Is * operator of std::shared_ptr thread safe? - c++11

I have a std::shared_ptr which changes asynchronously from a callback.
In main thread, I want to read the "latest" value and do complex calculations on it, and I do not care if the pointer's value changes while those calculations are running.
For this, I am simply making a copy of the contained value on the main thread:
// async thread
void callback(P new_data) {
smart_pointer_ = new_data;
// main thread loop!
Value copy_of_pointer_value = *smart_pointer_; // smart_pointer_ could be changing in callback right now
// do calcs with copy_of_pointer_value
Is this safe or should I be explicitly making a copy of the smart pointer before trying to read its value, like this:
// main thread loop!
auto smart_copy = smart_pointer_;
// I know I could work with *smart_copy directly, but I need to copy anyway for other reasons
Value copy_of_pointer_value = *smart_copy;
// do calcs with copy_of_pointer_value


Memory Management in Javascript

Have a look at the code. Lets assume each statement takes 0 milliseconds to complete. printAfter2 is a simple function that prints the string passed to it after the 2 seconds of the call.
printAfter2 = (obj) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
In this below code we created a function that
defines a block-scoped variable obj at time 0 ms
calls the function with obj (type is Object) as parameter at time 0 ms. Since the passed parameter is an Object so its reference will be passed to the function.
Then there is console.log function call. After it the block ends at time 0 ms so the block scoped variable obj will also be destroyed.
At time 2000, the printAfter2 function fetches the value of parameter which was passed to it. In this case it is a reference of a variable which should be destroyed so far. But this didn't work as expected. It prints the same original obj at 2000 ms which was supposed to be destroyed at 0 ms. Why is this so?
We actually need not a async function but ignore it.
(async () => {
let obj = {name: 'Ali'}
console.log("obj var will be destroyed after this block");
When the variable/parameter obj goes out of scope, that doesn't mean that anything gets destroyed immediately. It only means that one reference to some object disappears, which makes this object eligible for garbage collection if and only if that was the last reference to it. The garbage collector will eventually (next time it runs) free memory belonging to objects that are no longer reachable, i.e. have no references to them. Let's look at a simpler case, without any closures:
let o1;
function f1(obj) {
console.log(obj); // (3)
} // (4)
o1 = new Object(); // (1)
f1(o1); // (2)
let o2 = o1; // (5)
o1 = null; // (6)
// (7)
o2 = new Array();
// (8)
Line (1) obviously allocates an Object, and uses the variable o1 to refer to it. Note that there is a distinction between the object and the variable; in particular they have different lifetimes.
Line (2) passes the Object to the function; while the function executes (e.g. in line (3)), there are two variables referring to the same object: o1 in the outer scope, and obj in f1's scope.
When f1 terminates in line (4), the variable obj goes out of scope, but the Object is still reachable via o1.
Line (5) creates a new variable, again referring to the same object. This is conceptually very similar to passing it to some function.
When o1 stops referring to the Object in line (6), that doesn't make the Object eligible for garbage collection in line (7), because o2 is still referring to it ("keeping it alive"). Only once o2 is also reassigned, or goes out of scope, does the Object become unreachable: if the garbage collector runs any time after execution has reached line (8), the Object's memory will be freed.
(Side note: the garbage collector doesn't actually "collect garbage" or "destroy objects", because it doesn't touch that memory at all. It only registers the fact that the memory where the Object was stored is now free to be used for a new allocation.)
In the case of your example, you're creating a closure () => console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)) that contains a reference to the object. While this closure sits around waiting for its time to execute, this reference will keep the object alive. It can only be freed after the closure has run its course, and has become unreachable itself.
To illustrate in a different way:
function MakeClosure() {
let obj = {message: "Hello world"};
return function() { console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); };
let callback = MakeClosure();
// While the local variable `obj` is inaccessible now, `callback` internally
// has a reference to the object created as `{message: ...}`.
setTimeout(callback, 2000);
// Same situation as above at this point.
callback = null;
// Now the variable `callback` can't be used any more to refer to the closure,
// but the `setTimeout` call added the closure to some internal list, so it's
// not unreachable yet.
// Only once the callback has run and is dropped from the engine-internal list
// of waiting setTimeout-scheduled callbacks, can the `{message: ...}` object get
// cleaned up -- again, this doesn't happen immediately, only whenever the garbage
// collector decides to run.

Ensuring a value is retrieved only once

I'm developing a Go package to access a web service (via HTTP). Every time I retrieve a page of data from that service, I also get the total of pages available. The only way to get this total is by getting one of the pages (usually the first one). However, requests to this service take time and I need to do the following:
When the GetPage method is called on a Client and the page is retrieved for the first time, the retrieved total should be stored somewhere in that client. When the Total method is called and the total hasn't yet been retrieved, the first page should be fetched and the total returned. If the total was retrieved before, either by a call to GetPage or Total, it should be returned immediately, without any HTTP requests at all. This needs to be safe for use by multiple goroutines. My idea is something along the lines of sync.Once but with the function passed to Do returning a value, which is then cached and automatically returned whenever Do is called.
I remember seeing something like this before, but I can't find it now even though I tried. Searching for sync.Once with value and similar terms didn't yield any useful results. I know I could probably do that with a mutex and a lot of locking, but mutexes and a lot of locking don't seem to be the recommended way to do stuff in go.
General "init-once" solution
In the general / usual case, the easiest solution to only init once, only when it's actually needed is to use sync.Once and its Once.Do() method.
You don't actually need to return any value from the function passed to Once.Do(), because you can store values to e.g. global variables in that function.
See this simple example:
var (
total int
calcTotalOnce sync.Once
func GetTotal() int {
// Init / calc total once:
calcTotalOnce.Do(func() {
fmt.Println("Fetching total...")
// Do some heavy work, make HTTP calls, whatever you want:
total++ // This will set total to 1 (once and for all)
// Here you can safely use total:
return total
func main() {
Output of the above (try it on the Go Playground):
Fetching total...
Some notes:
You can achieve the same using a mutex or sync.Once, but the latter is actually faster than using a mutex.
If GetTotal() has been called before, subsequent calls to GetTotal() will not do anything but return the previously calculated value, this is what Once.Do() does / ensures. sync.Once "tracks" if its Do() method has been called before, and if so, the passed function value will not be called anymore.
sync.Once provides all the needs for this solution to be safe for concurrent use from multiple goroutines, given that you don't modify or access the total variable directly from anywhere else.
Solution to your "unusal" case
The general case assumes the total is only accessed via the GetTotal() function.
In your case this does not hold: you want to access it via the GetTotal() function and you want to set it after a GetPage() call (if it has not yet been set).
We may solve this with sync.Once too. We would need the above GetTotal() function; and when a GetPage() call is performed, it may use the same calcTotalOnce to attempt to set its value from the received page.
It could look something like this:
var (
total int
calcTotalOnce sync.Once
func GetTotal() int {
calcTotalOnce.Do(func() {
// total is not yet initialized: get page and store total number
page := getPageImpl()
total = page.Total
// Here you can safely use total:
return total
type Page struct {
Total int
func GetPage() *Page {
page := getPageImpl()
calcTotalOnce.Do(func() {
// total is not yet initialized, store the value we have:
total = page.Total
return page
func getPageImpl() *Page {
// Do HTTP call or whatever
page := &Page{}
// Set page.Total from the response body
return page
How does this work? We create and use a single sync.Once in the variable calcTotalOnce. This ensures that its Do() method may only call the function passed to it once, no matter where / how this Do() method is called.
If someone calls the GetTotal() function first, then the function literal inside it will run, which calls getPageImpl() to fetch the page and initialize the total variable from the Page.Total field.
If GetPage() function would be called first, that will also call calcTotalOnce.Do() which simply sets the Page.Total value to the total variable.
Whichever route is walked first, that will alter the internal state of calcTotalOnce, which will remember the total calculation has already been run, and further calls to calcTotalOnce.Do() will never call the function value passed to it.
Or just use "eager" initialization
Also note that if it is likely that this total number have to be fetched during the lifetime of your program, it might not worth the above complexity, as you may just as easily initialize the variable once, when it's created.
var Total = getPageImpl().Total
Or if the initialization is a little more complex (e.g. needs error handling), use a package init() function:
var Total int
func init() {
page := getPageImpl()
// Other logic, e.g. error handling
Total = page.Total

Avoiding deadlock in reentrant code C++11

I am working on refactoring some legacy code that suffers from deadlocks. There are two main root causes:
1) the same thread locking the same mutex multiple times, which should not difficult to resolve, and
2) the code occasionally calls into user defined functions which can enter the same code at the top level. I need to lock the mutex before calling user defined functions, but I might end up executing the same code again which will result in a deadlock situation. So, I need some mechanism to tell me that the mutex has already been locked and I should not lock it again. Any suggestions?
Here is a (very) brief summary of what the code does:
class TreeNode {
// Assign a new value to this tree node
void set(const boost::any& value, boost::function<void, const TreeNode&> validator) {
boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(mutexToTree_);
// call validator here
boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> ulock(lock);
// set this TreeNode to value
// Retrieve the value of this tree node
boost::any get() {
boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(mutexToTree_);
// get value for this tree node
static boost::shared_mutex mutexToRoot_;
The problem is that the validator function can call into get(), which locks mutexToRoot_ on the same thread. I could modify mutexToRoot_ to be a recursive mutex but that would prevent other threads from reading the tree during get() operation, which is unwanted behavior.
Since C++11 you can use std::recursive_mutex, which allows the owning thread to call lock or try_lock without blocking/reporting failure, whereas the other threads will block on lock/receive false on try_lock until the owning thread calls unlock as many times as it called lock/try_lock before.

Golang garbage collector and maps

I'm processing some user session data inside of a goroutine and creating a map to keep track of user id -> session data inside of it. The goroutine loops through a slice and if a SessionEnd event is found, the map key is deleted inside the same iteration. This doesn't seem to always be the case, as I can still retrieve some of the data as well as the 'key exists' bool variable sometimes in the following iterations. It's as if some variables haven't yet been zeroed.
Each map has only one goroutine writing/reading from it. From my understanding there shouldn't be a race condition, but it definitely seems that there is with the map and delete().
The code works fine if the garbage collector is run on every iteration. Am I using a map for the wrong purpose?
Pseudocode (a function that is run inside a single goroutine, lines is passed as a variable):
active := make(ActiveSessions) // map[int]UserSession
for _, l := range lines { // lines is a slice of a parsed log
u = l.EventData.(parser.User)
s, exists = active[u.SessionID]
switch l.Event {
// Contains cases which can check if exists is true or false
// errors if contains an event that can't happen,
// for example UserDisconnect before UserConnect,
// or UserConnect while a session is already active
case "UserConnect":
if exists {
// error, can't occur
// The same session id can occur in the log after a prior session has completed,
// which is exactly when the problems occur
case "UserDisconnect":
sessionFinished = true
// ...
if sessionFinished {
// <add session to finished sessions>
delete(active, u.SessionID)
// Code works only if runtime.GC() is executed here, could just be a coincidence

SDL2: Is SDL_GetMouseState() thread-safe?

Is SDL_GetMouseState function thread safe?
And in the example of SDL_GetMouseState, the SDL_PumpEvents, which is known to be thread-unsafe, is used. If SDL_GetMouseState is thread-safe, do I have to use SDL_PumpEvents which is thread-unsafe with it to make it properly working?
The code of this function is:
SDL_GetMouseState(int *x, int *y)
SDL_Mouse *mouse = SDL_GetMouse();
if (x) {
*x = mouse->x;
if (y) {
*y = mouse->y;
return mouse->buttonstate;
And SDL_GetMouse just returns address of static global variable. Hence, there is nothing unsafe with it, but there is no atomicity.
However events are processed separately. If you don't prcess events, mouse structure wouldn't update and SDL_GetMouseState will give you outdated values. Documentation explicitly states you should call SDL_PumpEvents only in graphics thread (the one that initialised graphics system).
Worst case scenario is you reading vales from SDL_GetMouseState while other thread updates it. You could read old value, new value, or even a mix of two (e.g. x from new but y from old).
