How to Change IP address in 30 seconds automatically? - windows

I have developed a web scrape software for personal use. Now I need to change my IP address in every 30 seconds for resist block. What is the best way to change IP address in every 30 seconds?
Thank You.

Use proxy plugins that can help you do this.

If you are on UNIX system, you can try this:
Create an file with content below, replacing eth0 by your network interface if necessary and by the 3 first numbers of your network's IP address (e.g. 192.168.1)
chmod 700
./ (use sudo if you're not using the administrator account) file:
while :
ifconfig eth0 <IP>.${index} netmask up
if [ "$index" -gt "254" ]; then
sleep 30


wget resolves to a different IP than host

I have a shell script in which I use host to get the IP of the target site to update ufw and allow outbound traffic to that IP. However, when I make the subsequent wget call to the same base URL, it resolves to a different IP, and thus is blocked by ufw. Just to test, I tried pinging the URL, and it returned a different third IP.
We're blocking all outbound traffic by default in ufw, and only enable what we need to go out, so I need the script to update the correct IP so I can wget the content. The IP in each instance (host vs wget) is consistently the same, but they return different values with respect to each other, so I don't think it's simply a DNS issue. How do I get a consistent IP to update the firewall with, so that the subsequent wget request performs successfully? I disabled the firewall as a test, and was able to download from the URL successfully, so the issue is definitely in getting a consistent IP to point to.
HOSTNAME=<name of site to resolve>
LOGFILE=<logfile path>
Current_IP=$(host $HOSTNAME | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 4)
#this echoes the correct value
echo $Current_IP
if [ ! -f $LOGFILE ]; then
/usr/sbin/ufw allow out from any to $Current_IP
echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE
echo New IP address found and logged >> ./download.log
Old_IP=$(cat $LOGFILE)
if [ "$Current_IP" = "$Old_IP" ] ; then
echo IP address has not changed >> ./download.log
/usr/sbin/ufw delete allow out from any to $Old_IP
/usr/sbin/ufw allow out from any to $Current_IP
echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE
echo IP Address was updated in ufw >> ./download.log
After that updates the firewall, a subsequent wget to HOSTNAME attempts to go out to a different IP than was just updated.
Turns out the difference was "www.". When I was resolving host I was not using www, and when I was using wget I was using www, and thus they resolved to different IPs for this particular site.

Simulate Network Latency mac Sierra

I am trying to simulate network latency for all traffic to a certain ip/url. I tried using a proxy through Charles but the traffic is going through HTTP or SOCKS. I found some information online but it does not seem to work for me. Can anyone see what is wrong with my commands?
#enable pf
pfctl -E
#add a temporary extra ruleset (called "anchor") named "deeelay
(cat /etc/pf.conf && echo "dummynet-anchor \"deeelay\"" && echo "anchor
\"deeelay\"") | sudo pfctl -f -
#add a rule to the deeelay set to send any traffic to endpoint through new rule
echo "dummynet out proto tcp from any to pipe 1" |
sudo pfctl -a deeelay -f -
#Add a rule to dummynet pipe 1 to delay every packet by 500ms
sudo dnctl pipe 1 config delay 500
I see this warning when I run the commands:
No ALTQ support in kernel
ALTQ related functions disabled
Is that the issue?
The problem was the proto parameter. The application is not using tcp, it is using another protocol. You can either supply all the protocols you want as a list like so:
proto { tcp udp icmp ipv6 tlsp smp }
Or you can just remove the proto parameter altogether and it will do all protocols.

Recursive text search whithin lines before the grep match in shell

I need help working with router config backup database. I need to get a list of interfaces that don't have vrf or shutdown in their configuration.
I get the list of all interfaces config passing the config file through awk '/^interface/,/!/'. This gives me the output below:
interface TenGigE0/3/0/0
service-policy output QOS
ipv4 mtu 1500
ipv4 address
carrier-delay up 3000 down 0
load-interval 30
interface TenGigE0/3/0/1
description Link To
interface TenGigE0/3/0/1.302
vrf 1671
ipv4 address
encapsulation dot1q 302
Now, i am stuck trying to exclude the interfaces that contain vrf line. What i was trying to do is to grep for vrf, and when there is a match, remove the line that contains the word "interface" above. Unfortunately with no luck. Maybe someone has a more sophisticated solution.
If you have the structured records awk can solve this problem. Given your intermediate file
2$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="!\n"} !/vrf/' interface
will print the records without "vrf"
interface TenGigE0/3/0/0
service-policy output QOS
ipv4 mtu 1500
ipv4 address
carrier-delay up 3000 down 0
load-interval 30
interface TenGigE0/3/0/1
description Link To

What could prevent frequently switching default source ip of a machine with several interfaces

The goal was to frequently change default outgoing source ip on a machine with multiple interfaces and live ips.
I used ip route replace default as per its documentation and let a script run in loop for some interval. It changes source ip fine for a while but then all internet access to the machine is lost. It has to be remotely rebooted from a web interface to have any thing working
Is there any thing that could possibly prevent this from working stably. I have tried this on more than one servers?
Following is a minimum example
# extract all currently active source ips except loopback
IPs="$(ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 |
awk '{ print $1}')"
read -a ip_arr <<<$IPs
# extract all currently active mac / ethernet addresses
Int="$(ifconfig | grep 'eth'| grep -v 'lo' | awk '{print $1}')"
read -a eth_arr <<<$Int
while(true); do
#ip route replace dev eth0:1 src
route_cmd="ip route replace dev ${eth_arr[e]} src ${ip_arr[i]}"
echo $route_cmd
eval $route_cmd
sleep 300
if [ $i -eq $ip_len ]; then
echo "all ips exhausted - starting from first again"
# break;
I wanted to comment, but as I'm not having enough points, it won't let me.
Does varying the delay time before its run again change the number of iterations before it fails?
Exporting the ifconfig & routes every time you change it, to see if something is meaningfully different over time. Maybe some basic tests to it (ping, nslookup, etc) Basically, find what is exactly going wrong with it. Also exporting the commands you send to a logfile (text file per change?) to see changes in them to see if some is different after x iterations.
What connectivity is lost? Incoming? Outgoing? Specific applications?
You say you use/do this on other servers without problems?
Are the IP's: Static (/etc/network/interfaces), bootp/DHCP, semi-static (bootp/DHCP server serving, based on MAC address), and if served by bootp/DHCP, what is the lease duration?
On the last remark:
bootp/dhcp will give IP's for x duration. say its 60 minutes. After half that time it will "check" with the bootp/dhcp server if it can keep the IP, and extend the lease to 60 minutes again, this can mean a small reconfig on the ifconfig (maybe even at the same time of your script?).

Unix script to resolve hostnames from IP addresses

I've got a text file with a bunch of IPv4 addresses, and I'd like to know the hostname of each one in order to know if they are tor addresses. Is there a simple script that can help me to do that ?
You can loop using dig:
while read line
dig -x "$line" +short
Then given IPs 1 per line, you can run something like ./ < addrs.txt.
Caveats: DNS is not a 1-to-1 mapping, and reverse DNS is somewhat less reliable than forward DNS.
