Bash to rename files to append folder name - bash

In folders and subfolders, I have a bunch of images named by date. I'm trying to come up with a script to look into a folder/subfolders and rename all jpg files to add the folder name.
/Desktop/Trip 1/200512 1.jpg
/Desktop/Trip 1/200512 2.jpg
would became:
/Desktop/Trip 1/Trip 1 200512 1.jpg
/Desktop/Trip 1/Trip 1 200512 2.jpg
I tried tweaking this script but I can't figure out how to get it to add the new part. I also don't know how to get it to work on subfolders.
# Ignore case, i.e. process *.JPG and *.jpg
shopt -s nocaseglob
shopt -s nullglob
cd ~/Desktop/t/
# Get last part of directory name
for image in *.JPG
echo mv "$image" "${dir}${name}.jpg"

Using find with the -iname option for a case insensitive match and a small script to loop over the images:
find /Desktop -iname '*.jpg' -exec sh -c '
for img; do
parentdir=${img%/*} # leave the parent dir (remove the last `/` and filename)
dirname=${parentdir##*/} # leave the parent directory name (remove all parent paths `*/`)
echo mv -i "$img" "$parentdir/$dirname ${img##*/}"
' sh {} +
This extracts the parent path for each image path (like the dirname command) and the directory name (like basename) and constructs a new output filename with the parent directory name before the image filename.
Remove the echo if the output looks as expected.

Try the following in your for loop. Note that '' is used to that the script can deal with spaces in the file names.
for image in "$search_dir"*.JPG
echo mv "'$image'" "'${dir} ${image}'"


Breaking down a filename into lexicographic based folders

Let's say I have thousands of images in a folder in the format filename_order.jpg.
filename are encoded as a 7 digits integer from 0000000 to 9999999
order is a number between 0 and 9
Is there an easy way to sort them into equality repartitioned folders based on the filenames?
Is there a way to do the reverse operation as well: given a nested tree structure bringing it back to level 1 only.
The goal is being able to store them in S3 in an efficient way for millions of images.
Thank you.
This would do it in pure Bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# extglob needed to expand number into a serie of folders path
shopt -s extglob
# Starting folder name
# Iterate all *.jpg files in folder
for file in "$folder/"*.jpg; do
# Remove leading directory path from file to get basename
# Remove everything ater first _ to get only numbers
# Insert / before each number to create a directory path from numbers
# Need Bash extglob
# Create the directory path
echo mkdir -p "$dir"
# move file to its directory
echo mv "$file" "$dir/"
Remove the echo if the output matches your expectations.
Nesting a flat folder,
cp -R flat_folder/ nested_folder/
cd nested_folder/
for f in *_[0-9].jpg
folder=$(echo $number | sed 's/\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)/\1\/\2\/\3\/\4\/\5\/\6\/\7/')
mkdir -p $folder
mv $f $folder/
Flattening a nested folder,
cd nested_folder/
find . -name "*.jpg" -exec cp {} ../flat_folder/ \;

Shell script for finding (and deleting) video files if they came from a rar

My download program automatically unrars rar archives, which is all well and good as Sonarr and Radarr need that original video file to import. But now my download HDD fills up with all these video files I no longer need.
I've tried playing around with modifying existing scripts I have, but every step seems to take me further from the goal.
Here's what I have so far (that isnt working and I clearly dont know what im doing). My main problem is I can't get it to find the files correctly yet. This script jumps right to "no files found". So I'm doing the search wrong at the very least. Or I'm pretty sure I might need to completely rewrite from scratch using a different method I'm not aware of..
# Find video files and if it came from a rar, remove it.
# If no directory is given, work in local dir
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
# Find all the MKV files in this dir and its subdirs
find "$DIR" -type f -name '*.mkv' | while read filename
# If video file and rar file exists, delete mkv.
for f in ...
if [[ -f "$DIR/*.mkv" ]] && [[ -f "$DIR/*.rar" ]]
# rm $filename
printf "[Dry run delete]: $filename\n"
printf "No files found\n"
exit 1
Example of directory structure before and after. Note the file names are often different to the extracted file. And I want to leave other folders that don't have rars in them alone.
# (deleted the mkv only from the first folder)
# (this mkv survives)
TL:DR I would like a script to look recursively in my download drive for video files and rar files, and if it sees both in the same folder, delete the video file.
With GNU find, you can condense this to one command:
find "${1:-.}" -type f -name '*.rar' -execdir sh -c 'echo rm *.mkv' \;
${1:-.} says "use $1, or . if $1 is undefined or empty".
For each .rar file found, this starts a new shell in the directory of the file found (that's what -execdir sh -c '...' does) and runs echo rm *.mkv.
If the list of files to delete looks correct, you can actually delete them by dropping the echo:
find "${1:-.}" -type f -name '*.rar' -execdir sh -c 'rm *.mkv' \;
Two remarks, though:
-execdir rm *.mkv \; would be shorter, but then the glob might be expanded prematurely in case there are .mkv files in the current directory
if a directory contains a .rar file, but no .mkv, this will try to delete a file called literally *.mkv and cause an error message

change unzipped folder name

I have a fairly large number of directories (500+), each directory (and possible sub-directories) contains 4 or more zip files.
I managed to piece together a bash script that unzips the compressed files while maintaining zip filename as directory and all the directory hierarchy.
For example: If I have a zip file called, and it contains 10 files. The script will uncompress all the files into 100011_test123/ directory.
The occurrence of numbers 100010 before the underscore in the filename/directoryname is totally random.
Here's the actual bash script:
cd <directory-with-large-number-of-zip-files>
find . -name "*.zip" | while read filename; do unar -d -o "`dirname "$filename"`" "$filename"; done;
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -delete
Now I would like to update the script in order to remove the 100010_ from the .zip filename without tampering with the directory structure/hierarchy (I guess there's a way to rename the zip files before using unar command) and then uncompress the files into a directory without 100010_ at the beginning.
I have been stuck with this for more than 3 days. Any insights on this would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
With all zip files at the same level, you don't need find, but a regular filename pattern globbing will do to iterate each zip archive.
And with bash's globstar option, you can also find the zip archives inside sub-directories
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob # Prevents iterating if no filename match
shopt -s globstar # ./**/ Allow searching inside sub-directories
# Set the basedir if you want all output directories at same place
for zipfile in ./**/*.zip; do
# Extract the base directory containing the archive
# Extract the base name without the directory path
# Remove the .zip extension
# -> 100011_test123
# Remove everything before and first underscore 100011_
# 100011_test123 -> test123
# Create output directory or continue with next archive
# mkdir -p test123
mkdir -p "$outputdir" || continue
# Unzip the zipfile into the outputdir and remove the zipfile if successful
# unrar -d -o test123 && rm -f --
unar -d -o "$outputdir" "$zipfile" && rm -f -- "$zipfile"
You need to parse directory name and filename first for each entry. Please check the ${fullpath%/*} and ${fullpath##*/} for this purpose. And awk for splitting filename with '_' and getting second part of it.
You can try following code.
# cd directory
zip_files=($(find . -name "*.zip"))
for fullpath in "${zip_files[#]}"; do
echo "Processing: "$fullpath""
NEW_FILENAME="`echo $FILENAME | awk -F'_' '{print $NF}'`"
mv $fullpath "$DIRNAME/$NEW_FILENAME"
# call unar command
# delete file if you want

How to move files from subfolders to their parent directory (unix, terminal)

I have a folder structure like this:
A big parent folder named Photos. This folder contains 900+ subfolders named a_000, a_001, a_002 etc.
Each of those subfolders contain more subfolders, named dir_001, dir_002 etc. And each of those subfolders contain lots of pictures (with unique names).
I want to move all these pictures contained in the subdirectories of a_xxx inside a_xxx. (where xxx could be 001, 002 etc)
After looking in similar questions around, this is the closest solution I came up with:
for file in *; do
if [ -d $file ]; then
cd $file; mv * ./; cd ..;
Another solution I got is doing a bash script:
subs= `ls $dir1`
for i in $subs; do
mv $dir1/$i/*/* $dir1/$i/
Still, I'm missing something, can you help?
(Then it would be nice to discard the empty dir_yyy, but not much of a problem at the moment)
You could try the following bash script :
#needed in case we have empty folders
shopt -s nullglob
#we must write the full path here (no ~ character)
#we use a glob to list the folders. parsing the output of ls is baaaaaaaddd !!!!
#for every folder in our photo folder ...
for dir in "$target"/*/
#we list the subdirectories ...
for sub in "$dir"/*/
#and we move the content of the subdirectories to the parent
mv "$sub"/* "$dir"
#if you want to remove subdirectories once the copy is done, uncoment the next line
#rm -r "$sub"
Here is why you don't parse ls in bash
Make sure the directory where the files exist is correct (and complete) in the following script and try it:
for subdir in "$BigParentDir"/*/; do # Select the a_001, a_002 subdirs
for ssdir in "$subdir"/*/; do # Select dir_001, … sub-subdirs
for f in "$ssdir"/*; do # Select the files to move
if [[ -f $f ]]; do # if indeed are files
echo \
mv "$ssdir"/* "$subdir"/ # Move the files.
No file will be moved, just printed. If you are sure the script does what you want, comment the echo line and run it "for real".
You can try this
subs= `ls $dir1`
cp /dev/null /tmp/
for i in $subs; do
find $dir1/$i -type f -exec echo mv \'\{\}\' $dir1/$i \; >> /tmp/
then open /tmp/ with an editor or less and see if looks like what you are trying to do.
if it does then execute it with sh -x /tmp/

command line find first file in a directory

My directory structure is as follows
I'm trying to use the command line in a bash shell on ubuntu to take the first file from each directory and rename it to the directory name and move it up one level so it sits alongside the directory.
In the above example:
file1.jpg would be renamed to Directory1.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory1
anotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory2.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory2
yetanotherfile1.jpg would be renamed to Directory3.jpg and placed alongside the folder Directory3
I've tried using:
find . -name "*.jpg"
but it does not list the files in sequential order (I need the first file).
This line:
find . -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec ls "{}" +;
lists the files in the correct order but how do I pick just the first file in each directory and move it up one level?
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: When I refer to the first file what I mean is each jpg is numbered from 0 to however many files in that folder - for example: file1, file2...... file34, file35 etc... Another thing to mention is the format of the files is random, so the numbering might start at 0 or 1a or 1b etc...
You can go inside each dir and run:
$ mv `ls | head -n 1` ..
If first means whatever the shell glob finds first (lexical, but probably affected by LC_COLLATE), then this should work:
for dir in */; do
for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do
echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg" # If it does what you want, remove the echo
break 1
Proof of concept:
$ mkdir dir{1,2,3} && touch dir{1,2,3}/file{1,2,3}.jpg
$ for dir in */; do for file in "$dir"*.jpg; do echo mv "$file" "${file%/*}.jpg"; break 1; done; done
mv dir1/file1.jpg dir1.jpg
mv dir2/file1.jpg dir2.jpg
mv dir3/file1.jpg dir3.jpg
Look for all first level directories, identify first file in this directory and then move it one level up
find . -type d \! -name . -prune | while read d; do
f=$(ls $d | head -1)
mv $d/$f .
Building on the top answer, here is a general use bash function that simply returns the first path that resolves to a file within the given directory:
getFirstFile() {
for dir in "$1"; do
for file in "$dir"*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "$file"
break 1
# don't forget the trailing slash
getFirstFile ~/documents/
NOTE: it will silently return nothing if you pass it an invalid path.
