Find maximum number of Candies - algorithm

Given an array of numbers. We can select 3 numbers at a time from the array.
Suppose A, B, C where A <= B <= C. You get B number candy from this selection.
You can pick one element only once. You need to maximize number of candies.
Note: The size of array will be multiple of 3.
We selected [4,8,9] first, then [5,6,7] so the max no. of candies: 8+6=14

1.first,we know A <= B <= C ,so we know we should chose a max B, but must < C, so we can only chose less max , in this case is (nums.length - 1) - 1. A we will chose the first one,but it doesn't matter
2.we chose the second array , B will be nums.length - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
3.So we found the result : result += nums[nums.length -1 -i*2 -1]
public static int maxCandies(int[] nums){
Arrays.sort(nums); // sort the array
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<nums.length/3;i++)
result += nums[nums.length-1-i*2-1]; // always add the less max num
return result;


Find number of continuous subarray having sum zero

You have given a array and You have to give number of continuous subarray which the sum is zero.
1) 0 ,1,-1,0 => 6 {{0},{1,-1},{0,1,-1},{1,-1,0},{0}};
2) 5, 2, -2, 5 ,-5, 9 => 3.
With O(n^2) it can be done.I am trying to find the solution below this complexity.
Consider S[0..N] - prefix sums of your array, i.e. S[k] = A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[k-1] for k from 0 to N.
Now sum of elements from L to R-1 is zero if and only if S[R] = S[L]. It means that you have to find number of indices 0 <= L < R <= N such that S[L] = S[R].
This problem can be solved with a hash table. Iterate over elements of S[] while maintaining for each value X number of times it was met in the already processed part of S[]. These counts should be stored in a hash map, where the number X is a key, and the count H[X] is the value. When you meet a new elements S[i], add H[S[i]] to your answer (these account for substrings ending with (i-1)-st element), then increment H[S[i]] by one.
Note that if sum of absolute values of array elements is small, you can use a simple array instead of hash table. The complexity is linear on average.
Here is the code:
long long CountZeroSubstrings(vector<int> A) {
int n = A.size();
vector<long long> S(n+1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
S[i+1] = S[i] + A[i];
long long answer = 0;
unordered_map<long long, int> H;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
if (H.count(S[i]))
answer += H[S[i]];
return answer;
This can be solved in linear time by keeping a hash table of sums reached during the array traversal. The number of subsets can then be directly calculated from the counts of revisited sums.
Haskell version:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (foldl')
f = foldl' (\b a -> b + div (a * (a + 1)) 2) 0 . M.elems . snd
. foldl' (\(s,m) x -> let s' = s + x in case M.lookup s' m of
Nothing -> (s',M.insert s' 0 m)
otherwise -> (s',M.adjust (+1) s' m)) (0,M.fromList[(0,0)])
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0]
*Main> f [5,2,-2,5,-5,9]
*Main> f [0,0,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0,2,3,-3]
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0,0,2,3,-3]
C# version of #stgatilov answer with readable variables:
int[] sums = new int[arr.Count() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count(); i++)
sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + arr[i];
int numberOfFragments = 0;
Dictionary<int, int> sumToNumberOfRepetitions = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (int item in sums)
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(item))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[item];
sumToNumberOfRepetitions.Add(item, 0);
return numberOfFragments;
If you want to have sum not only zero but any number k, here is the hint:
int numToFind = currentSum - k;
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(numToFind))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[numToFind];
I feel it can be solved using DP:
Let the state be :
DP[i][j] represents the number of ways j can be formed using all the subarrays ending at i!
for every element in the initial step ,
Increase the number of ways to form Element[i] using i elements by 1 i.e. using the subarray of length 1 starting from i and ending with i i.e
then for every j in Range [ -Mod(highest Magnitude of any element ) , Mod(highest Magnitude of any element) ]
Then your answer will be the sum of all the DP[i][0] (Number of ways to form 0 using subarrays ending at i ) where i varies from 1 to Number of elements
Complexity is O(MOD highest magnitude of any element * Number of Elements)
This would be an exact solution.
# Utility function to insert <key, value> into the dict
def insert(dict, key, value):
# if the key is seen for the first time, initialize the list
dict.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
# Function to print all sub-lists with 0 sum present
# in the given list
def printallSublists(A):
# create an empty -dict to store ending index of all
# sub-lists having same sum
dict = {}
# insert (0, -1) pair into the dict to handle the case when
# sub-list with 0 sum starts from index 0
insert(dict, 0, -1)
result = 0
sum = 0
# traverse the given list
for i in range(len(A)):
# sum of elements so far
sum += A[i]
# if sum is seen before, there exists at-least one
# sub-list with 0 sum
if sum in dict:
list = dict.get(sum)
result += len(list)
# find all sub-lists with same sum
for value in list:
print("Sublist is", (value + 1, i))
# insert (sum so far, current index) pair into the -dict
insert(dict, sum, i)
print("length :", result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = [0, 1, 2, -3, 0, 2, -2]
I don't know what the complexity of my suggestion would be but i have an idea :)
What you can do is try to reduce element from main array which are not able to contribute for you solution
suppose elements are -10, 5, 2, -2, 5,7 ,-5, 9,11,19
so you can see that -10,9,11 and 19 are element
that are never gone be useful to make sum 0 in your case
so try to remove -10,9,11, and 19 from your main array
to do this what you can do is
1) create two sub array from your main array
`positive {5,7,2,9,11,19}` and `negative {-10,-2,-5}`
2) remove element from positive array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from negative arrays element
or sum of its elements
5 = -5 //so keep it //don't consider the sign
7 = (-5 + -2 ) // keep
2 = -2 // keep
9 // cannot be construct using -10,-2,-5
same for all 11 and 19
3) remove element form negative array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from positive arrays element
or sum of its elements
i.e. -10 // cannot be construct so discard
-2 = 2 // keep
-5 = 5 // keep
so finally you got an array which contains -2,-5,5,7,2 create all possible sub array form it and check for sum = 0
(Note if your input array contains 0 add all 0's in final array)

the least adding numbers--algorithm

I came across this problem online.
Given an integer:N and an array int arr[], you have to add some
elements to the array so that you can generate from 1 to N by using
(add) the element in the array.
Please keep in mind that you can only use each element in the array once when generating a certain x (1<=x<=N). Return the number of the least adding numbers.
For example:
N=6, arr = [1, 3]
1 is already in arr.
add 2 to the arr.
3 is already in arr
4 = 1 + 3
5 = 2 + 3
6 = 1 + 2 + 3
So we return 1 since we only need to add one element which is 2.
Can anyone give some hints?
N can always be made by adding subset of 1 to N - 1 numbers except N = 2 and N = 1. So, a number X can must be made when previous 1 to X - 1 consecutive elements are already in the array.
Example -
arr[] = {1, 2, 5}, N = 9
ans := 0
1 is already present.
2 is already present.
3 is absent. But prior 1 to (3 - 1) elements are present. So 3 is added in the array. But as 3 is built using already existed elements, so answer won't increase.
same rule for 4 and 5
So, ans is 0
arr[] = {3, 4}, for any N >= 2
ans = 2
arr[] = {1, 3}, for any N >= 2
ans = 1
So, it seems that, if only 1 and 2 is not present in the array, we have to add that element regardless of the previous elements are already in array or not. All later numbers can be made by using previous elements. And when trying to making any number X (> 2), we will already found previous 1 to X - 1 elements in the array. So X can always be made.
So, basically we need to check if 1 and 2 is present or not. So answer of this problem won't be bigger than 2
Constraint 2
In above algorithm, we assume, when a new element X is not present in the array but it can be made using already existed elements of the array, then answer won't increase but X will be added in the array to be used for next numbers building. What if X can't be added in the array?
Then, Basically it will turn into a subset sum problem. For every missing number we have to check if the number can be made using any subset of elements in the array. Its a typical O(N^2) dynamic programming algorithm.
int subsetSum(vector<int>& arr, int N)
// The value of subset[i][j] will be true if there is a subset of set[0..j-1]
// with sum equal to i
bool subset[N + 1][arr.size() + 1];
// If sum is 0, then answer is true
for (int i = 0; i <= arr.size(); i++)
subset[0][i] = true;
// If sum is not 0 and set is empty, then answer is false
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
subset[i][0] = false;
// Fill the subset table in botton up manner
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= arr.size(); j++)
subset[i][j] = subset[i][j - 1];
if (i >= set[j - 1])
subset[i][j] = subset[i][j] || subset[i - set[j - 1]][j - 1];
unordered_map<int, bool> exist;
for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
exist[arr[i]] = true;
int ans = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {
if(!exist[i] or !subset[i][arr.size()]) {
return ans;
Let A be the collection of input numbers.
Initialize a boolean array B to store in B[i] whether or not we can 'make' i by adding the numbers in A as described in the problem. Make all B[i] initially FALSE.
Then, pseudocode:
for i = 1 to N
if B[i] && (not A.Contains(i))
continue next i
if not A.Contains(i)
for j = N-i downTo 1
if B[j] then B[j+i] = TRUE
B[i] = TRUE
next i
Within the (main) loop (i): B contains TRUE for the values that we can construct with the values in A that are lower than i. Initially, therefore, with i=1 all B are FALSE.
Then, for each i we have two aspects to consider: (a) is B[i] already TRUE? If not we'll have to add i; (b) is i present in A? because, see previous remark, at this point we haven't yet processed that A-value. So, even if B[i] is already TRUE we'll have to flag TRUE for all (other) B that we may reach with i.
For each i we first determine if either of these two cases applies, and if not, we skip to the next i.
Then, if A does NOT (yet) contain i, it must be the case that B[i] is FALSE, see skip-condition, and therefore we'll add i (to A, conceptually, but it's not necessary to actually put it into A).
Next, either we had i in A initially, or we have just added it. In any case, we'll need to flag B TRUE for all values that can be constructed with this new i. To do so, we better scan existing B in downward fashion; otherwise we may add i to a "new" B-value that has i already as constituent.
Finally, B[i] itself is set TRUE (it may already be TRUE...), simply because i is in A (orginally, or by adding)
One way can be to make a set of all possible numbers that can be generated by the array. This can be done in O(n^2) time. Then, check whether numbers from 1 to n are present in the set in O(1) time. If a number is not present, add it to the count of least adding numbers which was initially zero and make a new empty set. Take all elements of previous set and add not present number to them and add them (set-add method) to the new set. Replace original set with the union of original and new set. Doing this from 1 to n will give the sum of least adding numbers in O(n^3) time.
Sort the array (NLogN)
Think this should work -
max_sum = 0
numbers_added = 0 # this will contain you final answer
for i in range(1, N+1):
if i not in arr and i > max_sum:
numbers_added += 1
max_sum += i
elif i < len(arr):
max_sum += arr[i]
print numbers_added
For each number starting from 1 we may either
Have it in the arr. In such case we update the list of numbers we can make.
Don't have it in the arr but we can form it with existing numbers. We simply ignore it.
We don't have it in the arr and we cannot form it with existing numbers. We add it to the arr and update the list of numbers we can make.
For example:
N=10, arr = [1, 2, 6]
1 is already in arr.
2 is already in arr.
3 = 1 + 2
3 is not in the arr but we can already form 3.
4 is not present in arr and we cannot form 4 either with existing numbers.
So add 4 to the arr and update.
5 = 1 + 4
6 = 2 + 4
7 = 1 + 2 + 4
5 is not in arr but we can form 5.
6 is in array. So update
8 = 2 + 6
9 = 1 + 2 + 6
10 = 4 + 6
So we return 1 since we only need to add one element which is 4.
And following might be an implementation:
int calc(bool arr[], bool can[], int N) {
// arr[i] is true if we already have number
// can[i] is true if we have been able to form number i
int count=0;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++) {
if(arr[i]==false && can[i]==true) { // case 1
} else if(arr[i]==false && can[i]==false) { // case 3
for(int j=N-i;j>=1;j--) { // update for case 1 and case 3
if(can[j]==true) can[i+j]=true;
return count;

Find max sum of elements in an array ( with twist)

Given a array with +ve and -ve integer , find the maximum sum such that you are not allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements ( i.e you have to select at least one of them to move forward).
eg :-
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
Output : 10+20+30-10+40-1 = 89
This problem can be solved using Dynamic Programming approach.
Let arr be the given array and opt be the array to store the optimal solutions.
opt[i] is the maximum sum that can be obtained starting from element i, inclusive.
opt[i] = arr[i] + (some other elements after i)
Now to solve the problem we iterate the array arr backwards, each time storing the answer opt[i].
Since we cannot skip 2 contiguous elements, either element i+1 or element i+2 has to be included
in opt[i].
So for each i, opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2])
See this code to understand:
int arr[n]; // array of given numbers. array size = n.
nput(arr, n); // input the array elements (given numbers)
int opt[n+2]; // optimal solutions.
memset(opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); // Initially set all optimal solutions to 0.
for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2]);
ans = max(opt[0], opt[1]) // final answer.
Observe that opt array has n+2 elements. This is to avoid getting illegal memory access exception (memory out of bounds) when we try to access opt[i+1] and opt[i+2] for the last element (n-1).
See the working implementation of the algorithm given above
Use a recurrence that accounts for that:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], <- take two consecutives
dp[i - 2] + a[i], <- skip a[i - 1])
Base cases left as an exercise.
If you see a +ve integer add it to the sum. If you see a negative integer, then inspect the next integer pick which ever is maximum and add it to the sum.
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
For this add 10, 20, 30, max(-10, -50), 40 max(-50, -1) and since there is no element next to -3 discard it.
The last element will go to sum if it was +ve.
I think this algorithm will help.
1. Create a method which gives output the maximum sum of particular user input array say T[n], where n denotes the total no. of elements.
2. Now this method will keep on adding array elements till they are positive. As we want to maximize the sum and there is no point in dropping positive elements behind.
3. As soon as our method encounters a negative element, it will transfer all consecutive negative elements to another method which create a new array say N[i] such that this array will contain all the consecutive negative elements that we encountered in T[n] and returns N[i]'s max output.
In this way our main method is not affected and its keep on adding positive elements and whenever it encounters negative element, it instead of adding their real values adds the net max output of that consecutive array of negative elements.
for example: T[n] = 29,34,55,-6,-5,-4,6,43,-8,-9,-4,-3,2,78 //here n=14
Main Method Working:
29+34+55+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-6,-5,-4])+6+43+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-8,-9,-4,-3])+2+78
Process Terminates with max output.
Secondary Method Working:
N[i] = gets array from Main method or itself as and when required.
This is basically a recursive method.
say N[i] has elements like N1, N2, N3, N4, etc.
for i>=3:
Now choice goes like this.
1. If we take N1 then we can recurse the left off array i.e. N[i-1] which has all elements except N1 in same order. Such that the net max output will be
N1+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-1] recursively)
2. If we doesn't take N1, then we cannot skip N2. So, Now algorithm is like 1st choice but starting with N2. So max output in this case will be
N2+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-2] recursively).
Here N[i-2] is an array containing all N[i] elements except N1 & N2 in same order.
Termination: When we are left with the array of size one ( for N[i-2] ) then we have to choose that particular value as no option.
The recursions will finally yield the max outputs and we have to finally choose the output of that choice which is more.
and redirect the max output to wherever required.
for i=2:
we have to choose the value which is bigger
for i=1:
We can surely skip that value.
So max output in this case will be 0.
I think this answer will help to you.
Given array:
Given:- 10 20 30 -10 -50 40 -50 -1 -3
Array1:-10 30 60 50 10 90 40 89 86
Array2:-10 20 50 40 0 80 30 79 76
Take the max value of array1[n-1],array1[n],array2[n-1],array2[n] i.e 89(array1[n-1])
For the array1 value assign array1[0]=a[0],array1=a[0]+a[1] and array2[0]=a[0],array2[1]=a[1].
calculate the array1 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array1[i-1]+a[i] or array1[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
similarly for array2 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array2[i-1]+a[i] or array2[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
Finally find the max value of array1[n-1],array[n],array2[n-1],array2[n];
int max(int a,int b){
return a>b?a:b;
int main(){
int a[]={10,20,30,-10,-50,40,-50,-1,-3};
int i,n,max_sum;
int array1[n],array2[n];
for loop from 2 to n{
printf("The max_sum is %d",max_sum);
return 0;
Ans: The max_sum is 89
public static void countSum(int[] a) {
int count = 0;
int skip = 0;
int newCount = 0;
count = a[0];
for(int i:a)
newCount = count + i;
count = newCount;
skip = newCount;
count = skip;
skip = newCount;
Let the array be of size N, indexed as 1...N
Let f(n) be the function, that provides the answer for max sum of sub array (1...n), such that no two left over elements are consecutive.
f(n) = max (a[n-1] + f(n-2), a(n) + f(n-1))
In first option, which is - {a[n-1] + f(n-2)}, we are leaving the last element, and due to condition given in question selecting the second last element.
In the second option, which is - {a(n) + f(n-1)} we are selecting the last element of the subarray, so we have an option to select/deselect the second last element.
Now starting from the base case :
f(0) = 0 [Subarray (1..0) doesn't exist]
f(1) = (a[1] > 0 ? a[1] : 0); [Subarray (1..1)]
f(2) = max( a(2) + 0, a[1] + f(1)) [Choosing atleast one of them]
Moving forward we can calculate any f(n), where n = 1...N, and store them to calculate next results. And yes, obviously, the case f(N) will give us the answer.
Time complexity o(n)
Space complexity o(n)
n = arr.length().
Append a 0 at the end of the array to handle boundary case.
ans: int array of size n+1.
ans[i] will store the answer for array a[0...i] which includes a[i] in the answer sum.
ans[0] = a[0]
ans[1] = max(a[1], a[1] + ans[0])
for i in [2,n-1]:
ans[i] = max(ans[i-1] , ans[i-2]) + a[i]
Final answer would be a[n]
If you want to avoid using Dynamic Programming
To find the maximum sum, first, you've to add all the positive
We'll be skipping only negative elements. Since we're not
allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements, we will put all contiguous
negative elements in a temp array, and can figure out the maximum sum
of alternate elements using sum_odd_even function as defined below.
Then we can add the maximum of all such temp arrays to our sum of all
positive numbers. And the final sum will give us the desired output.
def sum_odd_even(arr):
sum1 = sum2 = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
if i%2 == 0:
sum1 += arr[i]
sum2 += arr[i]
return max(sum1,sum2)
input = [10, 20, 30, -10, -50, 40, -50, -1, -3]
result = 0
temp = []
for i in range(len(input)):
if input[i] > 0:
result += input[i]
if input[i] < 0 and i != len(input)-1:
elif input[i] < 0:
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
print result
Simple Solution: Skip with twist :). Just skip the smallest number in i & i+1 if consecutive -ve. Have if conditions to check that till n-2 elements and check for the last element in the end.
int getMaxSum(int[] a) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= a.length-2; i++) {
if (a[i]>0){
sum +=a[i];
} else if (a[i+1] > 0){
} else {
sum += Math.max(a[i],a[i+1]);
if (a[a.length-1] > 0){
return sum;
The correct recurrence is as follow:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], dp[i - 2] + a[i - 1])
The first case is the one we pick the i-th element. The second case is the one we skip the i-th element. In the second case, we must pick the (i-1)th element.
The problem of IVlad's answer is that it always pick i-th element, which can lead to incorrect answer.
This question can be solved using include,exclude approach.
For first element, include = arr[0], exclude = 0.
For rest of the elements:
nextInclude = arr[i]+max(include, exclude)
nextExclude = include
include = nextInclude
exclude = nextExclude
Finally, ans = Math.max(include,exclude).
Similar questions can be referred at (Not the same)=>

Puzzled over palindromic product problem

I've been learning Ruby, so I thought I'd try my hand at some of the project Euler puzzles. Embarrassingly, I only made it to problem 4...
Problem 4 goes as follows:
A palindromic number reads the same
both ways. The largest palindrome made
from the product of two 2-digit
numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.
Find the largest palindrome made from
the product of two 3-digit numbers.
So I figured I would loop down from 999 to 100 in a nested for loop and do a test for the palindrome and then break out of the loops when I found the first one (which should be the largest one):
range = 100...1000
for a in range.to_a.reverse do
for b in range.to_a.reverse do
final=c if c.to_s == c.to_s.reverse
break if !final.nil?
break if !final.nil?
puts final
This does output a palindrome 580085, but apparently this isn't the highest product of two three-digit numbers within the range. Strangely, the same code succeeds to return 9009, like in the example, if I change the range to 10...100.
Can someone tell me where I am going
Also, is there a nicer way to
break out of the internal loop?
You are testing 999* (999...100), then 998 * (999...100)
Hence you will be testing 999 * 500 before you test 997 * 996.
So, how you we find that right number?
First note the multiplication is reflective, a * b == b * a, so b need not go from 999...0 every time, just a ...0.
When you find a palindrone, add the two factors together and save the sum (save the two factors also)
Inside the loop, if (a+b) is ever less than the saved sum, abandon the inner loop and move to the next a. When a falls below sum/2, no future value you could find would be higher than the one you've already found, so you're done.
The problem is that you might find a palindrome for an a of 999 and a b of 200, but you break too soon, so you never see that there is one for 998*997 (just example numbers).
You need to either look for all palindromes or once you find the first one, set that b as your minimum bound and continue looking through the a loop.
Regarding the second question, my advice is to approach the problem in more functional, than procedural manner. So, rather than looping, you may try to "describe" your problem functionally, and let Ruby does the work:
From all the pairs of 3-digit numbers,
select only those whose product is a palindrome,
and find the one with the largest product
Although this approach may not yield the most efficient of the solutions, it may teach you couple of Ruby idioms.
Consider the digits of P – let them be x, y and z. P must be at least 6 digits long since the palindrome 111111 = 143×777 – the product of two 3-digit integers. Since P is palindromic:
P=100000x + 10000y + 1000z + 100z + 10y + x
P=100001x + 10010y + 1100z
P=11(9091x + 910y + 100z)
Since 11 is prime, at least one of the integers a or b must have a factor of 11. So if a is not divisible by 11 then we know b must be. Using this information we can determine what values of b we check depending on a.
C# Implementation :
using System;
namespace HighestPalindrome
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i, j;
int m = 1;
bool flag = false;
while (true)
if (flag) j = m + 1;
else j = m;
for (i = m; i > 0; i--)
Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", 1000 - i, 1000 - j, (1000 - i) * (1000 - j));
//--- Palindrome Check ------------------------------
int number, temp, remainder, sum = 0;
number = temp = (1000 - i) * (1000 - j);
while (number > 0)
remainder = number % 10;
number /= 10;
sum = sum * 10 + remainder;
if (sum == temp)
Console.WriteLine("Highest Palindrome Number is - {0} * {1} = {2}", 1000 - i, 1000 - j, temp);
if (flag)
flag = !flag;
The mistake is you assume that if you find palindrom with greatest a value it will give the greatest product it isn't true. Solution is to keep max_product value and update it against solution you find.
I can answer your first question: You need to find the highest product, not the product containing the highest factor. In other words a * b could be greater than c * d even if c > a > b.
You're breaking on the first palindrome you come to, not necessarily the biggest.
Say you have A,B,C,D,E. You test E * A before you test D * C.
The main thing is to go through all the possible values. Don't try to break when you find the first answer just start with a best answer of zero then try all combinations and keep updating best. The secondary thing is to try to reduce the set of "all combinations".
One thing you can do is limit your inner loop to values less than or equal to a (since ab == ba). This puts the larger value of your equation always in a and substantially reduces the number of values you have to test.
for a in range.to_a.reverse do
for b in (100..a).to_a.reverse do
The next thing you can do is break out of the inner loop whenever the product is less than the current best value.
c = a*b
next if c < best
Next, if you're going to go through them all anyway there's no benefit to going through them in reverse. By starting at the top of the range it takes a while before you find a palindromic number and as a result it takes a while to reduce your search set. If you start at the bottom you begin to increase the lower bound quickly.
for a in range.to_a do
for b in (100..a).to_a do
My tests show that either way you try some 405K pairs however. So how about thinking of the problem a different way. What is the largest possible product of two 3 digit numbers? 999 * 999 = 998001 and the smallest is 100*100 = 10000. How about we take the idea you had of breaking on the first answer but apply it to a different range, that being 998001 to 10000 (or 999*999 to 100*100).
for c in (10000...998001).to_a.reverse do
We get to a palindrome after only 202 tests... the problem is it isn't a product of two 3-digit numbers. So now we have to check whether the palindrome we've found is a product of 2 3-digit numbers. As soon as we find a value in the range that is a palindrome and a product of two 3-digit numbers we're done. My tests show we find the highest palindrome that meets the requirement after less than 93K tests. But since we have the overhead of checking that all palindromes to that point were products of two 3-digit numbers it may not be more efficient than the previous solution.
So lets go back to the original improvement.
for a in range.to_a.reverse do
for b in (100..a).to_a.reverse do
We're looping rows then columns and trying to be efficient by detecting a point where we can go to the next row because any additional trys on the current row could not possibly be better than our current best. What if, instead of going down the rows, we go across the diagonals?
Since the products get smaller diagonal by diagonal you can stop as soon as you find a palindome number. This is a really efficient solution but with a more complex implementation. It turns out this method finds the highest palindrome after slightly more than 2200 trys.
limit = 100..999
for a in limit.to_a.reverse do
for b in (100..a).to_a.reverse do
if c.to_s == c.to_s.reverse
ar << palndrm
print ar
puts ar.max
puts ar.min
an implementation:
max = 100.upto(999).inject([-1,0,0]) do |m, a|
a.upto(999) do |b|
prod = a * b
m = [prod, a, b] if prod.to_s == prod.to_s.reverse and prod > m[0]
puts "%d = %d * %d" % max
prints 906609 = 913 * 993
Here's what I came up with in Ruby:
def largest_palindrome_product(digits)
largest, upper, lower = 0, 10**digits - 1, 10**(digits - 1)
for i in upper.downto(lower) do
for j in i.downto(lower) do
product = i * j
largest = product if product > largest && palindrome?(product)
And here's the function to check if the number is a palindrome:
def palindrome?(input)
chars = input.to_s.chars
for i in 0..(chars.size - 1) do
return false if chars[i] != chars[chars.size - i - 1]
I guess there's probably a more efficient solution out there, though.
For this problem, as we are looking for the highest palindrom, i assumed it would start with a 9. Thus ending with a 9 (palindrom).
if you pay attention, to get a number finishing by 9, you can only get it with numbers finishing by 9 and 1, 3 and 3, 7 and 7.
Then it is useless to check the other values (for instance 999*998 as it will not end with a 9).
Starting from 999 and 991, you can then substract 10 to 991, trying 999 and 981 etc...
You do the same with 993 and 993 ... 993 * 983
same with 997 * 997 then 997 * 987 etc
You don't need to go further than 900 or 10^4 - 10^3 as you can be sure the highest will be before.
int PB4_firstTry(int size)
int nb1 = (int)pow(10.0,size+1.0) - 1, nb2 = (int)pow(10.0,size+1.0) - 1;
int pal91 = getFirstPalindrome(size,9,1);
int pal33 = getFirstPalindrome(size,3,3);
int pal77 = getFirstPalindrome(size,7,7);
int bigger1 = (pal91 > pal33) ? pal91 : pal33;
return (bigger1 > pal77) ? bigger1 : pal77;
int getFirstPalindrome(int size,int ending1,int ending2)
int st1 = (int)pow(10.0,size+1.0) - 10 + ending1;
int comp = st1 - pow(10.0,size);
int st2 = (int)pow(10.0,size+1.0) - 10 + ending2;
int answer = -1;
while (st1 > comp)
for (int i = st2; i > comp && st1*i > answer; i-=10)
if (PB4_isPalindrome(st1*i))
answer = st1*i;
st1 -= 10;
return answer;
bool PB4_isPalindrome(int number)
std::string str = intToString(number);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(str.length() / 2); i++)
if (str[i] != str[str.length() - 1 - i])
return false;
return true;
std::string intToString(int number)
std::ostringstream convert;
convert << number;
return convert.str();
Of course, this works for 4 size digits factors etc.

Algorithm to find two repeated numbers in an array, without sorting

There is an array of size n (numbers are between 0 and n - 3) and only 2 numbers are repeated. Elements are placed randomly in the array.
E.g. in {2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5} n=9, and repeated numbers are 3 and 5.
What is the best way to find the repeated numbers?
P.S. [You should not use sorting]
There is a O(n) solution if you know what the possible domain of input is. For example if your input array contains numbers between 0 to 100, consider the following code.
bool flags[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
flags[i] = false;
for(int i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
return input_array[i];
flags[input_array[i]] = true;
Of course there is the additional memory but this is the fastest.
OK, seems I just can't give it a rest :)
Simplest solution
int A[N] = {...};
int signed_1(n) { return n%2<1 ? +n : -n; } // 0,-1,+2,-3,+4,-5,+6,-7,...
int signed_2(n) { return n%4<2 ? +n : -n; } // 0,+1,-2,-3,+4,+5,-6,-7,...
long S1 = 0; // or int64, or long long, or some user-defined class
long S2 = 0; // so that it has enough bits to contain sum without overflow
for (int i=0; i<N-2; ++i)
S1 += signed_1(A[i]) - signed_1(i);
S2 += signed_2(A[i]) - signed_2(i);
for (int i=N-2; i<N; ++i)
S1 += signed_1(A[i]);
S2 += signed_2(A[i]);
S1 = abs(S1);
S2 = abs(S2);
assert(S1 != S2); // this algorithm fails in this case
p = (S1+S2)/2;
q = abs(S1-S2)/2;
One sum (S1 or S2) contains p and q with the same sign, the other sum - with opposite signs, all other members are eliminated.
S1 and S2 must have enough bits to accommodate sums, the algorithm does not stand for overflow because of abs().
if abs(S1)==abs(S2) then the algorithm fails, though this value will still be the difference between p and q (i.e. abs(p - q) == abs(S1)).
Previous solution
I doubt somebody will ever encounter such a problem in the field ;)
and I guess, I know the teacher's expectation:
Lets take array {0,1,2,...,n-2,n-1},
The given one can be produced by replacing last two elements n-2 and n-1 with unknown p and q (less order)
so, the sum of elements will be (n-1)n/2 + p + q - (n-2) - (n-1)
the sum of squares (n-1)n(2n-1)/6 + p^2 + q^2 - (n-2)^2 - (n-1)^2
Simple math remains:
(1) p+q = S1
(2) p^2+q^2 = S2
Surely you won't solve it as math classes teach to solve square equations.
First, calculate everything modulo 2^32, that is, allow for overflow.
Then check pairs {p,q}: {0, S1}, {1, S1-1} ... against expression (2) to find candidates (there might be more than 2 due to modulo and squaring)
And finally check found candidates if they really are present in array twice.
You know that your Array contains every number from 0 to n-3 and the two repeating ones (p & q). For simplicity, lets ignore the 0-case for now.
You can calculate the sum and the product over the array, resulting in:
1 + 2 + ... + n-3 + p + q = p + q + (n-3)(n-2)/2
So if you substract (n-3)(n-2)/2 from the sum of the whole array, you get
sum(Array) - (n-3)(n-2)/2 = x = p + q
Now do the same for the product:
1 * 2 * ... * n - 3 * p * q = (n - 3)! * p * q
prod(Array) / (n - 3)! = y = p * q
Your now got these terms:
x = p + q
y = p * q
=> y(p + q) = x(p * q)
If you transform this term, you should be able to calculate p and q
Insert each element into a set/hashtable, first checking if its are already in it.
You might be able to take advantage of the fact that sum(array) = (n-2)*(n-3)/2 + two missing numbers.
Edit: As others have noted, combined with the sum-of-squares, you can use this, I was just a little slow in figuring it out.
Check this old but good paper on the topic:
Finding Repeated Elements (PDF)
Some answers to the question: Algorithm to determine if array contains n…n+m? contain as a subproblem solutions which you can adopt for your purpose.
For example, here's a relevant part from my answer:
bool has_duplicates(int* a, int m, int n)
/** O(m) in time, O(1) in space (for 'typeof(m) == typeof(*a) == int')
Whether a[] array has duplicates.
precondition: all values are in [n, n+m) range.
feature: It marks visited items using a sign bit.
assert((INT_MIN - (INT_MIN - 1)) == 1); // check n == INT_MIN
for (int *p = a; p != &a[m]; ++p) {
*p -= (n - 1); // [n, n+m) -> [1, m+1)
assert(*p > 0);
// determine: are there duplicates
bool has_dups = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
const int j = abs(a[i]) - 1;
assert(j >= 0);
assert(j < m);
if (a[j] > 0)
a[j] *= -1; // mark
else { // already seen
has_dups = true;
// restore the array
for (int *p = a; p != &a[m]; ++p) {
if (*p < 0)
*p *= -1; // unmark
// [1, m+1) -> [n, n+m)
*p += (n - 1);
return has_dups;
The program leaves the array unchanged (the array should be writeable but its values are restored on exit).
It works for array sizes upto INT_MAX (on 64-bit systems it is 9223372036854775807).
suppose array is
a[0], a[1], a[2] ..... a[n-1]
sumA = a[0] + a[1] +....+a[n-1]
sumASquare = a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] + .... + a[n]*a[n]
sumFirstN = (N*(N+1))/2 where N=n-3 so
sumFirstN = (n-3)(n-2)/2
sumFirstNSquare = N*(N+1)*(2*N+1)/6 = (n-3)(n-2)(2n-5)/6
Suppose repeated elements are = X and Y
so X + Y = sumA - sumFirstN;
X*X + Y*Y = sumASquare - sumFirstNSquare;
So on solving this quadratic we can get value of X and Y.
Time Complexity = O(n)
space complexity = O(1)
I know the question is very old but I suddenly hit it and I think I have an interesting answer to it.
We know this is a brainteaser and a trivial solution (i.e. HashMap, Sort, etc) no matter how good they are would be boring.
As the numbers are integers, they have constant bit size (i.e. 32). Let us assume we are working with 4 bit integers right now. We look for A and B which are the duplicate numbers.
We need 4 buckets, each for one bit. Each bucket contains numbers which its specific bit is 1. For example bucket 1 gets 2, 3, 4, 7, ...:
Bucket 0 : Sum ( x where: x & 2 power 0 == 0 )
Bucket i : Sum ( x where: x & 2 power i == 0 )
We know what would be the sum of each bucket if there was no duplicate. I consider this as prior knowledge.
Once above buckets are generated, a bunch of them would have values more than expected. By constructing the number from buckets we will have (A OR B for your information).
We can calculate (A XOR B) as follows:
A XOR B = Array[i] XOR Array[i-1] XOR ... 0, XOR n-3 XOR n-2 ... XOR 0
Now going back to buckets, we know exactly which buckets have both our numbers and which ones have only one (from the XOR bit).
For the buckets that have only one number we can extract the number num = (sum - expected sum of bucket). However, we should be good only if we can find one of the duplicate numbers so if we have at least one bit in A XOR B, we've got the answer.
But what if A XOR B is zero?
Well this case is only possible if both duplicate numbers are the same number, which then our number is the answer of A OR B.
Sorting the array would seem to be the best solution. A simple sort would then make the search trivial and would take a whole lot less time/space.
Otherwise, if you know the domain of the numbers, create an array with that many buckets in it and increment each as you go through the array. something like this:
int count [10];
for (int i = 0; i < arraylen; i++) {
Then just search your array for any numbers greater than 1. Those are the items with duplicates. Only requires one pass across the original array and one pass across the count array.
Here's implementation in Python of #eugensk00's answer (one of its revisions) that doesn't use modular arithmetic. It is a single-pass algorithm, O(log(n)) in space. If fixed-width (e.g. 32-bit) integers are used then it is requires only two fixed-width numbers (e.g. for 32-bit: one 64-bit number and one 128-bit number). It can handle arbitrary large integer sequences (it reads one integer at a time therefore a whole sequence doesn't require to be in memory).
def two_repeated(iterable):
s1, s2 = 0, 0
for i, j in enumerate(iterable):
s1 += j - i # number_of_digits(s1) ~ 2 * number_of_digits(i)
s2 += j*j - i*i # number_of_digits(s2) ~ 4 * number_of_digits(i)
s1 += (i - 1) + i
s2 += (i - 1)**2 + i**2
p = (s1 - int((2*s2 - s1**2)**.5)) // 2
# `Decimal().sqrt()` could replace `int()**.5` for really large integers
# or any function to compute integer square root
return p, s1 - p
>>> two_repeated([2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5])
(3, 5)
A more verbose version of the above code follows with explanation:
def two_repeated_seq(arr):
"""Return the only two duplicates from `arr`.
>>> two_repeated_seq([2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5])
(3, 5)
n = len(arr)
assert all(0 <= i < n - 2 for i in arr) # all in range [0, n-2)
assert len(set(arr)) == (n - 2) # number of unique items
s1 = (n-2) + (n-1) # s1 and s2 have ~ 2*(k+1) and 4*(k+1) digits
s2 = (n-2)**2 + (n-1)**2 # where k is a number of digits in `max(arr)`
for i, j in enumerate(arr):
s1 += j - i
s2 += j*j - i*i
s1 = (n-2) + (n-1) + sum(arr) - sum(range(n))
= sum(arr) - sum(range(n-2))
= sum(range(n-2)) + p + q - sum(range(n-2))
= p + q
assert s1 == (sum(arr) - sum(range(n-2)))
s2 = (n-2)**2 + (n-1)**2 + sum(i*i for i in arr) - sum(i*i for i in range(n))
= sum(i*i for i in arr) - sum(i*i for i in range(n-2))
= p*p + q*q
assert s2 == (sum(i*i for i in arr) - sum(i*i for i in range(n-2)))
s1 = p+q
-> s1**2 = (p+q)**2
-> s1**2 = p*p + 2*p*q + q*q
-> s1**2 - (p*p + q*q) = 2*p*q
s2 = p*p + q*q
-> p*q = (s1**2 - s2)/2
Let C = p*q = (s1**2 - s2)/2 and B = p+q = s1 then from Viete theorem follows
that p and q are roots of x**2 - B*x + C = 0
-> p = (B + sqrtD) / 2
-> q = (B - sqrtD) / 2
where sqrtD = sqrt(B**2 - 4*C)
-> p = (s1 + sqrt(2*s2 - s1**2))/2
sqrtD = (2*s2 - s1**2)**.5
assert int(sqrtD)**2 == (2*s2 - s1**2) # perfect square
sqrtD = int(sqrtD)
assert (s1 - sqrtD) % 2 == 0 # even
p = (s1 - sqrtD) // 2
q = s1 - p
assert q == ((s1 + sqrtD) // 2)
assert sqrtD == (q - p)
return p, q
NOTE: calculating integer square root of a number (~ N**4) makes the above algorithm non-linear.
Since a range is specified, you can perform radix sort. This would sort your array in O(n). Searching for duplicates in a sorted array is then O(n)
You can use simple nested for loop
int[] numArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 3, 7 };
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < numArray.Length; j++)
if (numArray[i] == numArray[j])
*OR you can filter the array and use recursive function if you want to get the count of occurrences*
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 1, 8, 9, 23, 4, 6, 8, 9, 1,4 };
int[] myNewArray = null;
int a = 1;
void GetDuplicates(int[] array)
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < array.Length; j++)
if (array[i] == array[j])
a += 1;
Console.WriteLine(" {0} occurred {1} time/s", array[i], a);
IEnumerable<int> num = from n in array where n != array[i] select n;
myNewArray = null;
a = 1;
myNewArray = num.ToArray() ;
answer to 18..
you are taking an array of 9 and elements are starting from max ele will be 6 in your array. Take sum of elements from 0 to 6 and take sum of array elements. compute their difference (say d). This is p + q. Now take XOR of elements from 0 to 6 (say x1). Now take XOR of array elements (say x2). x2 is XOR of all elements from 0 to 6 except two repeated elements since they cancel out each other. now for i = 0 to 6, for each ele of array, say p is that ele a[i] so you can compute q by subtracting this ele from the d. do XOR of p and q and XOR them with x2 and check if x1==x2. likewise doing for all elements you will get the elements for which this condition will be true and you are done in O(n). Keep coding!
check this out ...
O(n) time and O(1) space complexity
for(i=0;i< n;i++)
So in the given example you will get the xor of 3 and 5
xor=xor & -xor //Isolate the last digit
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(arr[i] & xor)
x = x ^ arr[i];
y = y ^ arr[i];
for(i = 1; i <= n-3; i++)
if(i & xor)
x = x ^ i;
y = y ^ i;
x and y are your answers
For each number: check if it exists in the rest of the array.
Without sorting you're going to have a keep track of numbers you've already visited.
in psuedocode this would basically be (done this way so I'm not just giving you the answer):
for each number in the list
if number not already in unique numbers list
add it to the unique numbers list
return that number as it is a duplicate
end if
end for each
How about this:
for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
if (a[i] == a[j]) {
printf("%d appears more than once\n",a[i]);
Sure it's not the fastest, but it's simple and easy to understand, and requires
no additional memory. If n is a small number like 9, or 100, then it may well be the "best". (i.e. "Best" could mean different things: fastest to execute, smallest memory footprint, most maintainable, least cost to develop etc..)
In c:
int arr[] = {2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5};
int num = 0, i;
for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
num = num ^ arr[i] ^i;
Since x^x=0, the numbers that are repeated odd number of times are neutralized. Let's call the unique numbers a and b.We are left with a^b. We know a^b != 0, since a != b. Choose any 1 bit of a^b, and use that as a mask ie.choose x as a power of 2 so that x & (a^b) is nonzero.
Now split the list into two sublists -- one sublist contains all numbers y with y&x == 0, and the rest go in the other sublist. By the way we chose x, we know that the pairs of a and b are in different buckets. So we can now apply the same method used above to each bucket independently, and discover what a and b are.
I have written a small programme which finds out the number of elements not repeated, just go through this let me know your opinion, at the moment I assume even number of elements are even but can easily extended for odd numbers also.
So my idea is to first sort the numbers and then apply my algorithm.quick sort can be use to sort this elements.
Lets take an input array as below
int arr[] = {1,1,2,10,3,3,4,5,5,6,6};
the number 2,10 and 4 are not repeated ,but they are in sorted order, if not sorted use quick sort to first sort it out.
Lets apply my programme on this
using namespace std;
//int arr[] = {2, 9, 6, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5};
int arr[] = {1,1,2,10,3,3,4,5,5,6,6};
int i = 0;
vector<int> vec;
int var = arr[0];
for(i = 1 ; i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); i += 2)
var = var ^ arr[i];
if(var != 0 )
//put in vector
var = arr[i-1];
i = i-1;
var = arr[i+1];
for(int i = 0 ; i < vec.size() ; i++)
printf("value not repeated = %d\n",vec[i]);
This gives the output:
value not repeated= 2
value not repeated= 10
value not repeated= 4
Its simple and very straight forward, just use XOR man.
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {
if(!(arr[i] ^ arr[i+1]))
printf("Found Repeated number %5d",arr[i]);
Here is an algorithm that uses order statistics and runs in O(n).
You can solve this by repeatedly calling SELECT with the median as parameter.
You also rely on the fact that After a call to SELECT,
the elements that are less than or equal to the median are moved to the left of the median.
Call SELECT on A with the median as the parameter.
If the median value is floor(n/2) then the repeated values are right to the median. So you continue with the right half of the array.
Else if it is not so then a repeated value is left to the median. So you continue with the left half of the array.
You continue this way recursively.
For example:
When A={2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5} n=9, then the median should be the value 4.
After the first call to SELECT
A={3, 2, 0, 1, <3>, 4, 5, 6, 5} The median value is smaller than 4 so we continue with the left half.
A={3, 2, 0, 1, 3}
After the second call to SELECT
A={1, 0, <2>, 3, 3} then the median should be 2 and it is so we continue with the right half.
A={3, 3}, found.
This algorithm runs in O(n+n/2+n/4+...)=O(n).
What about using the
Redis does
A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure used in order to count unique things (technically this is referred to estimating the cardinality of a set). Usually counting unique items requires using an amount of memory proportional to the number of items you want to count, because you need to remember the elements you have already seen in the past in order to avoid counting them multiple times. However there is a set of algorithms that trade memory for precision: you end with an estimated measure with a standard error, in the case of the Redis implementation, which is less than 1%. The magic of this algorithm is that you no longer need to use an amount of memory proportional to the number of items counted, and instead can use a constant amount of memory! 12k bytes in the worst case, or a lot less if your HyperLogLog (We'll just call them HLL from now) has seen very few elements.
Well using the nested for loop and assuming the question is to find the number occurred only twice in an array.
def repeated(ar,n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1,n):
if ar[i] == ar[j]:
if count == 1:
arr= [2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 0, 3, 5]
n = len(arr)
Why should we try out doing maths ( specially solving quadratic equations ) these are costly op . Best way to solve this would be t construct a bitmap of size (n-3) bits , i.e, (n -3 ) +7 / 8 bytes . Better to do a calloc for this memory , so every single bit will be initialized to 0 . Then traverse the list & set the particular bit to 1 when encountered , if the bit is set to 1 already for that no then that is the repeated no .
This can be extended to find out if there is any missing no in the array or not.
This solution is O(n) in time complexity
