Can recipients for a Mailchimp campaign be passed as a list of email addresses? - mailchimp

Is it possible to create a Mailchimp campaign via the API and pass the recipients as a list of email address rather than using the segmenting options?
The segmenting options seem a bit too limited for what I want to do and it would be easier if I could just send a list of addresses to add to a campaign, you can do this via the front end but can't see similar functionality in the API

There seem to be limited number of options here, you will have to go for one or another:
Mandrill (MailChimp's transactional API)
Or deal with the segmentation for selection of contacts/members
Maybe if you post the exact problem you are trying to solve, I can offer some workaround.


conversationId - how to detect a conversation between multiple users

The use case:
We are creating a system which analyses mail content. If we are able to categorize and archive an email based on its content, we want to automatically categorize subsequent emails in the same conversation / thread.
The issue is that the conversationId we get as part of the (mail)message is not unique when we query on behalf of different users.
An example:
A: The conversationId for a given thread in my inbox.
B: The conversationId for the same thread, but in a different user's inbox.
Can I use parts of this conversationId to identify the same conversation across different users? The pattern seems to be that the last 25-26 characters are unique for the given conversation. The rest is a Guid + a postfix of some sort.
Edit: My question is related to usage of the Microsoft Graph API. There are questions answered on SO related to ConversationIds and Outlook emails, but these describe cases getting emails direct from the outlook client (or maybe through the outlook api). For instance are properties like the ConversationIndex and ConversationTopic not in the message I get from the Graph API.

Sparkpost API: Bulk mailing with different template per recipient

I am trying to use bulk mailing/mass mailing to a large number of recipients.
However, the emails must go out in different languages.
In a related question the accepted answer states the following:
For the multi-lingual use case, you might consider creating a template per language as many of our other customers do.
So, how do I specify a different template (each template is in a different language) per recipient when sending out emails in bulk?
You can't specify different template per recipient. But I guess you have a number of recipients per language. You can send separate request for each language group and specify corresponding template.
Also if your template isn't big, you can put some of the language strings in recipient level substitutions. That may not ideal for all cases though.

Mailchimp api: retrieving poll results

Is there a way to get the members to a certain response of poll without the need to create segments?
I am sending mails and have a poll included (basically participating at an event).
Now I would like to easily collect the respondents for an event from various mails (announcement, invitation, reminder 1, reminder 2,..)
Currently I need to create segments for each response where I need to reference the campaigns individually. So whenever I send a campaign (email) I need to update all segments as there need to be a segment per question, which I would like to avaoid.
Hope thats clear enough.
I had a similar question and after a review of the mailchimp API docs, in particular the reports section I realized there was not a way to retrieve poll results.
After my review, I followed-up with mailchimp and they mentioned access to poll results via API is not available - detailed comments with image attached below:
MailChimp Response - Start
"To be completely honest and transparent, there currently wouldn't be a way of accessing the campaign poll result data directly through the report... With that being said, it would be possible to use the API to create segments based on poll response, then call those segments to view the number of responses for each option, as well as the specific subscribers who chose each individual option.
More info here:
MailChimp Response - End
As you can see, although accessing poll results via the API is not available, there is a work around using a method.
Good luck!

Best way to achieve Conversation view for mail folder using Outlook REST API

I would like to use the Outlook REST API to display the messages in a mail folder and group messages by conversations, like you have in any modern webmail.
For example with inbox, I would request using a first query such as <mailuri>/inbox/messages?$select=ConversationId (by default it is reverse chronological order)
It is not sufficient to group this request results by ConversationId because some emails may not be in inbox (think of sentmails) or they may be paginated and not returned in the first page.
Consequently, for each distinct ConversationId I need to perform another REST request, for retrieving participants or simply counting the emails in the conversation. I may use the new batch request to do this.
There are a lot of requests involved. Is there a better solution ?
As you've probably realized the REST API doesn't directly provide a way to work with conversations as an entity. This is something that we have on our roadmap to improve.
With the current state of the API what you're describing is basically the right approach. You could possibly defer the second request to "fill in" a conversation until the user selects it.
You can actually use this endpoint to cover both inbox and sentitems$select=ConversationId & $filter=ConversationId eq '${params.conversationId}'

Efficient way of syncing Gmail Inbox messages using the new Gmail API?

A web application sends an email on behalf of a UserA to UserB, using the new Gmail API (Users.messages: send).
The synchronous response contains threadId, messageId which are stored in the database.
We then query the history API for any changes in user's inbox (Users.history: list).
Is there an efficient way to get all the updates since last sync (new replies, read/unread changes)?
One implementation that we tried was to filter the history API results through a custom label. Unfortunately, we noticed that once a thread/message is tagged with a specific label any subsequent responses are not labeled automatically and new replies are not included in the history API response.
A second approach was to query threads using gmail advanced search for a particular label and date (e.g. after:2014/08/29 label:MY_LABEL). The problem was that gmail does not return threads that were created before 2014/08/29 but had a reply on that date.
Any scalable suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure I understand here, users.history.list was made exactly for this. Given a previous historyId, you can then call history.list(previousHistoryid), iterate through the results to find all the message Ids that have been updated since the previous historyId. Then call messages.get() on all of those--for any messages you already knew about you can just call format=MINIMAL (to see label updates), and for new messages you can use a different format to get the message content if you need it.
