Google API limit errors thrown when not even close to limits - google-api

I'm using Google Sheet API in 4 different apps.
In 2 of them I'm getting this error far before I actually reach the limit:
GSheet error: rateLimitExceeded: Quota exceeded for quota group 'ReadGroup' and limit 'Read requests per user per 100 seconds' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:xxx'.
I also get the same error but for writing.
You can see here, my limits are 500 requests per 100 seconds, and I max out around 15, yet I still get this error a LOT.
Any ideas?


While using Instaloader via command line, how can I force 429 errors to cause requests to be retried after a longer period of time?

I am using Instaloader via command line on Windows 11, with the following command:
.\instaloader --login=MYUSERNAME :saved --dirname-pattern="Saved_Posts\{profile}" --filename-pattern="{profile}-{shortcode}" --no-resume --no-metadata-json --slide 1 --no-captions --no-video-thumbnails --no-iphone
This attempts to download approximately 12,000 saved posts from a profile. Instaloader behaves as expected for several thousand posts, occasionally giving the following error:
Too many queries in the last time. Need to wait 15 seconds, until 13:19.
The process then resumes successfully for several hundred more posts. Eventually, however, I start encountering 429 errors:
JSON Query to graphql/query: 429 Too Many Requests [retrying; skip with ^C]
Number of requests within last 10/11/20/22/30/60 minutes grouped by type:
d6f4427fbe92d846298cf93df0b937d3: 0 0 0 0 0 0
f883d95537fbcd400f466f63d42bd8a1: 0 0 0 1 1 11
* 2b0673e0dc4580674a88d426fe00ea90: 59 64 121 134 191 709
Instagram responded with HTTP error "429 - Too Many Requests". Please
do not run multiple instances of Instaloader in parallel or within
short sequence. Also, do not use any Instagram App while Instaloader
is running.
The request will be retried in 7 seconds, at 14:01.
This error then repeats over and over again, I believe until the default maximum connection attempts limit is reached and it moves onto the next post — which also receives the same error. Importantly, this error does not go away after several hours of these 'slower' requests being made; it seems to persist as long as Instaloader stays open. I have seen these 429 errors with very few requests in the last 60 minutes (i.e. <100), which makes me think I am hitting quite a long shadowban.
I have tried setting the maximum connection attempts to 0 (i.e. retry indefinitely), but this time limit appears to be capped at 666 seconds, or 11 minutes. The error does not seem to clear even leaving Instaloader to send requests every 11 minutes in this way; it is as though each individual request 'resets' the ban or something.
I am looking for a way of resolving this issue, which could include:
Adding a command to force 429 errors to be retried after subsequently longer periods of time (instead of the number of seconds being capped at 666 seconds)
Adding a command that 'preserves' wait times after each 429 error. e.g. if downloading Post 456 fails and retries after 5, then 10, then 15 seconds before successfully downloading, and then downloading Post 457 immediately fails... start the wait for a retry on Post 457 at at LEAST 15 seconds, rather than going back to 5!
Avoiding the 429 errors in the first place, if there appears to be an issue with my command line prompt
Breaking down the request into 'batches' and running one of those prompts every few days. e.g. is there a way to download Saved Posts 1-500, then 500-1000, and so on? (The Saved Posts are not necessarily in chronological order of the post date, which is what I've tried so far)
I have looked at several other posts on 429 errors but the general theme seems to be either:
Wait some time for the issue to clear — have tried this for up to 48 hours, but running the command again starts from post #1 and never makes it to the latter half of posts
Disable iPhone API requests — already done, which helps but does not solve the issue
The 429 errors simply should not be encountered during normal behaviour – well, they are!

429 issues on Solana/metaplex

I thought Solana/Metaplex etc should be able to handle large numbers of transactions in quick succession. I just wrote a load test to do 50 mints of an existing SPL token (that has metaplex token-data associated with it)
In my code I dont specify any particular node/rpc - rather just the cluster i.e. testnet
What should I be doing here ?
{"name":"Error","message":"failed to get info about account 2fvtsp6U6iDVhJvox5kRpUS6jFAStk847zATX3cpsVD8: Error: 429 Too Many Requests: {\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"error\":{\"code\": 429, \"message\":\"Too many requests from your IP, contact your app developer or\"}, \"id\": \"76627a31-4522-4ebb-ae22-5861fa6781f0\" } \r\n","stack":"Error: failed to get info about account 2fvtsp6U6iDVhJvox5kRpUS6jFAStk847zATX3cpsVD8: Error: 429 Too Many Requests: {\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"error\":{\"code\": 429, \"message\":\"Too many requests from your IP, contact your app developer or\"}, \"id\": \"76627a31-4522-4ebb-ae22-5861fa6781f0\" } \r\n\n at Connection.getAccountInfo (/Users/ffff/dev/walsingh/TOKENPASS/tpass-graphql/graphql/node_modules/#metaplex/js/node_modules/#solana/web3.js/lib/index.cjs.js:5508:13)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)\n at async Token.getAccountInfo (
The 429 issue you are running into is a RPC rate limit. Testnet has the following rate limits at the time of writing:
Maximum number of requests per 10 seconds per IP: 100
Maximum number of requests per 10 seconds per IP for a single RPC: 40
Maximum concurrent connections per IP: 40
Maximum connection rate per 10 seconds per IP: 40
Maximum amount of data per 30 second: 100 MB
You probably ran into one of these limits. The general recommendation is to go get access to one of the RPCs without rate limits, as the public endpoints are not meant for testing how many transactions you can get through.
Quicknode, Triton, and Genesysgo provide RPC infra to use.

How can i resolve HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443) Max retries exceeded with url (Google cloud storage)

I have created API using Django Rest Framework.
API communicates with GCP cloud storage to store profile Image(around 1MB/pic).
While performing load testing (around 1000 request/s) to that server.
I have encountered the following error.
I seem to be a GCP cloud storage max request issue, but unable to figure out the solution of it.
Exception Type: SSLError at /api/v1/users
Exception Value: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /storage/v1/b/<gcp-bucket-name>?projection=noAcl (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",),))
Looks like you have the answer to your question here:
"...buckets have an initial IO capacity of around 1000 write requests
per second...As the request rate for a given bucket grows, Cloud
Storage automatically increases the IO capacity for that bucket"
Therefore it automatically Auto-Scale. The only thing is that you need to increase the requests/s gradually as described here:
"If your request rate is expected to go over these thresholds, you should start with a request rate below or near the thresholds and then double the request rate no faster than every 20 minutes"
Looks like your bucket should get an increase of I/O capacity that will work in the future.
You are actually right in the edge (1000 req/s), but I guess this is what is causing your error.

yammer rest api error 429 while pulling user information

We are facing issue sometimes while pulling the information from yammer.
following is the error
[[31merror[0m] play - Cannot invoke the action, eventually got an error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed : HTTP error code : 429 : null
[[31merror[0m] application -
You are exceeding the rate limits when you are pulling data. See below
API calls are subject to rate limiting. Exceeding any rate limits will result in all endpoints returning a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests). Rate limits are per user per app. There are four rate limits:
Autocomplete: 10 requests in 10 seconds.
Messages: 10 requests in 30 seconds.
Notifications: 10 requests in 30 seconds.
All Other Resources: 10 requests in 10 seconds.

eBay API error : You have exceeded your maximum call limit

I have a table of eBay itemid, and for each id I want to apply a reviseitem call, but from the second call I get the following error:
You have exceeded your maximum call limit of 3000 for 5 seconds. Try back after 5 seconds.
NB: I have just 4 calls.
How can I fix this problem?
ebay count the calls per second per unique IP's. So please make sure your all calls from your application must be less than 3000 per 5 seconds. hope this would help.
I have just finished an eBay project and this error can be misleading. eBay allow a certain amount of calla a day and if you exceed that amount in one 24 hour period you can get this error. You can get this amount increased by completing an Application Check form
The eBay Trading API, to which your ReviseItem call belongs, allows up to 5000 calls per 24 hour period for all applications, and up to 1.5M calls / 24hrs for "Compatible Applications", i.e. applications that have undergone a vetting process called "Compatible Application Check". More details here:
However, that's just the generic, "Aggregate" call limit. There are different limits for specific calls, some of which are more liberal (AddItem: 100.000 / day) and others of which are more strict (SetApplication: 50 / day) than that. Additionally, there are hourly and periodic limits.
You can find out any application's applicable limits by executing the GetApiAccessRules call:
<GetApiAccessRulesResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
You can try that out four your own application by pasting an AuthToken for your application into the form at and then press "Execute call".
