname
Command 'uname' is available in the following places
* /bin/uname
* /usr/bin/uname
The command could not be located because '/bin:/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
uname: command not found
Just several hours before, it worked just fine. Then I tried to set up Remote SSH to another Linux machine (Fedora 36, with the same sort of errors I was also unable to resolve by googling).
Using the #modified keyword in Settings, I ensured that no unexpected changes had been made. The PATH is the same as in the fully operational standard terminal.
Wondering what could be the issue.
PATH variable:
The problem.
Unlike the complete PATH expansion in the standard terminal, PATH was expanded partially (omitting /usr/bin, etc.) in the integrated terminal.
Based on this error,
The command could not be located because '/bin:/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
I suggest you run,
export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
To add /bin:/usr/bin to your PATH
Having :$PATH in your PATH means that the sheell will add the variable $PATH to the end of your PATH
The cause of the issue the following configuration from the User settings:
terminal.integrated.env.linux": {
"PYTHONPATH": "/media/user:/media/user/common:$PYTHONPATH",
"PATH": "/media/user:/media/user/common:$PATH"
While the PYTHONPATH variable is expanded properly in the integrated terminal, the PATH is expanded partially to something shown in the UPDATES section of the question. To build on top of the answer by #Orion447, looking for any potential place where PATH could get corrupted is the approach that likely solves the problem.

zsh: command not found: mv (I'm trying to move composer.phar)

I'm trying to follow a course on Udemy (laravel). I just downloaded XAMPP (I'm on macOS Monterey) and I edited the ~/.zshrc file and added export PATH=/Applications/XAMPP/bin
After that I installed composer which worked successfully, but now when I try to run this command: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer the shell responds with: zsh: command not found: mv.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
You messed up your PATH. Do a
instead of the export PATH=... you are using now. And since you want to fiddle with the PATH in your .zshrc, I also suggest to do a
typeset -aU path
near the top of your .zshrc to avoid duplicate PATH entries when you launch an interactive subshell.
The file mv was not found in your PATH, is your PATH variable setup correctly?
Enter echo $PATH to see your PATH variable.
Try /bin/mv to see if the binary file exists.

How to Fix “Command Not Found” in command line

Chances are that you might be getting the following error on your Mac, when you have been trying to run commands in the terminal
and you have already installed the commands
zsh: command not found: git
zsh: command not found: curl
The fix is in the answer below
Chances are that something might have gone wrong with the users $PATH on your machine or maybe the actual path where the command is has not been set.
You can just run the command below, this should fix you issue:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
and if you feel like checking the path you can just run :
echo $PATH

How to fix the invalid identifier of bash?

When I open terminal, I get following error at the top.
bash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/root/bin': not a valid identifier
I am new to linux and I was trying to execute ls command but it was not working and giving some error so I followed this answer to fix it. Now I am able to list down the file using ls command but getting this error. I wonder it will have some serious affect somewhere else or not.
Turns out my path in ~/.bashrc was not correct. So this is what I did.
gedit ~/.bashrc
After the in the opened file I update the PATH to this at the end of the file.

Basic command lines on Mac terminal not working

I changed the bash profile while trying to install mongodb and none of my command lines are working on terminal. I read online that I need to fix the $PATH but I can't even access it when none of my commands are working.
Mistakenly I also ran into same problem where to resolve this I had to reset my PATH variable to basic settings as below :
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin"
Once you set PATH variable now you can open the .bash_profile file in same terminal session only and make changes accordingly. This will resolve your problem.
Ok I found the answer from here:
"Open Terminal, and go to File (or Shell) -> New Command. Type in open -e .profile (or substitute some other file instead of .profile), and hit Run. That should open TextEdit with the file you want to fix; you can remove the offending lines there."
in my case i typed in nano .bash_profile and that allowed me to edit my bash profile and fix the issue.
can't use terminal from error in .bash_profile
Run this in terminal:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
