How do I add video in Laravel without storing into database - laravel

I've a play-button inside Image. Onclick it shows youtube video in light-box. I just replaced youtube video with my own video from video directory that is under public folder. When i click on play button, it returns below error.
<div class="container">
<div class="col-lg-5 order-2 order-lg-1 align-items-stretch video-box" style='background-image: url({{URL::asset('src/img/product3.png')}})' data-aos="zoom-in">
When I changed my anchor tag with video, it open light-box but still video is not playing, just loading..
<video src="{{URL::asset('src/video/Car-Chain Product 2 ENG.mp4')}}" class=" play-btn" data-vbtype="video" data-autoplay="true"></video>
How can I resolve this please?


How to remove the embedded Youtube video Title in Laravel

I want to remove the title from an embedded video in my Laravel Blade template, marked with orange color in the picture. That video may be a youtube video or any video from other websites.
Here is my code
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9" style="width:300px;height: 100px; margin:0px 50px 30px 0px;">
{!! Embed::make($data->links)->parseUrl()->getIframe() !!}
showinfo=0 is not help here cause may be it can't a youtube video.
Is there a way to add any code inside {!! Embed::make($data->links)->parseUrl()->getIframe() !!} or any solution ?

Clicking on a specific picture to open a specific video in an iframe

I a trying to click on a picture (and depending on picture clicked on) and
am assigning a specific youtube video to an iframe source. Thanks for any help in advance.
<div class="col-md-3">
<img id="image2"
onclick= "iframe.bigVideo.src=""
alt="Last Call
<iframe name ="bigVideo"

dont know what happened but my joomla 2.5 blog has black background?

I am not a programmer or site designer and I have searched everywhere for a solution. My website template works fine but my blog page is black background. There is black background in the template but all pages have a white background in the body. Only the first page you see when you click the blog menu item is black. Please help. website is
From the looks of it your content on your blog page is contained by the CSS class bgblackbottom. This class is for your footer, and as youcan see on that page it does not span the full width. The divs are not placed correctly and should be setup as follows:
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
<div class="blog"">
{blog content}
</div> <!--Closing tag for blog-->
</div> <!--Closing tag for twelve columns-->
</div> <!--Closing tag for row-->
<div class="bgblackbottom">
{footer content}
</div> <!--Closing tag for bgblackbottom-->
currently the footer is contained within the row class which is styling it as content and not a footer.

How to proceed to Repopulate a Dropzone Div with Old Input In Laravel 5.1

Im making a Post form with inputs along with a dropzone Div to upload Photos,
My issue is the following: As Im pushing all the photos to a session until the moment I persist the relation with the post, I dont know exactly how to proceed when some field is Not being filled.
I need to go back and present the form again.
The problem is that all my dropzone photos are being emptied from the form but not from the session. so if I correctly fill the form again and submit the data I will have more photos persisted than they should.
So I was thinking in making an event about some Request has failed(not filled all inputs) then flush the session Photo field.
But I dont know how is represented the fact that this Request has failed, or should I Repopulate the dropzone Div with eg.Input:old.
Can anybody address me or making a suggestion please.
Flushing the session is not a good idea in my opinion. A user who uploaded images will have to do it again when form validation fails. It is better to repopulate them.
The solution
You can add images below your dropzone input in your form and they will be populated as uploaded images. You only need a HTML structure.
In order get HTML structure, you can upload one image (drag n drop in your dropzone), inspect the uploaded image with developer tools and copy the generated code.
The only thing you will have to do, is to add all photos to an array on the server side.
My HTML code:
<div id="photos" class="dropzone">
<input name="file" type="file">
#foreach ($uploadedPhotos as $uploadedPhoto)
<div class="dz-preview dz-processing dz-image-preview dz-success">
<div class="dz-details">
<img data-dz-thumbnail=""
src="{{ $uploadedPhoto['src'] }}"
class="#if ($uploadedPhoto['vertical']) vertical #endif">
<div class="dz-progress">
<span class="dz-upload" data-dz-uploadprogress="" style="width: 100%;"></span>
<div class="dz-success-mark"><span>?</span></div>
<a class="dz-remove" href="javascript:undefined;" data-dz-remove="">Remove image</a>
You might need to play a little with css or js to style it and make other things functional e.g. remove button.

Photoset layout not working on tumblr

I am content with my current theme but the photosets are not laying out properly, they are the same width with my photos but say for instance i reblog a photoset with the photos side by side, it wont show up that way on my blog it will show up underneath each other and that is very frustrating since it makes the images blury.
This is my photoset html code. Is there anyway to correct this?
<div class="entry">
<div class="photosetbox">
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
<div class="photosett">
{block:NoteCount}{NoteCountWithLabel} • {/block:NoteCount}{12Hour}:{Minutes} {CapitalAmPm}
<div class="photoset_a">
Photoset Photos
Your current code specifies that you want each photo from photoset to rendered in the html as an img tag:
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
To render a photoset, you have two options. Either use the built in feature / theme operator. This will give you an iframe with a photoset prebuilt inside it:
Or use a plugin to take your current code and turn it into a photoset.
Tumblr Theme Operators - Photosets
Photoset Grid jQuery Plugin
