Image as cell note in Google Sheets, to be displayed at mouseover/hover - image

I'd like to attach images to certain cells of my Google spreadsheet, to appear upon hovering the mouse upon that cell, similar to how the native text-only regular cell notes (Shift+F2) appear.
Natively, Google Sheets supports inserting images in the cell. My image sizes are however too big, and I'd have to make the row/column width/height huge for them to be displayed at 100%. Plus, I'd want the images to only appear upon mouseover, and not always be visible.
(I should add that the functionality I describe is actually very easily achievable in Excel, which allows setting a picture-background for cell comments, something that Google Sheets does not.)
I discovered a Google Sheets addon which seems to extend regular cell notes to include richer content, including images. Inconveniently, it requires each image be uploaded to an image server rather than be loaded from the PC. That would have still been fine, except I couldn't get it to achieve the above stated goal.
Finally, I found this suggested workaround, which for me does not work, in the sense that the image is not loaded as a preview upon mousing over the URL (whether it ends with .jpg or not), only the URL itself is:
Interestingly, the effect I'm after actually exists in Google Docs, when the link isn't even an image but just a page:

There is no native way to trigger actions on hover events in Sheets, and there is no way to retrieve images that have been uploaded from the computer and don't have a valid URL. This greatly limits what you can accomplish.
Nevertheless, there are workarounds available that can get you close to the functionality you're asking for.
Workaround (showModelessDialog):
You could, for example create a modeless dialog whose purpose would be to show the image corresponding to the selected cell.
Ideally, onSelectionChange trigger would be used, since this trigger to refresh the modeless dialog with current image when the user changes the selected cell, but since creating a modeless dialog requires authorization, simple triggers cannot run services that require authorization, and onSelectionChange is only available as a simple trigger (cannot be installed), that won't be possible.
So one possible workflow could be the following:
Show a modeless dialog when the spreadsheet is opened by a user.
The user selects the cell with the image that should be shown.
User clicks a button in the modeless dialog (or the previous image) to refresh the modeless dialog with the currently selected image.
How to do this:
To achieve this, you can follow these steps:
Install onOpen trigger that creates modeless dialog when the user opens the spreadsheet (the trigger needs to be installed, since, as I mentioned, simple triggers cannot use services that require authorization). To do that, go to the Apps Script editor (selecting Tools > Script editor), copy this function to your file, and install the trigger following these steps:
function onOpenTrigger(e) {
var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("Page").evaluate()
.setWidth(800) // Change dimensions according to your preferences
//.setHeight(600) // Change dimensions according to your preferences
.showModelessDialog(html, "My image");
Create the HTML template corresponding to the modeless dialog. The idea here would be: when the page loads, the currently selected image is shown. If the button (or the image itself) gets clicked, the page will refresh with current image (see retrieveImage and refreshImage). Create an HTML file in the editor via File > New > HTML file, and copy the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<body onload="retrieveImage()">
<img id="currentImage" onclick="retrieveImage()" alt="No image is selected" width="600">
<button onclick="retrieveImage()">Click to refresh image!</button>
function retrieveImage() {;
function refreshImage(imageUrl) {
if (imageUrl) document.getElementById("currentImage").src = imageUrl;
Back in your script file (.gs), create a function to retrieve the image URL from current cell (in case this cell has an image). This function will get called by the modeless dialog when it loads and when its button is clicked. It could be like this (regex is used to retrieve that — see this answer:
function getSelectedImage() {
var formula = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getFormula();
var regex = /=image\("(.*)"/i;
var matches = formula.match(regex);
return matches ? matches[1] : null;
You can adapt the dimensions of both the selected image (<img width="" height="">) and the modeless dialog (.setWidth, .setHeight) according to your preferences.
Dialogs and Sidebars in G Suite Documents
Installable Triggers: Managing triggers manually


Google Spreadsheet script refresh table inside a ModelessDialog

So i'm trying to create a "search box" using a "ModelessDialog", the main idea is as follow
1) User runs a macro that pops a ModelessDialog with the following fields: autocomplete, search button, and table (empty, only with headers)
2) The "Autocomplete" field is where the user can type an "ID" , (this part is already done)
3) The idea is, When the ID is selected, press the "Search" button to run some other macros in the background, then returns the data needed to populate the table and refresh the current "ModelessDialog"
The idea of doing it this way is that i dont want to open / render a whole page, as i want to be as fast and without having to "jump" between windows
Any advice? (im not adding any code since i don't have any trouble with the rest of the code /html, as the autocomplete auto populates, and the button runs the macro and returns some data)
Also im kind of new in javascript and html (I followed tutorials to make the other parts work :D )
The client-side JS code that resides in your modeless dialog can call server-side functions via The server functions can fetch the data required for filling the table, perform string interpolation and return an HTML string to the client.
Just set the callback function for to modify the contents of your table received from the server.
Modeless dialog HTML
<div id="myTable">
<!-- table contents -->
JS script for the dialog:{
var tableContainer = document.getElementById("myTable");
tableContainer.innerHTML = html;
More on client-client server communication here
More on templated html here

Link directly to a notebook page in a view

I have an view that extends the current project view, where we add multiple tabs (notebook pages) to show information from other parts of a project.
One of these pages is an overview page that summarizes what is under the other tabs, and I'd like to link the headlines for each section directly to each displayed page. I've currently solved this by using the index of each tab and calling bootstrap's .tab('show') method on the link within the tab:
$(".overview-link").click(function (e) {
var sel = '.nav-tabs a:eq(' + $(this).data('tab-index') + ')';
This works since I've attached a data-tab-index="<int>" to each header link in my widget code, but it's brittle - if someone adds a tab later, the current indices will be broken. Earlier I relied on the anchor on each tab, but that broke as well (and would probably break if a new notebook page were inserted as well).
Triggering a web client redirect / form link directly works, but I want to show a specific page in the view:
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
res_model: '',
res_id: '',
view_mode: 'form',
view_type: 'form',
views: [[false, 'form']],
target: 'current'
Is there any way to link / redirect the web client directly to a specific notebook page tab through the do_action method or similar on FormWidget?
If I understood well you want to select the tab from the JavaScript (jQuery) FormWidget taking into account that the id could change if anybody install another module that adds another tab
Solution 0
You can add a class to the page in the xml form view. You can use the id of the element selected by this class name in order to call the right anchor and select the right tab item. This should happen when the page is completely loaded:
<page class="nb_page_to_select">
$('a[href=#' + $('.nb_page_to_select').attr('id') + ']').click()
NOTE: As you have said the following paragrah I assume that you know where to run this instruction. The solution I suggest is independent of the index.
This works since I've attached a data-tab-index="<int>" to each
header link in my widget code, but it's brittle - if someone adds a
tab later, the current indices will be broken. Earlier I relied on the
anchor on each tab, but that broke as well (and would probably break
if a new notebook page were inserted as well).
Solution 1
When the page is loaded you can get the tab list DOM object like this:
var tablist = $('ul[role="tablist"]')
And then you can click on the specifict tab, selecing by the text inside the anchor. So you don't depend on the tab index:
tablist.find('a:contains("Other Information")').click()
I think if you have two tabs with the same text does not make any sense, so this should be sufficient.
Solution 2
Even if you want to be more specific you can add a class to the notebook to make sure you are in the correct notebook
<notebook class="nt_to_change">
Now you can use one of this expressions in order to select the tab list
var tablist = $('div.nt_to_change ul.nav-tabs[role="tablist"]')
// or
var tablist = $('div.nt_to_change ul[role="tablist"]')
Solution 3
If the contains selector doesn't convince you because it should be equal you can do this as well to compare and filter
tablist.find('a').filter(function() {
return $.trim($(this).text()) === "Other Information";
Where "Other Information" is the string of the notebook page
I didn't tried the solution I'm giving to you, but if it doesn't work at least may be it makes you come up with some idea.
There's a parameter for XML elements named autofocus (for buttons and fields is default_focus and takes 1 or 0 as value). If you add autofocus="autofocus" to a page in XML, this page will be the displayed one when you open the view.
So, you can try to add this through JavaScript, when the user clicks on the respective link -which honestly, I don't know how to achieve that by now-. But you can add a distinctive context parameter to each link in XML, for example context="{'page_to_display': 'page x'}". When you click on the link, I hope these context keys will arrive to your JS method.
If not, you can also modify the fields_view_get method (here I wrote how to do that: Odoo - Hide button for specific user) to check if you get the context you've added to your links and add the autofocus parameter to the respective page.
As you said:
This works since I've attached a data-tab-index="" to each header
link in my widget code, but it's brittle - if someone adds a tab
later, the current indices will be broken.
I assume that your app allow multi-user interaction in realtime, so you have to integrate somewhere in your code, an update part function.
This function will trig if something has changed and cleanout the data to rebuilt the index in order to avoid that the current indices will be broken.

iFrame tabbing within frame/pop-up window

As shown in the following example, I would like to restrict the tab key behavior to just this frame with links.
tabindex ="1"
I do NOT want the tab to go the URL other items in the browser.
For example, the "Compose Mail" in Gmail does this already. I observed 3 usages of "tabindex=-1" within the JS.
In pure JavaScript, I have figured out a solution for this issue. The idea is whenever the page is loaded we determine the first and last links, then we prevent the tab default action and jump to the first link from the last tab.
if ( == lastHrefID) {
A working solution is available at :

How to Crete a Menu-bar below the Browser Toolbar Using crosrider

I am creating a browser extension using "CROSSRIDER", Now I want to create a menubar inbetween toolbar and our website page, as shown in fig below
In the above image you can oberserver that the menubar contains "Congradulations browser app is successfully installed" text.
Below, You can also see two more images that show's before and after adding a Menu bar to the single website.(I took these sample images from another website just for explanation)
Image--> 1(Before adding Menu bar)
Image--> 2(After adding menu bar)
In the above fig you can observer the menubar(which was in yellow color). Now I want to create a menu bar like that.How can I achieve this scenario using CROSSRIDER.
You can achieve this using regular JS DOM or jQuery code from within the Extension Page Scope.
So, to get you started, in the extension.js file you could use something like:
appAPI.ready(function($) {
$('<div id="my-toolbar"></div>').
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

creating sortable portfolio with jquery

I have created the layout for my new portfolio webpage here:
I want to have a legend with tags (ALL, logo design, marketing, web design, print design) and when these tags are clicked, the page filters the results and display them like they are currently displayed. At first, I want ALL projects displayed, but when the user clicks on a tag (say "print design"), the list is filtered and displayed.
If I have this as my legend: logo
and when logo is clicked, I want all of the div's with the class "logos" to stay and all of the the divs with the other classes to fade out.
What is the easiest way in jquery to make this work. Please note: I am not very experienced with jquery, so please be as thorough and idiot-proof as possible.
First add the classes (logodesign, marketing, webdesign, printdesign) that apply to each project to the div your are assigning the numeric class to.
Then create links that are to filter for each tag like:
Logo Design
Then assign a click event that will hide the others and show the selected one.
var $projects = $('#projects');
$('a.logodesign').click(function() {
function showTag(tag){
function hideAll(){
$projects.find('div.logodesign,, div.webdeisgn, div.preintdesign').fadeOut();
Although it isnt a direct answer to my question, I found a tutorial on how to achieve EXACTLY what I wanted. It is here:
