Is it possible to fix my USB that can't even be read by Disk Management - windows

I'm not sure if this is a duplicate, but every time I find a thread about corrupted USB, disk management is still at least able to recognize a drive. My USB is so bricked that when I try to use disk management, nothing loads. When I unplug it the other disks load fine, but once I plug it in and refresh the program hangs. Same things happens when I run diskpart and when I use any other third party disk managing software. Is this USB just completely FUBAR or can I raise it from the dead? Device manager recognizes a USB is plugged in, but that's about as much as Windows can do. I'm running Win10 64-bit version 1809 build 17763.1217. If there is any other info I can provide please let me know. Thanks for the help in advance.


Do we need surprise hotplug support to remove device and rescan bus through sysfs?

We have a NVMe SSD that requires a power cycle (because of firmware updates that does not work with controller reset). We are exploring using NVMe subsystem reset. But our platform does not support surprise hotplug, so we are trying to use sysfs to remove the drive and rescan the bus.
To remove: echo 1 > /sys/pci/bus/devices/<pci_address_of_drive>/remove
To rescan: echo 1 > /sys/pci/bus/rescan
This works majority of the time and the drive is able to enumerate after this. But sometimes, the drive fails to enumerate. A system reboot puts the drive back in good state. We are not seeing any issues with the drive firmware (verified using telemetry).
I am trying to understand if we need surprise hotplug support to remove device and rescan bus through sysfs? I am not able to find any resources related to this. Any leads related to this will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

StoreMI - Create Bootable StoreMI greyed out

Situation: New PC Build
- Windows 10
- Samsung Evo 970 256GB NVME
- WD Blue 1TB potato drive
- AMD Ryzen 7 2700X on Asus Crosshair VII Hero
- GTX 1070
One of the main benefits of Ryzen 2, for me, was the StoreMI feature that I really hope to get working. I watched AdoredTV's video of how he set his up, but unfortunately for me, I'm not having any luck.
Greyed Out no option to create Bootable StoreMI
I have gone into Windows Disk Management and made sure the drives are visible to the OS, and they are also visible in File Explorer.
Windows Sees the Drives
If I try to remove fast media, I get this message, and the program closes.
If I try to modify, I get nothing useful.
So...I need some help figuring out what I've done wrong. Could I have something in the BIOS I need to fix? Other? I'm at a total loss.
Edit 1) I may have another clue? One of my greyed out drives is the same drive as the drive that's selectable, and they're "both" in a Tier. Looking at the Disk Manager, it seems my "System Reserved" is for some reason on the NVMe drive when it should have...I would have thought...been installed on the same drive the OS was installed on. I know I didn't tell Windows to do this.
So maybe this is a clue? Can I move the "System Reserved" Partition over to the spinning rust? Would that help?
Same Drive occupies both tiers?
Ok, well AMD customer support never emailed me back. It's been about 48 hours now. Not counting the RTFM email which was useless.
So...I figured...Maybe I'll ask the people I learned the most about this from, either AdoredTV, or Level1Techs. So I went to the Level1Techs forum, and talked to Wendell himself. He diagnosed and suggested a fix (that worked) in about 5 minutes. On my Windows install, I selected the C: (slow) drive to install the OS on, however, the OS set up the "System Reserved" partition on the NVMe drive...even though I never said to do never asked if that's what I wanted to do...It just did it. Effectively nullifying the ability of StoreMI to work.
Why AMD can't do what a youtuber can in 5 minutes is beyond me...and pretty inexcusable. But I digress...
What I had to do was start over. Backed everything up, inserted my Windows 10 installation USB, booted from that, and ****-F10 into a command line from there.
From there, I cleaned all my drives.
Next, I physically removed my NVMe from the motherboard, then went about reinstalling the OS on the slow the only drive in the system, so it was forced to partition that.
Once that was done, and the OS was completely installed, I shut down the system and reinstalled the NVMe.
Rebooted the system, and I was then able to configure StoreMI easily.
TLDR: If you are doing a new system build, with a fresh Windows install, and want to use StoreMI... My recommendation is to install ONLY one HDD into your system (AMD recommends the install take place on the slowest drive). Complete your Windows install, then install the remaining drive or drives (you can only use two drives with StoreMI), install StoreMI and configure.

Ejecting non-storage USB devices on Mac

I have a Mac running VirtualBox with a Win 8.1 client VM.
I have a program to run in the VM that requires access to a USB dongle — note, not a storage device! Sadly, whenever the Mac restarts it grabs the dongle, so before the VM can use it remote hands must physically remove it from the Mac and plug it in again.
Is there some way to programmatically eject (virtually, not physically of course) such a USB device from the Mac so that the VM can then take over ownership? I'll be happy to dig into I/O Kit or whatever Framework in Cocoa may be needed to accomplish this. I'd just rather not start if it's obviously impossible.
This question and answer is similar to what I'm looking for, but Step 6 is "Remove the USB device from your physical machine." I'm trying to avoid fiddling with the physical hardware by hand so that I can automate the process.

Is there any way Not to detect USB from windows PC?

Is there any way Not to detect USB from windows PC?
The USB device should not mount on windows PC ,It should be handled by my application..
Suggestions please...
As far as I know there is no way of stopping the mount on the windows PC, however, you could set it up to autorun so that when it is plugged it in attempts to launch your application. This answer has some information on how to do this:
There is also the option to hide a drive in windows by removing is drive letter ( however, this is almost certainly going to stop your application from reading it too.
If this is for a specific security reason then perhaps you could look at encrypting the drive and allowing only the application to decrypt the data. Thus, whilst mounted in windows it will be of little use.
Sorry I couldn't be of much more help.
Microsoft provides a utility called devcon for free download.
It's a "Command Line Uility Alternative to Device Manager".
It can actually do many things that I won't get into here, but removing a plug & play device is a simple operation once you know the unique name of the device you want to manipulate.
Refer this to check how to work with it.
It sounds like you don't want your device to show up as a drive in My Computer. In that case, why are you using the Mass Storage Device class at all? You could make a custom, vendor-specific device and talk to it using control/interrupt/bulk transfers with WinUSB. You would need to change the Device's USB descriptors to indicate it is a vendor-specific device and not a mass-storage device.

Make driver load automatically when USB device is inserted

I'm using a Limited User account under Windows XP, and I'm having a bit of trouble getting my Adaptoid (the most coveted N64 controller -> USB adapter, because of it's support for sending raw N64 controller commands + the fact that it's been discontinued) to work smoothly: as installed, the included software requires Administrator privileges to load the driver.
Presumably, it is possible to arrange for the driver to be loaded automatically when the Adaptoid is inserted by adding some stuff to the INF file for the driver (wishna1.inf):
the question is, what stuff?
(It would also suit me just as well if the driver could be automatically loaded when anything attempted to open \Device\Wish_NA1, or even to have it automatically loaded at every boot, really, but doing it on insertion seems like the right way.)
Note: I do have access to an administrative account, it's just that I prefer not to have to use it day-to-day.
First of all, let's clarify that a USB device has a Plug & Play driver on Windows 2000 and higher, so services start modes are irrelevant. The driver will have an entry as a "service" in the registry, but its start mode is irrelevant here.
Let's split the problem into two parts:
Installing driver for the device: This requires administrative privileges. This happens when you insert a USB device into a port for the first time. Windows goes over your .INF files to find one that matches your hardware. If the driver is WHQL-certified, it'll load automatically. Otherwise, you'd see the dreaded Add New Hardware wizard. If you're running as admin, a few clicks on Next should be enough to install it. Otherwise, better have that Administrator password ready.
Loading the driver for the device: Once the device is installed, the driver will be loaded each time this device is inserted into this USB port without requiring any additional user intervention. Ever noticed how a USB printer, camera or disk drive load much faster the second time you plug it in? That's because that's just loading, without installing.
From looking at the .INF, it looks valid. Also, it's not WHQL-certified, so you'd have to install it manually.
I'm assuming when you insert the Adaptoid, you get an Add New Hardware wizard. If you point it manually to the installation directory, does the Adaptoid install and function? Does it appear in the Device Manager?
P.S. USB devices which have a serial number are an exception. They're installed once for all USB ports. Those devices are rather uncommon, though.
