OBIEE 12c: Dashboard Prompting to change analysis view - dashboard

Hope you could help me with the following question:
I have an analysis, which is run with 2 different data aggregation: by region or by ownership.
Currently I built 2 separate analysis to show both views.
But is there any way I can customize a prompt to let users choose which view they want to see? The dropdown will look like "Region view"/"Ownership" view & depending on the choice report view would show columns with regions or with owners.
Thank you!

What you're looking for is an out-of-the box view type in the analysis which is called a "View Selector" and which shows the logical name of the views of the analysis you let people select.
It's not a dashboard prompt. While it's possible to do it in a dashboard prompt that means a lot of weird config instead of just using the tool as it's built and designed.


interactive report filter text is not getting translated in Oracle APEX Application translation

I have a problem in french translation of an application. The application is translated completely fine, but when we run an Interactive Report, the string showing current filter is still in English, not in French. See the following screen shot
Is there a way that we can translate the string showing filter text (in this example "Running" and "Highlight Failed")? Can someone please help with this?
Thanks in Advance.
Interactive Report and Interactive Grid settings are being set in the frontend rather than the backend where all the translation logic is located. Therefore, I don't think it is possible to do this with the standard APEX translation methods.
If you have a basic Report with only little customatization and you really need to translate these filters, I would suggest to create two Reports in the Backend, one for the english version, one for the french version, and use the language application item (usually FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE) to display one or another.
If you have a complicated report with several private reports or heavy customization, I would advise against this solution and just use both language to name your Report settings like you did in your example.
Another option would be to use Javascript to rename the display filter. Try $('.a-IG-controlsLabel[data-setting="highlight"]') to select the appropriate items. However, it will be kind of hard to find the correct event handlers to trigger this at the right moment.

How to find Oracle APEX Interactive report template

I need to make style changes to Oracle apex IR (apex version 4.2). For that purpose where can i find the template of it. ? is it saved inside table or procedure ?
Interactive reports are held in a region and the region can have a template, but has no effect on its content, such as an IR.
While you can define report templates for classic reports, this is not possible for interactive reports.
You cannot control the structure (html) it puts out.
You can however change the style of it by applying CSS to the appropriate elements. You don't have need to alter the source it puts out. Defining selectors and using your browser tools to inspect everything you can definitely influence the look and feel.
Word of warning though: heavily applying CSS will bring some trouble when upgrading to apex 5, as IRs have been changed a lot. This means you'll have to change selectors quite a bit while also doing more setup on the IR.
If you'd supply more info on the kind of change you'd want to make to the IR, answers could be more specific and concrete.
You can find Oracle Interactive reports template from
Click Edit Report Attributes
Then template is under Layout and Pagination Section
But i doubt you can edit the template in there.
If you are looking for adding a template to be used in your report then follow these steps
Go to the Main Page of your application
Then go to Shared Components
Then Search for User Interface Section
Under this section, Click Templates, this is where you can add template for any type of item(report, region, page, etc..)
Read these article for customizing report template
You can create new template under apex:
Application Builder/Application #/Shared Components/Templates

Access 2013 Web App Cascading Combobox

I am trying to create a cascading combobox. I have read on the internet that you should be able to very simply use the "Parent Control" on the combobox's "Data" button. But I don't have that control on the data button. I've also read about using a query built directly on the combobox to run in the browser and not on the web. But I'm uncertain as to what that means. I see no build button or anything in the combobox's data button. Can anyone help? Was this something that came out after the app's release that not everybody has? I'm lost. Please, help if you can. Thank you!
It seems that "Parent Control" is not available in on-premises SharePoint and and only available in SharePoint Online. This may be your issue.
In any case there is a simple 3 minute test to see if you can use cascading combo boxes or not:
Create a new Access Web App;
Open the App in Access;
Create a new blank table and add just one short text column (I called it "Test_name"), save the table as "Test_table";
Edit the List view of Test_table and add a new combo box;
Open the combo box's "Data" menu and select Test_table as the Row Source.
Now the "Parent Control" property should have appeared at the bottom of the list of properties for the "Data" menu (see the image). If it hasn't, it means this feature is not available to you.
See diagram

Drupal Display Suite Custom View Modes stopped appearing

I have recently noticed something odd with Display Suite. I am rather new to Drupal so if its something on my mistake please do not make fun of me.
But I have noticed that no new custom display settings (view nodes are being added to either node or field collection) previously it worked perfectly but now if I create a new view mode and attaching it to the node / field collection it seems it does not apply to it.
See the photos attached. Any suggestion?
P.S. I have cleared drupal cache but it still keeps not working.
Thanks in advance
Fist I'd say that if you're a new user to Drupal, using Display Suite is really jumping into the deep end. It's a really powerful module and creating View Modes is just the tip of the iceberg of what it can do. Second, when you create a new View Mode, you're doing it for an Entity (such as Content Types, Users, Comments, File - but not so much a single node, nor a field). You can find more info on what View Modes and entities are here. You don't need Display Suite to activate other View Modes but if all you're wanting to do is create a custom view mode, the lightweight module to use for that is Entity View Mode. Lullabot does a nice job of explaining this module here.
Anyhow, modules aside, note that the controls for turning View Modes on and off are only found on the 'Default' view mode for a given content type, ie: when on the Manage Display page of whatever content type you're working with, at the top right under the main tabs, you'll see your activated view modes. If you select 'Default' then you will see the control to turn on/off other view modes.
Now, maybe you're wondering how do you see what a particular View Mode looks. To do this, you're best off using Views as it ties in nicely with View Modes.
Hope that helps.

How do I hide sections based upon some criteria?

I'm working on a SQL Server Reporting Service report, that will eventually be in my WPF app. There are certain sections of the report which should only be shown, if certain conditions are met. How do I make sections appear or be hidden/collapsed in the Report Viewer? (I'm working in VS 2010.)
It may depend on what you mean by "section". Most report objects (such as text boxes, table rows, etc.) have a property Visibility>Hidden which can be set to a condition, by selecting the <Expression...> option for the property in the Properties window in the Report Designer.
