reactor.netty.http.client.PrematureCloseException: Connection prematurely closed DURING response - spring

I have spring reactive a micro-service which call another micro-service to get list of products, but it keep failing with the error
reactor.netty.http.client.PrematureCloseException: Connection prematurely closed DURING response
Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
Assembly trace from producer [reactor.core.publisher.FluxLift] :
This is how i get WebClient object
public WebClient createWebClient(HttpRequestConfig config, String baseUri) {
Builder clientBuilder = webClientBuilder(config)
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(HttpClient.newConnection().compress(true)))
Any idea about the issue?


Spring Resource Server connection with authorization server. Default timeout

Spring security documentation
states that:
By default, Resource Server uses connection and socket timeouts of 30 seconds each for coordinating with the authorization server.
I created JwtDecoder in the following way:
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
NimbusJwtDecoder jwtDecoder = NimbusJwtDecoder.withJwkSetUri(jwkSetUri).build();
return jwtDecoder;
jwkSetUri is set to some non-existent ip.
Now, making request to my resource server gets a timeout (as expected)
and the following exception is thrown:
An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Couldn't retrieve remote JWK set: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request: Connect to jwkSetUri [jwkSetUri ] failed: connect timed out; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to jwkSetUri failed: connect timed out
However, the time after which the exception is thrown does not match what is described in the documentation.
When I run the application on windows, it takes about 20 seconds. When I run on Linux, it takes about 2-3 minutes.
It looks like it depends on the operating system.
However, when I manually set the timeout as follows:
public JwtDecoder jwtDecoder(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
RestOperations rest = builder
NimbusJwtDecoder jwtDecoder = NimbusJwtDecoder.withJwkSetUri(jwkSetUri).restOperations(rest).build();
return jwtDecoder;
Then as expected I get a timeout after 5 seconds.
Am I missing something or the default value given in the documentation is incorrect?

what is wrong with below webclient config?

I am facing connection error. Log entries are
readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer; nested exception is$NativeIoException: readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer
the connection observed an error
Pending acquire queue has reached its maximum size of 1000; nested exception is reactor.netty.internal.shaded.reactor.pool.PoolAcquirePendingLimitException
Webclient config is:
public WebClient webClient(#Autowired ObjectMapperBean objectMapperBean) {
ConnectionProvider provider =
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create(provider);
ExchangeStrategies exchangeStrategies =
.codecs(codecConfigurer -> codecConfigurer
.jackson2JsonEncoder(new Jackson2JsonEncoder(objectMapperBean.getObjectMapper(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)))
return WebClient
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient))
I am not sure where the problem is. Can someone help me on this?
#springboot #webclient
By default the number of pending queue requests allowed for a reactor netty server is
2 * number of connections
if not provided explicitly. You need to take care of these configuration on the basis of your throughput expectations. You can modify this property as follows :
.build();$NativeEceptionIoException: readAddress failed: Connection reset by peer Request will be retried

I am using webClinet to consume OAuth2 secured services. When services takes time more than default timeout i get below error and request is retried.$NativeEceptionIoException: readAddress failed: Connection reset by peer
The connection observed an error, the request will be retried.
This seem to be IO exception issue with netty.
How do I avoid retry in such scenario?
Here is my webclient configuration-
WebClient webclinet(OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager am){
ExchangeStrategies ex = ExchangeStrategies
.codec(c-> c.defaultCodecs().maxInMemorySize(-1)).build();
ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(am);
SslContext ssl = new JdkSslContext(SSLContext.getDefault(),true,ClientAuth.REQUIRE);
ReactorClientHttpConnector clientHttpConnector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(Http.create()
.secure(sslContextSpec-> sslContextSpec.sslContext(ssl)));
return WebClient.builder()
There is a property named sslContextSpec.sslContext(ssl).disableRetry(true) which can be used to disable retry functionality of it.

Is there a way to give dynamic timeouts to Rest Template?

I am using Spring Rest template along with apache's PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager for making API calls. The project in which I am working on requires setting custom timeout for each of the HTTP request I make via rest template. In order to achieve this, I am using CompletableFuture with a separate ExecutorService and calling get(Timeout) method.
CompletableFuture<BidResponse> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> bidderService.getBid(), executorService);
bidResponse = future.get(bidderTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException | TimeoutException | ExecutionException e) {
bidResponse = getTimeoutBidResponse();
Unfortunately, the problem with this approach is that in cases of timeout, the underlying thread keeps on working until the rest template finishes its call. So I am kind of losing out a thread from the thread pool, as well as a connection from the HTTP connection pool.
Is there a way to close the HTTP connection as soon as we receive a Timeout exception, and return the HTTP connection back to the pool ?
p.s. I also tried using Spring Webclient with Mono.timeout. Turns out it actually closes the HTTP connection immediately, but does not return it back to the HTTP pool.
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder)
return restTemplateBuilder

Whi is Spring OAuth2RestOperations HTTP client throwing ResourceAccessException instead of giving me back an HTTP response code?

I am trying to reverse engineer a working pice of software, to come up with a raw HTTP request, so I can fire it with Postman or other HTTp client.
private OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate;
public void setRestTemplate(OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
private QuoteWorkflowResponse saveQuote(IQuoteRequest request) {
RequestEntity<IQuoteRequest> requestEntity =
ResponseEntity<QuoteWorkflowResponse> responseEntity =, QuoteWorkflowResponse.class);
if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK) {
return responseEntity.getBody();
This is somehow using Barrer Token, I fetched the token using the debugger and tested it in postman and it works.
My question here is, why is throwing a ResourceAccessException ? what does that means ? and how can I fix it ?
Exception this is throwing:
org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for "https://somehost/aabb/sales/quote": stream is closed; nested exception is stream is closed
Thanks to #MrFoll, I have added this to my applicaion.yml
RestTemplate: "DEBUG"
and fixed the issue.
