how can I change WebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer class to a main class - spring

how can I change a WebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer class to a main class? the above mentioned class in spring mvc, now I want to convert it to spring boot. I created a spring boot project and created the packages and copied all of classes from spring mvc project to spring boot project I think I need to make some changes to WebAppInitializer class, but I do not know how to do that. the reason, when I try to run it eclipse does not allow me to run as it java/spring boot application. I am stock with this for a while. Thank you for your help.
public class WebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
private Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private static final String DISPATCHER_SERVERLET_NAME="dispatcher";
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {"starting up");
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(context);
ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = servletContext.addServlet(DISPATCHER_SERVERLET_NAME, dispatcherServlet);
the main class is on the top, all other packages are coming after that. these are my Annotation in my public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { #EnableWebMvc, #Configuration, #ComponentScan(basePackages= ""). Do I need to make any changes to WebConfig class?


Grpc Spring Boot Starter

I am trying to integrate a grpcService to my spring boot application. In this service class i have a jpaRepository which is #Autowired. When i run the server this repository is not injected( is null when i'm trying to use it).
public class MedicationPlanService extends medicationPlanGrpc.medicationPlanImplBase {
private MedicationPlanRepository medicationPlanRepository;
public void hello(MedicationPlan.HelloRequest request, StreamObserver<MedicationPlan.HelloResponse> responseObserver) {
List<MedicationPlan> medicationPlans = medicationPlanRepository.findAll();
MedicationPlan.HelloResponse.Builder response = MedicationPlan.HelloResponse.newBuilder();
public class GrpcServerStartConfiguration {
public void startGrpcServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(9091).addService(new MedicationPlanService()).build();
System.out.println("gRPC server started");
When i try to use the medicationPlanRepository i realized that it is null.
Thanks in advance :).
Because you're creating MedicationPlanService with "new", it becomes a simple object, not a bean. And things such as DI don't work in this way.
Initialize these 2 classes correctly (via #ComponentScan or #Bean in #Configuration class). Then inject MedicationPlanService into GrpcServerStartConfiguration. The latter you can mark as #Configuration for better understaning btw.

onStartup method of WebApplicationInitializer never gets called

I have a Grails application. I am trying to set an active Spring profile by using the onStartup method of WebApplicationInitializer.
I have annotated this Java class with #Configuration but onStartup method never gets invoked.
package my.package;
public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
servletContext.setInitParameter("", "test");
In Config.groovy I have added,
grails.spring.bean.packages = ['my.package']
I also tried adding following code in resources.groovy
xmlns context: ""
context."component-scan" "base-package": "my.package"
But whatever code changes I try onStartup method never gets called.
In my case I used application.yml and it worked in dev environment but after packaging it into a war using prod profile, for some reason it stopped picking up my java config annotated with #Configuration.
The solution was to modify Application.groovy as recommended in another question:
class Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration {
Note: Overriding packageNames() in Application.groovy recommended in the docs also doesn't work.

Springboot>WebServlet - Pass spring container

I have springBoot standalone application. I used #SpringBootApplication, #ServletComponentScan annotations in my standalone application. All my components, beans getting initialized in spring container and prints in the application startup.
Inside my servlet, i invoke handler and beans were coming as null. How do i pass spring container through my servlet ?
public class AStandaloneApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
public class BAServlet extends SpeechletServlet {
private BASpeechletHandler bASpeechletHandler;
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
public class BASpeechletHandler implements Speechlet {
private BSEngine bSEngine;
private IBotResponseObjToAlexaSpeechletResponseObj botResponseObjToAlexaSpeechletResponseObj;
The bASpeechletHandler is null in servlet, if i instatiate object in my servlet for bASpeechletHandler and move on then components, services and repository inside bASpeechletHandler also null.
1.Add the packages to component scan - similar to this
2.Add one of the #Component annotations into your BASpeechletHandler class.
This will make that class eligible for auto-discovery of beans.
May be i little complication in asking. I found the solution. In Web applicationContext i pinged the spring context and got the bean.
private ApplicationContext appContext;
private BASpeechletHandler bASpeechletHandler;
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
appContext = (ApplicationContext) config.getServletContext().getAttribute(WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE);
bASpeechletHandler = (bASpeechletHandler) appContext.getBean("bASpeechletHandler");

getting #autowired intance null when try trying to do operation on it,throwing null pointer exception

I am trying to save data on gemfire using crud repository. I have created one operation class to call save method of repository but at autowired instance I am getting null pointer exception. Below is my code:
public interface GeodeRepository extends CrudRepository<KeyValueBean, String> {
public KeyValueBean findOne(String name);
public <S extends KeyValueBean> Iterable<S> save(Iterable<S> entities);
#EnableGemfireRepositories(basePackageClasses = GeodeRepository.class)
public class Operations {
private GeodeRepository repository;
public void saveKeyValueData(KeyValueBean keyValueBean) {
System.out.println("Repository is : " + repository);; // <--- i am getting
// repository as null so
// getting null pointer
// exception
When we #Autowired any class make sure, you have declared that class as a #Component.
for example:
public class Operations {
private GeodeRepository repository;
public void saveKeyValueData(KeyValueBean keyValueBean) {
System.out.println("Repository is : " + repository);;
and try using #Autowired to Operation class to your class
in which class your are calling your saveKeyValueData() method.
So, what is not apparent from your example is how you "bootstrap" your application and it's features (e.g. Repositories) into action.
It is not simply enough to add the Spring #Configuration, Spring Boot's #EnableAutoConfiguration and SD GemFire's #EnableGemfireRepositories annotations and expect everything to be auto-configured and wired up successfully. I.e. you need a bootstrapping mechanism, like Spring Boot, especially if you are using the #EnableAutoConfiguration annotation.
For example...
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Now, you could remove the #EnableAutoConfiguration from your Operations class and add the #SpringBootApplication to the MyApplication class, like so...
class MyApplication {
#SpringBootAppliation combines together Spring's #Configuration with Spring Boot's #EnableAutoConfiguration, along with many other useful meta-annotations, like Spring's #ComponentScan, enabling all sorts of magic to happen.
But, if you are not using Spring Boot, you can always bootstrap you application with the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, like so..
class MyApplication
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext applicationContext =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Operations.class);
This is essentially what the Spring Boot, SpringApplication class does for you anyway.
If you are developing a Web application, then of course you can specify the type of ApplicationContext created since you are using Java config, for instance. See here for more details.
Hope this helps!

How to enable async supported for a spring MVC application in java configuration file (Not XML)

I know how to enable async support in a XML configuration, I have done so for filters and servlets by adding tag
How to do it in a Java config file. I create a WebInit class which implements WebApplicationInitializer and overrides onStartUp -what should I do next?
public class WebInit implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext container) throws ServletException {
//What to do here, to move from XML to java config
Along the following lines -
ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = container.addServlet(servletName, myServlet);
Sorry, did not realize that you were looking for a Spring specific solution. With Spring MVC you would just extend a AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer assuming that your root and web contexts are #Configuration based. This initializer in-turn extends from AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer, this class has asyncSupported flag set by default.
