Using functional options instead of method - go

I tried the below, and it worked well:
package main
import "fmt"
type T interface {
type hashMap struct {
m map[T]T
k []T
func (h *hashMap) From(m map[T]T) {
h.m = m
h.k = make([]T, len(m))
i := 0
for key := range m {
h.k[i] = key
func main() {
inv := new(hashMap)
inv.From(map[T]T{"first": 1})
fmt.Printf("%v", inv)
The output was correct as expected:
&{map[first:1] [first]}
I'm looking for a way where I can write:
inv := new(hashMap).from(map[T]T{"first": 1})
// instead of:
// inv := new(hashMap)
// inv.From(map[T]T{"first": 1})
So, I re-wrote the code as below:
package main
import "fmt"
type T interface {
type hashMap struct {
m map[T]T
k []T
from func(m map[T]T) hashMap // <---- new
func from(m map[T]T) hashMap { // <----- change of func signature
h := new(hashMap)
h.m = m
h.k = make([]T, len(m))
i := 0
for key := range m {
h.k[i] = key
return *h
func main() {
inv := new(hashMap).from(map[T]T{"first": 1})
fmt.Printf("%v", inv)
But I got the below output:
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x0 pc=0x49c2c2]
goroutine 1 [running]:
d:/goplay/hashmap.go:55 +0xf2
exit status 2
Any idea how to get it done the way I'm looking for?

You are very close to getting it! First, since you already create the hashMap in main() you don't need to create again in from(). Just delete line 14 and change the signature of from() like this:
func (h *hashMap) from(m map[T]T) hashMap {
Also delete line 11 - in Go you don't need to declare a method of a type just define it.
Try it in the playground
Also it's idiomatic to build a slice using append:
func (h *hashMap) from(m map[T]T) hashMap {
h.m = m
h.k = make([]T, 0, len(m))
for key := range m {
h.k = append(h.k, key)
return *h


variadic function in golang

package main
import (
type ISum interface {
sum() int
type SumImpl struct {
Num int
func (s SumImpl) sum() int {
return s.Num
func main() {
nums := []int{1, 2}
impl1 := SumImpl{Num: 1}
impl2 := SumImpl{Num: 2}
variadicExample2(impl1, impl2)
impls := []SumImpl{
Num: 1,
Num: 2,
func variadicExample1(nums {
fmt.Print(nums, " ")
total := 0
for _, num := range nums {
total += num
func variadicExample2(nums ...ISum) {
fmt.Print(nums, " ")
total := 0
for _, num := range nums {
total += num.sum()
I have a question while using variable functions in go language.
When passing a struct that implements an interface as an argument, individual declarations are possible, but can you tell me why it is not possible when passing it through ...?
An error occurs in the code below.
I read this
How to pass an interface argument to a variadic function in Golang?
var impls []ISum
impls = append(impls, impl1)
impls = append(impls, impl1)
I found that the above code is possible.
A SumImpl slice is not a ISum slice. One is a slice of structs, and the other is a slice of interfaces. That's why you cannot pass it to a function that requires a []ISum (i.e. ...ISUm).
But you can do this:
impls := []ISum{
Num: 1,
Num: 2,

os.Read() How is work? Golang

Why if I print bs, before calling Read(), it prints nothing, but after the call file.Read(bs), it shows the inside of test.txt file. Unless bs is only argument, how Read() can Change it?
package main
import (
func main() {
file , err := os.Open("test.txt")
if err == nil {
} else {
stat , _ := file.Stat()
bs := make([]byte, stat.Size())
bsf ,err := file.Read(bs)
if err != nil{
(Line2)hi, This is Example text in test.txt file.
Unless bs is only argument, how Read() can Change it?
It seems that you may be missing basic knowledge about programming languages in general. There are different kind of "values". There are pointers (or references) and there are the "usual values".
For example:
package main
import (
func changeIt(p *int) {
*p = 9
func main() {
a := 1
It'll print 1 9 not 1 1. *int is not an integer, but a pointer to an integer. A pointer is a value that points (references) another value. If you have a value of type pointer you get the actual value that the pointer points to by using * (which is called dereferencing):
func main() {
a := 1
b := &a
fmt.Println(b, *b)
b is a pointer (of type *int) that points to a. The println will print the location of a followed by the value of a which is usually something like uhm 0x10414020 1. We can also modify the value a pointer points to by using *p = ...:
func main() {
a := 1
b := &a
*b = 9
fmt.Println(b, *b, a)
which will print 0x10414020 9 9.
Now, []byte is a slice... slices are like pointers. When you do
func changeIt(buf []byte) {
buf[0] = 10
func main() {
data := []byte{1,2,3}
You're not actually passing the values [1 2 3] to changeIt but a pointer to those values. Thus here the println will show [10 2 3]. Compare this to:
func changeIt(buf [3]byte) {
buf[0] = 10
func main() {
data := [3]byte{1,2,3}
Which will print [1 2 3] and it will pass the values [1 2 3] and not a pointer so changeIt essentially works on a copy and the buf[0] = 10 has no effect. Remember: [n]T is an array, []T is a slice. [n]T is a "raw value" and []T is a "pointer value".

How to determine the element type of slice interface{}?

I have the following code to double the slice.
func doubleSlice(s []int) []int {
t := make([]int, len(s), (cap(s) + 1) * 2 )
for i := range s {
t[i] = s[i]
return t
I want to make the func to double any type of slice. And I need to know the element type first.
func showInterfaceItem(s interface{}) interface{} {
if reflect.TypeOf(s).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
fmt.Println("The interface is not a slice.")
var t interface{}
newLen := reflect.ValueOf(s).Len()
newCap := (cap(reflect.ValueOf(s).Cap()) + 1) * 2
t = make([]reflect.TypeOf(s), newLen, newCap)
return t
The reflect.TypeOf(s) return the type of interface{}, not the type of element. How can I get the element type of slice interface?
You can use reflect.TypeOf(s).Elem()
to get the type of element of slice.
package main
import (
func doubleSlice(s interface{}) interface{} {
if reflect.TypeOf(s).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
fmt.Println("The interface is not a slice.")
return nil
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
newLen := v.Len()
newCap := (v.Cap() + 1) * 2
typ := reflect.TypeOf(s).Elem()
t := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(typ), newLen, newCap)
reflect.Copy(t, v)
return t.Interface()
func main() {
xs := doubleSlice([]string{"foo", "bar"}).([]string)
fmt.Println("data =", xs, "len =", len(xs), "cap =", cap(xs))
ys := doubleSlice([]int{3, 1, 4}).([]int)
fmt.Println("data =", ys, "len =", len(ys), "cap =", cap(ys))
The output will be:
data = [foo bar] len = 2 cap = 6
data = [3 1 4] len = 3 cap = 8
Check it in: Go Playground
This is doable in golang and takes me whole day to discover the pattern.
Firstly, we want to get a pointer of slice to make gorm happy, which is has type "*[]Obj". To achieve that in golang, we can create a make wrapper like so:
func makeWrapper(cap uint) interface{} {
arr:= make([]Sth, 0, cap)
return &arr
Notice that, we can't directly reference the maked value, which might be the book keeping data need to have a stack space to store.
//Not working example
func makeWrapper(cap uint) interface{} {
return &(make([]Sth, 0, cap))
And as the answer before, the reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(typ), 0, capacity).Interface() returns interface{[]Sth}. (the typ here is refer to reflect.TypeOf(Sth{}), which equiv to typ == reflect.TypeOf(v))
Thus we need to create a return object of *[]Sth and the value inside is a slice []Sth with capacity. After understanding the objective, we can have this code:
package main
import (
type Sth struct {
a, b string
func main() {
af:= createSlice(Sth{})
arr := makeWrapper(10).(*[]Sth)
// equiv to makeWrapper, but we do it via reflection
arr = af(10).(*[]Sth)
func makeWrapper(cap uint) interface{} {
arr:= make([]Sth, 0, cap)
return &arr
func createSlice(v interface{}) func(int) interface{} {
var typ reflect.Type
if reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Type()
} else if reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
typ = reflect.TypeOf(v)
} else {
panic("only support instance of struct or pointer of that instance")
return func(capacity int) interface{}{
// create the outer object saves our slice
// create the slice and save it to return
outerObj.Elem().Set(reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(typ), 0, capacity))
// retrive the interface of outer object
return outerObj.Interface()

Short way to apply a function to all elements in a list in golang

Suppose I would like to apply a function to every element in a list, and then put the resulting values in another list so I can immediately use them. In python, I would do something like this:
list = [1,2,3]
str = ', '.join(multiply(x, 2) for x in list)
In Go, I do something like this:
list := []int{1,2,3}
list2 := []int
for _,x := range list {
list2 := append(list2, multiply(x, 2))
str := strings.Join(list2, ", ")
Is it possible to do this in a shorter way?
I would do exactly as you did, with a few tweaks to fix typos
import (
func main() {
list := []int{1,2,3}
var list2 []string
for _, x := range list {
list2 = append(list2, strconv.Itoa(x * 2)) // note the = instead of :=
str := strings.Join(list2, ", ")
This is an old question, but was the top hit in my Google search, and I found information that I believe will be helpful to the OP and anyone else who arrives here, looking for the same thing.
There is a shorter way, although you have to write the map function yourself.
In go, func is a type, which allows you to write a function that accepts as input the subject slice and a function, and which iterates over that slice, applying that function.
See the Map function near the bottom of this Go by Example page :
I've included it here for reference:
func Map(vs []string, f func(string) string) []string {
vsm := make([]string, len(vs))
for i, v := range vs {
vsm[i] = f(v)
return vsm
You then call it like so:
fmt.Println(Map(strs, strings.ToUpper))
So, yes: The shorter way you are looking for exists, although it is not built into the language itself.
I've created a small utility package with Mapand Filter methods now that generics have been introduced in 1.18 :)
Example usage
package main
import (
sf ""
func main() {
original := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
newArray := sf.Map(original, func(item int) int { return item + 1 })
newArray = sf.Map(newArray, func(item int) int { return item * 3 })
newArray = sf.Filter(newArray, func(item int) bool { return item%2 == 0 })
With go1.18+ you can write a much cleaner generic Map function:
func Map[T, V any](ts []T, fn func(T) V) []V {
result := make([]V, len(ts))
for i, t := range ts {
result[i] = fn(t)
return result
Usage, e.g:
input := []int{4, 5, 3}
outputInts := Map(input, func(item int) int { return item + 1 })
outputStrings := Map(input, func(item int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("Item:%d", item) })
Found a way to define a generic map array function
func Map(t interface{}, f func(interface{}) interface{} ) []interface{} {
switch reflect.TypeOf(t).Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
s := reflect.ValueOf(t)
arr := make([]interface{}, s.Len())
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
arr[i] = f(s.Index(i).Interface())
return arr
return nil
origin := []int{4,5,3}
newArray := Map(origin, func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item.(int) + 1})
You can use lo's Map in order to quickly apply a function to all elements. For example, in order to multiply by 2 and convert to string, you can use:
l := lo.Map[int, string]([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x int, _ int) string { return strconv.Itoa(x * 2) })
Then you can convert back to a comma delimited string like so:
strings.Join(l, ",")

Looking for Go equivalent of scanf

I'm looking for the Go equivalent of scanf().
I tried with following code:
1 package main
3 import (
4 "scanner"
5 "os"
6 "fmt"
7 )
9 func main() {
10 var s scanner.Scanner
11 s.Init(os.Stdin)
12 s.Mode = scanner.ScanInts
13 tok := s.Scan()
14 for tok != scanner.EOF {
15 fmt.Printf("%d ", tok)
16 tok = s.Scan()
17 }
18 fmt.Println()
19 }
I run it with input from a text with a line of integers.
But it always output -3 -3 ...
And how to scan a line composed of a string and some integers?
Changing the mode whenever encounter a new data type?
The Package documentation:
Package scanner
A general-purpose scanner for UTF-8
encoded text.
But it seems that the scanner is not for general use.
Updated code:
func main() {
n := scanf()
func scanf() []int {
nums := new(vector.IntVector)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
for err != os.EOF {
fields := strings.Fields(str)
for _, f := range fields {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(f)
str, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
r := make([]int, nums.Len())
for i := 0; i < nums.Len(); i++ {
r[i] = nums.At(i)
return r
Improved version:
package main
import (
func main() {
n := fscanf(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println(len(n), n)
func fscanf(in io.Reader) []int {
var nums vector.IntVector
reader := bufio.NewReader(in)
str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
for err != os.EOF {
fields := strings.Fields(str)
for _, f := range fields {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(f); err == nil {
str, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
return nums
Your updated code was much easier to compile without the line numbers, but it was missing the package and import statements.
Looking at your code, I noticed a few things. Here's my revised version of your code.
package main
import (
func main() {
n := scanf(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println(len(n), n)
func scanf(in io.Reader) []int {
var nums vector.IntVector
rd := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
str, err := rd.ReadString('\n')
for err != os.EOF {
fields := strings.Fields(str)
for _, f := range fields {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(f); err == nil {
str, err = rd.ReadString('\n')
return nums
I might want to use any input file for scanf(), not just Stdin; scanf() takes an io.Reader as a parameter.
You wrote: nums := new(vector.IntVector), where type IntVector []int. This allocates an integer slice reference named nums and initializes it to zero, then the new() function allocates an integer slice reference and initializes it to zero, and then assigns it to nums. I wrote: var nums vector.IntVector, which avoids the redundancy by simply allocating an integer slice reference named nums and initializing it to zero.
You didn't check the err value for strconv.Atoi(), which meant invalid input was converted to a zero value; I skip it.
To copy from the vector to a new slice and return the slice, you wrote:
r := make([]int, nums.Len())
for i := 0; i < nums.Len(); i++ {
r[i] = nums.At(i)
return r
First, I simply replaced that with an equivalent, the IntVector.Data() method: return nums.Data(). Then, I took advantage of the fact that type IntVector []int and avoided the allocation and copy by replacing that by: return nums.
Although it can be used for other things, the scanner package is designed to scan Go program text. Ints (-123), Chars('c'), Strings("str"), etc. are Go language token types.
package main
import (
func main() {
var s scanner.Scanner
s.Error = func(s *scanner.Scanner, msg string) { fmt.Println("scan error", msg) }
s.Mode = scanner.ScanInts | scanner.ScanStrings | scanner.ScanRawStrings
for tok := s.Scan(); tok != scanner.EOF; tok = s.Scan() {
txt := s.TokenText()
fmt.Print("token:", tok, "text:", txt)
switch tok {
case scanner.Int:
si, err := strconv.Atoi64(txt)
if err == nil {
fmt.Print(" integer: ", si)
case scanner.String, scanner.RawString:
fmt.Print(" string: ", txt)
if tok >= 0 {
fmt.Print(" unicode: ", "rune = ", tok)
} else {
fmt.Print(" ERROR")
This example always reads in a line at a time and returns the entire line as a string. If you want to parse out specific values from it you could.
package main
import (
func main() {
value := Input("Please enter a value: ")
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(value)
fmt.Printf("Hello %s!\n", trimmed)
func Input(str string) string {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
return input
In a comment to one of my answers, you said:
From the Language Specification: "When
memory is allocated to store a value,
either through a declaration or make()
or new() call, and no explicit
initialization is provided, the memory
is given a default initialization".
Then what's the point of new()?
If we run:
package main
import ("fmt")
func main() {
var i int
var j *int
fmt.Println("i (a value) = ", i, "; j (a pointer) = ", j)
j = new(int)
fmt.Println("i (a value) = ", i, "; j (a pointer) = ", j, "; *j (a value) = ", *j)
The declaration var i int allocates memory to store an integer value and initializes the value to zero. The declaration var j *int allocates memory to store a pointer to an integer value and initializes the pointer to zero (a nil pointer); no memory is allocated to store an integer value. We see program output similar to:
i (a value) = 0 ; j (a pointer) = <nil>
The built-in function new takes a type T and returns a value of type *T. The memory is initialized to zero values. The statement j = new(int) allocates memory to store an integer value and initializes the value to zero, then it stores a pointer to this integer value in j. We see program output similar to:
i (a value) = 0 ; j (a pointer) = 0x7fcf913a90f0 ; *j (a value) = 0
The latest release of Go (2010-05-27) has added two functions to the fmt package: Scan() and Scanln(). They don't take any pattern string. like in C, but checks the type of the arguments instead.
package main
import (
func main() {
numbers := new(vector.IntVector)
var number int
n, err := fmt.Scan(os.Stdin, &number)
for n == 1 && err == nil {
n, err = fmt.Scan(os.Stdin, &number)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", numbers.Data())
