Liquidsoap http.put/post not posting data - http-post

I have a http.put/post call triggered by metadata change on a liquidsoap 1.4.2 source:
def m_meta(m) =
d = json_of(m)
ignore([("Conent-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"),("authorization","KEY"),("accepts","application/json")], data="#{d}", "/api/soundscapeplaylists"))
The call triggers as expected, and hits the api, but the only data i get is the id of the new post.
I've dumped the data to the terminal and entered it manually (through swagger), and all works fine, but when sent from liquidsoap i get no data.
Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe it's related to the typo in your headers:
"Conent-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"
You are missing the "t" for "Content-Type":
"Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"
Update: After testing it for myself, I confirm having the same issue (Liquidsoap 1.4.3). I also ended up solving it with a CURL call:
ignore(system("curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '#{json_data}' localhost:1337"))


validate and expire github access token

I am building an Github OAuth app and attempting to see if I can validate the access_token returned by github upon login. The access_token is returned by github by making a POST call to the end point and passing in CLIEND_ID and CLIENT_SECRET provided by github. Using this access_token, we can then access users information. My main question is, is there an end point to validate this token? I wanted this because I am running a node server which accesses files on github. As of now, the node end point is open and anyone can just call the functions in it. In each function, I would like to check if the user has a valid token or not before returning data to them and as such, have some form of security to my node API.
This is how I get the access_token in node
const params = "?client_id="+CLIENT_ID+"&client_secret="+ CLIENT_SECRET +"&code="+req.query.code;
await fetch(""+params,{
method: "POST",
"Accept": "application/json"
}).then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((data)=> {
I have tried the following cURL end points, and it does return data
curl -H 'Authorization: token myGitHubAccessToken'
The above command does return data and my client ID, so it is somewhat useful. However, the access_token, which github returns a new one every time the user logs in, it itself seems to never expire. So I can copy a previously returned token to get the same data dump in the above command. I had read whats the lifetime of Github OAuth API access token that the token never expires, but then that itself is an issues. Is there some other method I should use to get around this issue? I dont want my API's to be open. If I could validate the access_token provided by github in every one of the node functions and also have it expire upon logging out, the issue will be resolved.
Also tried some options mentioned here:
of which,
made the most sense to me. But the cURL command given on that page:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>"\
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \
-d '{"access_token":"e72e16c7e42f292c6912e7710c838347ae178b4a"}'
does not seem to work. It returns Bad Data.
Please advise! Thank you!!
Found the answer:
To check access token:
curl -H 'Authorization: token access_token'
The above command returns repos. For me, this is enough because I just want some reply from github using the token thats not a 404
To delete the token:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-d '{"access_token":"ACCESS_TOKEN"}'
Reference: Remove/revoke GitHub OAuth 'access_token'
Apologies for the bad editing. Cant get it to look just right.

Cannot replace or delete the response to Slack slash command

I'm building a Slack bot that handles slash commands.
I'm following the Slack documentation
and manage to get proper payload sent with the command activation, i.e
To which I immediately respond with some text.
Then when I POST a delayed response using responseUrl, I get my response posted fine, however, the original message is not modified or deleted. Even if I post it again and again to same url.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-raw '{
"response_type": "ephemeral",
"replace_original": true,
"delete_original": true,
"text": "txt"
I tried with all sorts of combinations on the two booleans, nothing worked. Did I miss something?
I'm using the Java sdk to handle the command, posted here with simplified terms to show its unrelated to the Java code.
Seems that delete/replace of message is simply not supported for command responses. Only for action responses.
This isn't evident in the documentation, but is strongly suggested by the sdk objects.

Authentication with search-tweets-ruby (premium API)

This question is about the search-tweets-ruby client provided by twitter for use with their premium and enterprise API's.
I am following the instructions and run into a 'Bad Authentication data' error when running the app (via terminal - Mac OS X) to retrieve tweets with a single rule.
The 'bearer token' and 'dev environment' are correct because a Curl request works.
The following are the contents of my ./config/config.yaml file
app_token: my_generated_bearer_token
environment: my_dev_environment_name
search_type: premium
archive: fullarchive
max_results: 500
write_mode: standard-out
out_box: ./output
I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but would appreciate an assist. I haven't worked with the Twitter API before, although I've reviewed the documentation before asking on SO.
Thanks, everyone.
The first sample call, from the provided link is:
$ruby ./search-app.rb -r "snow profile_region:colorado has:media".
This yields a 'bad authentication error'.
I provided the contents of my yaml file, because presumably that is the only difference between the Curl request and the client app, if the 'bearer token' and 'environment name' work with Curl.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMLheAAAAAAA0%2BuSeid%2BULvsea4JtiGRiSDSJSI%3DEUifiRBkKG5E2XzMDjRfl76ZC9Ub0wnz4XsNiRVBChTYbJcE3F' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query":"from:TwitterDev lang:en",
"maxResults": "100",
There is no code.
I think the issue is that your YAML file is configured for the full-archive search endpoint, yet your CURL-based call is going to the 30-day search endpoint. If you update the YAML file to point to the '30day' endpoint, I suspect it will succeed.

Elasticsearch read only user

I wanted to add a read only user to my cluster, my app prefixes all its indexes with myapp_.
Following (what a strange title for the only actually usable blog post on this...) I have first added a role with
curl -XPOST '$ELASTIC_URL:9200/_xpack/security/role/name_of_readonly_role' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
and then added it to a user:
curl -XPOST $ELASTIC_URL:9200/_xpack/security/user/name_of_user \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
but when opening $ELASTIC_URL:9200 I got
action [cluster:monitor/main] is unauthorized for user
what's next?
There's a complete dearth of examples for this as far as I can see, to fix this problem the role command needs to be re-run with -d'{"cluster":["monitor"], "indices":[{"names":"myapp_*","privileges":["read"]}]}' (same curl command works for creating or updating roles). This seems to leak the name of all indexes but not much else aside from their names and I was fine with that. And even that seems to be not enough for some apps like the ElasticSearch Head brower extension, I needed to add the index level monitor privilege as well: -d'{"cluster":["monitor"], "indices":[{"names":"myapp_*","privileges":["read", "monitor"]}]}'. Role changes are automatically applied to users.
I still have no idea what the "/main" relates to in the error message but this works.

Load GeoJSON file into Apache CouchDB

I am working on Windows10 and tried to load a geojson file into my couchdb via the "curl" command and a POST request in the cmd which looks like that:
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin>curl -d #path-to-my-data\data.geojson -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST
and then I get the following error:
{"error":"method_not_allowed","reason":"Only GET,HEAD allowed"}
On it is said, that "If you use the an unsupported HTTP request type with a URL that does not support the specified type, a 405 error will be returned, listing the supported HTTP methods."
When I try that with a PUT request, I get the same error.
I validated the json with jsonlint so this should not be the problem.
I tried several tutorials like "Three Steps to CouchDB Heaven …" or "Export & Import a Database with CouchDB" but none of them seems to work.
So I am not sure, where the problem is. Do I need to make changes in my geojson file, or something else?
thanks for your help
The needed curl command just looks like that:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5984/db -d #C:\Users\Name\Desktop\data.geojson
