Laravel unique validation Ignore Rule for update - laravel

I have a name field on my Client model which must be unique. For the store method I have the following rules:
array (
'token' => 'string|max:250',
'directory' => 'max:250',
'name' => 'required|string|max:250|unique:clients',
For the update method, I have amended this ruleset to ignore the current ID to avoid a duplicate being identified:
$rules['name'] = $rules['name'] . ',id,' . $id;
This produces the following ruleset (for record ID 105):
array (
'token' => 'string|max:250',
'directory' => 'max:250',
'name' => 'required|string|max:250|unique:clients,id,105',
When the update method is executed, the The name has already been taken. response is returned during the validation.
I realise this is a well-discussed topic, but believe I am conforming to the correct approach. Can someone point out the error in my logic, please?
Note: This is running on Laravel 5.8.

'token' => 'string|max:250',
'directory' => 'max:250',
'name' => [
'required', 'string', 'max:250',
\Illuminate\Validation\Rule::unique(Client::class, 'email')->ignore($this->id)


Laravel ignore unique validation on update

I have a Model which contains many foreign keys. One of those foreign keys must be a unique value.
My validation rules are the following ones:
$data['rules'] = [
'address' => 'required|string',
'buyer_id' => 'required|exists:buyers,id',
'buyer_name' => 'required|string',
'date' => 'required|date',
'email' => 'required|email',
'identification_photo' => 'required|string',
'invoice' => 'string|required',
'middleman_id' => 'nullable|exists:middlemen,id',
'price' => 'required|numeric|between:1,99999999999999999999999999.9999',
'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id',
'purchase_receipt' => 'required|string',
'rfc' => array(
'tier_id' => 'nullable|exists:tiers,id',
'user_id' => 'required|exists:users,id',
The one that I have trouble is property_id. This must be unique in the current table which is reservations.
In order to ignore that validation when I make an update, I'm adding this line of code before calling the Validator:
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->property_id}";
And when I do a Log::info of all my rules, I got the following line: 'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id,4',
But I keep receiving the error. Am I doing something wrong?
The error is on this line:
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->property_id}";
Instead of passing the id of the foreign key you want to ignore, you have to give the current model ID in order to ignore that validation for a specific item.
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->id}";
With this you tell that for your Model with id = x, ignore that specific validation. To understand it in a better way, you are telling that for this validation, ignore the validation of the property only for the record with id equals to the $item->id.
I think the line of code you are looking for is
'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id,'.$request->id',
This ignores the current row you are updating while also validating your property_id

How to validate HTML response in post array in codeigniter

I am using tinymce for to add user cover letter related to the application.
This what my post array look like:
[cover_letter] => <p>Test Cover Letter</p>
<li>Need to save this data</li>
Simply I have used the require validation rule for this.
'candidate_cover_letter' => array(
'field' => 'cover_letter',
'label' => 'Cover Letter',
'rules' => 'required'
I get the validation error regarding this like Cover Letter require.
I have two main problem:
How to validate HTML post array data
Is this best practice to save data like this? if no then how should i save this data?
First of all, in Codeigniter if we want to do form validations we need to go like this :
$config = array(
'field' => 'username',
'label' => 'Username',
'rules' => 'required'
'field' => 'password',
'label' => 'Password',
'rules' => 'required',
'errors' => array(
'required' => 'You must provide a %s.',
You can refer here
so, your code here should be like this in the controller:
$config =array(
'field' => 'cover_letter',
'label' => 'Cover Letter',
'rules' => 'required'
You can add extra fields in the $config like the example above.
Another thing that you asked, "How you should save the data ?"
I would suggest you to use a field in the database table with type "TEXT" and it should be okay for you.
After you hit submit you get redirected back to your controller somewhere. One way to utilize CI form validation is:
//look to see if you have post data
//points to applications/config/form_validation.php (look at next chucnk to set form_validation.php)
//rest of your post logic
//get data to upload to database
$data = [
//save data to database ..also this should be moved to a model
$this->db->insert('name of table to insert into', $data);
//if you post doesnt not get validated you will fall here and if you have this chucnk of code in the same place were you have the logic to set up the cover letter you will see a pink message that says what ever error message you set up
Set up form validation.php
$config = [
//set up cover letter validation
//$this->_validate('cover_letter') maps to here and checks this array
'cover_letter' => [
'label'=>'Cover Letter Required',//error message to return back to user
'rules'=>'required'//field is required
//example to add additional fields to check

Will Model::updateOrCreate() update a soft-deleted model if the criteria matches?

Let's say I have a model that was soft-deleted and have the following scenario:
// EXISTING soft-deleted Model's properties
$model = [
'id' => 50,
'app_id' => 132435,
'name' => 'Joe Original',
'deleted_at' => '2015-01-01 00:00:00'
// Some new properties
$properties = [
'app_id' => 132435,
'name' => 'Joe Updated',
['app_id' => $properties['app_id']],
Is Joe Original now Joe Updated?
OR is there a deleted record and a new Joe Updated record?
$variable = YourModel::withTrashed()->updateOrCreate(
['whereAttributes' => $attributes1, 'anotherWhereAttributes' => $attributes2],
'createAttributes' => $attributes1,
'createAttributes' => $attributes2,
'createAttributes' => $attributes3,
'deleted_at' => null,
create a new OR update an exsiting that was soft deleted AND reset the softDelete to NULL
updateOrCreate will look for model with deleted_at equal to NULL so it won't find a soft-deleted model. However, because it won't find it will try to create a new one resulting in duplicates, which is probably not what you need.
BTW, you have an error in your code. Model::updateOrCreate takes array as first argument.
'role_id' => $roleId,
'user_id' => $user->id
'deleted_at' => NULL,
'updated_at' => new \DateTime()
Like this you create a new OR update an exsiting that was soft deleted AND reset the softDelete to NULL
'foo' => $foo,
'bar' => $bar
], [
'baz' => $baz,
'deleted_at' => NULL
Works as expected (Laravel 5.7) - updates an existing record and "undeletes" it.
I tested the solution by #mathieu-dierckxwith Laravel 5.3 and MySql
If the model to update has no changes (i.e. you are trying to update with the same old values) the updateOrCreate method returns null and the restore() gives a Illegal offset type in isset or empty
I got it working by adding withTrashed so that it will include soft-deleted items when it tries to update or create. Make sure deleted_at is in the fillable array of your model.
$model = UserRole::withTrashed()->updateOrCreate([
'creator_id' => $creator->id,
'user_id' => $user->id,
'role_id' => $role->id,
'deleted_at' => NULL
try this logic..
foreach ($harga as $key => $value) {
$flight = salesprice::updateOrCreate(
['customerID' => $value['customerID'],'productID' => $value['productID'], 'productCode' => $value['productCode']],
['price' => $value['price']]
it work for me

sending form data via PHP

I'm trying to submit a form using PHP and the mailchimp 2.0 api.
I'm getting an error that says:
FNAME must be provided
My form has a field for the first name:
<input type="text" name="fname">
So it must have something to do with the way I am handling it the php side.
Here is the bit of php that handles FNAME:
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array(
'id' => 'myid',
'email' => array( 'email' => $_POST['email']),
'FNAME' => $_POST['fname'],
'LNAME' => $_POST['lname'],
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false
I'm not sure if I'm forming the array correctly or not.
By the way, I'm using this wrapper, but I think my error has to do with how I create $result and not the wrapper.
Any help would be appreciated.
Peep the example at the bottom of the page you linked to. I've pasted it here:
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array(
'id' => 'b1234346',
'email' => array('email'=>''),
'merge_vars' => array('FNAME'=>'Davy', 'LNAME'=>'Jones'),
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false,
'send_welcome' => false,
Your merge vars (ex. FNAME and LNAME) need to be in its own array. So, add a 'merge_vars' in your array and create an array that contains your field's merge variables.

CakePHP when using $model->save() validate rules and skip other rules

I'm using CakePHP 2.0 and I have a model that I use validation on it like this:
var $validate = array(
'title' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'on' => 'create',
'message' => 'This title has already been taken.'
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'The title field is required.'
, and in the controller I have an edit action and I use $model->save() to save date from $this->request->data, but it fails the isUnique validation rule, although it is not a new record insertion.
Is there any way to specify that it is an existing record, not a new one ?
If I got the question right you have to set the model's ID before calling $model->save(); so cakephp knows it's an update.
"Creating or updating is controlled by the model’s id field. If $Model->id is set, the record with this primary key is updated. Otherwise a new record is created:"
// Create: id isn't set or is null
// Update: id is set to a numerical value
$this->Recipe->id = 2;
your validation array is wrong you haven't set a rule for 'required_rule' wich might trigger the isUnique error message.
var $validate = array(
'title' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'on' => 'create',
'message' => 'This title has already been taken.',
'last' => true
'rule' => array('notEmpty'),
'message' => 'The title field is required.'
Also remember that using required=>true will NOT result check for actual data, it only wants the field to be present in the data-array and "" is also considered as present
