Adding custom data to cucumber report - cucumberjs

For my cucumberjs tests, I have a need to add some custom information to my cucumber report. I tried using the World object like this in the After hook:
this.sampleData = 'My Sample Data'
Does not seem to work.

This can be handled using Nodejs Buffer object like below:
let userDetails = {
username: "test",
password: "test"
const userDetails = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(userDetails));
await this.World.attach(userDetails, 'application/json');
This will attach your test data as JSON object at the end of scenario in your cucumber BDD report


Adding body to Http request with Spock

I'm developing a Spring Boot application and I'm trying to do some authorization/authentication testing using Spock and I'm trying to pass username and password inside body block like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
class AuthorizationTest extends Specification {
def client = new RESTClient("http://localhost:8080")
def "something should happen"() {
def response =
path: "/login",
body: [ password : "1234", username : "admin"],
requestContentType: ContentType.JSON
response.status == 200
Sadly, something's not working, and when I'm debugging I don't see the two parameters (username and password) inside the request.
What am I doing wrong?
It turned out I need to use different encoding, requestContentType: ContentType.URLENC, which is of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

How to verify a failed scenario in After method i'm using Nightwatch API (formerly Night-Cucumber). To Update browserstack rest API (pass/fail)

I am using Nightwatch API(formerly Nightwatch-Cucumber) in browserstack. I am unable to find a code to update the status of Rest Api (passed/failed) in browserstack by verifying failed scenarios in my test. I need to use this in my After method.
thanks in advance.
I wanted to use similar one as below code in Cucumber.conf.js file
afterTest: test => {
if (!test.passed) {
request({uri: https://${user}:${key} automate/sessions/${browser.sessionId}.json,
form:{ 'status':'error','reason': errors.join(' | ') },
You should have below library in the script:
var request = require("request");
You can use the following code:
request({uri: "", method:"PUT", form:{"status":"passed","reason":""}})
You can refer the sample code from the below link:

Cypress and Excel Test Data

Has anyone used excel to store test data while runing cypress tests? I am trying to make this work, but since I cant access the file system with browserify I cant read excel test data file. Anyone got this working? DO you have any links/code on how to get it working?
I realised that normal excel processing packages wont work with cypress and typescript, since u r using browserfiy. browserify will prevent you from performing file read/write operations.
as a workaround, i only read the excel file prior to browserifying it (in the plugins/index.js), and convert it into a json file and save it in the fixtures folder.
then in the support/index.js in a beforeAll hook i read the json file as a fixture and save it to an aliased variable. Now I can parse data from the aliased variable and use it where required in cypress context throughout the test. this is what worked for me.
Here is an instruction how to use excel as source for cypress tests
First you need to convert your xlsx file to json with Xlsx
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
import * as XLSX from "xlsx";
try {
const workBook = XLSX.readFile("./testData/testData.xlsx");
const jsonData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workBook.Sheets.testData);
JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 4),
} catch (e) {
throw Error(e);
Then import json file and loop over each row and use the data in the way you want. In this example it tries to log in to a system.
import { login } from "../support/pageObjects/";
const testData = require("../fixtures/testData.json");
describe("Dynamically Generated Tests", () => {
testData.forEach((testDataRow: any) => {
const data = {
username: testDataRow.username,
password: testDataRow.password
context(`Generating a test for ${data.username}`, () => {
it("should fail to login for the specified details", () => {
login.errorMsg.contains("Your username is invalid!");

How to capture the transactions while doing testing using Mocha

I am in the process of writing unit/behavioural tests using Mocha for a particular blockchain network use-case. Based on what I can see, these tests are not hitting the actual fabric, in other words, they seem to be running in some kind of a simulated environment. I don't get to see any of the transactions that took place as a part of the test. Can someone please tell me if it is somehow possible to capture the transactions that take place as part of the Mocha tests?
Initial portion of my code below:
describe('A Network', () => {
// In-memory card store for testing so cards are not persisted to the file system
const cardStore = require('composer-common').NetworkCardStoreManager.getCardStore( { type: 'composer-wallet-inmemory' } );
let adminConnection;
let businessNetworkConnection;
let businessNetworkDefinition;
let businessNetworkName;
let factory;
//let clock;
// Embedded connection used for local testing
const connectionProfile = {
name: 'hlfv1',
'x-type': 'hlfv1',
'version': '1.0.0'
before(async () => {
// Generate certificates for use with the embedded connection
const credentials = CertificateUtil.generate({ commonName: 'admin' });
// PeerAdmin identity used with the admin connection to deploy business networks
const deployerMetadata = {
version: 1,
userName: 'PeerAdmin',
roles: [ 'PeerAdmin', 'ChannelAdmin' ]
const deployerCard = new IdCard(deployerMetadata, connectionProfile);
console.log("line 63")
const deployerCardName = 'PeerAdmin';
console.log("line 65")
// setup admin connection
adminConnection = new AdminConnection({ cardStore: cardStore });
console.log("line 69")
await adminConnection.importCard(deployerCardName, deployerCard);
console.log("line 70")
await adminConnection.connect(deployerCardName);
console.log("line 71")
Earlier, my connection profile was using the embedded mode, which I changed to hlfv1 after looking at the answer below. Now, I am getting the error: Error: the string "Failed to import identity. Error: Client.createUser parameter 'opts mspid' is required." was thrown, throw an Error :). This is coming from
await adminConnection.importCard(deployerCardName, deployerCard);. Can someone please tell me what needs to be changed. Any documentation/resource will be helpful.
Yes you can use a real Fabric. Which means you could interact with the created transactions using your test framework or indeed other means such as REST or Playground etc.
In Composer's own test setup, the option for testing against an hlfv1 Fabric environment is used in its setup (ie whether you want to use embedded, web or real Fabric) -> see
Setup is captured here
Example of setting up artifacts that you would need to setup to use a real Fabric here
Also see this blog for more guidelines ->

Secured users created in grails integration test are unauthorized but bootstrapped ones are

I'm using Grails Spring Security Core and the Grails Spring Security REST plugin and I'm just starting to get things set up. I initialized the plugins with a User class and an Authority class (defaults) and went to write an integration test, following a guide I found on the Grails website.
It said to put the following in an integration test:
def "test a user with the role ROLE_BOSS is able to access /api/announcements url"() {
when: 'login with the sherlock'
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
def resp ="http://localhost:${serverPort}/api/login") {
json {
username = 'sherlock'
password = 'elementary'
resp.status == 200
resp.json.roles.find { it == 'ROLE_BOSS' }
I went ahead and did something similar and it worked with a bootstrapped User, but when I tried to do the exact same test with a User created in the test method itself, it would fail with a 401 HTTP response code.
The code I'm trying to run:
void "check get access token"() {
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
new User(username: "securitySpecTestUserName", password: "securitySpecTestPassword").save(flush: true)
assert User.count == 2
def resp ="http://localhost:${serverPort}/api/login") {
json {
username = "securitySpecTestUserName"
password = "securitySpecTestPassword"
resp.status == 200
Note that the User.count == 2 assertion passes because there is one User in Bootstrap.groovy and the one create in the test method.
Why does this work and pass with the bootstrapped User without any issues at all but not the one created in the method? Is there a way I can write this integration test so that I can test the /api/login endpoint included in the grails-spring-security-rest plugin in this way?
The User you create in the given section is in a transaction that has not been committed. When you make the REST call, the api/login controller will be run in a new transaction that cannot see your un-committed User.
A few options (there are others)...
Create User in BootStrap.groovy
def init = { servletContext ->
environments {
test {
new User(username: "securitySpecTestUserName", password: "securitySpecTestPassword").save(flush: true)
Make REST calls to create the User - assuming you have such functionality
Create User in setup
class UserIntSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
new User(username: "securitySpecTestUserName", password: "securitySpecTestPassword").save(flush: true)
void "check get access token"() {
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
def response ="http://localhost:${serverPort}/api/login") {
json {
username = "securitySpecTestUserName"
password = "securitySpecTestPassword"
response.status == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK
def token = response.json.access_token
Note: In Grails >= 3.0, setup() is run in a separate transaction and persisted (why it solves your problem) which is not rolled back. Any data will need to be cleaned up manually.
I suggest you read the grails documentation on testing: Integration Testing
