Laravel .htaccess not working on deployment host - laravel

I have just tried to deploy a my Laravel app to a shared hosting and it seems like the .htaccess is causing an internal server error, if I delete it all the files in /public can be accessed. I have checked several of the other answers here, but no one solved the problem. I have checked all the required modules

When deploying your app to a shared hosting, make sure that your domain or subdomain is pointing to the public folder in your laravel application. When asked for the document root path point it to Eg.
Try that to see if you are still facing issues

I finally looked into the hosting service's docs and in their examples it's
RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L]
with a trailing slash instead of just
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
Don't know why but that made the difference and now works both on my localhost and the deployment host.


deploy Laravel project on subfolder in subdirectory

i need to upload laravel project on sub folder in subdomain because there will be wordpress website,
while i am searching i found that i can use .htaccess, is there another way ? because i am new to laravel and no experience in [tag:.htaccess ]
--- public_html
--- subfolder
---laravel project
i tried using changing App_Url
Just upload your Laravel files to /public_html/subdomain/
Then create a new file called .htaccess (yes, in the same subdomain folder) and then insert this code so it would start loading index.php from /public_html/subdomain/public/ folder which exists in Laravel App:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]
Save it. When you visit your subdomain URL now, the app should work.
If it throws any errors, then most likely your index.php paths aren't correct or you do not have vendor/ folder.
.htaccess is of course the best way. But if you don't know how to do that, I think you can create a subdomain from your hosting provider (like hostinger, etc), and after that, you can upload it to that folder (the one with the subdomain). Ask the hosting provider contact person, they will gladly help you to set up the subdomain

Remove /Public from url in Laravel

Good Day!
Currently I was working on laravel and im new on it. I keep looking a solutions on my problem and i couldn’t find a solution on this. My laravel work is accessible already without /public in the url I fix this thru .htaccess, but it can be access also with /public in the url. Please see links below for your reference.
my htaccess file
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]
.htaccess files wont work on this, what i did is i update the root directory in my server side.
instead the root will be at public_html I change it to public_html/public

laravel 5 removing public from url not working on WAMP

Many people post that following htaccess works for removing "public" from url. But i am working on WAMP and this is not working:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]
This shows following Error message from Laravel framework:
Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found. 1/1 NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161:
There are other methods to remove "public" from url but I want to understand why this method is not working on my side which people followed frequently in their posts. my url is : http://localhost/laravel/ (directory: d:/wamp/www/laravel)
Can any one help me to understand why this popular method is not working on my side? Is their any issue in Laravel internal routing as I think my htaccess is working properly?
Thanks a lot in Advance.
I am sorry this is not exactly what you wanted but... Instead of rewriting the path, go to your Apache config and change your directory so it includes /public as well. That way you will get rid of the now necessary public from the URL. I know it is not an answer to your question, so please do not downvote. Nevertheless, it should solve your problem.
Your router is not picking up the redirected path because your laravel installation is a subdirectory within your webserver and the RewriteRule ^(.*)$ is picking up the whole path which includes /laravel. This is being appended to public/ because it's captured in $1.
The simplest case for you may be to alter the RewriteRule to not capture the laravel directory.
ReqriteRule ^laravel/(.*)$ public/$1 [L]
You may or may not need a forward slash ^/laravel/(.*)$ ...
Alternatively, (and more correctly) you should setup a virtual host within your apache configuration to serve the laravel application in the root of a virtual host (as it's designed) or you might be better off in the long run using Laravel Homestead as a preconfigured development environment.

creating admin folder inside CodeIgniter App

I have the front end fully working in a codeIgniter application. Now, I have to create admin as well. So, How would I create the admin section creating a new directory. Without interrupting codeigniter directory structure.
CodeIgniter already supports 1 subfolder level within the controllers folder. So within /applications/controllers/ you can just add /applications/controllers/admin/ and it will work fine.
you could omit it out via .htaccess so that the directory actually works like a directory rather than how its initially developed to work.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|admin|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]
what this does is turn on apache modrewrite then tells apache any calls to index.php, robots.txt or (and any sub-folders/files within) treat as you would normally without codeigniter mucking up the works. Also this will remove the required index.php from the URL you will be able to link to your site like
instead of
There's an explanation about that in CI User Guide: Managing your Applications

using mod_rewrite to redirect from subdomain to maindomain

My problem is that i have a functioning subdomain ( sub is loaded in
What i would like to do is to redirect all requests to to
Somehow it seems that when im the subdomain i cannot access the rootfolder (main domain). I can get it working with from to But not from the subdomain.
Currently im using:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ /home/web/webuser/$1 [L]
When accessing i get a 500 Internal Server Error.
Is there a restriction in accessing the main from a sub? (rights wise)
Or maybe another way of getting to main, perhaps something like (../$1)
I only have access to .htaccess. So DocumentRoot cannot AFAIK be used in .htaccess file.
What about symlinks? I dont really know what it does, but i assume that it links two locations? The only code i found for that enables symlinks (Options +FollowSymlinks) - but this line doesnt say anything about what to link (perhaps im all wrong)
Btw. thanks for input so far !
I must admit that I did not fully understand your question. Do you want to redirect everything from to In that case, the following (put in the config file of your might work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1 [R,L]
It redirects on the client side, meaning that the user will see in the browser.
EDIT: I think I understand your question now. Yes, it's a permissions issue: If the DocumentRoot of your web site is /whatever/sub, then you cannot just access /whatever by adding "/.." to the URL. I hope you understand that this is a good thing. :-) mod_rewrite just changes the URL, so it cannot do that either.
So, to solve your problem, you need to either change the DocumentRoot of or create a symlink that allows you to access the required directory (e.g. /whatever/sub/redir-target -> /whatever). Be careful with the symlink option, though, since it will create valid directories of infinite length on your file system (/whatever/sub/redir-target/sub/redir-target/...) and some scripts cannot cope with that.
EDIT2: Instead of a symlink, you might want to create an alias, e.g., something like this:
Alias /redir-target /home/web/webuser
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/redir-target/.*$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /redir-target/$1
Still, I think the easiest solution is to change the DocumentRoot...
Why not try using a Redirect Directive from mod_alias?
It's difficult to provide a definitive answer without knowing more about your server configuration.
The following might work and is at the very least a decent starting point:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sub\.mydomain\.com
RewriteRule (.*) /$1 [L]
Ideally that would go in your httpd.conf, but might work from a .htaccess file (again, more information about how your subdomains are setup would be helpful).
