Spring-Security: Getting 401s with CORS Preflights (despite http.cors()) - spring-boot

For starters i want to secure a part of my rest-api with basic auth.
When I try to access endpoints from a react client, I keep getting 401's in the preflight requests.
I tried to follow this guide without success:
i'm not sure if this is part of the problem, but another part can only be accessed with certain custom http headers.
I'm using Method Security:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true, jsr250Enabled = false)
class MethodSecurityConfig : GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration() {
override fun customMethodSecurityMetadataSource(): MethodSecurityMetadataSource = SecurityMetadataSource()
override fun accessDecisionManager(): AccessDecisionManager = super.accessDecisionManager().apply {
this as AbstractAccessDecisionManager
And this is my Security config:
#EnableJpaAuditing(auditorAwareRef = "auditorProvider")
class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
private val deviceRequestHeaderName: String = "X-DEVICE-ID"
private val platformRequestHeaderName: String = "X-PLATFORM-ID"
lateinit var users: AppUserRepository
lateinit var backendUsers: BackendUserRepository
lateinit var roles: RoleRepository
val authManager by lazy { authenticationManager() }
private val authProvider by lazy {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider().apply {
setPreAuthenticatedUserDetailsService {
val authId = it.principal as UserAuthId
if (authId.deviceId == null) throw UsernameNotFoundException("No device-id to search for.")
if (authId.platform == null) throw UsernameNotFoundException("Platform not specified.")
val platform = try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
throw UsernameNotFoundException("Unknown platform ${authId.platform}.")
val existingUser = users.findByUserDeviceIdAndPlatform(authId.deviceId, platform)
if (existingUser != null) return#setPreAuthenticatedUserDetailsService existingUser
users.save(AppUser(authId.deviceId, platform, roles))
val passwordEncoder by lazy { BCryptPasswordEncoder() }
private val deviceIdFilter by lazy {
HeaderFieldAuthFilter(deviceRequestHeaderName, platformRequestHeaderName).apply {
override fun configure(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) = auth {
val userDetailsService = BackendUserDetailsService(backendUsers)
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) = http {
session {
cors().configurationSource { request ->
CorsConfiguration().apply {
allowedOrigins = listOf(ALL)
allowedMethods = listOf(GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS).map { it.name }
allowedHeaders = listOf(ALL)
allowCredentials = true
maxAge = 3600
fun auditorProvider(): AuditorAware<User> = AuditorAware<User> {
val authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication
val user = authentication.run { if (isAuthenticated) principal as? User else null }
return#AuditorAware Optional.ofNullable(user)

I could solve by manually exclude the preflight requests from authentication.
adding this
antMatchers(OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
to the authorizeRequests() configuration accomplishes that.
Note that Options is a direct reference to the HttpMethod enum value, imported like this
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.*
Stackoverflow posts that helped me get there:
Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 401 - Spring
How to configure CORS in a Spring Boot + Spring Security application?
Originally I had assumed, that this should have been handled by the cors configuration - which it was apparently not.

To enable CORS for a single rest endpoint you can annotate it with:
To allow for CORS for all endpoints you can have a bean like so:
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
registry.addMapping("/**").allowedMethods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE").allowedOrigins("*")


Spring Security Google OAuth2 authorizationUri became domain after deployed on aws

So I am current testing with spring securtiy with google oauth.
it works fine, when trying to login with google through
on localhost
but when i deployed the application on tomcat on aws ec2 instance,
the authorizationuri became sometime like below
when running on localhost:
https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth/oauthchooseaccount? ............
when running on aws ec2 domain:
http://{domain}:{port}/o/oauth2/v2/auth? ..........
but when i manually replace the http domain and port with https://accounts.google.com/
it directs me to google login page and are able to complete the login successfully.
So i wonder if there is any part of the setting ive being missing or did wrong that cause it to happen.
Thanks in advance.
the complete code for spring security setting is like below
class SecurityConfig : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
private lateinit var oidUserSer:OidUserService
fun clientRegistrationRepository(): ClientRegistrationRepository {
return InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(googleClientRegistration())
private fun googleClientRegistration(): ClientRegistration {
return ClientRegistration.withRegistrationId("google")
.scope("openid", "profile", "email", "address", "phone")
fun customAuthorizationRequestResolver(): CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver {
val repo = InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(
val baseUri = OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter.DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_BASE_URI
val customizeAuthorizationRequest= CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver(repo,baseUri)
return customizeAuthorizationRequest
* セキュリティの有効範囲設定
override fun configure(web: WebSecurity) {
// org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException:
// The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String ";"
// というエラーログがコンソールに出力されるため、下記を追加
val firewall = DefaultHttpFirewall()
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
.defaultSuccessUrl("/login-success", true)
class CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver(repo: ClientRegistrationRepository?,
authorizationRequestBaseUri: String?):OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver{
private var defaultResolver:DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver? = DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver(repo, authorizationRequestBaseUri)
override fun resolve(request: HttpServletRequest): OAuth2AuthorizationRequest? {
val authorizationRequest:OAuth2AuthorizationRequest? =
return customAuthorizationRequest(authorizationRequest)
override fun resolve(request: HttpServletRequest?, clientRegistrationId: String?): OAuth2AuthorizationRequest? {
val authorizationRequest = this.defaultResolver?.resolve(
request, clientRegistrationId);
return authorizationRequest?.let { customAuthorizationRequest(it) }
private fun customAuthorizationRequest(authorizationRequest: OAuth2AuthorizationRequest?): OAuth2AuthorizationRequest? {
var param:OAuth2AuthorizationRequest? = null
val additionalParameter: LinkedHashMap<String,Any> = LinkedHashMap(authorizationRequest!!.additionalParameters)
param = OAuth2AuthorizationRequest.from(authorizationRequest).additionalParameters(additionalParameter).build()
return param

Spring Boot 2 OIDC (OAuth2) client / resource server not propagating the access token in the WebClient

Sample project available on Github
I have successfully configured two Spring Boot 2 application2 as client/resource servers against Keycloak and SSO between them is fine.
Besides, I am testing authenticated REST calls to one another, propagating the access token as an Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN header.
After starting Keycloak and the applications I access either http://localhost:8181/resource-server1 or http://localhost:8282/resource-server-2 and authenticate in the Keycloak login page. The HomeController uses a WebClient to invoke the HelloRestController /rest/hello endpoint of the other resource server.
class HomeController(private val webClient: WebClient) {
fun home(httpSession: HttpSession,
#RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient: OAuth2AuthorizedClient,
#AuthenticationPrincipal oauth2User: OAuth2User): String {
val authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication
val pair = webClient.get().uri("http://localhost:8282/resource-server-2/rest/hello").retrieve()
return "home"
This call returns a 302 since the request is not authenticated (it's not propagating the access token):
2019-12-25 14:09:03.737 DEBUG 8322 --- [nio-8181-exec-5] o.s.s.w.a.ExceptionTranslationFilter : Access is denied (user is anonymous); redirecting to authentication entry point
org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException: Access is denied
at org.springframework.security.access.vote.AffirmativeBased.decide(AffirmativeBased.java:84) ~[spring-security-core-5.2.1.RELEASE.jar:5.2.1.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.security.access.intercept.AbstractSecurityInterceptor.beforeInvocation(AbstractSecurityInterceptor.java:233) ~[spring-security-core-5.2.1.RELEASE.jar:5.2.1.RELEASE]
class OAuth2Config : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
fun webClient(): WebClient {
return WebClient.builder()
fun clientRegistrationRepository(): ClientRegistrationRepository {
return InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(keycloakClientRegistration())
private fun keycloakClientRegistration(): ClientRegistration {
val clientRegistration = ClientRegistration
.scope("openid", "profile", "email", "address", "phone")
.providerConfigurationMetadata(mapOf("end_session_endpoint" to "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/insight/protocol/openid-connect/logout"))
return clientRegistration
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
http.authorizeRequests { authorizeRequests ->
.logout { logout ->
private fun oidcLogoutSuccessHandler(): LogoutSuccessHandler? {
val oidcLogoutSuccessHandler = OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler(clientRegistrationRepository())
return oidcLogoutSuccessHandler
As you can see I'm setting a ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction in the WebClient. This is what I've seen debugging:
The SubscriberContext isn't setting anything because authentication.getCredentials() instanceof AbstractOAuth2Token is false. Actually it is just a String:
public class OAuth2AuthenticationToken extends AbstractAuthenticationToken {
public Object getCredentials() {
// Credentials are never exposed (by the Provider) for an OAuth2 User
return "";
What's the problem here? How can I automate the propagation of the token?
There doesn't seem to be an out of the box solution for pure OAuth2/OIDC login applications, I've created a Github issue for this.
In the meantime, I've created a specific ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction that retrieves the access token from the OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository.
This is my custom solution:
lateinit var oAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository: OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
fun webClient(): WebClient {
val servletBearerExchangeFilterFunction = ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction("resource-server-1", oAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository)
return WebClient.builder()
private fun keycloakClientRegistration(): ClientRegistration {
return ClientRegistration
class ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction(private val clientRegistrationId: String,
private val oAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository: OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository?) : ExchangeFilterFunction {
* {#inheritDoc}
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
return oauth2Token()
.map { token: AbstractOAuth2Token -> bearer(request, token) }
.flatMap { request: ClientRequest -> next.exchange(request) }
private fun oauth2Token(): Mono<AbstractOAuth2Token> {
return Mono.subscriberContext()
.flatMap { ctx: Context -> currentAuthentication(ctx) }
.map { authentication ->
val authorizedClient = oAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository?.loadAuthorizedClient<OAuth2AuthorizedClient>(clientRegistrationId, authentication, null)
if (authorizedClient != null) {
} else {
.filter { it != null }
private fun currentAuthentication(ctx: Context): Mono<Authentication> {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(getAttribute(ctx, Authentication::class.java))
private fun <T> getAttribute(ctx: Context, clazz: Class<T>): T? { // NOTE: SecurityReactorContextConfiguration.SecurityReactorContextSubscriber adds this key
return null
val attributes: Map<Class<T>, T> = ctx[SECURITY_REACTOR_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_KEY]
return attributes[clazz]
private fun bearer(request: ClientRequest, token: AbstractOAuth2Token): ClientRequest {
return ClientRequest.from(request)
.headers { headers: HttpHeaders -> headers.setBearerAuth(token.tokenValue) }

Using WebClient to propagate request headers received in a Spring Webflux applications to downstream services

I have two kinds of Webflux applications, annotation-based and route-based. These applications are called with a set of headers, some of which (Open Tracing) I need to propagate in downstream calls using WebClient.
If these were normal Spring WebMvc applications I would use a Filter to keep the selected headers in a ThreadLocal, access it in a RestTemplate interceptor to send them to subsequent services and clear the ThreadLocal.
What's the proper way to replicate this behaviour in WebFlux applications?
I solved it using Project Reactor's Context to store the headers in a WebFilter. Then they are gotten in the WebClient's ExchangeFilterFunction. Here's the whole solution:
class OpenTracingFilter(private val openTracingHeaders: Set<String>) : WebFilter {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> {
return chain.filter(exchange)
.subscriberContext { ctx ->
var updatedContext = ctx
exchange.request.headers.forEach {
if (openTracingHeaders.contains(it.key.toLowerCase())) {
logger.debug("Found OpenTracing Header - key {} - value {}", it.key, it.value[0])
updatedContext = updatedContext.put(it.key, it.value[0])
class OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction(private val headers: Set<String>) : ExchangeFilterFunction {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
logger.debug("OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction - filter()")
return OpenTracingClientResponseMono(request, next, headers)
class OpenTracingClientResponseMono(private val request: ClientRequest,
private val next: ExchangeFunction,
private val headersToPropagate: Set<String>) : Mono<ClientResponse>() {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
override fun subscribe(subscriber: CoreSubscriber<in ClientResponse>) {
val context = subscriber.currentContext()
val requestBuilder = ClientRequest.from(request)
requestBuilder.headers { httpHeaders ->
headersToPropagate.forEach {
if(context.hasKey(it)) {
logger.debug("Propagating header key {} - value{}", it, context.get<String>(it))
httpHeaders[it] = context.get<String>(it)
val mutatedRequest = requestBuilder.build()
class OpenTracingConfiguration(private val openTracingConfigurationProperties: OpenTracingConfigurationProperties) {
fun webClient(): WebClient {
return WebClient.builder().filter(openTracingExchangeFilterFunction()).build()
fun openTracingFilter(): WebFilter {
return OpenTracingFilter(openTracingConfigurationProperties.headers)
fun openTracingExchangeFilterFunction(): OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction {
return OpenTracingExchangeFilterFunction(openTracingConfigurationProperties.headers)
class OpenTracingConfigurationProperties {
lateinit var headers: Set<String>
- x-request-id
- x-b3-traceid
- x-b3-spanid
- x-b3-parentspanid
- x-b3-sampled
- x-b3-flags
- x-ot-span-context
I needed to pass x-request-id header to a downstream service in my application. Achieved this by adding WebFilter that writes x-request-id to a reactor context
class ContextWebFilter : WebFilter {
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: WebFilterChain): Mono<Void> {
val headers = exchange.request.headers
val xRequestId = headers[X_REQUEST_ID]?.firstOrNull() ?: ""
val requestId = xRequestId.ifBlank { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }
return chain
.contextWrite { it.put(X_REQUEST_ID, requestId) }
companion object {
and updating WebClient with ExchangeFilterFunction that updates outgoing request
ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor { request ->
Mono.deferContextual { context ->
val xRId = context.getOrDefault<String>("X-REQUEST-ID", "")
logger.debug("Set X-REQUEST-ID={} as a header to outgoing call", xRId)
.header("X-REQUEST-ID", xRId)

Why does Spring Security + Angular login have different sessions on AuthenticationSuccessHandler and RestController?

I have a Spring Security configuration and a login page in Angular. After the successfull login, my SimpleAuthenticationSuccessHandler redirects me to a controller that gets the user from session and returns it. When I call the login from Postman, everything goes as expected, but when I call it from Chrome it doesn't work, because the session on SimpleAuthenticationSuccessHandler is different than the session received on controller.
This is the configuration class for the Spring Security:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "backend.repositories")
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private RestAuthenticationEntryPoint restAuthenticationEntryPoint;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.failureHandler(new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler())
public AuthenticationSuccessHandler authenticationSuccessHandler() {
return new SimpleOnSuccessAuthenticationHandler();
CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() {
CorsConfiguration configuration = new CorsConfiguration();
configuration.setAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList("GET", "POST"));
UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new
source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", configuration);
return source;
This is the custom authentication success handler:
public class SimpleOnSuccessAuthenticationHandler
implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
UserRepository userRepository;
private RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication)
throws IOException {
handle(request, response, authentication);
protected void handle(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Authentication
throws IOException {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
ObjectId objectId = ((MongoUserDetails)
User loggedUser = userRepository.findById(objectId).orElse(null);
UserDto loggedUserDto = UserConverter.convertUserToDto(loggedUser);
session.setAttribute("loggedUser", loggedUserDto);
if (response.isCommitted()) {
"Response has already been committed. Unable to redirect to "
+ "/loginSuccess");
redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response, "/loginSuccess");
protected void clearAuthenticationAttributes(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session == null) {
This is the controller that returns the user:
public class LoginController {
UserService userService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/loginSuccess", method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<UserDto> login(HttpServletRequest request) {
UserDto loggedUser= (UserDto)
return new ResponseEntity<>((UserDto)
request.getSession().getAttribute("loggedUser"), HttpStatus.OK);
The angular auth.service.ts:
#Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class AuthService {
apiURL = environment.apiUrl;
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
login(username: string, password: string) {
let body = new URLSearchParams();
body.set('email', username);
body.set('password', password);
let options = {headers: new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type',
return this.http.post(this.apiURL + 'login', body.toString(), options);
logout() {localStorage.removeItem('currentUser');}
And the login.component.ts is :
#Component({selector: 'app-login',templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./login.component.css']
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit {
user = {} as any;
returnUrl: string;
form: FormGroup;
formSubmitAttempt: boolean;
errorMessage: string = '';
welcomeMessage: string = 'Welcome to CS_DemandResponse Application';
url = '/add_user';
token: string;
private fb: FormBuilder,
private authService: AuthService,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router
) {
ngOnInit() {
this.returnUrl = this.route.snapshot.queryParams.returnUrl || '/';
this.form = this.fb.group({
email: [AppConstants.EMPTY_STRING, Validators.email],
password: [AppConstants.EMPTY_STRING, Validators.required]
isFieldInvalid(field: string) {
return (
(!this.form.get(field).valid && this.form.get(field).touched) ||
(this.form.get(field).untouched && this.formSubmitAttempt)
login() {
if (this.form.valid) {
this.authService.login(this.user.email, this.user.password)
.subscribe((currentUser) => {
if (this.user != null) {
localStorage.setItem('userId', (<User>this.user).id.toString());
if (this.user.autorities.get(0) === 'ROLE_ADMIN' ) {
if (this.user.autorities.get(0) === 'ROLE_USER') {
// this.route.params.subscribe((params) => {
// localStorage.setItem('userId', params.id);
// });
} else {
this.errorMessage = ('Invalid email or password');
this.welcomeMessage = '';
this.formSubmitAttempt = true;
The /loginSuccess controller returns null so the login.component.ts receives a null on the subscribe.
I assume this is because Spring "exchanges" your session on successfull authentication if you had one, to prevent certain attacks.
Someone could "steal" your session-cookie while unauthenticated and then use it -when you logged in - to also access protected resources, using your now authenticated session.
If you never had a session - eg. when executing the login-request via Postman - there never was a point in the session where you where "unsafe" - so Spring does not have to do this.
You can verify this by requesting your login page in postman, copying the sessionId you get and setting it as session-cookie in your login request. If i am correct you will then be assigned a new session.

Custom authentication with spring-security and reactive spring

I'm having a custom authentication scheme. I'm having a REST endpoint that has userId in http uri path and token in http header. I would like to check that such request is perform by valid user with valid token. Users and tokens are stored in mongo collection.
I don't know in which class I should authorize user.
My SecurityConfig:
class SecurityConfig {
fun securityWebFilterChain(http: ServerHttpSecurity): SecurityWebFilterChain {
val build = http
return build.build()
fun userDetailsService(): MapReactiveUserDetailsService {
val user = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
return MapReactiveUserDetailsService(user)
My ServerSecurityContextRepository:
class CustomServerSecurityContextRepository : ServerSecurityContextRepository {
override fun load(exchange: ServerWebExchange): Mono<SecurityContext> {
val authHeader = exchange.request.headers.getFirst(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION)
val path = exchange.request.uri.path
return if (path.startsWith("/api/measurement/") && authHeader != null && authHeader.startsWith(prefix = "Bearer ")) {
val deviceId = path.drop(17)
val authToken = authHeader.drop(7)
val auth = UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(deviceId, authToken)
} else {
override fun save(exchange: ServerWebExchange?, context: SecurityContext?): Mono<Void> {
return Mono.empty()
Two questions arise:
Is ServerSecurityContextRepository good place to obtain username and token from exchange - or there is a better place to do it?
Where should I perform authentication (check token and username against mongo collection)?
My custom AuthenticationManager does not get called anywhere. Should I do everything inside ServerSecurityContextRepository or perform user and token validation inside ReactiveAuthenticationManager? Or maybe other class would be even more suitable?
It turns out that some tutorials on the web are plain wrong.
I've managed to configure everything using following code:
class DeviceAuthenticationConverter : Function<ServerWebExchange, Mono<Authentication>> {
override fun apply(exchange: ServerWebExchange): Mono<Authentication> {
val authHeader: String? = exchange.request.headers.getFirst(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION)
val path: String? = exchange.request.uri.path
return when {
isValidPath(path) && isValidHeader(authHeader) -> Mono.just(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(path?.drop(17), authHeader?.drop(7)))
else -> Mono.empty()
private fun isValidPath(path: String?) = path != null && path.startsWith(API_MEASUREMENT)
private fun isValidHeader(authHeader: String?) = authHeader != null && authHeader.startsWith(prefix = "Bearer ")
And config:
class SecurityConfig {
companion object {
const val API_MEASUREMENT = "/api/measurement/"
const val DEVICE = "DEVICE"
const val DEVICE_ID = "deviceId"
fun securityWebFilterChain(http: ServerHttpSecurity, authenticationManager: ReactiveAuthenticationManager) =
.anyExchange().permitAll().and().addFilterAt(authenticationWebFilter(authenticationManager), AUTHENTICATION).build()
fun userDetailsService(tokenRepository: TokenRepository) = MongoDeviceTokenReactiveUserDetailsService(tokenRepository)
fun tokenRepository(template: ReactiveMongoTemplate, passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder) = MongoTokenRepository(template, passwordEncoder)
fun tokenFacade(tokenRepository: TokenRepository) = TokenFacade(tokenRepository)
fun authManager(userDetailsService: ReactiveUserDetailsService) = UserDetailsRepositoryReactiveAuthenticationManager(userDetailsService)
private fun authenticationWebFilter(reactiveAuthenticationManager: ReactiveAuthenticationManager) =
AuthenticationWebFilter(reactiveAuthenticationManager).apply {
ServerWebExchangeMatchers.pathMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, API_MEASUREMENT_PATH)
fun passwordEncoder() = PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder()
