How do I install a go module? - go

Usually, when i'm in a workspace, all I need to do is go install to install an executable into my pkg folder. However, let's say i'm creating a module outside of $GOPATH/src. I then have a folder called ModuleTest on my desktop that contains the go.mod file. How do I install the package I created so I can use it in other go programs.
I've tried running go get and go install while inside the ModuleTest folder but it doesn't install anything into $GOPATH/pkg or $GOPATH/bin.
EDIT: I guess what i'm asking is, how do I install a go module locally without first pushing it on github and then doing go get

Just use the replace keyword.
It will be something like this:
replace => /Users/YourName/Projects/bar
require ( v1.0.0

For it to reflect in $GOPATH/bin you need to do go get -u ....... instead of go get ........
Hope it helps :)


Why does `go install` on a Github directory work but not file?

So if I have a go module on my local filesystem, I can install a binary by running go install cmd/main.go and it will create a binary called $GOPATH/main as expected. Basically it behave the same as go build but copying the binary to $GOPATH.
However, when I try to install the same module on stored on Github, it fails:
go install
no required module provides package; to add it:
go get
Instead, I need to call go install on the directory for it to properly work:
go install
How do I reconcile this behavior difference?

Can 'go install' be made to work for executables with different names from the git repo?

Go has a nice feature where you can go install <x> and it will download, build and install a binary.
For example, on my local windows PC, go install will find the latest release for goreleaser, download, build and install it to my local binaries path.
I am working on a project where we would like to enable go install, but encounter a problem if the github repo name does not match the executable name. The GitHub CLI itself runs into the exact same problem:
go install
go: downloading v1.14.0
go: module found (v1.14.0), but does not contain package
Is there a way to resolve this?
Update: I worked out that I could directly reference the package via it's sub directory. In my particular instance this works: go install
This is a bit unpleasant, but works correctly. It doesn't work for the github CLI because their go.mod has a replace directive in it :-(
Question: Can this be made nicer? Is there a way to put some sort of alias or configuration file so that go install can be used instead of go install ?
Can this be made nicer? Is there a way to put some sort of alias or configuration file so that go install can be used instead of go install ?
No. Dead simple.

go install #latest found but does not contain package

I'm trying to install my package using go install but I get this error message when running the command go install
go install: module found (v1.0.0), but does not contain package
I want the executable name to be gcloc.
Here is the current source code:
Note: I've already tried go clean -modcache but it didn't work
As the main function of this package isn't on its root, you should pass the directory of the main package on your command.
So, your command will be:
go install -v
I came across a similar issue when I was trying to use go install to install the cloudflare/cf-terraforming tool on my machine. The documentation for this tool is not clear on the installation and I had to dig around to get this to work
Basically #Jictyvoo answer above sums it up, if the path is pointing to anything other than directory where the main.go file is sitting I got the error
Command: go install v0.8.0#latest
go: module found (v0.8.0), but does not
contain package
when I switched to the below it worked fine for me:
Command: go install -v
This worked for me after checking the repo and realising that the main.go file was sitting in the cmd/cf-terraforming subdirectory

How to remove an installed package using go modules

I've installed a package using go modules (go get in Go 1.13) and now I want to remove it. In the documentation there is nothing about this and in go get docu neither.
Removing the package from go.mod manually doesn't solve the issue so it remains in go.sum.
How should I remove a package in a clean way?
Found it
go mod tidy
So basically, once the package is not being imported in any package you can perform a go mod tidy and it will safely remove the unused dependencies.
And if you are vendoring the dependencies, then run the command below to make the module changes be applied in the vendor folder:
go mod vendor
#jesugmz answer doesn't say, what if you wanna remove a currently using package in go modules.
So, if you're using go modules (you have a go.mod file in your project) and you want to remove a currently using package, check $GOPATH/pkg/mod/ directory and simply remove the package named package#version.
For example, if you have package installed, you should run the following command:
rm -rf $(go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod/
You can find the using package version in go.mod file.

go install not creating binary of a package while go get is able to

I am on go version go1.11.2 linux/amd64. When the package godog is installed using go get, godog executable is created inside $GOPATH/bin/. All fine till now.
I am creating an application myApp that resides at $GOPATH/src/ in which under the folder vendor, godog package is added. When I try to create a binary out of vendor-ed package, an archive file is created inside $GOPATH/pkg/linux_amd64/myApp/vendor/ as godog.a
How can I create a binary in this scenario? I do not want to do go get again just for the binary.
go install does not automatically install apps in vendor folders, but you may specify a vendored path explicitly if you wish so. So simply run:
go install myApp/vendor/
