How to show the entire labels in Y axis with Google Data Studio? - dashboard

I am using Google Data Studio to create some horizontal bar charts. When creating these charts, the names in the Y axis don't appear entirely. Instead of showing "Personas que puedan morir", for example, it shows "Person...". This is not understandable. People can read with hover, but the report will be static, not interactive.
How can it show the entire name?

The Y-Axis can be moved by hovering the mouse over the Y-Axis, then when the icon changes to a slider, click and drag in the required direction.
Google Data Studio Report and GIF to elaborate:


How can I highlight each bullet point in Powerpoint with the full text appearing at once?

I'm trying to animate a PowerPoint slide, where I'd like the full five dot points to be present on the screen at all times, but on click, each bullet point would individually highlight.
I can get it so they appear on click and then dim after a click, but I'd like all the points to be on the screen at the start, rather than getting revealed one-by-one.
#JohnKorchok is correct - this is not programming. Use as Animation EMPHASIS -> OBJECT COLOR. Effect Options: PER PARAGRAPH. Than double click on each Animation and choose a highlight color AND the original color in the field AFTER ANIMATION.

Custom Button in Swift and MacOS

In MacOS there is a simple App called Calculator, that I would like to recreate using Swift for learning purposes. A button like the plus button on the calculator has two images associated with it, one when the button is up and one when the button is down, as seen on the images below.
As you can see, when the + button is pressed down, its image changes to a darker orange color and the text gets a dark grey color. My question is: How to implement this button behavior?
Is it possible to do it with NSButton (and if so how)? or is it easier to implement it using CALayer? Or maybe there is some other way that I have not thought of?
You should be able to use a single image and configure it in code or in your asset catalogue to be a "template image". That means the shape is taken into consideration, much like a stamp, and the stamped-out area is filled with color dynamically. That means you don't have to provide a white and dark gray/black variant. One variant will suffice, usually black to see the lines well, and the rest can be configured through.
See the SO question "How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?" for details about the setup: How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?

d3 trigger mouse click on specific coordinates

I have an issue on triggering mouse event on a svg.
I am using the library d3.js to handle some graphic tasks. Specifically, when I manually click on a position on the svg, d3 draws a red or blue (depending on the path I am clicking on) circle on it and then returns the d3.mouse coordinates of the click.
Now, suppose I have a set of coordinates and want to trigger programmatically click on the corresponding point on the svg, so that it draws a red or blue circle automatically. How can I achieve that?
I read many solutions here but none allows to click on specific coordinates (while I can easily click on a specific path, for example).
My ideal function would be:
var svgd3 ='svg#id_svg')
function d3click(x,y,svgd3){
//does the click on [x,y, x,y are relative coord. depending only svg viewBox
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!

Table, rectangle placed on top of an image is not coming properly in preview mode in SSRS

I wanted to draw a rectangle with rounded corners in SSRS. But, after lot of research i got to know that currently there is no property for that. So, i am trying to use an image of a rectangle with rounded corners and on top of that trying to align the table and other controls within the image. But, when i am previewing it or exporting it to a PDF file, first the image is getting displayed, then below that all other controls comes. Am i doing anything wrong. Please let me know.
Why don't you try to enclose your image rectangle and other controls etc. within an SSRS Rectangle with BorderStyle = None...
Try following:
Create an image (the rectangle with rounded corners) in your favourite image drawing program. I did mine in Microsoft Paint
and save it as JPEG.
In SSRS report design, in Report Data pane, right click on Images >> Add Image and point to the image that you created in Step 1. (Untitled, in my case see the fig. below)
In SSRS report design, add a Rectangle from the Toolbox to the design surface and in the Properties Pane:
a) look for the BackgroundImage property Click its + sign. then
b) Enter values for Source as Embedded, BackgroundRepeat as Clip and the Value property , when you click the dropdown for its values, should show you the name of the image that you embedded in Step-2, select this name
Resize your rectangle to fit the shape and add your items to this rectangle.
Regarding the question in the Comment, I don't think that the size of the image rectangle can be increased dynamically. If that's the case then you may need to find some other work-around

Extending chart functionality in SSRS

The default chart object in the SQL Server (2005) Business Intelligence Development Studio doesn't seem to some have formatting options like :
specifying the text direction of labels in the x and y axis
adding a trendline to a bar chart
arbitrarily resizing items in a chart - for example, if I resize the chart object, everything gets resized accordingly but I can't keep the size of the chart the same while extending the area of the legend for instance.
multiline chart labels
So what I want to know is
is there any easy answer to the formatting problems mentioned above?
what websites/books/resources/examples would you recommend I look
into for extending the functionality of the chart object?
Some colleagues of mine gave up on the stock control and bought Dundas charts
The stock charts are cut down versions of Dundas.
yes you can specify the text direction of labels in the x and y axis
Go to chart properties and in the tab x and y axis enter the chart title and in the title align use the combination like left/right/center align.
you can change the legend line go to the chart properties click legend tab inside this
there is an option for "display legend inside plot area" and you can include the trendline there
you can use multiline text labels when the text limits extends
I don't see how you can resize the legend, puting inside the plot area looks ugly for pie-chart
I'd recommend go with the dundas chart components gbn suggested.
If that's not possible at least this article should solve issue 1.
