Agisoft Metashape - inactive align chunks - point-clouds

I have two point clouds on which I want to build one model.
I loaded them into various chunks, built a model for each. Then they need to be aligned using align on chunks. But this button is inactive for me.
What have I done wrong?
enter image description here
error: enter image description here

Chunk alignment works if you have at least a couple of aligned images in each chunk selected for the alignment.
If you do not have any aligned images and have only polygonal models in the chunks, you can try to use Align_model_to_model script from official repository:


Why are images in pdf sometimes sliced into multiple images?

Noticed that images sometimes are sliced up in PDFs.
insert an image with a high resoultion (3000x1800) into a .docx
use "Microsoft Print to PDF" option of Word to convert to PDF
extracting all images with pdfimages or pymupdf
Image is sliced horizontally into three images
What exactly happens in the in the transition from .docx to pdf (or in generell in the process to pdf) that makes the converter slice it up into three images instead of one?
Do the individuell XObjects of the sliced images contain information which says that these three images belong to originally one?
How do I know how the images are sliced (horizontally / vertically) and what if originally there were two images inserted into the .docx file and both of them are sliced. Can you tell if slice x belongs to original image y or z?
So, as you have found out: because the code which generates the PDF choose to do so.
The technical reasons may be various - it could be that historically there were printers which would only have so much memory, and would need to get limiterd size-images when printing, and someone at some point when writing the PDF export code present in Microsoft Office choose to apply this limit.
Anyway, technically, as put in the comments, an image in a PDF file could be composed of unlimited smaller images collated together.
Now, the second part, and your actual question: to know whether images ibn a PDF file belong together in a single original image one would need a custom extractor tool to check the geometry of all images in the document and find out which images have no margins or boundaries with others - it would not be that hard to do for well behaved files (which we can't know if MS Office generated files are: there are ways to obfuscate image positioning by making it indirectly). The metadata in the image-parts may or may not contain information that would allow one to recompose the original image: it would be up to the code generating the PDF to include this metadata or not - but the geometry can't lie in this case: if the final document presents a single image visually, it is possible to detect that when fetching the images.

Trying to get rid of remnant white space after hiding images

I have multiple images in the column portion of a matrix that displays the image if there is one. If there is not an image defined for the image number, the report correctly hides the image (as the BorderColor = Black is not shown) but the white space still remains.
I have tried every possible combination (except the correct one obviously) to no avail.
My objective is to only have the width of the 8 images be 2
Any Ideas?...And splitting the images into individual lines is not an option as it negates the whole premise of using the Matrix.
I have tried placing the hidden code in every possible Hidden field in the report. All postings found all refer to a SINGLE image and not MULTIPLE images.

Get dimensions of objects within an image

i'm planning to build a web app where following feature is used:
Imagine uploading an image,
and the dimensions within the image need to be retrieved
e.g. I would like to know the height and width of the input field.
given the fact I can provide the base image sizes and aspect ratio's.
How would one go about getting the marked dimensions out of the given image?
is there an open API that could do this?
Is this even a possiblity?

How to flip a stack of images on it's side

I have a stack of 400 images, each with dimensions of 400*400 pixels that i need to flip onto it's side so that the left-most column of each image in the old stack becomes the top image in the new stack, the second columns become the second image, and so on. I am using windows, but there are few other restrictions, as i can use imagej to save the stack in any reasonable format, including gif, tif, and a set of sequentially named non-layered images. Additionally, i only need to do this twice, so a workaround is fine.
Solved it myself in imagej (posibly the "fiji" version only) using Image>stacks>reslice Which does exactly what i want.

Stitching multiple images into one SL / WP7

I am trying to download a number of images, of differnet sizes, then after some cropping stitch them into one single image.
I am intending to do this in code on a WP7 device
My current approach uses n Image controls and waits for their ImageOpened events to fire. Once they have all been successfully opened I create a new Image for each and stick them into a StackPanel.
In then use WriteableBitmap to create a single image from the stacked images.
This code works 40/50% of the time. The rest of the time the layout engine decides to not bother laying them out in a horizontal stack. All the images get rendered on top of each other.
Is there a way of forcing the StackPanel to do a full layout pass? I have tried combinations of Arrange and Measure on both the Images and the StackPanel.
I found the article WP7: Generate Live Tile Images Locally (Without The Visual Tree). I am now using Henry Chong’s approach (which includes UpdateLayout) and my photo stitching is working great.
I cannot help but be amused by the fact that the answer to my question “how the hell do I force the layout to be updated” was answered with a method called “UpdateLayout” [dev exits stage left kicking himself]
