What is complexity of this code? (Big O) Is that linear? - algorithm

for(int i=0; i<array.length -1; i++){
if(array[i] > array[i+1]){
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[i+1];
I think the code sorts the input array and that its worst case complexity is O(n).
What is the correct big-O complexity of this code?

It's O(n^3), and it's an inefficient version of bubble sort.
The code scans through the array looking for the first adjacent pair of out-of-order elements, swaps them, and then restarts from the beginning of the array.
In the worst case, when the array is in reverse order, the recurrence relation the code satisfies is:
T(n+1) = T(n) + n(n-1)/2
That's because the first n elements will be sorted by the algorithm before the code reaches the n+1'th element. Then the code repeatedly scans forward to find this new element, and moves it one space back. That takes time n + (n-1) + ... + 1 = n(n-1)/2.
That solves to Theta(n^3).


Sorting algorithm proof and running-time

Hydrosort is a sorting algorithm. Below is the pseudocode.
*/A is arrary to sort, i = start index, j = end index */
Hydrosort(A, i, j): // Let T(n) be the time to find where n = j-1+1
n = j – i + 1 O(1)
if (n < 10) { O(1)
sort A[i…j] by insertion-sort O(n^2) //insertion sort = O(n^2) worst-case
return O(1)
m1 = i + 3 * n / 4 O(1)
m2 = i + n / 4 O(1)
Hydrosort(A, i, m1) T(n/2)
Hydrosort(A, m2, j) T(n/2)
Hydrosort(A, i, m1) T(n/2)
T(n) = O(n^2) + 3T(n/2), so T(n) is O(n^2). I used the 3rd case of the Master Theorem to solve this recurrence.
I have 2 questions:
Have I calculated the worst-case running time here correctly?
how would I prove that Hydrosort(A, 1, n) correctly sorts an array A of n elements?
Have I calculated the worst-case running time here correctly?
I am afraid not.
The complexity function is:
T(n) = 3T(3n/4) + CONST
This is because:
You have three recursive calls for a problem of size 3n/4
The constant modifier here is O(1), since all non recursive calls operations are bounded to a constant size (Specifically, insertion sort for n<=10 is O(1)).
If you go on and calculate it, you'll get worse than O(n^2) complexity
how would I prove that Hydrosort(A, 1, n) correctly sorts an array A
of n elements?
By induction. Assume your algorithm works for problems of size n, and let's examine a problem of size n+1. For n+1<10 it is trivial, so we ignore this case.
After first recursive call, you are guaranteed that first 3/4 of the
array is sorted, and in particular you are guaranteed that the first n/4 of the elements are the smallest ones in this part. This means, they cannot be in the last n/4 of the array, because there are at least n/2 elements bigger than them. This means, the n/4 biggest elements are somewhere between m2 and j.
After second recursive call, since it is guaranteed to be invoked on the n/4 biggest elements, it will place these elements at the end of the array. This means the part between m1 and j is now sorted properly. This also means, 3n/4 smallest elements are somewhere in between i and m1.
Third recursive call sorts the 3n/4 elements properly, and the n/4 biggest elements are already in place, so the array is now sorted.

Complexity of O(M+N)

I've computed complexity of below algorithm as
for i = 0 to m
for j = 0 to n
//Process of O(1)
Complexity: O( m * n)
This is simple example of O( m * n). But I'm not able to figure out how O(m+n) computed. Any sample example
O(m+n) means O(max(m,n)). A code example:
for i = 0 to max(m,n)
The time complexity of this example is linear to the maximum of m and n.
for i=0 to m
//process of O(1)
for i=0 to n
//process of O(1)
time complexity of this procedure is O(m+n).
You often get O(m+n) complexity for graph algorithms. It is the complexity for example of a simple graph traversal such as BFS or DFS. Then n = |V| stands for the number of vertices, m = |E| for the number of edges, where the graph is G=(V,E).
The Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm is an example.
The string you're looking for (the needle or the pattern) is length m and the text you're searching through is length n. There is preprocessing done on the pattern which is O(m) and then the search, with the preprocessed data, is O(n), giving O(m + n).
The above example you have is a nested for loop, when you have nested loops and have 2 different inputs m and n ( considered very large in size). The complexity is said to be multiplicative. so for first for loop you write complexity O(m) and for inner for loop you write O(n) and as they are nested loop, you can write as O (m) * O(n) or O(m * n).
static void AddtiviteComplexity(int[] arr1,int[] arr2)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < arr1.Length)
while (j < arr2.Length)
similarly when have 2 loops and they are not nested and have 2 different inputs m and n ( considered very large in size), the complexity is said to be additive.
For the First loop, you write the complexity O(m) and for the second loop you write the complexity O(n) and as there are separate loops, you can write the complexity as O(m) + O(n) or O(m + n).
static void AddtiviteComplexity(int[] arr1,int[] arr2)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while(i< arr1.Length)
while (j < arr2.Length)
Note: the above code is for example with int array is example purpose. Also I have used while loop, it doesn't matter if it's a while or a for loop for calculating complexity.
Hope this helps.

Why Bubble sort complexity is O(n^2)?

As I understand, the complexity of an algorithm is a maximum number of operations performed while sorting. So, the complexity of Bubble sort should be a sum of arithmmetic progression (from 1 to n-1), not n^2.
The following implementation counts number of comparisons:
public int[] sort(int[] a) {
int operationsCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for(int j = i + 1; j < a.length; j++) {
if (a[i] > a[j]) {
int temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
return a;
The ouput for array with 10 elements is 45, so it's a sum of arithmetic progression from 1 to 9.
So why Bubble sort's complexity is n^2, not S(n-1) ?
This is because big-O notation describes the nature of the algorithm. The major term in the expansion (n-1) * (n-2) / 2 is n^2. And so as n increases all other terms become insignificant.
You are welcome to describe it more precisely, but for all intents and purposes the algorithm exhibits behaviour that is of the order n^2. That means if you graph the time complexity against n, you will see a parabolic growth curve.
Let's do a worst case analysis.
In the worst case, the if (a[i] > a[j]) test will always be true, so the next 3 lines of code will be executed in each loop step. The inner loop goes from j=i+1 to n-1, so it will execute Sum_{j=i+1}^{n-1}{k} elementary operations (where k is a constant number of operations that involve the creation of the temp variable, array indexing, and value copying). If you solve the summation, it gives a number of elementary operations that is equal to k(n-i-1). The external loop will repeat this k(n-i-1) elementary operations from i=0 to i=n-1 (ie. Sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{k(n-i-1)}). So, again, if you solve the summation you see that the final number of elementary operations is proportional to n^2. The algorithm is quadratic in the worst case.
As you are incrementing the variable operationsCount before running any code in the inner loop, we can say that k (the number of elementary operations executed inside the inner loop) in our previous analysis is 1. So, solving Sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{n-i-1} gives n^2/2 - n/2, and substituting n with 10 gives a final result of 45, just the same result that you got by running the code.
Worst case scenario:
indicates the longest running time performed by an algorithm given any input of size n
so we will consider the completely backward list for this worst-case scenario
int[] arr= new int[]{9,6,5,3,2};
Number of iteration or for loops required to completely sort it = n-1 //n - number of elements in the list
1st iteration requires (n-1) swapping + 2nd iteration requires (n-2) swapping + ……….. + (n-1)th iteration requires (n-(n-1)) swapping
i.e. (n-1) + (n-2) + ……….. +1 = n/2(a+l) //sum of AP
so big O notation = O(n^2)

Time complexity for Shell sort?

First, here's my Shell sort code (using Java):
public char[] shellSort(char[] chars) {
int n = chars.length;
int increment = n / 2;
while(increment > 0) {
int last = increment;
while(last < n) {
int current = last - increment;
while(current >= 0) {
if(chars[current] > chars[current + increment]) {
char tmp = chars[current];
chars[current] = chars[current + increment];
chars[current + increment] = tmp;
current -= increment;
else { break; }
increment /= 2;
return chars;
Is this a correct implementation of Shell sort (forgetting for now about the most efficient gap sequence - e.g., 1,3,7,21...)? I ask because I've heard that the best-case time complexity for Shell Sort is O(n). (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm). I can't see this level of efficiency being realized by my code. If I added heuristics to it, then yeah, but as it stands, no.
That being said, my main question now - I'm having difficulty calculating the Big O time complexity for my Shell sort implementation. I identified that the outer-most loop as O(log n), the middle loop as O(n), and the inner-most loop also as O(n), but I realize the inner two loops would not actually be O(n) - they would be much less than this - what should they be? Because obviously this algorithm runs much more efficiently than O((log n) n^2).
Any guidance is much appreciated as I'm very lost! :P
The worst-case of your implementation is Θ(n^2) and the best-case is O(nlogn) which is reasonable for shell-sort.
The best case ∊ O(nlogn):
The best-case is when the array is already sorted. The would mean that the inner if statement will never be true, making the inner while loop a constant time operation. Using the bounds you've used for the other loops gives O(nlogn). The best case of O(n) is reached by using a constant number of increments.
The worst case ∊ O(n^2):
Given your upper bound for each loop you get O((log n)n^2) for the worst-case. But add another variable for the gap size g. The number of compare/exchanges needed in the inner while is now <= n/g. The number of compare/exchanges of the middle while is <= n^2/g. Add the upper-bound of the number of compare/exchanges for each gap together: n^2 + n^2/2 + n^2/4 + ... <= 2n^2 ∊ O(n^2). This matches the known worst-case complexity for the gaps you've used.
The worst case ∊ Ω(n^2):
Consider the array where all the even positioned elements are greater than the median. The odd and even elements are not compared until we reach the last increment of 1. The number of compare/exchanges needed for the last iteration is Ω(n^2).
Insertion Sort
If we analyse
static void sort(int[] ary) {
int i, j, insertVal;
int aryLen = ary.length;
for (i = 1; i < aryLen; i++) {
insertVal = ary[i];
j = i;
* while loop exits as soon as it finds left hand side element less than insertVal
while (j >= 1 && ary[j - 1] > insertVal) {
ary[j] = ary[j - 1];
ary[j] = insertVal;
Hence in case of average case the while loop will exit in middle
i.e 1/2 + 2/2 + 3/2 + 4/2 + .... + (n-1)/2 = Theta((n^2)/2) = Theta(n^2)
You saw here we achieved (n^2)/2 even though divide by two doesn't make more difference.
Shell Sort is nothing but insertion sort by using gap like n/2, n/4, n/8, ...., 2, 1
mean it takes advantage of Best case complexity of insertion sort (i.e while loop exit) starts happening very quickly as soon as we find small element to the left of insert element, hence it adds up to the total execution time.
n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + n/16 + .... + n/n = n(1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ... + 1/n) = nlogn (Harmonic Series)
Hence its time complexity is some thing close to n(logn)^2

Worst Case Time Complexity for an algorithm

What is the Worst Case Time Complexity t(n) :-
I'm reading this book about algorithms and as an example
how to get the T(n) for .... like the selection Sort Algorithm
Like if I'm dealing with the selectionSort(A[0..n-1])
//sorts a given array by selection sort
//input: An array A[0..n - 1] of orderable elements.
//output: Array A[0..n-1] sorted in ascending order
let me write a pseudocode
for i <----0 to n-2 do
for j<--i+1 to n-1 do
ifA[j]<A[min] min <--j
swap A[i] and A[min]
--------I will write it in C# too---------------
private int[] a = new int[100];
// number of elements in array
private int x;
// Selection Sort Algorithm
public void sortArray()
int i, j;
int min, temp;
for( i = 0; i < x-1; i++ )
min = i;
for( j = i+1; j < x; j++ )
if( a[j] < a[min] )
min = j;
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[min];
a[min] = temp;
Now how to get the t(n) or as its known the worst case time complexity
That would be O(n^2).
The reason is you have a single for loop nested in another for loop. The run time for the inner for loop, O(n), happens for each iteration of the outer for loop, which again is O(n). The reason each of these individually are O(n) is because they take a linear amount of time given the size of the input. The larger the input the longer it takes on a linear scale, n.
To work out the math, which in this case is trivial, just multiple the complexity of the inner loop by the complexity of the outer loop. n * n = n^2. Because remember, for each n in the outer loop, you must again do n for the inner. To clarify: n times for each n.
O(n * n).
By the way, you shouldn't mix up complexity (denoted by big-O) and the T function. The T function is the number of steps the algorithm has to go through for a given input.
So, the value of T(n) is the actual number of steps, whereas O(something) denotes a complexity. By the conventional abuse of notation, T(n) = O( f(n) ) means that the function T(n) is of at most the same complexity as another function f(n), which will usually be the simplest possible function of its complexity class.
This is useful because it allows us to focus on the big picture: We can now easily compare two algorithms that may have very different-looking T(n) functions by looking at how they perform "in the long run".
#sara jons
The slide set that you've referenced - and the algorithm therein
The complexity is being measured for each primitive/atomic operation in the for loop
for(j=0 ; j<n ; j++)
The slides rate this loop as 2n+2 for the following reasons:
The initial set of j=0 (+1 op)
The comparison of j < n (n ops)
The increment of j++ (n ops)
The final condition to check if j < n (+1 op)
Secondly, the comparison within the for loop
if(STudID == A[j])
return true;
This is rated as n ops. Thus the result if you add up +1 op, n ops, n ops, +1 op, n ops = 3n+2 complexity. So T(n) = 3n+2
Recognize that T(n) is not the same as O(n).
Another doctoral-comp flashback here.
First, the T function is simply the amount of time (usually in some number of steps, about which more below) an algorithm takes to perform a task. What a "step" is, is somewhat defined by the use; for example, it's conventional to count the number of comparisons in sorting algorithms, but the number of elements searched in search algorithms.
When we talk about the worst-case time of an algorithm, we usually express that with "big-O notation". Thus, for example, you hear that bubble sort takes O(n²) time. When we use big O notation, what we're really saying is that the growth of some function -- in this case T -- is no faster than the growth of some other function times a constant. That is
T(n) = O(n²)
means for any n, no matter how large, there is a constant k for which T(n) ≤ kn². A point of some confustion here is that we're using the "=" sign in an overloaded fashion: it doesn't mean the two are equal in the numerical sense, just that we are saying that T(n) is bounded by kn².
In the example in your extended question, it looks like they're counting the number of comparisons in the for loop and in the test; it would help to be able to see the context and the question they're answering. In any case, though, it shows why we like big-O notation: W(n) here is O(n). (Proof: there exists a constant k, namely 5, for which W(n) ≤ k(3n)+2. It follows by the definition of O(n).)
If you want to learn more about this, consult any good algorithms text, eg, Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen et al.
write pseudo codes to search, insert and remove student information from the hash table. calculate the best and the worst case time complexities
3n + 2 is the correct answer as far as the loop is concerned. At each step of the loop, 3 atomic operations are done. j++ is actually two operations, not one. and j
