apex application page not found - oracle

I created an empty application with project sample database in apex with administration and access control features.
Every time I create a new page for a table and want to run it, the page does not appear in navigation menu and when I run it from page editor an error occurs. (Report, master Report and etc.)
This problem does not happen in another applications I have.
Does anyone know why?

Something went wrong with the application creation process (perhaps an error occurred) or afterward to the application metadata (corrupted somehow).
When I created another new application, it worked fine.


Oracle APEX: Reset session on every application launch?

My use case is actually from the standpoint of an Oracle APEX developer. I'm on version 18.2.
I am working on a single-page application. Every time I run my APEX application from Page Designer, I want the session state of my application to essentially reset. Item values should all start out as NULL, or at their defaults.
I've been playing with a Dynamic Action on Page Load, but that's overkill: if I'm testing multi-step series of operations, simulating an end user, across those actions I want session state retained. But every time I make development changes in Page Designer and then click the "Run" button to launch my application, I want a clean slate.
Is it possible? How do I go about it?
How about a simple workaround?
I understand this is a one-page application. Let's call it Page 1. OK, that's what the final result will be.
But, for testing purposes, create another page (Page 2) and a button on it which will perform redirection to page in this application (the one you're working on - Page 1).
Link Builder contains the Clear session state section which lets you specify which page's session state you want to clear - obviously, that will be Page 1.
Basically, you'd make changes to Page 1, but run Page 2 and push the button to go to Page 1. Its session state will be cleared and let you do any tests you want.

Codeigniter Session data lost on the third navigation

This is a really strange problem. I have an application that I build using Codeigniter 3, HMVC, and Ion Auth. It was working well until I migrated it from one server to another. Now the data in the session is cleared after 3 navigations.
I tested it by logging into the application and watching the data field in the ci_session table as I navigated. I made it as simple as possible. I perform a browser refresh from the view I reach after login. On the third refresh, the data disappears from the database for my session and the application sends me back to the login page (application checks to see if the user is logged in). I even waited awhile (less than the 7200) to see if it was a time out and the time between refreshes does not seem to matter. I did not add code, because I do not know what code would help.
Does anyone have an idea what setting may be the cause?
Some time Codeigniter Session not working it has problem with PHP version
Change Your Server PHP Version.

Web view doesn't refresh

I've a web view that doesn't refresh after some background operations, i need to open it in Notes Client and press ctrl+shift+f9 to achieve this.
This not always happen on production, only for some installations.
I've seen that too and sometimes had to add view.refresh() code to refreshes the view after changes. Thing to check:
Make sure view indexing option is Auto, after first use
or Automatic.
View may get corrupted. Add a updall program task to rebuild the problem view every weekend.
Make sure the Indexer task is running on the server.

Why page_load is called twice in my web application?

I have already gone through some of the posts in many websites regarding page_load being called twice but my problem is little bit different from those.
My problem is with the landing page of my web application.
Initially in my website page_load for the landing page was getting called twice every time when it is loaded. Since my application is an upgraded one (from VS 2003 to VS 2005/2008), I commented the "this.load" event in InitializeComponent. Now it works fine, when user first logs in, into my web application. But then, whenever user navigates to this page from any other page in my application, page_load gets called twice.
Does anybody have any idea about why this could be happening. I tried to track the call stack for this, but VS 2008 was showing that this was getting called from external code.
Also, I am using frames in my web application. I wonder if this problem has anything to do with frames.
Any help is deeply appreciated.

Sharepoint with ASP.NET Ajax

I'm running a MOSS2007 Sharepoint website with .NET 3.5 Ajax. I'm using the SmartPart webpart to host a user control that contains an update panel.
I've added the script manager to the /_catalogs/masterpage/default.master file and it works fine when I log in as myself. But when I log in as a normal user I get the error message The control with ID 'UpdatePanel1' requires a ScriptManager on the page.
As far as I can tell, it's loading a different version of the masterpage for the different users (a user control with this.Page.MasterPageFile consistently returns /_catalogs/masterpage/default.master) but other edits I've made as tests don't show either...
Is there's any way to easily add a script manager to all master pages for all users (I'd rather have it on a page and not used, than needed on a page and not there)?
My stupid mistake. Needed to approve the new master page version after checking it in.
