Dynamics 365 V9 phone call with Teams - dynamics-crm

A customer of mine says that when he clicks on a contact's phone number in CRM, a window appears asking how he wants to make the call. He selects Teams, but then an hourglass appears and nothing else happens, no error message.
I would like to test, but in System Settings/General, checkbox "Set the telephony provider (Select provider for Click to call)" there is only Skype or Skype for business. And when I click on a phone number, in the customer's environment, only Skype appears: I guess that it is because I am not part of the company's Teams users. How can I check in CRM the settings of the connection with Teams? I searched a lot, but only found how to integrate CRM inside Teams.

This is more of a Microsoft Teams feature delivery, as currently the click-to-call feature is missing with Teams. MS Teams uservoice
One of the user talking about Dynamics setup in uservoice and this community thread gives you more context.
Probably, once that idea is implemented, then Skype/Skype for Business maybe retired and Teams will be the only click-to-dial telephony integration for Dynamics. But not sure.
Btw, Dynamics is having a Channel Integration Framework which is more powerful and some partners already having products around that CIF.


Is it possible to programatically add an event to my own Office 365 calendar without an Azure subscription?

According to this guide there are a jillion ways to integrate, some of which are beyond my understanding, but they seem to require a Client Id which is created via portal.azure.com
When I log into that site, it says I don't have a subscription. I don't really want an azure subscription - I have an office 365 subscription already.
Is there a way to integrate with office 365 without an azure subscription or some way that means I don't have to pay for Azure?
I have a program that runs as a windows service that books something, and when it's completed I simply wanted to insert the booking automatically into my outlook calendar.
To access Graph API you need to give a set of permissions to your app for selected endpoints and it can be done only in Azure portal.
Every Office 365 tenant has an Azure Active Directory.
To find it go into the Office 365 Administration dashboard, click the "Show All" menu down the left and side of the page, then click "Azure Active Directory". This will take you into the AAD admin pages in the Azure Portal.
From there you can register an application.

Teams channel in Azure Bot Service not working

I created an Azure Bot Service. When I test the service using "Test in Web Chat" it works as expected. When I add the Web Chat channel and use the Web Chat URL, it works as expected.
However, when I add the Microsoft Teams channel, it does not work as I expected. The Health Status shows "Healthy" (in "Channels (Preview)") and "Running" (in "Channels"). When I select "Open in Teams", I am redirected to Teams, but I do not see the bot as a user/bot I can chat with. I watched a video showing just that behavior as I was expecting, but the link only opens my Teams. I only have one other user in Teams and that user shows up. No sign of the bot. What am I missing?
I tried using the "Get bot embed codes". I put in the URL for the Mstreams href and instead of sending me to the bot user as I expected, I am redirected to the other user on the account (not the bot). What am I missing?
I've tried this using the "Channels" and the "Channels (Preview)" sections with the same results.
If relevant, I am still in the trial period with Azure and have not upgraded, but nothing says this should be an issue.
From all I can tell, I'm logging into the Azure portal and the Bot Framework portal with the same account as my Teams account. I'm using latest updated version of Chrome.
I don't think free account has anything to do with this. But the fact that the " bot embed codes" lead you to a different user, may be a configuration issue. Read Create a bot and Test and debug your Microsoft Teams bot in the Microsoft Teams documents for more information.
If you have successfully deployed to teams channel (teams channel registration), as per docs Copy the https part of the code that is shown in the Get bot embed code dialog.
For example, https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=28:b8a22302e-9303-4e54-b348-343232
In the browser, paste this address and then choose the Microsoft Teams app (client or web) that you use to add the bot to Teams. You should be able to see the bot listed as a contact that you can send messages to and receives messages from in Microsoft Teams.
Alternately, In-order to test them in teams you need to take the app id from the Configuration page of the bot.
Once you search with the app ID in teams you would be able to see this bot as a contact in Microsoft Teams.
Create a Teams app package and upload your app to the Teams client for testing. Learn how
Publish your bot as a Line of Business app in your organization's Teams Tenant App Catalog. Learn how
Publish your bot as an app in the Teams App store. Learn how
I think I have found the answer, though I'm still trying to retrace my steps to make sure this is accurate. I will update here if I find anything more of value.
Despite little/no documentation to this effect, bots apparently do not work in the free version of Teams. You have to at least:
create a developer version of Microsoft O365 (E5 license) (and go through all the rigamarole to get it setup properly)
add at least one more user to the organization
then open Teams
Then, I used the embed URL to get the bot to show up. (Again, the same process did not work with my free Teams account even with another user added to it).
For the record, I didn't need to change any admin settings once the three items above were completed.

How do I use "Modern UI" "office.com" instead of "Classic UI" "live.com"

Microsoft has 2 different front-end web clients for email, as explained here, the newest is named "modern Outlook UI", and the former one is named "classic Outlook UI".
My Microsoft 365 subscription (and also my free old hotmail account) both re-direct to live.com and show the "classic" interface, even if I try to log in to office.com (and/or outlook.com).
My work account however, does the opposite - it redirects to office.com and shows a totally different user interface (which I assume is the "modern" UI).
How can I get my own email address which uses this modern UI?
I'm building an add-in, which I need to test under both UI's.
Here's screenshots which I think show the two?
The modern UI is for Exchange Online: Microsoft 365 subscription (Outlook web app), Outlook.com
The work email uses the modern UI since it must be a part of a active M365 subscription.
You'll have to subscribe to M365 to see the same on your personal account.

Possibility of using specific Teams features in a custom web chat app

Our internal employees are all using Teams. I'm researching how feasible it would be to use certain features of Teams for a custom web chat app. The actual back and forth conversation would not take place in Teams...it would be something I would build, possibly using SignalR.
The custom web chat application should allow our customers the ability to:
See the Teams status of an employee (Online/Offline)
Click on the employee to enter a chat room. (This chat room would be something I would create, possibly using SignalR)
I was wondering if it is possible to do the following with Teams:
Get the Online/Offline status of a user in Teams and display that in a custom web app.
Send data to a specific Teams user from a web app. (For example: when a customer clicks on an employee in the custom web app to start a chat, send a link to the employee that would send them to the chat room.)
Are these two things possible using Teams?
Wow, this is an unusual scenario, had to think a bit about that! In terms of (1) I'm not sure about anything for that it Teams (it might exist, but not something I'm aware of), but perhaps the Microsoft Graph has a capability for that. This might help.
Regarding item 2, do the customers have Teams? If so, you can deep link directly into a chat with the specific employee. If not, are you wanting the end user to use, say, a bot on the web app, but the employee to be using Teams? If so, who would they be "Chatting" to? Would it be ok for the chat to be with a custom bot inside Teams? If so, you should look more at the concept of "Pro-active chat" in Teams (to initiate the new/latest conversation from the bot to the user). The only drawback is if they are "chatting" to multiple people at once this wouldn't work, because each customer's interaction would come in to the same chat window in the Bot.

Is there an easy way to add custom bot to Teams conversation

We want to easily add our custom bot to the conversation window when an user ping us. Currently we have to upload the zip file of the bot to the conversation every time. Ideally the bot should be found by searching in the "Add People" - just like how the real people been added. Several questions:
I noticed that the custom bot can be published. However, we don't want it to be published publicly, it needs to be Microsoft internally. Is it possible?
If the bot got published, can we add the bot to a conversation just by searching in the "Add People" box? If not, is there anyway to achieve this?
Thank you!
If you want to publish the bot for your organisation only, you can publish it in your tenants app catalog. You need to be a global admin or have the teams service admin role enabled to publish apps for your organization.
Publish apps in the Microsoft Teams Tenant Apps Catalog
As far as I know, this isn't possible yet. However when people search for your bot in the topbar, they can add the bot to a team or to their personal workspace.
