Dynamic factor model : forecasting the factors - statsmodels

The statsmodels package offers a DynamicFactor object that, when fit, yields a statsmodels.tsa.statespace.dynamic_factor.DynamicFactorResultsWrapper object. That offers predict and simulate methods, but both forecast the original time-series, not the underlying latent factor.
I've tried reconstructing the latent factor as an AR process, but have been unsuccessful. The coefficients in both the .ssm["transition"] and in the results .summary() match, but when simulated as an AR process, don't give me back the factor on the results .factors["filtered"]...
How can I generate future values of the latent factors ?

One way to do this is:
m = sm.tsa.DynamicFactor(endog, k_factors=1, factor_order=1)
r = m.fit()
f = r.get_forecast(10)
Note that this is always a numpy array, so if your data has e.g. a Pandas date index, you would need to create the Pandas Series with that index yourself.
Another way to do this is to append np.nan values to the end of your dataset, and then use the typical .factors["filtered"] accessor. If you append n observations with np.nan, then the last n values of .factors["filtered"] will contain the forecasts of the factors.


Why the decision tree algorithm in python change every run?

I am following a course on udemy about data science with python.
The course is focused on the output of the algorithm and less on the algorithm by itself.
In particular I am performing a decision tree. Every doing I run the algorithm on python, also with the same samples, the algorithm gives me a slightly different decision tree. I have asked to the tutors and they told me "The decision trees does not guarantee the same results each run because of its nature." Someone can explain me why more in detail or maybe give me an advice for a good book about it?
I did the decision tree of my data importing:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import tree
and doing this command:
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
clf = clf.fit(X,y)
where X are my feature data and y is my target data
Thank you
The DecisionTreeClassifier() function is apparently documented here:
So this function has many arguments. But in Python, function arguments may have default values. Here, all arguments have default values, so you can even call the function with an empty argument list, like this:
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
The parameter of interest, random_state is documented like this:
random_state: int, RandomState instance or None, default=None
So your call is equivalent to, among many other things:
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=None)
The None value tells the library that you don't want to bother with providing a seed (that is, an initial state) to the underlying pseudo-random number generator. Hence, the library has to come up with some seed.
Typically, it will take the current time value, with microsecond precision if possible, and apply some hash function. So at every call you will get a different initial state, and so a different sequence of pseudo-random numbers. Hence, a different tree.
You might want to try forcing the seed. For example:
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42)
and see if your problem persists.
Now, regarding why does the decision tree require pseudo-random numbers, this is discussed for example here:
According to scikit-learn’s “best” and “random” implementation [4], both the “best” splitter and the “random” splitter uses Fisher-Yates-based algorithm to compute a permutation of the features array.
The Fisher-Yates algorithm is the most common way to compute a random permutation. Also, if stopped before completion, it can be used to extract a random subset of the data sample, for example if you need a random 10% of the sample to be excluded from the data fitting and set aside for a later cross-validation step.
Side note: in some circumstances, non-reproducibility can become a pain point, for example if you want to study the influence of an external parameter, say some global Y values bias. In that case, you don't want uncontrolled changes in the random numbers to blur the effects of your parameter changes. Hence the need for the API to provide some way to control the seed value.

Exogenous variables in hmmlearn's GaussianHMM

I am trying to use hmmlearn's GaussianHMM to fit a Hidden Markov Model with 2 main states, while allowing for multiple exogenous variables. My goal is to determine two states of GDP growth (one with low variance and the other with high variance), these states then depend on lagged unemployment, lagged commercial confidence level etc. I have a couple of questions:
Using hmmlearn's GaussiansHMM, I have read through the documentation but I cannot find any mention of exogenous variable. Using the method fit(X, lengths=None), I see that X can have n_features columns, do I understand correctly that I should pass in an array with the first column being the endogenous varible (GDP growth in my case) and the rest of columns are the exogenous variables ?
Is hmmlearn's GaussianHMM equivalent to statsmodels.tsa.regime_switching.markov_regression.MarkovRegression ? This model allows for exog_tvtp which means that exogenous variables are used to calculate a time varying transition probabilities matrix.
An example of fitting the monthly returns of the S&P500, no exogenous variable.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from hmmlearn.hmm import GaussianHMM
import yfinance as yf
sp500 = yf.download("^GSPC")["Adj Close"]
# Fitting an absolute return model because we only care about volatility #
rets = np.log(sp500/sp500.shift(1)).dropna()
rets.index = pd.to_datetime(rets.index)
rets = rets.resample("M").sum()
model = GaussianHMM(n_components=2)
state_sequence = model.predict(rets.to_frame())
Imagine if I want to add a dependency on exogenous variables to the returns of the S&P500, for example on economic growth or past volatilities, is there a way to do this ?
Thanks for any help.
n_features can be thought of as the temporal domain, and should not be conflated with features that describe the complexity of ie. a regression model.
If your hidden states are the two states of GDP growth, then the observed variable (or emissions) that you are trying to infer the hidden states from should be the feature space (a.k.a. n_features).
This should be a single measurement (emission) descriptive of a combination of your "exogenous variables", collected over time. hmmlearn will not be able to take multivariate emissions.
If I understand your question correctly, perhaps what you might be looking for are Kalman filters. KF produces estimates of unknowns based on multiple measurements (ie. all of your exogenous variables) that ultimately produce a model more accurate than those based on a single measurement.
If you wish each hidden state to have multiple independent emissions then what you might be looking for is a structured perceptron. This is discussed here: Hidden Markov Model for multiple observed variables

LightGBM incrementally construct Dataset

I want to construct a LightGBM Dataset object from very large X and y, which can not be load to memory. Is there any method that can construct Dataset in "batch"? eg. something like
import lightgbm as lgb
ds = lgb.Dataset()
for X, y in data_generator():
ds.add_new_data(data=X, label=y)
regarding the data there are a few hacks, for example, if your data has numeric, you make sure the precision are too long, e.g. probably two digits would be enough (it depends on your data). or if you have categorical data make sure you store them with digits. but probably you are looking for a better approach
There is a concept called incremental learning. Basically you make a model (a tree) in your first iteration using the first batch of data. Then for your next model, you use that tree as a template and only updates the values (you can also allow for shrinkage). you can use the keep_training_booster for such scenario and please read on your own to learn the mechanism.
The third technique is you make multiple models: say you divide your data into N pieces and make N models, then use an ensemble approach. This way you have used your entire data with N number of observations.

Doc2vec - About getting document vector

I'm a very new student of doc2vec and have some questions about document vector.
What I'm trying to get is a vector of phrase like 'cat-like mammal'.
So, what I've tried so far is by using doc2vec pre-trained model, I tried the code below
import gensim.models as g
model = "path/pre-trained doc2vec model.bin"
m = g. Doc2vec.load(model)
oneword = 'cat'
phrase = 'cat like mammal'
oneword_vec = m[oneword]
phrase_vec = m[phrase_vec]
When I tried this code, I could get a vector for one word 'cat', but not 'cat-like mammal'.
Because word2vec only provide the vector for one word like 'cat' right? (If I'm wrong, plz correct me)
So I've searched and found infer_vector() and tried the code below
phrase = phrase.lower().split(' ')
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase)
When I tried this code, I could get a vector, but every time I get different value when I tried
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase)
Because infer_vector has 'steps'.
When I set steps=0, I get always the same vector.
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase, steps=0)
However, I also found that document vector is obtained from averaging words in document.
like if the document is composed of three words, 'cat-like mammal', add three vectors of 'cat', 'like', 'mammal', and then average it, that would be the document vector. (If I'm wrong, plz correct me)
So here are some questions.
Is it the right way to use infer_vector() with 0 steps to getting a vector of phrase?
If it is the right averaging vector of words to get document vector, is there no need to use infer_vector()?
What is a model.docvecs for?
Using 0 steps means no inference at all happens: the vector stays at its randomly-initialized position. So you definitely don't want that. That the vectors for the same text vary a little each time you run infer_vector() is normal: the algorithm is using randomness. The important thing is that they're similar-to-each-other, within a small tolerance. You are more likely to make them more similar (but still not identical) with a larger steps value.
You can see also an entry about this non-determinism in Doc2Vec training or inference in the gensim FAQ.
Averaging word-vectors together to get a doc-vector is one useful technique, that might be good as a simple baseline for many purposes. But it's not the same as what Doc2Vec.infer_vector() does - which involves iteratively adjusting a candidate vector to be better and better at predicting the text's words, just like Doc2Vec training. For your doc-vector to be comparable to other doc-vectors created during model training, you should use infer_vector().
The model.docvecs object holds all the doc-vectors that were learned during model training, for lookup (by the tags given as their names during training) or other operations, like finding the most_similar() N doc-vectors to a target tag/vector amongst those learned during training.

Distribution of the Training Data vs Distribution of the Test/Prediction

Does the Distribution represented by the training data need to reflect the distribution of the test data and the data that you predict on? Can I measure the quality of the training data by looking at the distribution of each feature and compare that distribution to the data I am predicting or testing with? Ideally the training data should be sufficiently representative of the real world distribution.
Short answer: similar ranges would be a good idea.
Long answer: sometimes it won't be an issue (rarely) but let's examine when.
In an ideal situation, your model will capture the true phenomenon perfectly. Imagine the simplest case: the linear model y = x. If the training data are noiseless (or have tolerable noise). Your linear regression will naturally land on a model approximately equal to y = x. The generalization of the model will work nearly perfect even outside of the training range. If your train data were {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10}. The test point 500, will nicely map onto the function, returning 500.
In most modeling scenarios, this will almost certainly not be the case. If the training data are ample and the model is appropriately complex (and no more), you're golden.
The trouble is that few functions (and corresponding natural phenomena) -- especially when we consider nonlinear functions -- extend to data outside of the training range so cleanly. Imagine sampling office temperature against employee comfort. If you only look at temperatures from 40 deg to 60 deg. A linear function will behave brilliantly in the training data. Oddly enough, if you test on 60 to 80, the mapping will break down. Here, the issue is confidence in your claim that the data are sufficiently representative.
Now let's consider noise. Imagine that you know EXACTLY what the real world function is: a sine wave. Better still, you are told its amplitude and phase. What you don't know is its frequency. You have a really solid sampling between 1 and 100, the function you fit maps against the training data really well. Now if there is just enough noise, you might estimate the frequency incorrectly by a hair. When you test near the training range, the results aren't so bad. Outside of the training range, things start to get wonky. As you move further and further from the training range, the real function and the function diverge and converge based on their relative frequencies. Sometimes, the residuals are seemingly fine; sometimes they are dreadful.
There is an issue with your idea of examining the variable distributions: interaction between variables. Even if each variable is appropriately balanced in train and test, it is possible that the relationships between variables will differ (joint distributions). For a purely contrived example, consider you were predicting an individual's likelihood of being pregnant at any given time. In your training set, you had women aged 20 to 30 and men aged 30 to 40. In testing, you had the same percentage of men and women, but the age ranges were flipped. Independently, the variables look very nicely matched! But in your training set, you could very easily conclude, "only people under 30 get pregnant." Oddly enough, your testing set would demonstrate the exact opposite! The trouble is that your predictions are being made from a multivariate space, but the distributions you are thinking about are univariate. Considering the joint distributions of continuous variables against one another (and considering categorical variables appropriately) is, however, a good idea. Ideally, your fit model should have access to a similar range to your testing data.
Fundamentally, the question is about extrapolation from a limited training space. If the model fit in the training space generalizes, you can generalize; ultimately, it is usually safest to have a really well distributed training set to maximize the likelihood that you have captured the complexity of the underlying function.
Really interesting question! I hope the answer was somewhat insightful; I'll continue to build on it as resources come to mind! Let me know if any questions remain!
EDIT: a point made in the comments that I think should be read by future readers.
Ideally, training data should NEVER influence testing data in ANY way. That includes examining of the distributions, joint distributions etc. With sufficient data, distributions in the training data should converge on distributions in the testing data (think the mean, law of large nums). Manipulation to match distributions (like z-scoring before train/test split) fundamentally skews performance metrics in your favor. An appropriate technique for splitting train and test data would be something like stratified k fold for cross validation.
Sorry for the delayed response. After going through a few months of iterating, I implemented and pushed the following solution to production and it is working quite well.
The issue here boils down to how can one reduce the training/test score variance when performing cross validation. This is important as if your variance is high, the confidence in picking the best model goes down. The more representative the test data is to the train data, the less variance you get in your test scores across the cross validation set. Stratified cross validation tackles this issue especially when there is significant class imbalance, by ensuring that the label class proportions are preserved across all test/train sets. However, this doesnt address the issue with the feature distribution.
In my case, I had a few features that were very strong predictors but also very skewed in their distribution. This caused significant variance in my test scores which made it harder to pick a model with any confidence. Essentially, the solution is to ensure that the joint distribution of the label with the feature set is maintained across test/train sets. Many ways of doing this but a very simple approach is to simply take each column bucket range (if continuous) or label (if categorical) one by one and sample from these buckets when generating the test and train sets. Note that the buckets quickly gets very sparse especially when you have a lot of categorical variables. Also, the column order in which you bucket affects the sampling output greatly. Below is a solution where I bucket the label first (same like stratified CV) and then sample 1 other feature (most important feature (called score_percentage) that is known upfront).
def train_test_folds(self, label_column="label"):
# train_test is an array of tuples where each tuple is a test numpy array and train numpy array pair.
# The final iterator would return these individual elements separately.
n_folds = self.n_folds
label_classes = np.unique(self.label)
train_test = []
fmpd_copy = self.fm.copy()
fmpd_copy[label_column] = self.label
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.sort_values("score_percentage")
for lbl in label_classes:
fmpd_label = fmpd_copy[fmpd_copy[label_column] == lbl]
# Calculate the fold # using the label specific dataset
if (fmpd_label.shape[0] < n_folds):
raise ValueError("n_folds=%d cannot be greater than the"
" number of rows in each class."
% (fmpd_label.shape[0]))
# let's get some variance -- shuffle within each buck
# let's go through the data set, shuffling items in buckets of size nFolds
s = 0
shuffle_array = fmpd_label["index"].values
maxS = len(shuffle_array)
while s < maxS:
max = min(maxS, s + n_folds) - 1
for i in range(s, max):
j = random.randint(i, max)
if i < j:
tempI = shuffle_array[i]
shuffle_array[i] = shuffle_array[j]
shuffle_array[j] = tempI
s = s + n_folds
# print("shuffle s =",s," max =",max, " maxS=",maxS)
fmpd_label["index"] = shuffle_array
fmpd_label = fmpd_label.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_label["test_set_number"] = fmpd_label.iloc[:, 0].apply(
lambda x: x % n_folds)
print("label ", lbl)
for n in range(0, n_folds):
test_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
== n]["index"].values
train_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
!= n]["index"].values
print("for label ", lbl, " test size is ",
test_set.shape, " train size is ", train_set.shape)
print("len of total size", len(train_test))
if (len(train_test) != n_folds):
# Split doesnt exist. Add it in.
train_test.append([train_set, test_set])
temp_arr = train_test[n]
temp_arr[0] = np.append(temp_arr[0], train_set)
temp_arr[1] = np.append(temp_arr[1], test_set)
train_test[n] = [temp_arr[0], temp_arr[1]]
return train_test
Over time, I realized that this whole issue falls under the umbrella of covariate shift which is a well studied area within machine learning. Link below or just search google for covariate shift. The concept is how to detect and ensure that your prediction data is of similar distribution with your training data. THis is in the feature space but in theory you could have label drift as well.
