How to add a new Tab in an Itop 2.4? - cmdb

I have been trying to add a new tab as displayed in the image. I'm working on iTop 2.4
Can Anyone explain to me how to do this?

You have to create your own iTop extension and use the iApplicationUIExtension::OnDisplayRelations($oObject, WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false) API which provides you the current object so you can check its class and display the tab or not. It also gives you access to $oPage object so you can add your content to the tab.
If you are not familiar with iTop extension development, check this page which explains everything (note that it's for iTop 2.7 but the API is the same for iTop 2.4).
Here is an example from the "Approval process automation" extension:
class ApprovalBasePlugin implements iApplicationUIExtension, iApplicationObjectExtension
public function OnDisplayRelations($oObject, WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false)
if (!$oObject instanceof Ticket)
// skip !
// Set the new tab name
// Add content through the \WebPage APIs
$oPage->add('<div id="'.$sId.'_status" class="approval-exec-status">');
$oPage->add($oScheme->GetDisplayStatus($oPage, $bEditMode));


Download with file name defaulting to date-time of user event in Vaadin Flow app

In my Vaadin Flow web app (version 14 or later), I want to present to my user a link that will download a data file to them. The default name of the file to be downloaded should be determined at the moment the user initiates the download.
I am aware of the Anchor widget in Vaadin Flow. With an Anchor, the default name for the downloaded file will be the resource name given in the URL of the link. Unfortunately, that is determined when the page loads rather than later when the user clicks the link. So this approach fails to meet my need to label the download with the date-time captured at the moment the user initiates the download.
String when = "-" , "" ).replace( ":" , "" ); // Use "basic" version of standard ISO 8601 format for date-time.
StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource( "rows_" + when + ".txt" , ( ) -> this.makeContent() );
Anchor anchor = new Anchor( streamResource , "Download generated data" );
Perhaps the solution would be the use of a Button widget rather than an Anchor. Using a button for dynamically-created content is shown in the manual in the Advanced Topics > Dynamic Content page. Unfortunately, the example there loads a resource on the page rather than doing a download for the user.
➥ Can a Button in Vaadin Flow be used to initiate a download?
➥ Is there some other approach to initiating a download with a URL determined when the user initiates the download rather than when the page loads?
Can a Button in Vaadin Flow be used to initiate a download?
Sort of yes, but it requires some client side implementation. There is File Download Wrapper add-on in Directory, which does this. With it is possible to wrap e.g. Button. However I think it will not solve problem of yours fully. I suspect that the setting the filename in click event wont apply (it comes too late). But I do think, that it would be possible to add filename provider callback feature to this add-on.
Consider this HACK that simulates a click on a dynamically added Anchor on client-side:
private void downloadWorkaround(Component anyComponent, int delay) {
Anchor hiddenDownloadLink = new Anchor(createStreamResource(), "Workaround");
hiddenDownloadLink.setId("ExportLinkWorkaround_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
hiddenDownloadLink.getElement().setAttribute("style", "display: none");
var parent = anyComponent.getParent().orElseThrow();
var parenthc = (HasComponents) parent;
for (Component c : parent.getChildren().collect(Collectors.toList())) {
if (c.getId().orElse("").startsWith("ExportLinkWorkaround_")) {
// clean up old download link
UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs("setTimeout(function(){" + // delay as workaround for bug when dialog open before
"document.getElementById('" + hiddenDownloadLink.getId().orElseThrow() + "').click();"
+ "}, " + delay + ");"
Call the method on button click event or something. The additional delay is required sometimes. For me the delay was necessary to start the download from a modal dialog OK button that also closed the dialog. But perhaps you don't even need that.
I had no luck with the file download wrapper add-on mentioned by Tatu for my specific use case: I wanted to show a dialog under some circumstances before providing the download to user.
Based on the question of Clearing up Vaadin StreamResource after file download (which is partly the same as the answer of Steffen Harbich here in this question) I came to this solution (Vaadin 23):
Just provide a normal button with a normal clickHandler.
In the clickHandler you determine the file name, create a local StreamResource, add it to an invisible UI element and trigger a click event on this element.
private void doOnDownloadBtnClicked( Event e )
String filename = createFileName(); // implementation left to you
downloadFile( filename, this::inputStreamProvider );
InputStream provider:
private InputStream inputStreamProvider()
File download (may be extracted to an Utility class):
private final StreamResourceRegistry myStreamResourceRegistry;
private void downloadFile( String aFileName, InputStreamFactory aInputStreamFactory )
myStreamResourceRegistry = new StreamResourceRegistry(VaadinSession.getCurrent());
var executor = new DownloadExecutor( aInputStreamFactory );
var sr = new StreamResource( aFileName, executor );
StreamRegistration reg = myStreamResourceRegistry.registerResource( sr );
executor.myRegistration = reg;
var hiddenDownloadLink = new Anchor(sr, "Hidden");
var hiddenDownloadLinkId =
StringUtils.replaceChars( "DownloadLinkWorkaroundId-" + new SecureRandom().nextLong(),
'_' ) ;
hiddenDownloadLink.setId( hiddenDownloadLinkId);
var hiddenElement = hiddenDownloadLink.getElement();
executor.myHiddenElement = hiddenElement;
hiddenElement.setAttribute("style", "display: none");
var uiParent = UI.getCurrent().getElement();
executor.myParentElement = uiParent;
LOG.debug( "Going to simulate click event" );
UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs("$;", hiddenElement );
* Wrapper for the given InputStreamFactory.
* <p>
* It is needed to let Vaadin first give a chance to call the InputStream provider, before the
* temporary added hidden anchor is removed and the StreamRegistration is unregistered.
private static final class DownloadExecutor implements InputStreamFactory
private InputStreamFactory myInputStreamFactory;
private StreamRegistration myRegistration;
private Element myHiddenElement;
private Element myParentElement;
private DownloadExecutor( InputStreamFactory aInputStreamFactory )
myInputStreamFactory = aInputStreamFactory;
public InputStream createInputStream()
var result = myInputStreamFactory.createInputStream();
myParentElement.removeChild( myHiddenElement );
return result;
Note: If the above fileDownload is extracted to an own helper class (e.g. a spring bean with #SessionScope), the initialization of myStreamResourceRegistry should be done in the constructor of the bean.

Define download path dotnetbrowser

I use dotnetbrowser to display a web browser on a old windows framework.
have you an idea to define the download path ?
My dotnetbroser is enable, i can show my webpage but i don't found in documentation or exemple how define this simple download path.
The only exemple that i've found is about the download event detection.
I use WPF in C#
The DotNetBrowser.DownloadItem.DestinationFile property is writable and can be used to configure the path to store the file.
To set this property in your application, you need to subclass the DotNetBrowser.DefaultDownloadHandler and implement its AllowDownload(DownloadItem) method. Then you need to configure your download handler as shown in the documentation article: File Download
You can also configure and use DotNetBrowser.WPF.WPFDefaultDownloadHandler instance to show file chooser and select the path to store the file.
This is a solution
Défine your browser like variable :
BrowserView myBrowserView;
Browser myBrowser;
Create the browser properly :
this.myBrowser = BrowserFactory.Create();
this.myBrowserView = new WPFBrowserView(this.myBrowser);
Create event detection for download
this.myDowloadHandler = new SampleDownloadHandler();
this.myBrowser.DownloadHandler = myDowloadHandler;
Add it to a container, here, a grid
Now we are going to use our "SampleDownloadHandler" class
class SampleDownloadHandler : DownloadHandler
public bool AllowDownload(DownloadItem download)
download.DestinationFile = "exemple\of\path\whith\file\name";
download.DownloadEvent += delegate(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
DownloadItem downloadItem = e.Item;
if (downloadItem.Completed)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Download complete");
return true;
My personalisated class define path and name of the file who is download and pop a message when is over.
(to found the file name, you do to cut the string download.DestinationFile after the last )

Google+ insert moment using google-api-dotnet-client

I am trying to write an activity in Google+ using the dotnet-client. The issue is that I can't seem to get the configuration of my client app correctly. According to the Google+ Sign-In configuration and this SO question we need to add the requestvisibleactions parameter. I did that but it did not work. I am using the scope and I even added the scope but the insert still did not work.
This is what my request url looks like:
As you can see from there that there is a request_visible_actions and I even added one that has no underscore in case I got the parameter wrong (requestvisibleactions).
Let me say that my app is being authenticated successfully by the API. I can get the user's profile after being authenticated and it is on the "insert moment" part that my app fails. My insert code:
var body = new Moment();
var target = new ItemScope();
target.Id = referenceId;
target.Image = image;
target.Type = "";
target.Description = description;
target.Name = caption;
body.Target = target;
body.Type = "";
var insert =
new MomentsResource.InsertRequest(
// this is a valid service instance as I am using this to query the user's profile
Moment result = null;
result = insert.Fetch();
catch (ThreadAbortException)
// User was not yet authenticated and is being forwarded to the authorization page.
catch (Google.GoogleApiRequestException requestEx)
// here I get a 401 Unauthorized error
catch (Exception ex)
} `
For the OAuth flow, there are two issues with your request:
request_visible_actions is what is passed to the OAuth v2 server (don't pass requestvisibleactions)
plus.moments.write is a deprecated scope, you only need to pass in plus.login
Make sure your project references the latest version of the Google+ .NET client library from here:
I have created a project on GitHub showing a full server-side flow here:
As Brettj said, you should be using the Google+ Sign-in Button as demonstrated in the latest Google+ samples from here:
First, ensure you are requesting all of the activity types you're writing. You will know this is working because the authorization dialog will show "Make your app activity available via Google, visible to you and: [...]" below the text that starts with "This app would like to". I know you checked this but I'm 90% sure this is why you are getting the 401 error code. The following markup shows how to render the Google+ Sign-In button requesting access to Add activities.
<div id="gConnect">
<button class="g-signin"
Assuming you have a PlusService object with the correct activity type set in data-requestvisibleactions, the following code, which you should be able to copy/paste to see it work, concisely demonstrates writing moments using the .NET client and has been tested to work:
Moment body = new Moment();
ItemScope target = new ItemScope();
target.Id = "replacewithuniqueforaddtarget";
target.Image = "";
target.Type = "";
target.Description = "The description for the activity";
target.Name = "An example of add activity";
body.Target = target;
body.Type = "";
MomentsResource.InsertRequest insert =
new MomentsResource.InsertRequest(
Moment wrote = insert.Fetch();
Note, I'm including Google.Apis.Plus.v1.Data for convenience.
Ah it's that simple! Maybe not? I am answering my own question and consequently accept it as the answer (after a few days of course) so others having the same issue may be guided. But I will definitely up-vote Gus' answer for it led me to the fix for my code.
So according to #class answer written above and as explained on his blog the key to successfully creating a moment is adding the request_visible_actions parameter. I did that but my request still failed and it is because I was missing an important thing. You need to add one more parameter and that is the access_type and it should be set to offline. The OAuth request, at a minimum, should look like:
For the complete and correct client code you can get Gus' example here or download the entire dotnet client library including the source and sample and add what I added below. The most important thing that you should remember is modifying your AuthorizationServerDescription for the Google API. Here's my version of the authenticator:
public static OAuth2Authenticator<WebServerClient> CreateAuthenticator(
string clientId, string clientSecret)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientId))
throw new ArgumentException("clientId cannot be empty");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientSecret))
throw new ArgumentException("clientSecret cannot be empty");
var description = GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description;
var uri = description.AuthorizationEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
// This is the one that has been documented on Gus' blog site
// and over at Google's (
// This is not in the dotnetclient sample by the way
// and you need to understand how OAuth and DNOA works.
// I had this already, see my original post,
// I thought it will make my day.
if (uri.IndexOf("request_visible_actions") < 1)
var param = (uri.IndexOf('?') > 0) ? "&" : "?";
description.AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(
uri + param +
// This is what I have been missing!
// They forgot to tell us about this or did I just miss this somewhere?
uri = description.AuthorizationEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
if (uri.IndexOf("offline") < 1)
var param = (uri.IndexOf('?') > 0) ? "&" : "?";
description.AuthorizationEndpoint =
new Uri(uri + param + "access_type=offline");
// Register the authenticator.
var provider = new WebServerClient(description)
ClientIdentifier = clientId,
ClientSecret = clientSecret,
var authenticator =
new OAuth2Authenticator<WebServerClient>(provider, GetAuthorization)
{ NoCaching = true };
return authenticator;
Without the access_type=offline my code never worked and it will never work. Now I wonder why? It would be good to have some explanation.

Facebook authentication shows deprecated method error

I'm using the Facebook C# SDK and trying to authenticate my user. The first part sort of worked, my app showed me the facebook login page inside a browser control.
This is the code I have, I was following this example.
private readonly FacebookClient _fb = new FacebookClient();
private void Browser_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var loginUrl = GetFacebookLoginUrl();
private Uri GetFacebookLoginUrl()
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["client_id"] = FacebookSettings.AppID;
parameters["redirect_uri"] = "";
parameters["response_type"] = "token";
parameters["display"] = "page";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FacebookSettings.ExtendedPermissions))
parameters["scope"] = FacebookSettings.ExtendedPermissions;
return _fb.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
After I filled in my details to log into facebook, I got this error:
Any idea's which method is deprecated and how I can fix this?
I used the same code and it's working. And such an error is occuring because of a bug in the facebook API, when display parameter is set to "touch" or "wap". That shouldn't occur when using "page". Try using "popup" as the display.
Try changing the july 2012 Breaking Changes in the app's advanced settings tab(in Refer to this link for information on this issue. And similar issue in facebook developer site.

Sitecore Extranet login and PDF converter or Webclient

I'm having a problem using Winnovatives PDFConverter on pages that are protected by Extranet security (which is based on ASP.Net Membership).
I've tried several different approaches, but the following I can get to work on my local machine, but not anywhere else.
Code for login page, this code should bypass the login process for:
// check that the current "user" isn't logged in and is the Winnovative UserAgent
if (!Sitecore.Context.IsLoggedIn && Request.UserAgent.Contains(".NET CLR"))
//Login with a dummy user I've created
Sitecore.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Login("extranet\\pdf", "pdf", true);
//redirect to former page
The page that generates the PDF uses this code:
private void PDFPrint(string url)
PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "our license";
url = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + url;
byte[] downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfFromUrlBytes(url);
HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Sitecore.Context.Item.Name + ".pdf" + "; size=" + downloadBytes.Length.ToString());
The Exception I'm getting is this:
"Could not get the metafile from url. Could not get image from url.The URL is not accessible.."
I've also tried this trick from the Winnovative FAQ to no avail:
I've also tried to use WebClient or HttpWebRequest to retrieve the content.
But nothing I do seems to work other than locally.
Basically I want to create a way of either getting Winnovatives converter to use the current logged in user, my custom "pdf" user og some other way of getting the html from the response.
I hope this question isn't too vague, but I find it kinda hard to ask. But basically I want to get some html content from a page on a Sitecore solution I control, which is protected by Sitecore normal Extranet security. This html content should be in string or byte[] format.
Help me Stackoverflowers, you're my only hope! :P
I contacted Sitecore to ask if they had a solution.
Their solution was to create a Processor that would set an active user based on some criteria.
This is the code I made for my site (it's probably not the best solution as UserAgent can be spoofed):
public class MyResolver : HttpRequestProcessor
// Methods
public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
var userAgent = args.Context.Request.UserAgent ?? "";
SiteContext site = Sitecore.Context.Site;
if (site.Name == "site_name_in_webconfig" && userAgent.Contains("this_should_only_be_in_thepdfcreators_userAgent"))
Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User pdfuser = Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName("extranet\\theUser", true);
and then add the following to the web.config, before the UserResolver:
<processor type="Namespace.MyResolver, Assembly" />
I hope this will help some others out there.
I've found a similar issue on the ASP.NET forums and the answer to that was to use a newer version of the PDF tool: SessionState Problems ?
