Unable to pip install -U sentence-transformers - transformer-model

I am unable to do: pip install -U sentence-transformers. I get this message on Anaconda Prompt:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.0.1 (from sentence-transformers) (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch>=1.0.1 (from sentence-transformers)
Can someone help?

I tried to Conda Install pytorch and then installed Sentence Transformer by doing these steps:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
pip install -U sentence-transformers
This worked.

The other answers weren't working for me even though I saw them working for others on other message boards. This did work for me though.
pip install torch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -U sentence-transformers

Maybe try pip3? That might be why it says that it can't find a version.


Failure in pip installing biopython

When I write pip install biopython on Bash, I get the error messages "error: subprocess-exited-with-error" and further down "error: legacy-install-failure" in the output. I can confirm using python --version and pip --version that both exist (version 2.7 and 22.1.4), and I can pip install other packages like matplotlib, so I know the problem is not with pip install itself. The output also tells me there is something likely wrong with the biopython package itself. How can this be fixed so I can pip install biopython?
Use conda instead, for example:
conda create --name biopython biopython

I am facing an issue in installation of some modules in PyCharm macOs

When I try to pip install scikit-learn my IDE(PyCharm) shows an error "No module named 'Cython'"
And also with matplotlib it says could not find suitabe distribution for Requirement.parse('numpy>=1.11')
I am a beginner and I don't know how to tackle this can someone please help ?
Run first:
pip install Cython
then install scikit-learn:
pip install -U scikit-learn

Problem with tensorflow while downloading rasa_core

I’m trying to update the rasa bot source code from a friend of mine but I had a problem when trying to download rasa_core:
(cha_env) C:\Users\antoi\Documents\Programming\Nathalie\Chatbot_RASA_room_reservation>pip install rasa_core
Collecting rasa_core
Collecting tensorflow==1.10.0 (from rasa_core)
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.10.0 (from rasa_core) (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for tensorflow==1.10.0 (from rasa_core)
You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 18.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Do you have any idea ? Is it because of the requirements ?
I tried to install tensorflow according to this answer :
python3 -m pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
But I still have the same issue.
I remember seeing this issue when my colleague was installing it rasa_core. Try installing tensorflow separately then continue with rasa_core installation. It should solve the problem
pip install tensorflow
If you get No matching distribution found for tensorflow error try following:
Note: This works for 64 bit Windows for tensorflow version 1.12.0. For all the variants of tensorflow distribution please check https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/
python -m pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/libtensorflow/libtensorflow-cpu-windows-x86_64-1.12.0-rc2.zip

Installing pip in virtualenv using easy_install, for TensorFlow

I'm starting to experiment with TensorFlow and am following the TensorFlow guide to installing on Mac OS X, using virtualenv as recommended.
The instructions essentially boil down to the following:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages <mydirectory>
source ./<mydirectory>/bin/activate
easy_install -U pip
pip install --upgrade tensorflow
When I get to the easy_install -U pip step, I get the error:
"<mydirectory>/bin/easy_install: <mydirectory>/bin/python: bad interpreter: permission denied".
I can't understand what's going on here. My (usual) user has full permissions to <mydirectory>, where I believe everything should be running.
I assume running an older version of pip is not big deal, but something obviously goes wrong when I try the pip install --upgrade tensor flow step, because when I try running a Python script that uses TensorFlow I get the exception "import tensor flow as tf. Import error: no module named tensorflow".
Some help would be much appreciated please :)

Cannot install pip for python3 on mac

When I run
curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
sudo python3 get-pip.py
It gives me this error:
Downloading/unpacking pip
Cannot fetch index base URL https://pypi.python.org/simple/
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pip
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for pip
Storing debug log for failure in /var/root/.pip/pip.log
However if I just run:
sudo python get-pip.py
There is no problem:
Downloading/unpacking pip from https://pypi.python.org/packages/py2.py3/p/pip/pip-1.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl#md5=445a893564065937c0f31ac2cc8e2f35
Downloading pip-1.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2MB): 1.2MB downloaded
Installing collected packages: pip
Found existing installation: pip 1.5.1
Uninstalling pip:
Successfully uninstalled pip
Successfully installed pip
Cleaning up...
Can anyone help please? Thanks!
This is a simple permissions issue. If you're installing to the system Python installation, you should need root, which is what sudo provides.
If you need to install stuff where you don't have root privileges, you need to look into Python virtual environments.
