I am trying to implement Aerospike as cache in spring boot project. I had not found any implementation and documentation regarding this. I don't have idea of how to implement cache manager. please help if any solution available .
There were some big changes in the Cache area in Spring Data Aerospike - starting from versions 2.5.0/3.0.0.
Check out this medium article about Caching with Spring Boot and Aerospike: https://medium.com/aerospike-developer-blog/caching-with-spring-boot-and-aerospike-17b91267d6c
I have a Spring Boot app with caching enabled using the #EnableCaching in the main class and #Cacheable for certain methods. This was earlier working well.
Now I have also configured GemFire cache to store other data.
The older code with the #Cacheable annotation is now trying to fetch this data in the GemFire cache. Is there a way to define when to use which cache?
I'm new to this and would appreciate any inputs on the best practice to be followed in such case and what can be done to overcome this.
Have a look at this: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot-data-geode-build/current/reference/html5/#geode-caching-provider, and specifically this: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot-data-geode-build/current/reference/html5/#geode-caching-provider-disable.
If you are not using Spring Boot for Apache Geode (SBDG; see project home as well as the docs) (which also applies to VMware Tanzu GemFire as well, given GemFire is based on OSS, Apache Geode), then you most definitely should consider it.
If you need to control which cache is used for which, e.g. service method, then you should read more about custom cache resolution as opposed to the default cache resolution strategy.
Last, SBDG honors Spring Boot's Caching configuration, after SBDG is essentially Spring Boot specifically designed and developed for Apache Geode (and GemFire).
Just wanted to implement caching using Ignite in springboot with JPA repository is it possible ?
No reference or examples were found online . can anyone help?
How about the Spring Data Repository Support for Apache Ignite?
is there a way to access Amazon QLDB as a repository in spring boot applications like MongoDB?
There isn't a library yet that integrates QLDB with spring boot.
I started to look at building exactly what you suggest, I even contacted the lead of spring data to look at adding this (I haven’t raised the ticket yet), however the CrudRepository interface provided enough integration for the demo applications that we have built with Spring Boot. One of the issues that i had when trying to create the Repository was the mapping of fields from the java objects into the partiql fields without explicit knowledge of what was changing.
QLDB does not have a jdbc driver anymore so it is now a proprietary driver which also uses partiql over sql, there could be some further issues getting this to work as a full blown repository in spring boot due to the inner reliance on sql in spring data .
Resilience4j version: 1.2.0
Java version: 1.8
Problem description:
I am trying to explore different patterns provided by resilience4j. I am trying to stick to annotations vs functional programming. But when it comes to resilience4j cahce, I am bit confused, as I couldn't find an working example of the same. I was able successfully try out other patterns.
My confusion is around spring boot cache and resilience4j cache. Are they same or functionally different? Can I use them interchangingly? Is there any github repository giving an usecase and explanation for the resilience4j cache? Any input is highly appreciated.
I got an response from the author Robert Winkler on github, who wrote Resiliance4j-cache component. Below is his resonse.
You can stick with Spring Caching Abstraction and Annotations.
Resilience4j-cache is currently not part of the Spring Boot starter and there are no plans to add it.
Resilience4j-cache was created by me when I had to use JCache API and Hazelcast and I wanted to protect my application from runtime exception which were thrown by Hazelcast.
Apache Shiro allows some implementations for CacheManager. EHCache is one of these implemenations.
I'd like to use Infinispan as Distributed Cache Manager. Until now, I'm not sure wheter it's feasible or not.
Does anybody know how to implement Infinispan as CacheManager for Apache Shiro ?
I just uploaded Shiro Infinispan support project to GitHub (https://github.com/zbiljic/shiro-infinispan).
It's almost exact copy of EHCache implementation, but uses Infinispan instead.
I created this, and 'shiro-redis' project a year ago for some internal application, but never had the time to upload it.
We use it in production for some time now.