Trying to Get child node(Switch ) from Parent(LinearLayout) via AndroidFindby(resourceid), Appium - xpath

(class=android.widget.LinearLayout,resource-id=settings_language_selection_toggle,index=1 )
(class=android.widget.LinearLayout,resource-id=widget_frame, index=1)
(class=android.widget.Switch,resource-id=switchWidget, index=0)
You can have a look at the hierarchical representation of the elements below
Hierarchy Image View:
***I have tried to reach the switch button by writing the below code on appium Android for java, but it did not work
#AndroidFindBy(xpath ="new UiSelector().resourceId(\"com.idscan.mjcs.sample:id/settings_language_selection_toggle\").instance(1).getChildById(new UiSelector().className(\"android.widget.Switch\")

You using UiSelector syntax in XPath strategy. That is why it isn't working. Try this one:
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "resourceId(\"settings_language_selection_toggle\").childSelector(className(\"android.widget.Switch\"))")
As you can see here, some boilerplate can be omitted, e.g. new UiSelector().resourceId(...) can be simplified to resourceId(...). One more thing: once you found the root element (LinearLayout with the given resourceId), you can find any child element in the hierarchy using .childSelector() method, nesting doesn't matter.


How to convert View<doc> or Async<doc> to Doc in webSharper?

Please, I am new to WebSharper does anyone know how I can convert View (doc) or Async (doc) to Doc in webSharper? I have tried to open "WebSharper.UI.Next.Client" but does not seem to be compatible with the Doc I am using. The code giving such error is the one I found on the WebSharper website
On the conversions: the functions are Doc.EmbedView and Doc.Async respectively.
The problem with the references was that WebSharper.UI has another separate version still called on its earlier name WebSharper.UI.Next for back-compatibility in older projects. It is recommended to use WebSharper.UI only.
The snippet you have linked was not updated accordingly, I have done it now, and will check others too. The main differences are that Next is no longer used in the namespace names and default HTML combinators take attribute and children lists both (An empty div is now div [] [] while previously there it was a div [] or divAttr [] []).

capybara acceptance test - how to select the right element from inspecting the UI

In this crud test I create a log entry with #notes and will try to update the log by replacing #notes with #updated_notes.
#notes = Faker::Crypto.md5
#updated_notes = Faker::Crypto.sha256
This block of code to create the log entry works. I used within and the id's of divs in the source code with inspect.
it 'User can update manpower log entry' do
# create a new entry
within '#manpower_log_div' do
click_button "+ Add"
expect(page.has_css?('td', #notes)).to be true
Here I try to click the already existing notes on the page, which lets me edit them.
# click the already existing notes to be able to edit them
within '#manpower_log_div' do
The error received is
Unable to find css "#inline_edit"
Inspecting the element gives us this, but notice the id of the object is too specific: data-object_id="11747753". What element can I place in find that I can use every time I run this test?
<span textarea_cols="50" class="inline_textarea_edit inline_editable" data-object_field="notes" data-object_id="11747753" data-object_class="ManpowerLog" data-custom_callback="" id="ManpowerLog-11747753-notes" data-value_required="false">a5c3e556f108fd29b00150ca736c82d6</span>
You can find the element by any valid CSS selector that would match it. In your example you could use class or data attribute - or a combination of both.
In your code find('#inline_edit') is looking for an element with id inline_edit. As Thomas Walpole mentioned you can find your button using css selector for example by class:
Make sure that class is uniq for that element. If not, you'll need to use something else then class or something else together with class, you need to look for uniq attribute of that element.
Also make sure that your element is within element with ID manpower_log_div as you are using within '#manpower_log_div'
You can find more info about css selectors here:

Xpath Part NULL, with xpaths set via content control toolkit

I've been able to set, via code, the xpaths for the placeholders found in the document.
for (Object o : finderSdtRun.results) {
if (o instanceof SdtRun){
SdtPr sdtPr=((SdtRun) o).getSdtPr();
Tag t = sdtPr.getTag();
CTDataBinding ctDataBinding = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createCTDataBinding();
//JAXBElement jaxbDB = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createSdtPrDataBinding(ctDataBinding);
ObjectFactory factory = new org.opendope.xpaths.ObjectFactory();
DataBinding db = factory.createXpathsXpathDataBinding();
Xpaths.Xpath xp = factory.createXpathsXpath();
try {
} catch (Docx4JException e) {
The problem is that, once set, they are not recognized by word, so I thought to add the created Xpaths to a new XpathPart, and then add it to the main Document part.
But I failed because the method:
returns null. This sounded reasonable, since only content control was set, without any Xpath.
Then I set the Xpaths via content control toolkit and the same line of code like above, returned me null, which added a lot of confusion in my yet confused ideas.
Is there any way to tell the document that new Xpath have been added to the document?
I mean, if there is a way to add Xpath via code (the w:databinding w:storedItemId tags), why it is not possible to make it work?
In general I want to add Xpath and all information necessary, via code, avoiding the use of any toolkit.
Thank you :D
First, you have to decide whether you want plain old Word databinding, or the additional OpenDoPE capabilities (which use the content control tag to support repeats, conditionals etc).
You only need an XPaths part if you are using the OpenDoPE extensions.
I'll assume for now that you are just looking to do basic Word content control databinding.
To set that up programmatically, you need to add a custom xml part, and a rel from it to its itemProps.xml part, which contains something like:
<ds:datastoreItem ds:itemID="{5448916C-134B-45E6-B8FE-88CC1FFC17C3}" xmlns:ds="">
(to add a part B to part A, use partA.addTargetPart)
You can see it is this part with gives the custom xml part its itemID; this corresponds with the value you set in:
DataBinding db = factory.createXpathsXpathDataBinding();
Then, set the XPath via the method you were using.

Selenium WebDriver issue with By.cssSelector

I have an element whose html is like :
<div class="gwt-Label textNoStyle textNoWrap titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text">Announcements</div>
I want to check the presence of this element. So I am doing something like :
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
But its not able to evaluate the CSSSelector.
Even I tried like :
tried with this as well :
Note : titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text class is used by only this element in the whole page. So its unique.
Contains pseudo selector I can not use.
I want to identify only with css class.
Versions: Selenium 2.9 WebDriver
Firefox 5.0
When using Webdriver you want to use W3C standard css selectors not sizzle selectors like you may be used to using in jquery. In your example you would want to use:
From reading over your post what you should do since that class is unique is just do a FindElement(By.ClassName("titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text"));
Also the CssSelector doesn't handle the contains keyword it was something that the w3 talked about but never added.
I haven't used css selectors, but this is the xpath selector I would use:
"xpath=//div[#class='gwt-Label textNoStyle textNoWrap titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text']"
The css selector should then probably be something like
"css=div[class='gwt-Label textNoStyle textNoWrap titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text']"
Did you ever tried following code,
I believe using a wildcard in CSS would be more helpful. Something as follows
This will look into the class attribute and see what that attribute is ending with. Since your class attribute is ending with "titlePanelGrayDiagonal-Text" string, the added '$' in the css statement will find the element and then you can perform whatever action you're trying to perform.

Watir, looking for a more elegant solution for HTML element checking

I'm looking for a more elegant solution to check that a range of HTML elements are visible in the browser.
I had the idea of creating a CSV file with element type and IDs, reading it into an array and using that to check the elements are present in the browser.
So the CSV file/array would look something like this,
I then thought I could use case statement to do the checking, something like this,
myElements.each do |row|
type = row[0]
id = row[1]
case type
when "button" : assert(browser.button(:id,id).exists?)
when "checkbox" : assert(browser.checkbox(:id,id).exists?)
when "div" : assert(browser.div(:id,id).exists?)
when "image" : assert(browser.image(:id,id).exists?)
when "label" : assert(browser.label(:id,id).exists?)
when "link" : assert(,id).exists?)
when "radio" : assert(,id).exists?)
when "select" : assert(browser.select_list(:id,id).exists?)
when "span" : assert(browser.span(:id,id).exists?)
when "table" : assert(browser.table(:id,id).exists?)
else $log.debug "---Unsupported element type "+type
Obviously this case statement would be come large and unwieldy if you wanted to cover all supported element types or factor in the different methods of selecting a HTML element.
Can anyone suggest a more elegant and flexible solution?
Replace your case statement with this:
assert(browser.send(type.to_sym, :id, id).exists?)
Thankfully, we then found Akephalos. Akephalos provides a Capybara driver that allows you to run your cucumber integration tests in the headless browser HtmlUnit. HtmlUnit is a “GUI-Less browser for Java programs”. It models HTML documents and provides an API that allows you to invoke pages, fill out forms, click links, etc… just like you do in your “normal” browser. With our fork of Akephalos to resolve a couple of issues that we ran into along the way, we were up and running with very reliable, headless browser tests.
HtmlUnit is written in Java, and Akephalos uses jruby-jars to start up and interact with the HtmlUnit browser. It has fairly good JavaScript support (it was able to deal with everything we were able to throw at it, including jQuery 1.4.2 and 1.4.3, jQuery Mobile, and jQuery live).
edit: extracted from
