What is the best way to find out if the move captured a piece in python chess? - python-chess

The best way I found to check if the move captured a piece is to count all the pieces before and after the move and verify if different, but seems to me very inefficient and not elegant.

You also need to check for en passant, but I think that is all you have to worry about.
The following code should work; it returns 0 if nothing captured, otherwise uses the codes from python chess (e.g. chess.PAWN, chess.ROOK, etc.):
def CapturedPiece(board, move):
if board.is_capture(move):
if board.is_en_passant(move):
return chess.PAWN
return board.piece_at(move.to_square).piece_type
return 0
I couldn't find a function in the module that does this already, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that it won't be added at some point.

Board's is_capture method encapsulates the necessary logic for normal captures as well as en passant:
# Position after e4 d5
b = chess.Board('rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
move = chess.Move.from_uci('e4d5')
print(b.is_capture(move)) # True
Here is how they actually implement it (copied directly from Board):
def is_capture(self, move: Move) -> bool:
"""Checks if the given pseudo-legal move is a capture."""
touched = BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] ^ BB_SQUARES[move.to_square]
return bool(touched & self.occupied_co[not self.turn]) or self.is_en_passant(move)

I've found a better way than counting (even if still not nice is the best so far).
Verify if in the target square there is a piece or if the move is of a pawn verify if source and target file (x coordinate) is different.
quiet = board.piece_type_at(move.to_square)==None
if ( board.piece_type_at(move.from_square)==chess.PAWN ) \
and ( chess.square_file(move.from_square)!=chess.square_file(move.to_square) ):


Python 2, raw_input in define function. Returning value

I decided to have a little bit fun with coding python 2 in a long while and decided to try make somewhat playable game of Go.
I quickly tumbled on this issue while trying to make function for the game, it seems like I'm not understanding how raw_input or functions work fundamentally. I cut the part of the code that is giving me the trouble here. When I try to run this, I can get to give inputs, but after that I get NameError: name 'crd_x' is not defined, in the stoneplacement line. The code does work without using the function, but when I try to clean it up like this, I get the said error.
What exactly does return crd give out and how I'm actually supposed to give out variables from def functions?
def checkplayerinput():
if player_on_turn == 0:
crd = raw_input("Place Black stone (X-Y): ").split("-")
elif player_on_turn == 1:
crd = raw_input("Place White stone (X-Y): ").split("-")
crd_x = int(crd[1])
crd_y = int(crd[0])
return crd_x, crd_y
def stoneplacement(crd_x, crd_y, player_on_turn):
if board[crd_x][crd_y] == "+" and player_on_turn == 0:
board[crd_x][crd_y] = "B"
elif board[crd_x][crd_y] == "+" and player_on_turn == 1:
board[crd_x][crd_y] = "W"
stop = 0
while stop == 0:
#User input and derive coordinates
# Stone placement
stoneplacement(crd_x, crd_y, player_on_turn)
edit. just switched the place of crd_x and crd_y like they are in the actual code. It produces exact same NameError however.
So crd is going to give you an array of strings based on whatever the user types in, separated by the ‘-‘ symbols. For example if player_on_turn == 0, and you entered for example “X-Y” (whatever your game calls for), checkplayerinput() would return crd as [“X”, “Y”].
Also, remember that an array is indexed starting at 0. So in this example, crd[0] == “X”.
Running through your code, does that explain why your stoneplacement() function throws a NameError? I.e. are you inputting the right raw_input to yield crd[1]?
Also, did you define crd before def checkplayerinput() in the code? According to python scope rules, if you define the variable crd inside of the function, it will not have a global value outside of it (and will throw an error if you reference it in another function). This is likely why you are able to run your code without the function definitions. Try adding a line “global crd” or “crd = [ ]” somewhere outside of the function and it will allow you to access crd in the stoneplacement(( function.

Lua pathfinding code needs optimization

After working on my code for a while, optimizing the most obvious things, I've resulted in this:
function FindPath(start, finish, path)
--Define a table to hold the paths
local paths = {}
--Make a default argument
path = path or {start}
--Loop through connected nodes
for i,v in ipairs(start:GetConnectedParts()) do
--Determine if backtracking
local loop = false
for i,vv in ipairs(path) do
if v == vv then
loop = true
if not loop then
--Make a path clone
local npath = {unpack(path)}
npath[#npath+1] = v
if v == finish then
--If we reach the end add the path
return npath
--Otherwise add the shortest part extending from this node
paths[#paths+1] = FindPath(v, finish, npath) --NOTED HERE
--Find and return the shortest path
if #paths > 0 then
local lengths = {}
for i,v in ipairs(paths) do
lengths[#lengths+1] = #v
local least = math.min(unpack(lengths))
for i,v in ipairs(paths) do
if #v == least then
return v
The problem being, the line noted gets some sort of game script timeout error (which I believe is a because of mass recursion with no yielding). I also feel like once that problem is fixed, it'll probably be rather slow even on the scale of a pacman board. Is there a way I can further optimize it, or perhaps a better method I can look into similar to this?
UPDATE: I finally decided to trash my algorithm due to inefficiency, and implemented a Dijkstra algorithm for pathfinding. For anybody interested in the source code it can be found here: http://pastebin.com/Xivf9mwv
You know that Roblox provides you with the PathfindingService? It uses C-side A* pathing to calculate quite quickly. I'd recommend using it
Try to remodel your algorithm to make use of tail calls. This is a great mechanism available in Lua.
A tail call is a type of recursion where your function returns a function call as the last thing it does. Lua has proper tail calls implementation and it will dress this recursion as a 'goto' under the scenes, so your stack will never blow.
Passing 'paths' as one of the arguments of FindPath might help with that.
I saw your edit about ditching the code, but just to help others stumbling on this question:
ipairs is slower than pairs, which is slower than a numeric for-loop.
If performance matters, never use ipairs, but use a for i=1,#tab loop
If you want to clone a table, use a for-loop. Sometimes, you have to use unpack (returning dynamic amount of trailing nils), but this is not such a case. Unpack is also a slow function.
Replacing ipairs with pairs or numeric for-loops and using loops instead of unpack will increase the performance a lot.
If you want to get the lowest value in a table, use this code snippet:
local lowestValue = values[1]
for k,v in pairs(values) do
if v < lowestValue then
lowestValue = k,v
This could be rewritten for your path example as so:
local least = #path[1]
for k,v in pairs(path) do
if #v < least then
least = v
I have to admit, you're very inventive. Not a lot of people would use math.min(unpack(tab)) (not counting the fact it's bad)

Python Birthday paradox math not working

it run corectly but it should have around 500 matches but it only has around 50 and I dont know why!
This is a probelm for my comsci class that I am having isues with
we had to make a function that checks a list for duplication I got that part but then we had to apply it to the birthday paradox( more info here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem) thats where I am runing into problem because my teacher said that the total number of times should be around 500 or 50% but for me its only going around 50-70 times or 5%
import random
def has_duplicates(listToCheck):
for i in listToCheck:
del listToCheck[x]
if i in listToCheck:
return True
return False
#print has_duplicates(listA)
#print has_duplicates(listB)
for i in range(0,1000):
for i in range(0,23):
x= has_duplicates(birthdayList)
if x==True:
print "after 1000 simulations with 23 students there were", duplicateNumber,"simulations with atleast one match. The approximate probibilatiy is", round(((duplicateNumber/1000)*100),3),"%"
This code gave me a result in line with what you were expecting:
import random
def has_duplicates(listToCheck):
number_set = set(listToCheck)
if len(number_set) is not len(listToCheck):
return True
return False
for i in range(0,1000):
for j in range(0,23):
x = has_duplicates(birthdayList)
if x==True:
print "after 1000 simulations with 23 students there were", duplicateNumber,"simulations with atleast one match. The approximate probibilatiy is", round(((duplicateNumber/1000.0)*100),3),"%"
The first change I made was tidying up the indices you were using in those nested for loops. You'll see I changed the second one to j, as they were previously bot i.
The big one, though, was to the has_duplicates function. The basic principle here is that creating a set out of the incoming list gets the unique values in the list. By comparing the number of items in the number_set to the number in listToCheck we can judge whether there are any duplicates or not.
Here is what you are looking for. As this is not standard practice (to just throw code at a new user), I apologize if this offends any other users. However, I believe showing the OP a correct way to write a program should be could all do us a favor if said user keeps the lack of documentation further on in his career.
Thus, please take a careful look at the code, and fill in the blanks. Look up the python doumentation (as dry as it is), and try to understand the things that you don't get right away. Even if you understand something just by the name, it would still be wise to see what is actually happening when some built-in method is being used.
Last, but not least, take a look at this code, and take a look at your code. Note the differences, and keep trying to write your code from scratch (without looking at mine), and if it messes up, see where you went wrong, and start over. This sort of practice is key if you wish to succeed later on in programming!
def same_birthdays():
import random
This is a program that does ________. It is really important
that we tell readers of this code what it does, so that the
reader doesn't have to piece all of the puzzles together,
while the key is right there, in the mind of the programmer.
count = 0
#Count is going to store the number of times that we have the same birthdays
timesToRun = 1000 #timesToRun should probably be in a parameter
#timesToRun is clearly defined in its name as well. Further elaboration
#on its purpose is not necessary.
for i in range(0,timesToRun):
birthdayList = []
for j in range(0,23):
random_birthday = random.randint(1,365)
birthdayList = sorted(birthdayList) #sorting for easier matching
#If we really want to, we could provide a check in the above nester
#for loop to check right away if there is a duplicate.
#But again, we are here
for j in range(0, len(birthdayList)-1):
if (birthdayList[j] == birthdayList[j+1]):
break #leaving this nested for-loop
return count
If you wish to find the percent, then get rid of the above return statement and add:
return (count/timesToRun)
Here's a solution that doesn't use set(). It also takes a different approach with the array so that each index represents a day of the year. I also removed the hasDuplicate() function.
import random
#initialize an array of 0's representing each calendar day
for i in range(365):
for i in range(0,1000):
for n in range(365):
for b in range(0, 23):
r = random.randint(0,364)
if (birthdayList[r] > 1) and (first_dup==True):
avg = float(sim_total) / 1000 * 100
print "after 1000 simulations with 23 students there were", sim_total,"simulations with atleast one duplicate. The approximate problibility is", round(avg,3),"%"

Alloy constraint specification

I wrote the following code block in Alloy:
one h: Human | h in s.start => {
s'.currentCall = h.from
I want to pick one 'human' from a set of humans (s.start) and set a variable (s'.currentCall) equal to h.from.
However I think this code is saying: There is only one human in s.start, where
s'.currentCall = h.from
is true.
Is my assumption correct? And how should I fix this?
You are absolutely correct, the meaning of the one quantifier is that there is exactly one element in the given domain (set) such that the quantifier body holds true.
Regarding your original goal of picking one element from a set and setting its field value to something: that sounds like an imperative update, and you can't really do that directly in Alloy; Alloy is fully declarative, so you can only assert logical statements about the sets and relations for a bounded universe of discourse.
If you just change one to some and also change the implication to conjunction, and then run the analysis (a simple run command to find a valid instance), the Alloy Analyzer will find a model in which the value s'.currentCall is equal to h.from for some (arbitrary) h from s.start:
pred p[s, s': S] {
some h: s.start | s'.currentCall = h.from
run p
I hope this is what you want to achieve.

problems implementing negamax for tic-tac-toe in ruby

I'm banging my head against the wall trying to implement negamax for tic-tac-toe
def negamax(board_obj, mark, depth)
if board_obj.game_over?
return value(board_obj)
max = -1.0/0 # negative infinity
if mark == #mark
next_mark = #opponent_mark
next_mark = #mark
board_obj.empty_squares.each do |square|
board_obj[square] = mark
x = -negamax(board_obj, next_mark, depth + 1)
board_obj[square] = ' '
if x > max
max = x
#scores << x
#best_move = square if depth == 1
return max
# determines value of final board state
def value(board_obj)
if board_obj.mark_win?(#mark)
return 1
elsif board_obj.mark_win?(#opponent_mark)
return -1
return 0
the rest of the code is here: https://github.com/dave-maldonado/tic-tac-doh/blob/AI/tic-tac-doh.rb
It does produce a result but the AI is easily beat so I know something's wrong, any help
is appreciated!
The problem is that value needs to be relative to the mark in the current execution of negamax rather than always relative to the computer. If you pass in the mark argument to value from negamax with the following modified definition for value, you'll get the right results:
def value(board_obj, mark)
if board_obj.mark_win?(mark)
return 1
elsif board_obj.mark_win?(mark == 'X' ? 'O' : 'X')
return -1
return 0
That is, the first two lines of the negamax body need to be:
if board_obj.game_over?
return value(board_obj, mark)
That said, this overall program leaves an awful lot to be desired relative to Ruby, good design principles, etc (no offense intended). Now that you have it running, you might want to head over to the Code Review SE for some feedback. :-) And while it's too late to use TDD ;-), it would also be a good one to put "under test".
Also, please understand that per one of the other comments, this is not a kind of question that you'll typically get an answer to here at SO. I don't even know if this question will survive the review process without getting deleted. I worked on it for a variety of personal reasons.
Update: Looking at your reference implementation, you'll note that the negamax code includes the expression sign[color]*Analysis(b). It's that sign[color] that you were missing, effectively.
