AsciiDoc syntax highlighting TypeScript JSX (TSX) in PDF - asciidoc

I am using AsciiDoc to write a university React & TypeScript course. For the HTML5 backend, I managed to configure the Prism source code highlighter, which is working great.
What is the recommendation to highlight TypeScript JSX (TSX) source code in PDF? As far as I can tell, rouge and pygments don't support this yet.

As of v3.20.0, rouge properly supports TypeScript & TSX


How to set Neovim+SpaceVim to syntax highlight Hugo (markdown, TOML, Go+HTML, CSS) files?

I am on Manjaro using Neovim and SpaceVim vanilla installations. The editor works fantastically well.
Since I am new to vim-style editing, I do not want to mess my configuration. Yet I'm not very savvy about how to add plugins to Neovim+SpaceVim.
I want my Hugo files to have a proper syntax highlighting. Files's content are TOML (.toml), markdown (.md, but not .markdown), Go+HTML (.html with some Go templates inside) and CSS (.css).
I tried to use the vim-go plugin using yay package manager, but there was no syntax highlighting :(
If you could help me, please take into account that I'm very new to this vim-universe. Thanks!

HTML highlighting in ATOM dysfunctional when using ZURB Foundation Template Engine Syntax

Im new to ZURB Foundation 6 and its Foundation CLI. Using the template engine works like a charm though, except for the syntax highlighting so far.
Here is a screenshot:
As you can see, highlighting the beginning and end of an HTML Element doesnt work anymore when Im using the template engine syntax with the double brackets. The site works perfectly, so this erroneous interpretation of the HTML structure is a problem of the editor.
Is there any way to work around this issue in ATOM? Or do I have to live with it?
When you're using a templating engine such as Handlebars (which ZURB seems to use), you need to install a language syntax for that. There are several available, you need to find out for yourself which one works best for you.
Once installed, you either need to work with .hbs files for automatic detection, or you have to specify the syntax manually by clicking on the dialog that reads "HTML" on your screenshot (in the bottom right).

Ace editor / embed multiple syntax highlight

I'm using ace editor with "html" mode for web programming as a web IDE. I can highlight code for HTMl, CSS and JavaScript. It works nicely. This is my code:
I'd like to embed coffeescript and typescript syntax highlight too when using the
<script type='text/coffeescript'>
<script type='text/typescript'>
tags on the page. Ace does have modes for these languages but they are separate files (mode-coffee.js and mode-typescript.js) and I don't know how I could embed these into mode-html.js. The code is rather complicated.
Could you kindly help me out? I've been studying these files for several hours now and I'd appreciate any help. Thank you.
This is currently not possible. We are looking into adding this as a feature, which is being tracked by a GitHub issue here.

Is there a Dreamweaver plugin for proper SASS syntax highlighting / color coding?

I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and have only started using SASS for my workflow. My only problem is when I code on style.scss, using SASS syntax, Dreamweaver colors / highlights the syntax like normal CSS, hence, I find it a bit confusing or as if something is wrong.
It just looks untidy and inconsistent. So, is there a Dreamweaver plug-in that will change the color-coding / highlighting to be SASS-based (so to speak)?

What is the equivalent of re-formatting and checking syntax on save of Textmate in SublimeText2?

I recently switched to SublimeText2 from Textmate and I've been enjoying it.
But there are some features of Textmate which I don't know for SBT2.
Selecting a block of code and pressing CMD+OPTION+[ re-formats the selected block.
While saving a file CMD+S, ruby or jquery or coffee-script, etc.. Texmate checks the syntax of the code.
How to do the same with SBT2?
To check syntax on save you can use SublimeLinter and to reformat code you can use something like the following depending on what languages you work with:
Sublime-HTMLPrettify (HTML, JS, CSS)
Pretty JSON
There are plenty of other similar and other useful extensions and plugins here:
All of which can be easily installed and kept up to date using Package Control.
